"Ghosts" A Christmas Gift (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Heartbreaking :(
HeatherFedora31 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode seemed like such a bonus before I watched it. It was well done, the last scene was hilarious, but the twist broke my heart. And upon mulling it over, I realized that there was a giant plothole: the original reason why Alison and Michael stayed in Button House was that Alison saw ghosts in every apartment or house they looked at away from Button House, that is, she realized that no matter where she was, she would have a hard time ignoring or not engaging with some ghost or other, so she decided she night as well stay close to the ghosts she had already come to know. That's why it didn't really make sense for them to move away, apart from the financial gain/security, since privacy was not to be had anywhere anyway. Also, the numerous basement ghosts hardly ever interfered with Alison and Michael's life style. They could have struck an arrangement with the "upstairs" ghosts regarding time and place limits in such a vast building, making it more like a neighbourly family setup. But of course that's not how fiction works.

Having an old Alison visit with the ghosts implied a progression of regular visits to catch up over the years which was also heartbreaking: the poor ghosts waiting for updates and watching Alison age, aware that they would lose her eventually, though they would have been amply entertained by the happenings in the hotel. Finally, this opens the possibility of a sequel series about Alison's periodic visits and the ghosts' exploits. It would again enable stories about some ghosts moving on, for example, or new ghosts entering the fray (with the movement of more people=hotel guests there is a greater chance of someone dying there). The difficulty would be less to progressively age Alison and her family, and more to keep the ghosts from aging.

Final thought: I think I would have been satisified with the series finale. This Christmas final episode just made me too sad, and I don't dare hope that the creators of the show pick up the thread again. But here's to hoping.
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Rob-O-Cop30 January 2024
I really enjoyed this series, built on a great premise that ghosts are real and not necessarily scary, and packed with lots of offshoot ideas, with each host offering an opportunity to look at the time period they came from.

This last episode where they chose to slam the door shut on the series and any chance of it continuing was so very premature and unnecessary. Maybe the writers were feeling they were running out of ideas? You could tell in some episodes they were scrapping crumbs together but they shouldn't have been.

There was so much left to explore.

For a start the whole premise of what was happening. Why the ghosts were there, why do they get to or not get to move on?

Then the back story in more depth of each character. I do get that keeping in vague helped the success of the show but even so, there's so much more to dig through. Alison's vision was not limited to just the house so the stories on offer were as limitless as her travel and the people she meets. It really was an endless stream of opportunities for good stories and insights.

There were so many lovely details already in the series (The caring nature of the plague people was just one), perhaps the writers knew their limitations and that they were out of fuel, which.

So, get some more writers on board. Supervise them to make sure they stay true to the series. If the money isn't good enough, ask for more.

The ending felt like a cop out, and it most likely was. I know some of the actors have moved on to big screen stuff but a hollywood flop is hardly better use of time and talent.

That said it's a big thank you for the journey from me. I'd much rather the 5 series existed than not and I hope we get to see more quality ideas like this show.
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A tad disappointing.
Sleepin_Dragon15 May 2024
Mike's mum Betty arrives, but after seven weeks, Alison and Mike are ready to make their own way. Suspicious that there are ghosts in the house, Betty takes matters into her own hands to have the house cleansed.

It's a decent final episode, but after some of the great episodes from Series 5, I felt a little bit underwhelmed by this final episode. Unfortunately it just lacked a little in terms of laughs.

It's been a wonderful show, and I was hoping for it to end on a funny and uplifting note, it's just a little sour, Betty is a real pain in the rear end, and The Ghosts 'doing the right thing,' just didn't feel right somehow.

Delightful scene where Fanny tells Alison exactly how she feels about her, quite lovely.

Should it have ended here, can't say I was happy that it did. What does The BBC have left?

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A Christmas Gift
bobcobb30126 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Episode six of season five seemed like the perfect wrap-up. Alison and Mike decided to stay at Button House after all and that was how the show was going to end.

