"The Mentalist" Red John (TV Episode 2013) Poster

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Could have been better
tomasmmc-7719817 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The end of the Red John 's novel is not so bad as many people say. I've seen this episode more than once and i think that the events were ok, there was action, mistery, a final twist with Bertram's death. McAllister was Red John and the evidence is there, during seasons: "he is mac.....", he smells like woods, is tall, not fat or thin, old enough to kill during the Red barn, a sheriff friend to another cop Dumar, the one who killed Rebecca in His right red hand and made her smile before dying, as a sheriff he has links to the complete Blake org and to go anywhere without raising susp and the stalk to Van Pelt in episode two. Patrick Jane had his revenge and his plan worked. But something is missing: we did not see Mcallister kill someone, we had no answers about the list, Kristina Frye, the link to Visualize, about leaving Lisbon safe in The desert rose, etc. We saw Mcallister begging for life, and do you remember Panzer? That's was the way the serial killer behaves, the way he acts, he wont beg, he wont surrender, he will stay strong, cold, and think he's great. During Strawberry and cream, the same, Timothy Carter was perfect, was cruel but normal, was cold. We did not see a serial killer in the episode, we saw a smart man. Why not show a flashback about what happened to Kristina Frye? And show us a real bad, cruel Thomas McAllister. I mean the chain of events was good, but we expected answers and we expected a stronger Red John. And something else: the FBI would never leave Patrick Jane for free, so that part does not make sense, even with the team defending him. That's why i left two points less, i wont punish the whole chapter, i can't, i Just can give my thoughts.
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rosie_posie18218 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm late to the party, it's 2021 and I've JUST found out who Red John is. I watched S1 when it came out, got it on DVD, then never continued with the show. So here I am, watching it on Prime this year, and questioning my partner, who knows who RJ is, but not to the point where I accidentally find out before the S6 reveal.

So, majority hated it. I didn't, and here's why. Anyone who thought that wimpy coroner from the first ep was even a contender, needs a lesson in TV. Too obvious, too fanboy, didn't even realise a RJ copycat was a copycat and Jane took an immediate and lasting dislike to him. If Red John was going to choose a persona to hide behind, would that have been it? No chance.

I felt sad for both Malcom McDowell's cult leader Bret Stiles (though he had his faults, a most enjoyable character) and Reed Diamond's Ray Haffner. They weren't involved in the network at all and died as collateral damage. Shame.

FBI agent Reede Smith was clearly the muscle, no chance he was a leader. And Gale Bertram, too obvious. He has the power, but he was clearly seen conferring with, or rather deferring to, someone after his interactions with Jane. He was reporting to someone, they weren't reporting to him.

And Bob Kirkland, while creepy and overstepping his bounds repeatedly, was not a real suspect in my mind. He was not at all covert in trying to get Jane's information on RJ and his I'm-trying-to-emulate-Christopher-Walken-to-intimidate-you thing was not convincing. Appreciated his back story, but would have liked confirmation as to his brother's whereabouts.

I know Xander Berkeley as the foster dad in T2, and my absolute favourite X-Files episode, homage to 'The Thing', 'Ice' (S1E8). So good choice.

Everyone was so shocked and repulsed by his interpretation of Red John when revealed, this old man begging for his life. But at the end of the day, he is just a man. He has been built up, and theorised about, and made to sound like a god, cult leader, saviour, psychic, mastermind and genius all rolled in to one. People can be great, but they aren't perfect. That man does not exist. Just like Hannibal Lecter would never exist in real life, neither would Red John. And when threatened, when your life is in danger, you will beg. You will be scared of dying. And don't get me started on the people saying he wouldn't fall for the pigeon. ANYONE gets a bird thrown in their face, they're gonna react, lol. You can't help it.

Yes, Bradley Whitford was a superior villian, he always is. But would we have been satisfied with that? Doubt it. Because at that point, literally no one they gave you would have been satisfying. It's just like Twin Peaks - they didn't reveal the killer in S1, were forced by the public and producers to do so in the middle of S2, and the series died in the ass soon after. This show managed to resist for six seasons, keep us entertained and intrigued that entire time and then give us a result that while disappointing in some ways, was real. Staying on Jane's face the entire time he strangled him was uncomfortable and tortuous, but real and necessary.

