Throwback (2015) Poster


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A pretty nondescript movie and 2 hours of my life I'll never get back.
rpaleschi25 April 2015
This was a bit poor to be honest and felt like it went on forever. I love low budget horror, especially Bigfoot and werewolf movies but the cardinal sin is to not show the monster (even if it's a ropey homemade costume attempt).

I can understand the last reviewer smelling something fishy about the previous amazing ones as this is nowhere near the best Australian movie of the year and would probably be lucky to get into the top 50.

On the plus side it didn't take itself too seriously and the characters were likable enough.

The plot was average but could have made up for it with a bit of gore. It gives me no pleasure in saying this but overall it's a grim effort.
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A Decent Indie-Film But Lacking In Effects
BardOfAvalon25 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie will get ripped for its clear lack of professional equipment and effects, but I would quickly point out that there are some inventive shots in this film. And even some bouts of professional grade acting.

The premise of the film is standard for low-grade horror movies but the two protagonists do manage to come across as convincing, and the introduction of Rhiannon (isn't there a Gaelic goddess named that?) helps to drive the plot along after the treachery twist plays out.

Admittedly, some of the plot seemed perfunctory, the introduction of McNab was rushed and a bit jarring. The monster suit, when finally viewed, was very underwhelming, but again, this is clearly a low-budget effects film.

I do like the various references to real-world myths and legends of the Australian outback, such as the missing missionary place. As well as the homage to the Boggy Creek Monster.

Not a perfect film, to be sure, but not quite as bad as others make it out to be.
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A long way to go
agylub5 November 2022
The director would do well to read a basic guide on directing, script writing, lighting, the development of mood, drama and especially obtaining a filmic look from a digital workflow. This film has the visual presence of a smartphone production. Not bad enough to be B grade schlock but not polished enough to stimulate any engagement. As a first effort it reflects the democratization of film making in the digital age. Any one can do it but should they? Getting a sharp well exposed result is easy but creating drama through lighting and an effective sound scape supporting a tight script is more difficult. This is no Mystery Road.
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At least they tried.
Nemesis4211 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
As the third reviewer I might possibly be the first non-production associated reviewer here. Reviewers one and two have given this rather bad film glowing rewards.

This is a badly directed, cast and acted. The shot angles do not flow into each other well. The monster is a joke, plus you never really get to see it clearly. The sound effects and sound mix are pretty ordinary, plus the music, which in itself is not bad, has been ruined buy getting mixed as flat as a dry lake bed.

I normally believe if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything. But as the first two reviewers here have deliberately lied about the quality of this film, I just needed to set things straight.

Also the script ... hmmmm ... most of the actors do some pretty illogical things. For example, a character is handcuffed to a one inch thick tree root. There are numerous hefty sized rocks within reach. Rather than working on chipping away at the tree root, the script has our poor character pulverize his hand with one of the rocks so that he can slip it through the hand cuffs. Go figure.

It is an amateur effort. At the start it was definitely a comedy (so I thought) then it started taking itself seriously. Better to have kept it comedic.

And Holy Hail storms Batman, the director, IMDb name Travoose, sent me messages filled with four letter words and threats very soon after I posted this review. What a nice guy hey?
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You can find a lot worse.
jonchromik31 August 2019
I've been bingeing on bigfoot genre for a couple days now. This is not as bad as it could have been. I know that's not a great review, but it had some twists I didn't see coming. The addition of Vernon Wells is a big plus.
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Don't bother
forstermat27 December 2018
Pls give me my 2 hours back.

Very poor camera work along with a rubbish script and average acting.

I assume the 9/10 and 10/10 reviews are from cast or crew.

