2101 (2014) Poster


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regrettable acting
ultimatew22 August 2018
I don't know why I watched so much of this as I did, maybe I like to cringe a lot, there is not much to like about this.

The best thing about this movie is the first few minutes with the kids, they do a decent job of acting.

Mr. and Mrs. Collins both only been in this one movie it shows, but the Mayo comment was the best cringe in the first 10 minutes.

The idea for the story is okay, but it never reaches the audience.

Don't waste your time on this unless you like regrettable acting, horrible scripts and to cringe a lot, if that is what you are looking for, this is for you, if not then don't waste your time.
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is it a film? Is it a joke? Is it the way entertainment's gonna be in 2101? Please bring me back to the 50s and annihilate Prime video
siteordo-480196 January 2019
I've seen quite a bunch of crap on amazon prime but this one is certainly winning the gold medal. Bad script, bad acting (the word acting in this context is even an oxymoron), bad plot, bad editing, bad filming, bad lighting, bad sound, bad music, bad continuity, bad set, bad props, bad fx, bad stunts... even at 57min length it looks like 3hrs long. I watched it to the end and am still waiting for the spot to start... it looks more like the pilot episode for some low budget scifi tv series. Hopefully, it will never go to fruition, which is probably the one and only silver lining there... The only funny note is for the French viewers: the subtitling (probably automatically generated by some google translate sleepwalking buggy algorithm and never ever humanly reviewed) is absolutely surrealistic... even a 6th grade student in English would have done a better job. The two guys who posted reviews over 1/10 (there is even a 7/10) have to be members or next of kins of the crew, can't explain it otherwise. And no, this review doesn't contain any spoiler: there is absolutely nothing to spoil, since there is absolutely no plot or coherent time line in this abysmal lack of any script.
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kotchka31 December 2018
The overall story line seemed intriguing. From the start the story was slow and could have been told in 5 minutes, and I didn't even finish watching the movie. The script was even worse. The actors lines were very weak and often the scenes were bad and no doubt added as filler scenes to make the movie longer. I gave it a good try hoping it would lead to an interesting end but I couldn't abuse myself any longer.
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Without doubt, the worst thing the human race has ever produced.
machete-228 August 2018
When the aliens finally arrive to judge us and they're taking into account Nazism, the hydrogen bomb, the treatment of refugees, the stupidity of organised religion, and all the other depredations we have wrought on each other, this film is the thing that will push them over the edge and cause them to annihilate us.
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Probably the worst movie I have see
fdelpicchia22 November 2018
Looks like a movie made by a cinematography student. I do not understand how people can be expected to pay for this.
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I give it 1 star because I can't rate it with 0
knightdark-683936 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was late night surfing between platforms looking for something to watch... I found this in prime video, and the summary caught my attention. I don't even know how this is allowed to be there.

The acting is so bad that it looks like there wasn't any script... The plot had potential but hey never used it, it only focuses on the stubbornness of the main guy....

I'm even taking the time at 2am after tried to watch this (I didn't finish it) to let the people know how bad it is.... My wife is telling me to let that go but I can't! I want to drink heavily to destroy this memory
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More urban exploration than movie making
Leofwine_draca3 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
2101 is your usual indie thriller in which a bunch of characters explore an old abandoned location. If you're a fan of urban exploration then you might get a kick out of this one because it plays out as a typical 'urbex' video of the type you'd find on Youtube. Only in the last 10 minutes or so does a plot tinged with science fiction appear, but by then it's too little, too late. Although this film is very short, it's still unwelcome.
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Chuck_EM14 August 2019
High school film clubs have made movies far better than this.
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Really baf
doctormeltzer30 May 2018
The acting is SO bad it makes the sci-fi movies of the 1950's seem like masterpieces. Especially the two thugs, I hope they have day jobs to fall back on when they figure out they have ZERO acting ability. Awful!!!
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What is that??
wilcox-998-31052 December 2018
Sorry, but i don't understand what i've just seen. How is possible to produce a film like that?
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Great for such a low budget!
AdamRawlyk24 November 2018
This film is brilliant at establishing character backgrounds and making the audience feel somewhat attached to the characters... and for such a tight budget, they did brilliantly at making the props and finding a location to to shoot and actors and actresses for the film, and despite filming in just 17 days, the actual plot line was kinda interesting... a great first attempt!
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Worst amateur actors ever
carlos-rubio-martinez4 April 2019
I don't even know how this is allowed to be on any streaming service.

