A Lonely Woman (2018) Poster

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I went in hopeful...
sidhtownsend15 July 2019
I thought I would be on the edge of my seat with a female lead action thriller, but to no avail... The dialog was choppy and difficult to hear. The editing was, interesting at best. The story seemed to be all over the place. I went away disappointed. The only bright spot for me was Beau Yotty (Antonie). His performance actually got me through the film. So bravo to you sir. That was an accomplishment. He saved this film from a 1 star rating.
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the badenbad ,and ugly ugly
ops-5253531 January 2019
This was an uninteresting amerivan vigilate humour, mixed with spaghetti action,and spiced with mexican chilli in the eyes shootouts movie made to show that a feature movie is not that difficult to make. just make a taste of the music featured in the background,its an everlasting self repeating tune,that irritates the bones of your middleear into a big bon heur. its the revengeful,black clad,overly maked up lady with the longest shooter in the world running aroung killing siblings and half sibs and hired killers that are hired to kill her.

the story has surtainly been inspired by chales bronson flicks . the story has got some liability, but the filmography,acting and editing+ extremely sparse use of sound effects make s this film,that makes you wish it ends asap. do watch at 1,25x speed to make some fun outta the stiff movements,because else it is not memorable at all.
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The Dark Side
nogodnomasters1 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Annie/Jezebel (Youlika Skafida) drives a Delorean. She can afford it because strangers leave their wallets on the hood. She finds her parents dead (best actors in the film) and goes vigilante on those she suspects are the killers.

She is supposed to be a tough woman, but we don't get any background on her. After she shoots a bunch of people, she then gets gun training at the range. The plot seemed to be out of whack. The camera work and sound were not great and the facial expressions indicated a lot of constipation on the set. At times it was so bad, it was funny.

And the Texas coastal town has a Delorean garage.

Guide: F-word. Nudity (Youlika Skafida)
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Jesus, how could this bad movie ever be able to be approved into production?
MovieIQTest31 January 2019
After watched so many bad bad childish stupid shallow movies out of China these years, I thought there would be no movie made in the USA could be worse than those Chinese movies, but it proved wrong after I spent ten minutes watching this awful one. What a shock, dude.

But there were two things in this crap that I still think enjoying watched: 1) The classic DeLorean sportcar. 2) The nice gated community after this so-called "lonely woman" drove the Delorean through the gate. That's it, folks.

This is a fair warning from me: Don't you ever waste any second to watch this crap.
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Jeg_ward29 May 2022
Easily the longest 2 hours of my life.

After the first few minutes I knew I was in for a slog, the only reason I watched the whole thing is because my morbid curiosity outweighed my will to stop. It was like one huge scene of a horror movie that you know you don't want to watch and cover your eyes but then end up peeking anyway... for 2 hours...
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Merciless justice
TheLittleSongbird26 April 2019
The concept for 'A Lonely Woman' is an interesting one, perhaps not original but enough to make me interested in seeing it with absolutely no bias. Films that don't have a high budget are not always bad, there are quite a lot that do try and try to overcome any short-comings. Too many though are not just cheaply made but show little effort elsewhere, some of them with decent concepts so there was a little nervousness before watching this film. Having seen far too many potential wastes.

Sadly, 'A Lonely Woman' is yet another potential waste, there is not much effort here (though it is not one of the worst ever cases, not even close) and nothing is done really with the concept. Was just too distracted throughout by the cheapness of the production, how amateurishly written and acted it was, how dull and muddled it was and the many annoyances the film has. Have seen far worse films and 'A Lonely Woman' is not quite irredeemable, but almost everything regrettably falls completely flat on the face.

What stopped me from giving 'A Lonely Woman' a 1 was the car which was very cool and the serviceable performances of the adoptive parents.