And done get me started on the props wordrobe
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Just awful.
judithturner1 July 2020
I love a good monster movie. I freely admit I do not have the highest standards with what monster movies I watch but sweet baby Jesus this is poor even by my standards. Pretty much the only plus is Vernon Wells letting off some steam.
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Biggest bang for your buck
redemption188013 February 2015
Saw this at a festival in Arkansas. I'd heard the director fully self-funded the film so had to see for myself. Man, did this fella stretch a buck. Shots, editing, scenery are damn perfect. The story was good enough and the actors did a great job. Loved the cameo by Vernon Wells. Make no mistake, this is a cheap film. But it holds up better than most tinseltown offerings. Hope to see what the team behind this could do with a proper budget. The only thing that bugged me was the stretched out suspense moments. Too much of this going on n last half hour when things should have been racing along. The man-in-suit wasn't fooling anyone but on a budget like this totally forgiven. Everyone in the cinema had a ball watching it. Gonna check the bluray for the ton of extras.
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Not bad at all
orland_l31 January 2017
If you've grown tired of most of the crap that comes out of Hollyweird, you have to give this a flick a try. I must admit to really liking B movies. There are some good ones out there, and "Throwback" is one of them. Will you see millions of dollars in special effects? NO. Snobby actors who are just looking for a payday? NO. What you do get though, are some good actors, good writing and good directing. The location was an excellent choice and they did a good job in how they presented the monster. AND also unlike Hollywood, the ending was good. The main actor and the writer/director have another collaboration coming out soon, and I am looking forward to it as well.
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A Nice Change From The Current Hollywood Block Busters
StuOz10 January 2019
Very low budget Australian film about Bigfoot.

I bumped into this on Australian late-night TV (7mate) and when I first looked at it I honestly questioned if it was made on a mobile phone....yes seriously! But I then decided to give it a go as, if a free-to-air network was willing to screen it, there must be atleast something worthwhile in Throwback. I was right.

There is suspense in the jungle to be found here! One of the treasure hunters (the young guy) makes an interesting enough character. Granted, I was turned off by one scene where the hunter feels the need to belt his own hand with a rock (several times)...but all in all, turn off your critical-eye and just go long with this retro-style monster flick.
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Vernon Wells.. that IS a throwback... Yowie!
toxiemite2 December 2014
"Throwback" is one of my favourite references when discussing films and therefore you can imagine my anticipation when I first heard about a new film called THROWBACK! On top of that the film is about the mythical creature The Yowie (Australia's answer to Sasquatch) and has been promoted with one of the best damn movie posters I've seen in years... yep, I was sold before I even saw it. The film tells the story of two fortune seekers who hike into the depths of a far north Queensland rainforest in search of a lost treasure. The legend has it that a notorious outlaw went in with a fortune but never came out again... and so our two antagonists walk, paddle and climb their way into the dense wilderness and unbeknownst to them the area has also been at the centre of multiple disappearances. Before long they find themselves pitted against each other before being separated, hunted and terrorized by the terrifying yowie. Throw a female park ranger and an undercover homicide detective (Vernon Wells) in to the mix and you've got a winner on your hands. THROWBACK impressed the hell out of me. Right from the get go it's clear that we're in the hands of a filmmaker who knows what he's doing. With an eye for bold, cinematic wide shots and beautiful panning it becomes obvious that the makers of this small low budget film had big things on their mind. Director Travis Bain has used the picturesque landscape to his every advantage to help ground his schlocky story with a foundation of credibility. He makes no secret of the fact that THROWBACK is a tongue-in-cheek affair and yet amongst the farcical nature of the story is a deeply seeded horror and an effective use of suspense. Where most films of this nature would keep their creature hidden in the shadows, Bain has brought him out into the light. It's a ballsy move on his part with the risk of the film's credibility at stake... but he pulls it off and manages to present a convincing monster and a suspenseful story with the assistance of solid performances and a fantastic score. The music was composed by Amotz Plessner and the legendary Richard Band (Re-Animator, From Beyond) and it will be a real deal breaker for a lot of viewers. Their score is truly wonderful. It adds bucket loads of suspense and elevates the film to a whole other level. As the film's title would suggest Travis Bain has crafted his film with a deep seeded love for genre films and he pays homage to a whole lot of them. From a nice reference to THE LEGEND OF BOGGY CREEK to an overall cue taken from CREATURE FROM BLACK LAKE... his film is one of nostalgia and it's a whole lot of fun. It has played all around to the world at various film festivals and I was lucky enough to catch it at the 2014 Monster Fest. I can say, without any reservation, that THROWBACK was my favourite film of the festival. What it has accomplished on a small budget is nothing less than extraordinary.
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Awesome total gold Aussie film!!
zacdenley18 July 2016
This movie is bloody gold :) meet Travis Bain the other week and Vernon Wells they are totally awesome guys. Keep making the awesome work guys hope you fellas see this review I'll definitely be a regular for your films now Travis :) love the use of the beautiful cairns forests and Paronelka park absolutely amazing screen writing and acting. Cannot wait to see more for you :) I love how you kept the suspense and mystery going throughout the whole film and always kept you thinking and alert all the way through the film. I loved the alternate ending featured on the DVD that ending was awesome. I loved how you turned an Aussie legend no one has ever thought of doing before into such an amazing film for the first of it kind its killer :)
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Mild Spoilers ...
parry_na7 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There's something in the trees. It's big and it's shaggy and could possibly be a Yowie, a kind of Bigfoot-type. Only glimpsed sporadically and often partially obscured by rampant foliage, this familiar trick by Director (and writer) Travis Bain is used to tease us as to the specifics of the creature's appearance, and also to obfuscate any short-comings of the man-in-a-suit costume. No CGI here.