I am glad we got a final Christmas special and to see these characters one last time, but there was not a lot of comedy or hijinx. They introduced the possiblity of an exorcism, something that should have been done in a midseason episode, not the last one ever.

Just because they have a baby the ghosts are okay with them moving out? It just seemed like a weird erasure of the season five finale.

Glad we got to see Ghosts one more time, but just a bad move.
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What an ending!!
taylormackay-6425528 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ghosts has always been absolutely incredible from start to finish and this ending was the perfect way to end it. It was beautifully written and well done I applaud the writers for this. It may have not been a popular ending but it was the right ending for all of us and the characters themselves. The character development and the maturity shown in the episode was clear they were ready to let go even if it hurt them after everything they had been through but the right choice had to be made for the greater good and in my opinion they did. The writers did a fabulous job at ending it softly rather than moving everyone on. They will always be family even if they are apart the memories they have and the stories shared. Will miss Ghosts so so much it's a phenomenal series and always will be :)
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mrspastrymaker25 December 2023
The absolute perfect ending to one of the best comedies on tv.

I'm always a bit wary of finales to a series these days. They're either rushed, lazy, completely implausible, full of plot holes or simply just amount to nothing.

Yet here was the exception. Right up until the last five minutes one still didn't know where it was going to go. However when the conclusion came in my opinion it could not have been done better.

One series which HAS ended too soon I'm sad to say but at least it went out on high.

Therefore a massive thanks to everyone involved with GHOSTS. You've made us howl with laughter & cry at the same time.

I finally feel ' Christmassy'

Please please give us a movie.

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A great send-off to our beloved ghosts and hosts
nakrugt26 December 2023
Many TV shows try to finalize their stories with too much emotions to make the audience fake-feel something, and while doing that they ignore logic and reasoning. When I found out that this Christmas special would be the last ever episode of Ghosts I hoped the writers would find a balance between the two.

I was not wrong, and I believe this is a great send-off to our beloved ghosts and hosts. Writers did not betray the characters and the audience, there is a Christmas feeling throughout the episode, and it does not betray the audience, either.

I wish shows like this could go on forever, but the reality is the longer a show goes, the worse it gets. At least we will remember and re-watch this show with a happy feeling each and every time.

Thanks to the cast, writers and everyone involved in the show.
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A great way to end a amazing series.
callum_59525 December 2023
Ghosts has been a favorite in my household since the first time it aired. And while I am sad its come to a end, I can't have any complaints about the way it went about it. I won't say anything to spoil it for people. But I felt it was done in a great way, the entire episode was one of the funniest they have done. It had me a few times bursting out with laughter. Whilst I accept it might not gave been everyone's great ending, I think most people who would be negative about it are so as they didn't actually want the show to come to a end. But take the episode for what it is, a funny, charming relatable and at times emotional. They entire cast and crew ended it on a great note!
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A great series
yahaira-729-69470115 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's sad for it to finally come to an end at Christmas that was in keeping with the previous seasons. This is for the most part a truely inspired comedy. Hats off to all the actors and writers of this troupe! I hope to see other projects they may create in the future. I thought the ending felt a bit rushed perhaps they could have added another episode and made it a total of 8. However, I was anticipating they would get "sucked off" as their final farewell and a closure of Alison and Mike. Robin was predicting this transition yet surprisingly they left them to haunt the new resort and a way for Allison to visit them I guess it was Mike at the end in the sauna they installed in the basement with the plague ghosts I had to think and review that at least 3 times before I figured that out cos you really can't make an aged Mike out. Cheers!
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So sorry it had to end but what a great send off
nmlyon4 June 2024
I was so disappointed this show was not still filming. I just found it and knew the series was not long like I am used to with American shows. I had no idea how they would pull off the end but they were really able to wrap it up nicely. I literally had tears in my eyes. I first started watching the American version and as much as I loved that - this is so much better. The acting and storylines were absolutely brilliant. I fell in love with all of the characters and laughed throughout all of the episodes. Only a couple of seasons were available for me to stream so I bought the dvd set because I live the show so much.
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A Christmas Gift to the audience!
Laqshayaroraofficial26 December 2023
This episode had some really good moments, a feel-good vibe, and a nice ending. However, it wasn't perfect due to avoidable problems, like the shadow of the ghost in the video camera and the ghosts visible in the mirrors hanging in the house. The baby woke up when ghosts sang to her. It's puzzling why other ghosts didn't disappear after one went to the afterlife, even after many years. Also, the finale should have focused only on the main lead characters of the show, instead of bringing in Mike's mom, even though she performed well. I don't know why these issues were there-perhaps slightly lazy writing or direction? Anyway, it's always fun to see Charlotte Ritchie and other characters.

