Love Undercover (TV Series 2024– ) Poster

(2024– )

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Entertaining trash, interesting idea but flawed execution
Joshmcswain24 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'll open by saying: I've never watched any of these type of shows before. Reality TV is not my thing, but since they were European footballers I decided to give it a shot. I'm not a binge watcher, but I finished this show in about a week. It made me see why people watch The Bachelor and stuff like that--storylines develop and there are people you root for to succeed and others you want to fail. All this said, I'm not naive to the fact that these shows manufacture conflict and embellish things for the camera. So I took it all with a grain of salt, but you can still be entertained.

The show suffered from two major problems in my opinion.

1. The women on the show were far too similar. They pretty much all from LA, NYC area, Miami or central Texas. Moreover, they were almost all influencers, dancers/entertainers, etc. One of them was a teacher, but why not have other more "normal" professions and have more varied areas to choose from? Like, have a nurse, an accountant, etc.? Moreover, bring in ladies from the midwest like maybe a farmhand from Nebraska or Iowa.

2. There's too many women to begin with. They had 18 of them (and only five men), and naturally as a viewer it gets hard to keep them all straight and some of them barely got any screen time. I think 12 would have been a better number.

There are a few other quibbles I have with the show: 1. Some of these women were genuinely terrible people. Brittany was the worst. She literally had a great date with Marco and then only accepted his invitation into the house so she could get with Sebastian. Sebastian in the end took her back to his home and ultimately rejected her. Karma. Just a vain and materialistic egomaniac. Jacklyn also was awful. Her arrogance was insufferable all show. Just so stuck up and vindictive.

Moreover, a lot of them were just trampy. Renee had on a high slit dress in the first episode with nothing on underneath. Seriously? If you want to go commando that's fine, but wear something that won't have your privates show. She was also very much like the two above, wondering if any of these guys could afford her.

2. The guys should have told the ladies the truth before meeting the families. I get the point of the show was to convince the woman, but why lie to the families? Seems unneeded.

3. I get that you want to show these women in flattering clothes, but how many shots of a woman's ass in a swimsuit that leaves all of both cheeks exposed do we really need? After a while, it got kinda old. I don't mean to sound like a prude, but I'm like, "we get it, these are attractive women in bikinis".

4. The men should have had more time to know and formulate their backstories. They were really falling apart at certain points.

I have ragged on the women, but the men in this show are far from perfect. Sebastian in particular was annoying. He kept talking about finding true love and only wanted Brittany for her appearance. By the end of the show he wisened up, but there were missed opportunities for him in the show. Estefani was the one he should have been with, she brought out the best in him. Lloyd was a good guy I thought, but naive about what he was getting into. The other three guys were all older, had a little bit more life experience. Marco was kinda overlooked the whole show, Jamie got frustrated early on because he wasn't getting dates, Ryan was kinda just there. He seemed like a good guy and would talk if you talked to him but was almost too easygoing.

Moreover, some of the women were likable. Abby was probably my favorite. Some others that stood out were Gabby, Tinah, Estefani, Ariana and I guess Sofia Q. There are a number of women I haven't talked about here, not all of them were awful, some of them may have been okay if I had seen more of them, others were kind of annoying.

So in conclusion, if you're looking for a short show that is mindless entertainment this might do it. Don't have too high of expectations.
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I like the idea but bruh
artyom_aa10 May 2024
Its so cool to bring football into the United States and make a reality tv show about that. That said, I wish they brought bigger names in football or even not very famous football players but from big teams That would have been much cooler. I think Marco and Jamie were kinda cringe acting like they were on the same level with Neymar Jr and Beckham when most football fans don't even know them. At least Sebastian and Lloyd did not act like that and didn't compensate too much. Ryan is just too good of a guy to be on a dumb reality show and coincidentally he is the biggest star among every one. Overall like I said I appreciate bringing football to the United States and definitely like the concept of international relationships.

I also think that they are better off not sharing fake occupations because it does not make it fair. They should just keep it secret until they reveal their identities. Also, they should choose better girls than these plastic fake girls. With the exception of Ariana, Gabby, and Estefani, the rest were cringe to watch.
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Could Be Better In So Many Ways Warning: Spoilers
Why do the women have to be fake hotties? What about a good hearted, kind,strong, independent women that work hard to create a good life for themselves without collagen or implants? I think that would be more interesting and rewarding and these men really wouldn't get taken advantaged of, once these women find out, they gonna bleed them dry (most of them anyway) I guess fake hotties need love to and not all are "fake" but gold digger comes to mind with a few, but not all of them. And why so many women? That's kinda much and forces "competition" and what's that got to do with getting to know a person you have a connection with and possibly falling in love? Loaded trip wires are set here and it's sad cause it's a good concept but even if one couple gets far enough to relocate or return to their homeland, that's got a whole new set of complications. It would take me knowing a man for years before I left my roots in the USA, and speaking of that...I've head these women say (and to sum it up) "all American men are a waste of time" okay....don't they see how "great" American men are? What can we do to make American men great again??? But hey, y'all want to ditch on American men and leave our country, that's your prerogative. Bye bye

