"The Mentalist" Red John (TV Episode 2013) Poster

(TV Series)


Simon Baker: Patrick Jane



  • [last lines] 

    Patrick Jane : [after killing Red John, he calls Lisbon]  Lisbon, it's over. It's done. I just want you to know I'm okay. I'm gonna miss you.

  • Sheriff McAllister : You probably have a lot of questions for me, hmm? We have time, if you want.

    Patrick Jane : I have no questions. You're an evil, sexually perverted sociopath with pathetic delusions of grandeur. The rest is just details.

    Sheriff McAllister : "Evil, sexually perverted sociopath"? I guess I have to own that. But, uh... delusions of grandeur? No. I have no delusions. I built a secret empire, I control the lives of thousands of people. My word is life and death, and nobody knows who I am. Now, if that's not grandeur, I don't know what you call it.

    Patrick Jane : I call it the ravings of a squalid egomaniac.

    Sheriff McAllister : You see? For no reason at all, you're rude and contemptuous. That's why your wife and kid are dead. Who are you to butt in here and make obnoxious judgments about me? Who are you? Who are you?

    Patrick Jane : Nobody.

    Sheriff McAllister : Nobody. You didn't know me. You don't know me. You have no idea. Here's your problem, Pat. You're a smart man, but you are arrogant. You can't imagine someone smarter than you. Which is why I've been ahead of you at every step along the way.

  • Sheriff McAllister : Please don't... don't kill me.

    Patrick Jane : Oh, now you want mercy. After all you've done.

    Sheriff McAllister : You're not like me. You're a good man. It'll haunt you.

    Patrick Jane : Oh, I'm not hesitating. I'm just savoring a moment. You're Red John. I have to say, I'm a little disappointed.

  • Teresa Lisbon : What'd he say?

    Patrick Jane : He wants to meet with me.

    Teresa Lisbon : It's a trap.

    Patrick Jane : Probably.

    Teresa Lisbon : What are you gonna do?

    Patrick Jane : I'm gonna meet him.

    Teresa Lisbon : You can't.

    Patrick Jane : Trust me, I know what I'm doing.

    Teresa Lisbon : Jane, don't do this. Think about it. The FBI is gonna get Bertram soon enough.

    Patrick Jane : I don't want the FBI to get him. You knew this day was coming. It's here.

    Teresa Lisbon : Well, let me come with you.

    Patrick Jane : No. I don't want you involved.

    Teresa Lisbon : Involved? I am involved!

    Patrick Jane : Not anymore. I'm gonna need to borrow your gun.

    Teresa Lisbon : My gun?

    Patrick Jane : Yes, your gun. I'm not gonna use it; it's just a prop. Teresa, trust me, please. Just trust me.

  • Sheriff McAllister : Well, Patrick, here we are.

    [about Bertram, lying on the ground dead] 

    Sheriff McAllister : Poor fellow. Smart, but dumb. It never occurred to him that I am the Blake Association.

    Patrick Jane : Why'd you have to kill him?

    Sheriff McAllister : Everything thinks he's Red John, don't they? So it would seem a fitting end to the story if you two were found dead together. No one will look any deeper.

    Patrick Jane : So I'm suppose to die, am I? After all these years, seems kind of unfair.

    Sheriff McAllister : [in the high-pitched Red John voice]  It's totally fair. Game's over and I won.

    Patrick Jane : It's not a game.

    Sheriff McAllister : [normally]  There's a winner and a loser. That's a game.

    Patrick Jane : It's not a game I asked to play.

    Sheriff McAllister : No, but you played it very well nonetheless. You were fun, challenging. Thank you.

  • Teresa Lisbon : Hey.

    Patrick Jane : Hey.

    Teresa Lisbon : You're a wanted man.

    Patrick Jane : Well, I like to think so.

    Teresa Lisbon : Seriously. Abbott put an actual warrant out on you.

    Patrick Jane : Eh. It's not the first time.

  • Teresa Lisbon : So are you gonna tell me or what?

    Patrick Jane : Oh, yeah. Bertram called me.