The characters in this show were so good that I'm unable to watch the American version, not getting used to the actors in that show.

Overall, a nice Christmas episode with some small issues, but many, including me, will miss the show.
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jjay030729 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Was a bittersweet ending to the show, but the show didn't need to end so soon, I feel the show could have went on for a few more years before the ratings dipped, and I still don't think they would have dipped much, it was very popular, but back to the last episode, I liked the way it ended in a way, although the ghost moving on would have been a much better story, as robin has been waiting 1000 years to move on, and would have been good to see them going to heaven or whatever it is, and then finally getting peace, but all coming together again in heaven, and alison and mike moving away was the right thing to do, but seeing them old and going to visit the ghost and as allison walks into the rooms thw ghosts ain't there, well not in the scene, that would have been more better to see. But overall it was ok, wasn't the best, I think they could have written it better. Let's hope the US one does better, and lasts longer.
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A disappointing ending
Zerbey29 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this show, and so was hoping they would get a good send off. This has been the best British sitcom in decades. The main premise of this episode was just fine, but the way they handled the ending just ruined it.

Ending it with the Mum reconciling that she has to let go would have been fine. Suddenly having them leave the mansion entirely because the Ghosts don't want to get in the way didn't make any sense, especially after it had been established at the end of season 5 they didn't want to leave because they loved it so much.

I suspect the cast just wanted to close the door on the show (as I'm sure is their right), and this was a way to do so without leaving it open for any future specials or seasons.
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What a disappointment
qhpwccvzj25 December 2023
As a big fan of Ghosts, this was such a bitter disappointment. It really feels like they would have been better leaving it as it was left at the end of series five, rather than a short sentimental addendum to what had been a great programme throughout.

Don't get me wrong, it's not as bad as the God-awful Gavin & Stacey Christmas return from a few years ago. But it equally shouldn't have been made and Ghosts should have been left alone.

We had been looking forward to this for weeks, but it was just nothing TV that left us sitting there, open-mouthed, thinking 'really? Was that it." Sorry to the Ghosts team, but this was a huge miss.
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Give it a couple of watches
dsahukfsa27 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a massive fan of Ghosts, I was pleased with the season 5 finale, as I was perfectly content to keep the status quo and imagine the Coopers and their ghostly family living in Button House happily ever after.

Well, this Christmas special has other ideas. Upon first viewing, I was too confused by what I was watching to enjoy it - Why were 20 precious minutes of the final ever episode wasted on Mike's mum rather than the characters we love? Why did they do a complete 180 since the previous ep? And why was the final goodbye so rushed and unemotional?

However, after allowing the shock to die down, and coming to accept the bittersweet ending they chose, I gave it a second viewing and enjoyed it a whole lot more. It's still not the ending I would have chosen, but it sort of makes sense because of the baby. And although I feel they could have mined the goodbye scene for more emotion, the second time around it did still move me to tears (particularly Kitty's facial expressions). Besides, it's not really goodbye for Alison and the ghosts. They still see each other often, which lessens the blow.

It's impossible to please everyone with an ending. I can accept the one we've been given - I just wish it was funnier and/or more emotional, and perhaps 15 minutes longer so it didn't feel so abrupt.