Elsewhere, 'A Lonely Woman' is a mess. The female lead, Youlika Skafida, does not convince at all. Either as a shy girl or the much darker personality when seeking vengeance, in the early stages of the film she is completely bland and looks uncomfortable, and later on there is nowhere near the right amount of intensity or menace. The shift between the two personalities is a sudden and rushed one, meant to be slow but is not gradual enough, and gives a too much of a completely different film vibe. Her development is barely existent and her back-story superficial at best. She shares no real chemistry with Beau Yotty, who also is severely lacking in presence. The acting on the most part is like bad improvisation.

None of the characters are interesting or worth investing in and the dialogue never flows and sounds like gibberish. The story has no tension, suspense or thrills, and is not just deadly dull but it is also very muddled and kitchen-sink-like, like it wasn't sure what it wanted to be. Any attempts at twists and turns, too few, have no surprise at all. The visuals are utter chaos, especially the photography, enough to make one physically sick, and the repetitive drone that passed as music really gets on the nerves fast, with far too sparse and gratuitous when used use of sound effects.

Overall, a mess. 2/10
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Not moving
kosmasp24 March 2023
No pun intended - I had forgotten that I had seen the main actress in something before. Her accent made it clear to me that she may be Greek (spanish would be the only other option I had in mind) ... and I was right about that. I also had seen her in Kinetta before. Which did not work for me ... and this movie also has quite the issues ... acting being one of them.

The main character should be able to speak - but since english is not her first language ... I mean it does lead to many funny situations ... most are not meant to be funny. At least not to that degree ... anyway, if you are able to suspend your disbelief and just love no budget movies ... well I reckon you might be enterained.
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A film on what NOT to do when making a film.
chriskoczka-644734 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is the most perfect movie to discuss in a class on what not to do when trying to make a movie. Take a decent star from Greece who doesn't speak very good English, put her with a upper class Texas family, for years going to primary and secondary school in the United States, and still not able to talk with an American accent. So we have the wrong star for the wrong role.

Then there's the horrendously terrible script, unbelievable in every sort of way. Direction? Oh please, if ever there was an excuse to replacing a director with an AI machine.

Location was a pure joke: a police station where the detectives are in some single family home's bedroom, pretending that it's a police station, You think this production would ever have gotten made if the producer could not declare a write-off?

I really think it would be a torturous thing if this was put on a television set for a coma patient. Unfortunately I gave this a score that's a hundred times more than it's worth: I gave it a one star.
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bmpepsi28 June 2023
If you're in a mood to watch a bad movie than you've come to the right place. I sometimes will watch a bad movie just because I get tired of watching quality movies. This movie hit the trifecta of bad movie making. Bad writing, bad directing, and very bad acting. The plot could have been good because it's basically the same as most revenge movies. Loved ones get killed and the police are inept so the star has to take the law into their own hands and blow away the bad guys. How this was ever released is a mystery. It's so bad. I'm sure no one that was involved would ever put this on their resume. I seen where some people actually have this a high score and I'm trying to figure out if these people have ever seen a movie or if this was their first time.
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I really enjoyed this film
I liked this film a lot. Annie's transformation is really cool and I really like the aesthetic.
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Worthy Effort!
optimisticg23 May 2019
Despite the negative reviews, I watched this movie and I actually liked it. I'm a big fan of the spaghetti-westerns so I can see the inspiration behind it. Although it's obviously a low-budget film, I thought it was a worthy effort, has an interesting plot, and the lead character played by Youlika, who's an award-winning actress in Greece is outstanding. The plot actually reminded me of a Dateline episode. I also think it may have some hidden symbolism like the young boy dressed in dirty white clothes may represent what is good and pure, but soiled by the wickedness in the world. It's definitely not a family movie as it has violence and brief nudity, but still worth watching.
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Awesome film
elviracmartinez24 July 2021
I truly enjoyed the movie, A Lonely Woman, as an independent film, it delivers great quality in craftsmanship image, sound and music compared to other films of the same nature. It offers an interesting story and plot. When justice fails, Youlika Skafida as Annie takes matters on her own hands to find her parents killers and serves justice by her own hand.

It's plot, with its twists and turns is an attention grabber from beginning to end, you have to watch it until the end. It's a choice between love and vengeance. Check it out now.
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