    Teresa Lisbon : I know. What'd he say?

    Patrick Jane : Well, whatever he wanted to say, he didn't have time.

    Teresa Lisbon : Why the hell is he still here? What does he want?

    Patrick Jane : I'm guessing he'll call back soon and tell me.

    Teresa Lisbon : Your phone's not safe. The FBI...

    Patrick Jane : Yeah, they have a tap on the line. But they don't have a trace yet. If that had a trace, then I'd be arrested already.

    Teresa Lisbon : Maybe so, but sooner or later, they'll get a trace on you.

    Patrick Jane : I know. But I can't get rid of my phone until Bertram calls. It's all very suspenseful.

    Patrick Jane : What does he want?

    Patrick Jane : Who?

    Teresa Lisbon : Bertram!

    Patrick Jane : We'll see.

    Teresa Lisbon : Now you're being evasive.

  • Patrick Jane : What beady little eyes birds have. Tiny dinosaurs, you know.

    Teresa Lisbon : I know. I know you know what he wants. What does he want?

    Patrick Jane : [his phone rings]  Hello?

    Gale Bertram : So sorry I had to hang up on you. I've had a busy day

    Patrick Jane : Yeah, no problem. You know, this phone is not safe. Let me call you back in a moment.

  • Gale Bertram : Look, I think we should meet and talk. Just the two of us.

    Patrick Jane : What, like a date?

    Gale Bertram : [sarcastic laugh, then seriously]  Yes. No. Look, the game is over. I'd call it a very honorable tie. And now that it's over, I really think that we should talk. You know, a truce. No weapons, no tricks. Just talk. Then we both walk away.

    Patrick Jane : Talk. About what?

    Gale Bertram : Well, everything. I think we both could use a little closure, don't you? It has be today; you know, now. I'm kind of pressed for time.

    Patrick Jane : How do I know I can trust you?

    Gale Bertram : Oh, don't be timid now, Patrick. I could have killed you many times and I haven't, have I?

    Patrick Jane : Okay. When and where?

    Gale Bertram : Excellent. I'll be at the Fremont Park fountain in half an hour.

    Patrick Jane : No. Don't know it. Central bus station. North entrance.

    Gale Bertram : No, there's too many people. There's too many cops.

    Patrick Jane : You know the Alexandria cemetery?

    Gale Bertram : Of course I do.

    Patrick Jane : Yeah, there's a chapel by the western gate.

    Gale Bertram : That... that'll do. Half an hour. Don't be late. I can't wait around.

  • Sheriff McAllister : You still don't know how I fooled you, do you? How did I survive that bomb? How did I know all the names on your list?

    Patrick Jane : Is this what you've been missing? Appreciation? Hmm? Do you want me to applaud?

    Sheriff McAllister : You have no idea. Do you?

    Patrick Jane : I don't know how you got the list of suspects. It was a good trick. But the bomb gag is simple. There were two explosions. The first was a concussion bomb, knocked everyone out. The second, lethal bomb that killed Haffner and Stiles only went off after you dragged Bertram, Smith, and me out of harm's way.

    Sheriff McAllister : Correct.

    Patrick Jane : Faking your own death was easy. Brett Partridge was Blake Association. His job gave him access to the primary DNA database. He switched your DNA records with a body that you had on ice; a surrogate. And you brought the body to my house in the trunk of you car and you put it alongside Stiles and Haffner.

    Sheriff McAllister : Very good. Your hindsight is 20/20.

  • Gale Bertram : Hello, Patrick. I don't have to use a funny voice, do I? You know who this is.

    Patrick Jane : Yes, I do.

    Gale Bertram : It's weird, huh? 'Cause the last time we...

    [he trails off and drops the receiver as he notices a Sac PD officer recognize him] 

    Sac PD Officer : Put your hands up!

    [Cordero shoots the officer] 

    Patrick Jane : Hello? Hello?

    Gale Bertram : [as he and Cordero leave]  Thanks.

    Oscar Cordero : No problem.

    Patrick Jane : Hello? Bertram? Hello?

See also

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