The Fall of Minneapolis (2023) Poster

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Shocking miscarriage of justice
andydonaldson5126 November 2023
I think as other people have already stated you just need to watch the evidence which is in front of you . Shocking to see the evidence withheld from the jury. Unfortunately as was pointed out on the documentary this was a trial by public opinion and no juror was going to say not guilty when there is an angry mob waiting outside to burn the city down (again). Hopefully this documentary is seen by enough people and a retrial tekes place sooner rather than later because currently it is disgraceful to see the 4 officers currently in prison. It's a wonder any police officers remain in service in the US following that miscarriage of justice..
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you will be SHOOK
airbender-6020228 November 2023
Not a big fan of documentaries, but this one hit home for me. I was deeply troubled by the social upheavals of 2020 & most notably this incident. From the beginning, I knew something was amiss with this entire story. The "facts" just did not make sense. This should make most sane people sit up and question the media, government officials and their lack of leadership.

This show was portrayed in a very open, honest and unbiased manner which is nearly unheard of today. Kudos to the creators. The interviews with the police and other officials are very telling. I hope this inspires our society to exercise more critical thinking.
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A Travesty - Expertly Exposed!
dpburnham10 December 2023
I pray to God that this documentary gains traction and that the alternate story - that is, the Truth - is widely distributed and acted upon. The victimized Minneapolis officers, including those victimized who shared their stories, are the epitome of professional, dedicated public servants. I pray too that they find peace in time and maintain their pride and regain their faith. Lastly, I pray that our country soon overcomes the ingrained dishonesty that led to this miscarriage. Please, everyone, watch the Glenn Loury and John McWhorter YouTube conversation about this doc and spread the word far.
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A must watch for everyone that was alive in the spring/summer of 2020 and the propaganda pumped into this country
rachaeltoye20 November 2023
Justice is dead. If you think Derek Chauvin had a fair trial, there is something very wrong with you. Our country lost respect for law, order and justice that day and we have yet to get it back. Was George Floyd murdered? No. Was he responsible for 98 percent of the events that day through his decisions and actions? Yes. Are black politicians, activists, and citizens out for revenge? You decide.

The movie examines evidence we weren't "allowed" to see. And actually "allows" the man blamed for everything that went wrong that day, Chauvin, a small chance to speak. Now picture the way Ashli Babbitts murder was handled. At the hands of a Capitol policeman, a 14 year female veteran shot point blank six months later without even a try and detaining or arresting her. Think of the way that man was treated because the races were reversed. We all know something is wrong here, and I'm doubtful justice will ever be had.
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A MUST SEE! Herd mentality, absurd party politics and the loss of truth in the West
elimcity19 November 2023
This is a documentary that everyone should see and question the information we are overly fed through the mainstream media.

How can you claim excessive anti-black racism when Mr. Floyd was arrested by an officer who's father is from Nigeria? And another is Asian?

How can you claim excessive violence when the autopsy report doesn't even state bruises on the body?

How can you send four policemen to prison doing a difficult job (ending in a tragic event) trying to arrest a small criminal with a huge physique, already arrested many times on drugs and violence charges, that is obviously intoxicated, has heart disease and is resisting arrest?

Herd mentality in the West explained within two hours by example of George Floyd's arrest...

Mainstream media that doesn't do research but follow the narrative of the powers that be.

Trying create havoc during the Trump Presidency.

Wake up and smell the stench of the deterioration of the US where party politics are more important than logic and truth.
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Watch and Draw Your Own Conclusion
annabellame25 November 2023
Our son is a police officer. As such, I sorted through what I saw by the evidence presented, and as a police officer's mother. I learned of George's troubled existence, of his previous encounters with law enforcement, his general health and his use of illegal drugs, all well documented, and his autopsy report. I did not learn anything about Derek's previous police performance records, but did learn of the tactic he used that day to subdue George. I learned that the environment in Minneapolis associated with this event was geared more toward revenge than justice. I learned that it was impossible for Derek Chauvin to benefit from his right as an American citizen to a fair trial. All George had to do was get into the car...
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Very good journalism! Eye opening truth
Mavrick123724 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary captures the truth and the unfortunate events of the riots in MPLS that followed the infamous George Floyd incident.