I could go on, but the overall message is, they created a phenomenal mystery that kept us engaged for six seasons. There are still people gaining from that suspense in 2021, like myself. Nothing could match the build up, but we were given plenty and I am grateful for it. Worth the wait, and worth the watch.
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Get over yourself, what was not to like I wonder
pockenfresse11 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this episode and I wasn't disappointed at all. Having watched all episodes in one go I have seen many that were worse. I didn't like the missing respect on the side of the FBI, but other than that I liked the conclusion. The scene with the pigeon was brilliant as it clearly showed that Jane knew the real identity of Red John. Okay, it may have been nothing more than a hunch, but he was prepared. As I said: get over yourself. It is easy to vote this episode down, especially if the final conclusion hasn't been the one oneself would have come up with, but that is just childish, isn't it? I haven't had a clue either, but I enjoyed the conclusion. Now to the next episode, can't wait to watch.
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Good episode!
aaaaaron-frannnnnnnn25 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In all honesty - it is probably a 9, but i gave it a 10 to counter the 1/10 ratings. The point of the show and this episode is to show that Jane will outsmart people and that he will kill Red John for revenge. People are upset because Red John was scared before he got killed. But the show wasnt about Red John, and how "cool" of a serial killer he was. Red John was a coward - who took advantage of people and got what he deserved. I think people wanted him to recite poetry or smile when he was killed. But nope, he was a big wuss who died by the litteral hands of Jane.
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Stop being Babies, Justice was finally served.
Salome_Akuxi21 December 2013
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Look, everyone who is complaining obviously hasn't been paying attention. From the beginning we always knew Red John was going to be someone we knew, we always knew they had met, LOERLAI said they had shook hands. Who did you think it was going to be? Lisbon? PLEASE. Heller himself said finding out who Red John was was going to be an anti climax and from earlier on in the series we ALL knew it was one of those 7 people so why is everyone so annoyed that it was one of those 7 people? Heller knew that it was enough of Red John and it had to come to an end. I think it was a brilliant episode, now we can all relax for a bit while we wait for the next situation to occur. I think it was a good twist as it was thought that the Sheriff was dead but it was all planned, Red John was always two steps ahead...until now.
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I liked
rhr-0619319 April 2020
Hannah Arendt spoke of the banality of evil. That's right: A serial killer may be skillful in his methods, but he is terribly stupid in his purposes. I don't know if Heller wanted to tell us that with his anticlimactic ending, but I see it that way. Perhaps we are so used to worshiping evil through demonic characters more interesting than the heroes, That this reality bath has been unexpected for some viewers.The cast has been as solid as ever. Simon Baker, excellent.
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Fitting end - SPOILERS
eric_oliver_nicolas25 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A lot has already been written about this episode, how Red John was disappointing, out of character, silly even. I disagree. Red John's identity is a bit surprising, but not altogether unwelcome. Short of Brett Partridge, Sheriff McAllister was really the only real creep in the gang of RJ suspects.

And as for being dull, I would say subtle instead. When Jane accused him of being a sad little pervert with delusions of grandeur, I liked the twinkle in RJ's eyes. It was there only for a couple of seconds, but that was enough. Why would RJ show his true self, even to Jane? Isn't he all about control, about domination? It seems fitting that he would allow his true nature to show only ever so briefly… but show nonetheless.

As for RJ's phobia, I defy anyone affected by one to stand in front of the object of his/her phobia and not have an uncontrollably wimpy reaction because that's what a phobia is: debilitating fear.

Someone wrote about this episode that they were disappointed that RJ ended up being such a sad little man: I agree that it is what he is, which is precisely the way he should be portrayed. He should be such a pathetic character, because at heart that is what he is; his killing really is the only thing that set him apart, hence him doing it. Most creeps really are just that: creeps…

And the begging, the calling 911…. One thing I don't like about TV shows nowadays is how unrealistic the effects of gunshot wounds are. When you are shot in the arm or the torso, you don't start running a marathon. You lie there cursing and crying and bleeding. The pain is just too much for the body to handle. Only a few exceptional people could handle that level of pain and do things like walk, let alone run ; and even so they would only manage it for a few dozen yards. RJ here runs like the wind, breaks through a window, across a park, etc… That seemed a little far-fetched to me. But then again, he is Red John. And after that, to lie there and try to get help, well I can't say I did not think it was plausible: remember, most people would not have done what he just did, so it is only fitting that he should be exhausted, in shock even, and acting out of pure survival instinct rather than some cunning plan. At the end of the day, he is just a man in a massive amount of pain running out of options… and much like what he tried to pull in the chapel (an old man being attacked and calling for help) it is not entirely implausible that somewhere in his tired brain he thinks that perhaps one last bit of manipulation will save his life…