Kent and Jack (Anthony Ring and Shawn Brack, soon joined by Melanie Serrafin as Rhiannon) are such good fun that despite the former's continual misdeeds, it is a shame when he dies – partly because, because he has proved to be such a louse, he deserved a more prolonged send-off. The dialogue contains many moments of humour, but this is never allowed to dispel the carefully built up scenes with the Yowie, which rarely transcends its man-in-a-suit origins, sadly.

Some of the set pieces last just a little too long – there is a scene with a Detective McNabb that could have done with some judicial trimming. The creature has no end of bullets fired into it without apparent effect, and yet the human protagonists still believe a bullet will stop it.

This is a good, solid story, full of surprises and twists that belies the very small budget. A couple of the gore effects are very convincing, and the scenery of misty, remote Queensland jungles are very well shot. From start to finish, this is really enjoyable, with a very satisfying ending.
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Suspense, A Sense of Mystery, and a bit of Bloody Horror
Monkeyvotto12 July 2014
Don't let the small cast Throw you Back, this is quite a good film. Which I hope finds a bigger audience through distribution. I was able to watch this with the cast and crew at a special sneak peek showing this past May. And I have to tell everyone I really enjoyed it. The film reminds me of the times when a film could shock and scare you, make you wonder what is going to happen next, while not revealing anything to the viewer until the final act. The pacing of the film is fresh and exciting. Also reminds of those early Universal Monster films as well as most recent Raiders of the Lost Ark. Beautifully shot in Australia, showcases locations never seen on film. Acting is also top notch, especially the bad guy.

I know I mention nothing about what the film was about, that for you the viewer to seek out and enjoy for yourselves. So check it out when or as soon as you can.
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A Cracker 😎
graham-5169 November 2020
Good film making Travis Very enjoyable Looking forward to more of your upcoming jems 😜
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original film punching above it's weight
bazza_mckenzie029 November 2020
First up before any drongo has a sook about me being with cast/crew or that. i'm not just a fan.

It's possible for people to enjoy a film and not enjoy it as hard as these reviewers may not believe.

And I really enjoyed this film a fresh breath into the Australian film industry and original idea played out in this top notch atmospheric film that captures the beauty of the rainforest and also the fear of the rain forest at the same time.

Beautifully shot and a great fun thrill ride.

9/10 Give it A Burl!!!!
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Best Aussie Film Of The Year
sharlee_hunter25 February 2015
Can't give enough praise to this locally made, tiny budget film! What the makers have accomplished is nothing short of brilliant when you consider the constraints. I thought the acting was very good (particularly Anthony) and the story quirky and cool. I loved everything to do with the filming, from the awesome Australian scenery, to the superb camera work and cinematography (again impressive considering what it was shot on!) I was lucky enough to see this movie as it was intended- on the big screen, during the Brisbane premiere. Can't wait to get my hands on my very own copy (as it's just come out on DVD here now) and see all the extra footage and alternate ending!! Great job to everyone involved, can't wait to see what the guys do next! Get in and see it! Grab a copy from jb hi fi or wherever you can and support our local filmmakers!
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orgazmo_joeyoung9 November 2020
Loved it great horror enjoyed the beautiful scenery, and thrilling moments great seeing a new idea for a change in aussie movies.

top notch stuff and as alway 20/10 for the one the only vernon wells

top work ripper of a film

thanks to the mob that made this really enjoyed it adding it to my dvd collection in the future.
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