This documentary does a great job showing the details of George Floyd's arrest and untimely death. This doc did not change my view on the events. What it did, was confirm what I already knew when I was watching the trial unfold live.

George Floyd was not "murdered" but died of a drug overdose and hypertension. You can clearly see George having a reaction from the drugs he swallowed while talking with the officers and saying "I can't breathe" well before he was on the ground. His actions of restlessness/agitation and foaming from the mouth while wresting with the officers are all clear signs that he was overdosing before he was even on the ground. The official toxicology report supports this claim.

The 4 MPD officers were following a training technique to restrain an individual that is not cooperating and is acting erratically. EMS was called within 35 seconds of George being placed on the ground. The EMS unfortunately took a long time...that's not the officers fault. If anything these officers should be reprimanded for not moving George off of his chest after a reasonable amount of time. Being charged with Murder and sentenced to prison is a slap to the face of the justice system.

The city of MPLS has not been the same since these events unfolded. The Police Department is still recovering from the large quantity of Officers that chose to walk away from a job that they once thought was a job that could be served with purpose and dignity. Many Officers were left feeling abandoned by the same city that sworn them in as Police Officers. This was well shown when the Mayor of Minneapolis let a police precinct burn...Surprisingly this mayor is still in office today.

I hope many people get a chance to view this documentary and make up their own mind of what really took place. It's sad that this is viewed as a far right documentary when really it's just the eye opening truth.
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nnkjmhtxf9 December 2023
Politics overriding justice. Even if you're sceptical about this documentary it's important you watch this. There is very worrying evidence that this trial was manipulated at all levels.

The death of George Floyd was used as a cause celebre by politicians and groups in Minneapolis across the USA and around the world It's like many other things we deal with now where the orthodoxy of some people, an increasingly powerful group of people in fact much of the new ruling elite is based on the way they perceive something as the truth even if the facts say otherwise and woe betide anyone who disagrees.
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Worth Watching
12Electra342 December 2023
This documentary shows a lot of information that gives the viewer a fuller understanding of what actually happened. Whether or not you come to the conclusion that Chauvin and the other three jailed cops should be exonerated, you will come to the conclusion that their trial verdicts were at least partly influenced by huge public pressure and withholding of critically important evidence.

It was truly disturbing to see police administration straight up lie about training cops to use the maximal restraint technique. They trained cops to use that, then let Chauvin and the others take the fall for it.
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Great film
mrjonahisfunny26 November 2023
I recommend that everyone go onto Rumble or Twitter/X to watch this documentary. Because it's a factual truthful documentary that shows what actually happened when George Floyd died in 2020. And it shows how innocent the police are, and how they used race, lies, and deception to fool everyone into believing that the police were guilty and bad. Which is why they've been getting defunded, because of what happened on this day. That's why I support the police and back the thin blue line. I know that the police officers in jail right now are innocent, and those who falsely accused of those crimes should be punished by going to jail instead.
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There seems to be missing information
princemchvll12 December 2023
I could not find anywhere in the documentary that shows Derek Chauvin's bodycam footage. If you know the timestamp for that please respond. Also missing is body cam footage that shows at what point did Officer Chauvin put his knee on Floyd's neck; and at what point did he take his knee off Floyd's neck. It would seem that this video footage would be probative.

The video made reference to A restraint technique, MRT, however does not show any bodycam footage of the on-scene officers attempting to use this technique.

The bodycam footage does not show Officer Chauvin's actions while he had his knee on Floyd's neck. Hence it is impossible to jump to the conclusion that this film is exculpatory.