And of course the killing. Most superbly done. To the point of being disturbing. How often are audiences asked to root for killers? (Ok, aside from Dexter….) This is perhaps the most brilliant and yet most disturbing piece of TV ever: the expressions on Jane's face as he strangles the man he hates above everything else, followed by that sigh of relief before he gets up and starts running away. In character, superbly well-acted, fitting, yes. But also dark. And asking for a lot from the audience: how are we supposed to react to this? Am I supposed to cheer because Jane not only killed RJ but actually savored (much more so than in the Season 3 finale) killing him?

All in all, not a perfect episode, but certainly well above the 5.4 rating it got. I give it an 8, 8 and a half. :-)
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Heller meet J J Abrams
kmcv25 November 2013
Are you two related? Because you both produced 2 of the worst finales to years of a storyline in recent TV history. What a crappy job... Loyal fans followed faithfully even to Sunday evening- the worst night of the week for TV. And you, Heller, spoon fed us this crappy storyline ending. Shame on you! It would have been true justice for Jane to get answers regarding his family, then his carny friends and finally his poor decapitated shrink. Wouldn't a normal confrontation have had dialog confirming RJ's evil ways and what motivated those kills, rather than just expect Red John to go down without a bang, but a fizzle. Lousy writing-
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Tame but okay ending.
annemarie-289-43901411 January 2015
I do not agree with all the negative feedback here. OK, it might have been slightly disappointing yes, but series tend to build expectations amongst their fans, that can't be met. Not equally for everybody.

I myself kind of liked this ending to the 10yo RJ-chase. Since we knew of 'the list' and 'the handshake' (no spoilers there, are there?) you could've come up yourself with the possibility that this whole thing would end rather tame, like it did.

I see this show - a bit like Dexter - as a crime comedy with many good working habits. The couch, the always being or trying to be asleep of Jane, the constant eating everywhere, the tea, Cho being so 'distant but sexy as hell', etc etc. So RJ was one of the working habits, the underlying need for the show, but got worn out a bit. It had to end and the way it ended was full of hope, mid season, so you knew there was coming more.

I still like the rest of se6 and starting with 7 now. There are not many series that capture me all seasons through. This one does. Jane is a nutter, but what's not to like about him.

(my only thing is that I'm not the biggest fan of Lisbon, her speaking annoyes me, every word that comes out of her, sorry Lisbon)
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Should have ended the show here
farquarg23 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Mentalist should have ended with this episode. The Red John plotline was the driving force for this series. It was the reason Patrick Jane was working with the CBI. With Red John gone there's just no further motivation and the rest of the show feels forced. This attempt to milk additional seasons from the show really hurt this episode which really should have been one of the best of the series. They were trying to do too much really, wrap up the Red John plot, introduce new characters and advance the story arcs with Lisbon's team so that they could be included in the new seasons.

Re-watching the series it also becomes clear that the writers didn't really know what to do with Red John. If you look at Red John in the beginning vs. Later season there's a change. At first he's just a serial killer then morphs into this cult like figure with these disciples that would do anything for him. Wrapping this all up with the Bertram and McAllister being the two guys basically running this network doesn't quite fit with the earlier seasons. Again, I think if they were looking to end the show this could very well have been fixed.

There was such potential for this episode that was blown.
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The worst final ever
Genisc24 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I just have seen Mentalist 6x08… What can I say? I was absolutely disappointed and still can't believe it was "a great end of a great Red John story". And I don't believe Heller has been planning this stupid ending for five years! It looks so torn apart from other seasons that I can't imagine how it can be at all. I don't even tell about loose ends, I tell about RJ's personality. It's absolutely out of character we've known for years. This begging for his life coward is RJ?? This genius, this mastermind was so terribly scared as if he never thought about this possible situation?? If Heller wanted to make me laugh he's exceeded. I never laughed so hard in my life - especially when I saw RJ trying to call 911. So if it's a funny joke then I can accept it, otherwise… I really think Heller just wanted to end this quickly because he couldn't put all these ties together. He created too many clues and became confused himself. The most unprofessional thing is that there's no clue leading to sheriff. It was one-ep character and nobody even remembered him. Now we are told "He was Red John! Just take it and be glad". No. I've been expecting much more! I wanted to see the points and look back in the past for searching. But now I have NOTHING. It seems to me (like to many other fans) that at first it was Partridge for RJ. But when he became too popular as a suspect, Heller decided to change him. Well, maybe it was his vision of an "unexpected and exciting ending" but it looks like a clumsy and unsuitable patch to cover some big scenario holes. I refuse to take this as a part of Red John's story.