EDIT: Watched it a third time, and no, sorry, I hate it. Unfunny, depressing, and just ill-conceived.
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Rushed and clumsy end to an outstanding series.
Steadico26 December 2023
I simply cant hide my disappointment.

Ghosts has been such a brilliantly written and gentle sitcom over all five seasons, but this Christmas special should never have been made.

It would have been far better to have simply left things open and on a high after series 5. This is the lesson that should have been learned from now classic sitcoms such as 'Fawlty Towers or 'Father Ted'.

We really didn't need everything wrapped up in this heavy handed way. It might just about have worked in a one hour slot giving the audience a smoother ride to the cheesy ending.

Sadly it felt unbelievably rushed, over sentimental and worst of all pretty humourless, although in fairness the very last shot did raise a smile.
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A disappointing end
em-f-9769319 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ghosts has been one of my absolute favourite comedies, but I am so disappointed with that ending. I wish they had of just left it at the end of season 5 without the Christmas special.

The leap from loving Button House to wanting to leave in one episode makes no sense, and it didn't touch on the fact that Alison could see ghosts wherever she went.

It's like the creators forget who their audience is so often when it comes to finales. There was nothing comedic about this episode, and it was just a disappointing end to the best comedy I have seen in a long time. There are so many different ways they could have ended it more in the spirit of the show.
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A great series, a poor end
peter-cownley26 December 2023
We have watched the lot laughed at the stories, the characters, the concept. The last series was announced and we thought why?

So through this last series the endings were starting, loose ends tied up. Old characters came and went once more a trundled up the Drive to the 'finale' - which sort of didn't happen. Until the Christmas special end. This however, didn't either.

It wasn't particularly funny, creative or adding of a new twist. It's fizzled like the glass of Prosecco, but ended up like a glass of two day old mulled wine left in a hallway.

Such a deflating end to a wonderful series, no real ending. However, may the creative team who wrote this go on to massive successes in whatever they do next.
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Rushed and a missed opportunity
nyqcqymrq6 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was a lovely and fitting episode right up to the last five minutes. A couple of stand ins wearing bad wigs with their backs to the camera, everything implied but no substance, a longer ending with a montage of Alison growing old on her yearly visits to Button House with Mia being able to see the ghosts would have been beautiful, instead we are left in the corridor with Mike not able to see the ghosts and part of the group. The only redeeming part was the cellar ghosts enjoying the steam room, truly funny and in the spirit of the series, I just wish as much effort had gone into the rest of the finale.
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Strange 180 From Episode 6
clfmcdonald7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ghosts has been and will remain one of my favorite sitcoms. It has been absolutely charming from the very beginning. However, on future rewatches I'll have to stop at episode 6 of series 5.

What a bizarre twist to throw into the finale after the ending of episode 6. We go from "I love it here!" to "you have a baby so you should leave"? Truly a baffling decision. It would have been better if that final little montage of the house covered in plastic wrap and the Coopers getting into the car was a joke about the house getting fumigated and the Coopers just going on a short vacation. Instead we're treated to a very rushed emotional(?) farewell and a throwaway line about Alison visiting her ghost family over the years.

Having watched episodes 6 and 7 back to back, the whiplash is intense and confusing.
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This was the WORST thing the writers & producers could have done to their audience! 0/10
duckboy-941711 January 2024
I never leave reviews on IMDB but this Horrible and Mean spirited way to end one of the best shows in the past 50 years is beyond Evil with nothing but Hate and Contempt for the loyal fans of a once great TV show! I hope everyone involved with the idea to end the show and end it in this way has a Karma filled miserable life ahead of them! They should all be thoroughly ashamed of themselves and hang their disgusting heads in shame! In all my years of watching TV and movies I have NEVER seen a group of Troglodytes act in such a Selfish and self centered manner to feed their hallow egos! This is by far the worst group of amateurs the silver screen has ever had the displeasure of seeing! 0/10.
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