George Floyd's prior arrests etc. Is not exculpatory as far as Officer Chauvin's actions or inaction on the day of Floyd's arrest.
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Powerful narrative of the facts - a must see!
snackease28 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I applaud the filmmakers for their courage in making this documentary. The lives of 4 innocent individuals are at stake - least we could do is expose the facts to help them pursue their justice. Yes, there are police officers that abuse their power. There are people who abuse their power in every field. But that does not give us the right to incriminate 4 individuals and moreover charge them with murder, and to boot, glorify that man into something he was not. As Americans, we need to empower ourselves with the truth and not permit them to continue separating us to control us. Please expose the truth on J6. We deserve to know what really happened.
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Evil leadership
justinmeyer-341202 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wish republican leadership had some balls to make all of the people in power here answer these questions. Body cam footage not released for months after? Independent autopsys done to create a narrative? Everyone should see this. We have evil leadership in this country. We gave up a precinct to these people and we dont have a reason why. Cops not given a way to protect themselves. These officers were left out to dry. Floyd had enough drugs in him to kill himself 3 times over. Original autopsy shows he died of heart problems from the drugs. Ellisons autopsy shows no preexisting condition. Ellison needs to be pressed on this but of course nothing will happen.
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True Justice is Dead in America!
robstabe10 December 2023
The sheer number of lies told by witnesses is staggering! Every elected official who took the stand should be formally indicted for violating their oath of office and when found guilty, should be immediately removed from office and sent to prison! The judge in this case should also be removed from the bench for failing to allow all the evidence that contradicted the narrative perpetrated by the fake news media! Especially the MPD Training Manual clearly proving the officers followed departmental procedures based on their training. Also, the amount of elicit drugs found in Mr Floyd's system would render anyone in that condition a walking time bomb for a massive cardiovascular infarct! Bottom line, these officers did absolutely nothing wrong based on their MPD training! Shame on the main stream media! Free Press no longer simply reports the actual news! They choose the narrative that will shift the story in the direction they desire and could care less how their lies and propaganda affect innocent people in the process! All lives matter! Including those who put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe! I pray that those involved in all of this illegal and immoral nonsense grow a conscience and come clean! All Americans deserve to know all the facts and this film does just that! It is a must watch if you are a God fearing patriotic American! Thank you for telling the real story!
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Great except one question
steveh-8567030 December 2023
Why hasn't police chief Medaria Arradondo been tried for perjury? Either he'd have to admit that he lied when he said that the maneuver wasn't in the manual or he'd have to admit that he didn't know it was in the manual.

And if he didn't know it was in the manual, that means he is incompetent. Even worse, it'd mean that he isn't just incompetent as a police chief, but that he is incompetent in terms of not even bothering to research the manual before testifying.

He should be tried for perjury andvte officers should sue him personally. But maybe not because the officers, who are in jail, would probably be putting themselves in even graver danger of getting killed by other inmates.
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Miscarriage of justice
cntnwnbm9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am appalled. The documentary has an even tone, even as it presents the rough treatment of the 4 Minneapolis police officers by their superiors. It leans heavily on body cam footage of the police officers convicted of murdering or participating in the murder of George Floyd. This presents a more complete picture of the events as they happened, and a completely different picture than the one that I had previously understood. This story is supported by documents and first person interviews with other police who credibly back this evidence up. The film makes the simple point that a mob vibe, combined with self-serving spinelessness on the part of the political leadership threw the 4 officers under the bus in a severe and unconscionable way. I trust that justice will ultimately be done.
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Sadly mainstream media can deny facts and the justice system helps
thegilstraps-6908915 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The failure of the political and civil leaders in this documentary is terrifying. A police chief that claims the police were never trained in the method seen in the video of George Floyd. A medical examiner's report ignored. Facts relating to George Floyd's health and police record seems to have been hidden. The judge and jury and the location was anything but impartial. The officials retaining or gaining offices and the loss of over 300 hundred police officers from the force due to this injustice to their own is heartbreaking. We would never have seen this if it were not crowd funded. Thank you!
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I am a critical thinker
Sgran774828 January 2024
First off the critics whose minds will never be changed. The medical examiner's report is the the scientific examination of the body of George Floyd. He found no evidence that George Floyd died of asphyxiation. He found no bruising and no injury to the body. He found that he had severe cardiac diseases with blocking if his arteries. The physical exertion during his arrest lead to cardiac arrest with contributing factors were the fentanyl and meth found in his system.