Rest in peace, great Red John. You died in unequal battle with the writers :((((

I just can't understand WHY Heller decided to show RJ this way?? Red John had all the opportunities to become the most incredible, remarkable villain ever - but now it's the saddest and pitiful old man who's afraid of pigeons. Heller just threw away an exciting, thrilling ending of a great 5-years long story, the final showdown between two equal rivals - and I can't imagine why...
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Realistic and brutal!!!
oliverjuegajuegos5 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Bro, all the people who hate this episode said "red jhon has a lot of potencial" "OMG!!! 6 years for this, and they ruined, with a poor red Jhon", and dont jugde them, its opinion of them, but what you expected?? The thing that made Red Jhon so especial, is because he have contacts, a lot, that give him power, and if we looked it closed, he is the minor expected, someone you never imagine and its can easily for him impersonate a victim, so the thing is he have more resources than jane, very few know really he is red jhon, and he is trying to unnoticed like someone more in the blake asossiation, he is clever in his way, and he remember so much to Light yagami (the protagonist of Death Note), yeah its other character of other series and genre, but I said this because they are both egocentric, narcisist, inteligent, they do everything in a calculate way, always are in a steep ahead, but in the end there are just a patetic and sad person, they are like every person, anyone is a god or invencible, they feel fear like a normal one, they aren't a psicopath with no feelings, they make mistakes, and thats the creator of the series want we feel in the final, and for me is damn perfect (and I don't know why, but is little the same like death note final), if in the final in the church we just see just one assistant of red jhon, its because like I said before, very few people really know him, so in that way is logical that red john went alone with one person and not with several, because that means there are more chances to the people discover his identity (i dont know if you dont understand, but i hope you get my idea), and finally, when jane finally have him in the river, he need to kill red jhon, there are not other way, because if he leave him alive, he is gonna escaped easily of jail, or maybe he is never go in jail, and then he is gonna kil again, the unique chance jane have, of course red jhon never expect the jane's plan, and because of that Red Jhon don't have a escape way, I just like to say is a realistic ending, the unique thing the series need it was more episode showing red jhon (sheriff mccallister) before season 6, because with that is gonna be more autentic and a more solid plot twist. But like I said before, for me was a perfect ending😎👌🏻
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Mixed feelings... BUT let this be it
sushant040626 November 2013
Honestly speaking, I did feel that this episode was a bit too rushed up and everyone was in a hurry to wrap up the RJ storyline. The only thing that irked me was the way RJ was revealed. You spend more more than 5 seasons, playing mind games, raising the level of the cases involving him, even introducing a fake RJ , and drop the ball right at the finish line.I expected him to show off his psychic skills in front of us, let loose that narcissist demon inside him(a flashback of him killing PJ's wife and child would have been the perfect icing on the cake), but, all we get is a few minutes of a man to man talk and a PJ chasing RJ , which would have suited in any other scenario, but doing that in this case was not so appealing. Needless to say this was the weakest of the 8 episodes in this season, leaving the viewers asking for a lot more. As for the rumors that this may not be the end of the RJ saga, I say, let it be. No point trying to force the issue any further. Even though, the ending was no where close to perfect, I say put in a few riveting episodes in this season with a story expanding over 5-6 episodes and then conclude the series.
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Biggest let down in TV History
andreamurray-224 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
All those years spent making complex theories wasted. Not worth buying the box sets. Waste of time and effort. This could have been one of the best shows out there but the lack of effort and imagination in the big reveal was so disappointing. People wasted their time on all the clues from the first few seasons. It was obvious that there was no real plan behind it and even if there was they wouldn't have pulled it off. It's like they didn't want to spent any money. Big mistake though as most viewers won't be tuning in for the rest of the season. Red John was a super villain. I don't blame the actors, they did their best with the material that was presented to them. Such a pity they couldn't have rewarded loyal fans by making a good episode. They were capable of doing so we had seen it before. All they needed was flashbacks.
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The end of a saga,or is it?
ThEpicProphet25 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
*** WARNING - This Review Contains MASSIVE spoilers and main plot informations about this episode,and previous ones,DO NOT read It if you didn't watch all of the episodes up to this one ***

After the episode that was supposed to bring the answers,there are still many questions and wonders,but I'll address that later on. I'll split this review into three segments: I - Episode as a whole; II - Red John related; III - The future/Unanswered questions.