First, the acting was awful, the main character never know what he is doing or saying, you can clearly see all the bad editing in many scenes.

With no doubt I can say that any short film from any high school has better script and acting.

Don't dare to give a chance to see this "movie" , you'll regret it
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1 star is too high rated
daguero-871-8550435 January 2019
What can I say... This film is the ultimate transgression I have seen, all the superlatives have been exhausted. Even a single star is too condescendent.

It is so bad, that it makes Plan 9 from Outer Space look like a Fellini's or Bertolucci's film. The director is so inept, that Ed Wood would have the stature of Hitchcock besides him. The script breaks all the rules taught in cinema courses; from this reason, it has none left. The actors play is worse than taking randomly people and assigning them random characters. The camera was operated by a blind. The abandoned factory, a must for saving money not renting studios. Your time has a value. Please do not even try to dilapidate it with this student's joke.
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Hardly worth watching.
terrence-dunn23 March 2018
Poorly scripted! Pathetic dialog! Ridiculous plot! Discontuities!

I gave up on this movie. The dialog was really pathetic, and the plot and acting are very poor.

My advice, watch something else.
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It's a B movie, very amateur
jose-216511 August 2019
It's definitely not at the level that one expect in a global movie distribution network. I would have given it a better score as undergraduate practice work. It's a pity because the idea was quite original and hence expectations were high... The problems are: the movie is way too slow, the scripts are naive and stereotypical, overacted in a way that doesn't look natural and credible. And the ending is abrupt and leaves all questions unanswered, which adds up to the accumulated frustration of the spectators.
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hitwenty-8863111 August 2019
The first word in the film which was said by the kid was action, most likely copying the director. That was it for me, on to the next movie.
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youradverageviewer29 May 2020
ABSOLUTE DISAPPOINTMENT AND I HOPE I CAN GET MY TIME BACK... just unbelievable... Sometimes I just wonder... what in God's name goes through people when they think of things like this. I hope some day I can look back it this and not remember. Someone knock me out, I can't bear to remember this movie ever in my life.
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Waste of time
tayfunkesking15 March 2020
This movie is full of absurdity and nonsense. Even the actors don't understand what they are doing. Definitely not worth watching.
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bradstark-108831 January 2020
This movie is too bad to be riffed on MST3K. Lousy acting, bad script. It felt as if it was made without a script.
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No, no, no
eddiec-122 April 2023
The best thing I can say about this movie is that Mary Neilson looks good in shorts.

Everything else is a waste of time.

The writing is unfocused; I was a third of the way through the movie and still didn't know what any of the characters wanted, what their purpose was.

The dialog was like people talking in separate conversations than the other. Fortunately, the sound quality was so muffled I couldn't hear half of what they were saying anyway.

The camera angles were often taken at interesting angles but without a purpose for the angles. Like, an intentionally shaky hand held camera looking through a broken window at the character walking by. But why? Am I looking at the character from the POV of somebody spying on him? Nah, no reason. Just something the director/cinematographer was taught to do.

Other reviews said the acting was bad. But I don't blame the actors for the problems of this movie. That (dis)honor lies at the feet of the filmmaker.
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Incredibly bad
Valkonian9 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Usually when I read bad reviews some of the movies are mild;y entertaining in a dumb way. This movie went far, far beyond my wildest expectations of being bad. Nothing in this movie made any sense whatsoever.

The writing is so bad, high school students could do better. The acting so laughable. The "bad guy?" with the earring(LOL), good God. So pathetic. Where did they find him, his acting skills were awful. Cringe every time he was on.

Fixing a Corvette in an abandoned warehouse, owned by the state, what???? And why do they have him eating junk food every scene. A pretty girl wants to sleep over your place and you tell her no? She's your friend, are you an idiot? So you don't care about her? Then the next day you're showing feelings for her? Who wrote this garbage?

There is a scene in the beginning where the two main characters are hiding in what looks like the second floor in some warehouse and some bad guys come in with guns to check the place out. The two make some noise and a flash with the object they are holding. The bad guys see the flash and argue about one going up to see what's up there, then the guy says "We'll come back later" LOL. Just beyond dumb writing.

I wish I could get my wasted hour back.
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