The Perfect Host: A Southern Gothic Tale (2018) Poster

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We're all just guests
kosmasp12 March 2023
No pun intended - we are who we are .. well and we mostly know who we are. I am curious about memories and the way we behave. Are we always ourselves? Would others notice if someone else came into us (stop it, you know what I mean) and controlled our body for one day? I guess it would depend on who it is and how well they knew us. Host you say ... well one way to see it, yes? Rhetorical questions aside, this looks good.

Depending on how you perceive low budget horror movies, you may be able to take more from this than others do. As you can see, it does not matter if it is Shocktober or not - I watch movies all the time. Horror or otherwise ... I reckon I would be a good host ... right?
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Didn't make it to the end
Cadykay14 March 2021
Nothing happens in this movie. Unless it all happens at the end. We quit halfway through. The lead is not likable and she doesn't act. She simply mumbles her lines so inaudibly we had to turn on the subtitles. Don't waste your time.
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What a shame
wlmeckiv11 August 2019
Whoever wrote the screenplay should have remembered to add a plot. Maybe something to hang on to. Something you could at least understand. This had a mean, bratty mother who stays at a house with a nice old lady and a creepy mean husband. If it wasn't for the music, you wouldn't have expected anything but good food and a cool old house to explore and hang out in. Then the ending happens. Spoiler alert. The mom looks in a book. I gave it 2 stars because it was filmed pretty well with their budget. I have to add when told my wife the last line, she said, "well that's what happened to the plot, they forgot to buy it."
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unforgivably boring ...
karyotakhs3 May 2020
Absolutely b o r i n g ... The actors playing the elderly couple were very good but the movie is sloooow with no plot . Just a good scene before the ending . A waste of time.
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Gothic Snail Tale
oldgraywolf4 January 2019
This is a slow-moving tale that is hard to follow at first if it was done differently it might have been more interesting of a story. If you can make it to the end the story comes together to be sure to pay attention to the ending. I still believe if done differently the interlude from the beginning to the near end could have been an adventure to get to the truth. It actually gets exciting at the end of the movie, the grand old house and women have some surprises for you. The Culmination of the storyline is somewhat worth the interlude it takes to get there, the tale becomes complete a chilling ending in store for those who stay alert. All in all, for an indie movie it's not bad my wife and me tend to like thrillers, horror movies, and lower budget films.
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Father Marian
sydneyfallon3 February 2019
Overall a very well shot film. Father Marian also did very well in his role, the references he did with his prayers were very well played, and showed actual depth in the role, and made the movie have an overall more interesting/mysterious aura. Good acting for father Marian.
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Good film that left some plot lines unexplained.
Ghoulem1962-651-88960012 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this film, the acting was good, the cinematography was excellent and created a spooky atmosphere. My only real problem with this film is they introduce a character at the beginning who may be a sister or cousin who throws her and her daughter out instead of letting her stay with her for a few more days, there is never an explanation of the problem. The main character also calls on a former boyfriend whom will do anything for her but still holds back and at one point she says "well you weren't the one that had to leave" this is never explained. She also owns her grandmothers house but doesn't want it, I just wish they had let us know what these incidents were.
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Not Bad
ladymidath20 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was a surprisingly good film with strong acting and a creepy atmosphere. The house and the elderly couple were the most interesting part of the movie. The big problem is that there were a lot that was not explained. Why did the sister/cousin, whatever she was throwing the main protagonist out? What was the history between Johnathan and Julie? Why didn't she stay in the grandmother's house when her sister/cousin stated that she did not want it? There should have been a little more backstory, but other than this, the movie itself was pretty good with a strong build up and some strong action at the end.
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A solid horror movie
martinzegi22 December 2018
Well, the budget for the film wasn't that huge, however, the film was quite good. So I gave 6 stars without a bad conscience!
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Mysterious and low key: not for the jump scare/ digital effects set
bsmar-130 January 2022
This is old fashioned (is it set in the 70s? Early 90s?), slow moving, atmospheric and mysterious. A huge crumbling mansion, a funeral, a woman mourning, a warning, mysterious motivations, a lonely child, thunderstorms and pouring rain. There is not a jump scare, thunderous sound effect or digital special effect in sight. So...not to most modern horror tastes. Production standards are high, though there are some sound problems with some of the dialogue. The ending is perhaps not unfamiliar, but the whole thing is well handled and acted. Definitely worth a look for fans of the Gothic.
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