I - Episode as a whole

The tension this episode reached was at another level,Patrick,from being hunted to hunter,the team being united,even though officially they are not a team anymore,and,the revealing of a "legend". The music,as It has been with every episode of the 6th season,was awesome,tense and emotional,supporting the right moments wonderfully.The acting,very good,especially Simon,definitely delivered It. On the technical angle,great episode,9/10,but a few disagreements regarding the next segments.

II - Red John related

The identity finally revealed,Sheriff Thomas McAllister,portrayed by Xander Berkeley wasn't a total surprise to me because, in one of my theories,Red John would be among the dead suspects who were killed by the explosion at the end of S06E06 and he would have faked his death to mislead Jane - also because Bertram and Smith just didn't fit -,with that noted,the confirmed dead ID's were Stiles,Haffner and McAllister,and who was the only one who was,indeed,part of the "Blake Association" and had a tattoo on the shoulder? McAllister. Many people were expecting a "superhuman mastermind and unbreakable" Red John in the reveal,but they forget that,despite being very clever indeed,he's just a man,with fears and weaknesses just like everybody else,the episode makes this clearly with RJ begging for his life,he IS human,and that may have shattered the dreams of some of the fans who were hoping to see a more "super" RJ,who he portrayed himself to be in previous seasons.Personally,I enjoyed this human RJ more than everything,and I was expecting for one,for as Timothy Carter(Bradley Whitford) said in S03 finale "I'm not a monster,I'm not the devil,I'm just another human being,with flaws,vices and problems just like everybody else". The acting(Xander),the angle in most disagreement by many people, I think he did a very good job,not "epic"(I still prefer Timothy Carter/Bradley Whitford as a more convincing RJ) but Xander was consistent and convincing,I would say an 8(7,7)/10,but the problem is,I didn't really see much of him as Red John,none of us did,we only saw him in a conversation and some moments of his weak side,and that's It, I think It's not enough to judge the portraying of a so complex personality as RJ only with those minutes.And now you might ask how could we get a better view of RJ in order to judge It properly? That brings me to the last segment.

III - The future/Unanswered questions

Even though Red John is gone,there are still many questions in the air about how RJ did some of the tricks he did,and some other things in general,especially regarding previous seasons - "He is Mar",Kristina Frye and many others - that wasn't even mentioned in this episode and that irritated a lot of people apparently. And I agree with them,I'm just not judging too soon,these loose ends weren't addressed in this episode for the lack of time and because It didn't fit the moment,Patrick didn't care how RJ did It,he just wanted to have his revenge. I think(and hope) that Bruno will have a special episode dedicated to answering those loose ends,telling the whole background of Red John,showing "his side of the story",and then,we will see more of Xander's acting as a "respectable" RJ,and tie all loose ends. That's why I think there are still venues to explore about RJ. And now,I must say I am VERY curious to know about the future of the show,what will Patrick do now that he finally got his revenge? What about the team and CBI? Lisbon? More and more questions,and as much as I hate It,I love It,I just hope I will be given proper answers for them at the right time. For me,a 9/10 for leaving this "What now?" feeling in the air.

The bad critics going on now is not so much about the episode,but about loose ends in my opinion. With a very good emotional & overall and leaving me hungry for more,I give S06E08 "Red John" a 9/10.Thank you for reading.