And why are they adding insult to injury here?? Telling a woman you rejected "oh by the way I'm a millionaire and famous" after being rejected is just cruel. The first person they told took it well after she chooses to leave on her own but the other woman just got dumped then dumped on again cause she was rejected. And I wouldn't care for concealing such important information, very deceptive and I'm not going to share my life with a person that would take part in that, I don't care who they are, I'd never be able to trust the person and that's scary.
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therusticapothecary17 May 2024
This show is terrible. I could hardly get through the first episode, but I kept watching, hoping something good would happen. The majority of the women are ridiculous "influencers" and want a man with loads of cash. They were annoying; two of them were actually lovely and down to earth. The concept is flawed, and in no way will any of these people enter into a long-term relationship. Look, I love some trash reality television but this one was too absurd and again the women are cringe. I couldn't stay interested, and I'm sure many will enjoy it, so I'm out. But good luck with that whole messy situation.
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My FIRST reality show
tadaia22 May 2024
I hate reality shows but only watched this because it came on Peacock right after an English Premier League match and I just decided to go ahead watch it. Still not really my cup of tea but I wanted to know how it would finish. Footballers... lol... I have all the respect in the world for anyone that has worked so very hard since childhood in their craft to make it to that top percentage of players around the world paid millions. That said, when it comes to mating... Footballers do what they do. Haha They have legions of women acting in desperation at their feet and will often choose those who they feel flatter their status, even if they don't make for the best life partners, mothers, etc. In this instance however the footballers shunting their fame and status to find "Ms Right" while we watch them follow the same old patterns feigning as "ordinary Joes". Its kind of interesting to watch.

I actually think the show did a great job with their choice of players. They chose a couple of lower tier "face" men as eye candy, and 3 players of notable acclaim if you've been an American fan of soccer for 10 yrs or more. Any more famous and they would've been much more recognizable in LA. As it is the show pushed its luck with Marco Fabian, a notable Mexican soccer player, who was recognized more than once while out and about in a city with a large Mexican-American population. I'm actually enjoying this for now. RECOMMEND.
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Played by the Producers
terricrow-8675318 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I believe the players tried to convince themselves they both desired and were earnestly seeking "true love"...but without the benefit of U. S. recognition and the ability to dangle their fame & fortune, the process proved to be much more difficult than anticipated and cracks in their armor began to appear, With that loss of edge, and the blatant desire for money seemingly off the table, the shift in the main attraction for this group of superficial gold-diggers (exceptions: Estefani, Abby & Gabby) was no surprise, and the show quickly became a competition for the 2 hottest guys.

Lastly, making them reveal their true identities at that particular point in time was totally unnecessary as it only added insult to injury and was painful to watch.
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Love Undercover; Boobs Uncovered
MDawn22 June 2024
I never watch reality shows anymore but this was a fun concept so I tried it and then loved it and couldn't stop watching. The genuineness of the guys and some of the girls was lovely to watch, it was a refresher of my own dating mistakes and I really loved watching and hope there's a season 2.

The reason I gave it an 8 out of ten is because I subtracted 2 stars for the boobs (1 per). The real name of the show should be "Love Undercover; Boobs Uncovered" because I have never seen so much of women's breasts on a network show while they were seemingly in clothes... is this reality? It's not my reality or any woman I know. (Even 1 girl's BFF ensured her boobs were 90% exposed both in person and on video, and she wasn't even competing.)

Dating sucks and as a woman I appreciate what a lot of women go through there, but when women flaunting said boobs on this show complained about how men usually treat them I thought maybe if you weren't objectifying yourself so much you'd have better experiences.

So please make another season, perhaps flipped with 5 famous women next time, but can the women look beautiful and well dressed without being 90% topless?
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Worst show and guys had no game lol
demastryj6 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
From Jamie crying LOL staying he wanted to leave cause he let himself "body" go, but it was the production of the shows fault. Not his couch and chips.amd massive liquor intake... no..... own some of your own fault!!??? They couldn't keep up with their story lines and the girls were so confused and all's I kept thinking watching up to episode 3 was all these guys must have cte. They had absolutely NO GAME couldn't even have a normal convo AND I HONESTLY THOUGHT A CIRCLE JURK WAS ABOUT TO HAPPEN. They seemed to love each other more then really looking for love or anything for that matter. I love peacock but this was total junk!!!
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Started off decent but started to dislike them
roddeocera26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Fun premise but it went no where and the more you got to know them the more you couldn't stand them. Sebastian? What a tool. Lloyd? All show no substance. I can't even remember the names of the other two off hand. I did like Marco. He seemed to have the most depth. Even most of the final girls got grating. That blonde Sebastian picked was the worst. The older, fatter guy, his girl was second worst. I only really liked the teacher, Sofia and Abby. The rest? I am writing this before I finish the last episode because it got so boring. Literally this has been done before many, many times and much better.
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