The Demonic Tapes (2017) Poster

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suitcasecheryl8 April 2019
I've never written a review before but I just had to for this movie. Whatever this film tried to say, failed miserably! Maybe the actors could have made it better than it actually was, but again, failed miserably! For just one example, the part in the first two minutes of the film when nothing has even happened yet, the phone rings and the guy has a look on his face as if the phone ringing was the most strangest and scariest thing that could ever happen, and NOTHING had happened yet lol!! But it's not entirely the actors fault, I do blame the director too. He should have "directed" the actor to not have that look on his face! It was so stupid I almost felt bad for the actors-almost
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Homemade horror where nothing happens
Leofwine_draca17 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
THE DEMONIC TAPES is another homemade horror flick with zero resources limiting the production. This one's set in an old and gloomy house occupied by a single bloke. He discovers an old tape recorder in the basement and on listening to it finds out that it contains the recordings of a possessed medium who once lived in the house. Various spooky things then take place. This film is so low key as to be unbelievably slow and event-free, and the lead's wonky acting doesn't help matters much. The only mild incident is at the climax, and no matter how much ominous music you have in your film, that alone isn't going to make it frightening.
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The Demonic Scrapes
uzielis2 December 2019
Rubbish. Could've been good. Skip it. Burn the gosh-damn tapes and switch to compact disc.
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i couldn't finish it
phenomynouss11 March 2018
Actually, the title is a lie. I could finish it if I wanted to. The problem was I didn't want to finish this film. I made it 28 minutes in.

The film opens claiming to be based on real events or real recordings, I had already forgotten what. It then shows us a man in a house with a cat. He occasionally talks on the phone to what may be his roommate.

Out of nowhere, a tape recorder starts playing in a room and he finds it. He then starts listening to the tapes.

This is basically where the movie essentially ends. If actual stuff happens beyond the 28 minute mark, I had by that point ceased to care.

What fills in the rest of the alleged film is completely random B footage of this man meandering around the house and walking around town while listening to the tape recorders apparently recording some manner of séance from 2003 in which a woman is trying to contact a demonoid phenomenon in a man's house.

I'm very easy to impress in terms of movies, and when movies take risks like this, I tend not to completely shut down just out of disgust for the format (like people who can't stand found footage films because of the camera shaking). However, this means it needs a story to sustain itself.

What ever story this film was attempting via the tape recordings was, at least as of 28 minutes in, incredibly predictable and cliché. The medium makes contact with a spirit almost immediately, and it's predictably evil because it has a hoarse, growling voice like a Death Metal singer, and has a sleazy-sounding evil laugh it uses with tedious regularity just to remind you it's evil.

as far as I could muster, the demon's name is "Mr Sheets" because a ghost boy spotted him under a sheet or something.

If this movie improves after the 28 minute mark, there's no evidence of that in either of the other reviews. Maybe, possibly, some day after exhausting everything else available on AmazonPrime, I will come back to this film, but I will do so with an overwhelming reluctance.
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Death rarely means death
nogodnomasters4 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
An unnamed individual (Daniel Mansfield) lives with Paul, the sticky note man and Zoey, which could be the black cat or not. We do get to see the cat. Daniel finds some tapes in the basement, a Radio Shack mini cassette recorder that still works and the batteries haven't leaked all over it. (Most unbelievable thing in the movie.) The tapes are of a rare medium who recorded herself contacting the spirits of the house...the one Daniel is in right now spending Christmas alone.

This film is a book on tape. We watch Daniel listen to the tape as he bathes, sleeps, and walks the streets of London. Scary things happen like there is a knock on the door and no one is there. We see a face with a red tint glow, out of focused camera on the cassette tape and Christmas tree light. But the scariest thing was the guy wearing a sheet. In fact they set up this hard to master special effect by calling him "Mr. Sheets." It reminded me of the most successful seance I ever had. I had put my cat Satan in the bathroom with a litter box, food and water. Don't want him getting in the way. He doesn't like being locked up, so he managed to kick open the vent on the floor (not screwed in, done it before) and go into the vent duct under the floor as the seance got into full swing. When we heard some rapping noise, they thought they contacted their ancestor who fought in the Civil War. I just laughed and said, "That is not Mr Brown. That is just Satan wanting to join us." The house quickly emptied and I have been living alone with cats ever since then.

Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity. A film you can watch on your wrist camera screen and not feel cheated.
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I adored it (and am not being ironic)
spookywoo26 October 2019
I had this on my watchlist for ages. I thought it was a zero budget found-footage movie that might be good for a laugh, à la Paranormal Farm. I finally watched it just now and am taken aback by how much I love it. The idea is very original, insofar as much of the story is told through an audio device. The character finds some dictaphone tapes of a paranormal investigation, which are played as he either listens or gets on with his life. It's an unusual concept, but it works for two reasons. Firstly, the visuals are beautifully and intelligently shot, and echo the recordings in clever ways. Secondly, the tapes are done superbly. The actress has a wonderful voice, and the lo-fi recordings sound spooky and believable. Together, the sights and sounds create an atmosphere that I found intoxicating throughout. There are some genuinely tense and chilling moments, and one jump scare that I found extremely effective. Also worth a mention: there are two beautiful sequences with perfectly chosen music. It's very much an elegant piece of cinema, rather than a found-footage or mockumentary style film.

A lot of love and craft went into this, and I consider it a masterclass in doing more with less. When I like a film with a low score, I make an extra effort to review it, so fired up the app as soon as the credits ended. One of my favourite films of the year, and I couldn't be more surprised!
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Don't be fussy, watch it
savioexo5 August 2020
Watch it alone Watch it in the dark It's not bad but you may get distracted Don't expect much then you 'll enjoy it
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The demonic tapes was a fabulous film
thomsoncheryl-4547210 January 2021
The demonic tapes film is a fantastic horror film and it is based on true events. I Can watch this over and over again I loved it and would love to see a 2nd 1
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Interesting Idea and Execution
timothygartin10 March 2020
First, this movie is not based on a true story. It is clearly all fiction and that's ok. It is better as a work of fiction. I don't understand why the filmmakers tried to say it wasn't.

That said, I like the plot device of this movie. The lead character finds some audio tapes that were made in his house before he moved in. He listens to the audio tapes throughout the film and they reveal a record of a medium battling against a demonic presence in his house.

Since we are just watching the character listen to tapes, there isn't a lot for the lead actor to do. He isn't the most compelling on screen personality.

What makes this movie work for me is the juxtaposition of the lead character listening to the tape in the exact same place as the location of the tape. The medium talks about the same room and the same sights that we see in the present.

I liked it. I recommend it as something different.
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