The critical factor is the training manuals that show the technique was approved by the department and the Chief of Police lying. The angle of the video of Chavin's knee as the whether or not it blocked his artery or breathing is not supported by the autopsy report. From the angle provided in the videos from body cams you see his knee is more on the back of the shoulder and neck.

The previous arrest of Floyd where he used the same tactics trying to avoid arrest and that he ingested drugs to conceal them tell me that his behavior is deliberate and a tactic.

That within 36 seconds of taking him to the ground an ambulance was requested tells me these officers were concerned he may be suffering a medical episode. The delay of the response time by medical personnel is inexcusable but not taken into consideration as contributing to his death. There is a paramedic witness who spent her time video recording the event instead of calling 911 instead of assisting officers.

Critics point supposed previous complaints against Chauvin but ignore George Floyds extensive violent history and used of drugs. None Floys history was allowed but Chauvin's unsubstantiated citizen complaints were.

This was a political lynching of these officers. Officer Kueng is Black and he actually arrested and cuffed Floyd but no mention in the media stories he is black. He administered CPR. He called for the ambulance.

No change of venue due to prejudicial media coverage and the questions of BLM of jurors.

No this is a travesty. This is an example of the weaponization of the criminal justice system.
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Sad for the Legacy of MLK Jr.
richardsantomauro-9688615 December 2023
I find it difficult to believe and hard to swallow that our nation is self destructing. It's happening fast. Media giants that were once trusted, no longer are. I do not believe that the division and hatred is organic, but rather a diabolical intentional scheme. Who is responsible, what entities or organizations are behind the destruction of all of the values that we hold so dear? Why do so many of believe that George Floyd was murdered and that the riots across the nation was justified? I am an intelligent person and even I was fooled in the initial days and weeks after the death of George Floyd. Over time, the truth began to leak out. Most of us who believe in the justice system understand that in a murder trial there can be no doubt of guilt. Yet, today we now know that evidence was withheld and that the officers involved did not receive a fair and impartial trial. Our country is no longer honorable and this injustice is a stain on its soul.
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pure garbage and manipulation
BirdmanT728 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe this garbage gets 8 ratings on IMDB ?!

Anyone with any critical thinking watching this trash can clearly see there is NOT one scene when Chauvin has his knee on Floyd's neck or even refer to it. Why is that?

There is not any mention of the 17 complaints filed against Chauvin with the Minnesota Police Dept?

There is not any video footage of. Chauvin's history of abuse with other Black people he arrested. Such as a man called "Jim Bostic", in 2016 he was arrested by Chauvin for not even committing a crime, he was wrestled and attacked by Chauvin to the ground, he put his knee under his neck. Chauvin did the same to another Black woman "Zoya Code" in 2017, he cuffed from behind while he sat on her neck with his knee for over 4 minutes. In 2017 Chauvin attacked a 14 year old named "John Pope" with a flash light and put his knee under his neck. All of these videos are out there on the web, but I doubt the bigots will bother to find them.

All these videos of Chauvin's history of abuse are on the web and all compiled in a documentary called "Police on Trial", that is on PBS /Frontline, if anyone cares about the facts of who Chauvin was.

This film is just focusing on the riots and trying to convince you that GF's death was political and its why Chauvin is in prison. Yet omitting the facts that 3 cops who could not subdue a man with his handcuffed from behind? Not explaining as to what threat Floyd posed to Chauvin and the 2 cops when they were sitting on him with his handcuffed from behind?.

The entire bodycam from the police ends before the 3 cops are are sitting on Floyd, why is that? They focused on the riots, but fail to mention there would have been NO riots across America if Chauvin and the 3 cops just stood Floyd up and put him in the police car. If he was that difficult to handle they could have asked for backup for more officers, used taser or spray, but instead Chauvin put his knee on GF's neck and smiling on camera for those minutes that were over 8 minutes.

Why didn't this film address the actions of Chauvin that let to this riots? Why is it everything he did is ignored in this film?. This entire trash of a movie is to manipulate and cater to the the ignorant who chose to see Chauvin as the "victim". It dehumanizes Floyd because he was a criminal, but fails to mention he was no threat to any of the officers; he had no weapon. Floyd would be alive if he was just arrested and placed on back of a police car, but three incompetent cops could not subdue a man cuffed from behind, instead they created an event with a audience around them to record a man screaming he can't breath. How dumb was that ?. This is not a documentary, it's propaganda believed by those who lack critical thinking skills.
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kerrienstuart29 December 2023
Even though I'm in the UK, we had politicians 'taking the knee'. These politicians were ridiculed by the British public. With regards to the law, here in the UK, once a person is charged, no mention of the case can be reported or discussed on social media until after the trial. Failure to adhere to this law would see 'contempt of court' charges being brought against those who breach that law. I am amazed that the US doesn't have a similar law, considering it's constitution states that all are giving a fair trial, impossible if all and sundry can comment/report.

I cannot understand why those who lied under oath have not been brought to justice. I don't understand why these brave police officers were ever prosecuted and why they have not been freed. I would welcome each and every one of them into my home. My heart goes out to their families, I pray that they will have their sons home soon and that they will find peace once again.

I look at the US in a different light, I have visited the country many times but would be too scared to visit again.

I hope America wakes up and sees what other nations see, your country is being ruined by populism, corruption, greed and opportunists. Be careful who you vote for.
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jooblk14 December 2023
Thank you for making this. I need to write more words to get this review approved so I am, but all I am going to say is Thank you for making this documentary, its an incredible story that needs to be told... so thank you for making this documentary, its a story that needs to be told... and you tell it incredibly well... so thank you for making this documentary that i hope others will watch and see what really happened and why minneapolis will never be the same, so thank you for making this documentary and explaining why persona's like trump can now exists and probably should in order to combat whatever is on the other side that creates the story you tell.
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Undeniable Truth based on hard honest facts
flottumtom13 December 2023
Finally the honest disclosure of all the facts placed in a well prepared documentary. Multiple clear examples of lying politicians from Minneapolis council members, mayor, Minnesota governor to the US president. Leadership abandoned the citizens and police of the city of Minneapolis allowing criminals to run free destroying the city. Murderapolis thrives the criminals rule and the leaders follows. Factual information that is investigated, multiple printed and proven accounts shown that were withheld from court proceedings. Have learned clearly traveling through Minneapolis is dangerous and you would likely be found guilty of stealing lead bullets after being shot by its occupants.
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The US is a disaster and this is why
vthzzxf25 December 2023
This documentary is presented in a good chronological order, the way that makes. Finding and using the BWC of the many officers leaves no ambiguity as to what you're seeing and pausing it with caption to make sure you know what is being said or done.

The lies that were told, the evidence withheld is sickening.

The injustice these officers are going through is very sad and I hope they are released on appeals and the convictions vacated.

I sorta believed the media narrative at first, but always question the media and government.

Everyone I have showed this to says the same thing. "It's hard to trust the government".
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Thank God that there are still some Truth tellers
chiclettesucep8 January 2024
I am not American but I have great interest in how our western democracies are being eroded from up high and all the way down. I also have two officers in my own family so the Thin Blue Line means a lot to me. I could see that politics and high powered interest groups were in control from 2020 in the USA. My heart breaks for the families of Police Officers who were sent to prison, esp. Officer Chavin. I pray that all those who lied and withheld the truth who were in positions of power to tell the truth have a huge moral crisis and find it impossible to live with themselves. Officer Chavin esp needs to sue the city and win at least 30m for what they have done to him and those who stabbed him recently 22x need to be brought to justice. The Floyd family needs to hang their heads in shame with blood money on their hands. Their relative was a violent criminal and drug dealer/addict. Our western society and justice system is severely broken bc of corruption at every level including the FBI. May God save America and make Her shine again as a beacon of Truth and justice for all. A great documentary as I saw many of these lies being told but now I pray for the facts here to set Minneapolis free along with the officers.
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