(This is my first written review,so I apologize for possible mistakes,also I'm not a native English speaker so,thank you for your patience)
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Jus' a mask
cool_rider-497-74298210 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Guys, let me start this gently... I know most of you are feeling let down, or tricked by Bruno Heller and his screenwriters, but let me share my theory, or at least what I think the show has been trying to build up right from the start. Red John is and always will be a mask, no matter of the man behind that mask. Red John doesn't die with McAllister! RJ is an idea, it's a belief, it's that thing you follow on instinct not on facts. For all we know the sheriff might not even be the person behind that mask, and even if he was, the next one will take his place right away. All those things have been left for the viewers to get, ....to comprehend. And many of you in your hate just missed up on all those little things we got hunched. It is as if everyone expected a superman behind that mask ... an immortal man, not afraid of anything. Well.. here the writers hit the main idea, RJ can be afraid, can be desperate, once his mask is peeled off, once he isn't RJ anymore. This proves my theory in some ways.

Just think about it, this is all I'm asking. In some ways, this is a brilliant end of the RJ saga, an open end which just makes you think, which has been the whole idea of the show.

Just a mask...
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Screaming, squalling babies...
rtdb-854-27780525 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
My goodness, the reviews of this episode! I keep recalling one of Virgil Minelli's laments to Lisbon about some situation that Jane got them all into: "It will blot out the sun!"

"My candidate for Red John wasn't written into the episode! Waah, waah, waah! Bruno Heller didn't consult me first or read my mind or do the right thing by my own personal private thoughts, boo hoo hoo! He is now officially a terrible writer who doesn't know what he's doing, hissy, hissy, hiss!"

Get over yourselves. The episode was cohesive and intelligent, as per Mr. Heller's standard. It was suspenseful and kept moving. It had some great character moments. (I for one really enjoyed seeing Rigsby and Van Pelt go all spousal on a new level for a few moments there.)

Think about it: no matter who RJ turned out to be, it was going to be a letdown. In our own lives, and by proxy as we fantasize about characters that grab us, we tend to inflate hurtful people into monsters. "Strawberries and Cream" addressed it directly when the fake RJ told Jane, "You thought I'd have horns." He played on the fact that Jane had created a mythology about him in his head.

The fact is that RJ was always just going to be some guy, and the end was always going to be grubby because of that fact precisely. It almost didn't matter who he turned out to be. Putting the limits of a body and a human identity on him was always going to be a letdown, which might give even the most rabid episode-haters food for thought if they would just stop screaming. Perhaps it's why Jane admitted to McAllister that he himself was disappointed. In the end, there were no horns. In the end, it's a man that Jane kills - a sick, sad, wicked mortal man - and what does that make Jane?

I don't expect the creative team of The Mentalist to apologize for anything. They're writing a show for entertainment, therefore the reality quotient is negotiable - but they aren't in the fantasy genres of superheroes or sci-fi. RJ's inevitable boring humanity was fated to burst all kinds of bubbles.

For that reason, perhaps they should have finished him off sooner - though I greatly admire how the ever-increasing burden of RJ upon Jane was handled (kudos to Simon Baker's exceptional work, and Robin Tunney's rock-solid support).

I also felt a little flattened by Xander Berkeley's work in the chapel at first. I felt his rhythm was off and wish he'd been able to put more into his eyes. (For tip-top eye work, see S. Baker.)

I was hoping that RJ would be Walter Mashburn, but I'm fine. I'm even liking that it wasn't all tidy and explicable. The Mentalist is created by an excellent team who have their own minds and their own process. Their points of view are different to mine and that's as it should be - unlike many of the negative reviewers of this episode, whose talents are obvious, I could never create or write for a top-notch TV show.

I've loved almost all of what The Mentalist's crew has done all these years. They have a vision and a cohesion as a group which, God help me - it IS only a TV show - has enriched my life somehow. On the whole, it makes me happy and grateful to see their work, and whoever they say is Red John is fine with me, because - um, they DO know what they're doing.
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Bursting the bubble
Playbahnosh9 December 2013
This episode now ranks second on my Worst Finales Ever list, just after Dexter's finale. Full of giant plot holes, rushed script and no closure whatsoever. The laziest, most abysmal writing of all episodes so far in this series. Considering all the past seasons, it doesn't make any sense that person to be Red John. The "big reveal" was a flimsy fizzle and the "epic chase" was ridiculous. There is no payoff, no closure, no nothing.

Maybe the writers pulled one over us and this was not the real Red John, and they plan to bring him back later. Maybe. But if they really ended this plot here, it was the most horrible way to do it. I do see why the creators had to shake things up. It makes sense since the story was getting really stale, the series did need some fresh blood and direction. But doing it this way was a bad idea. Let's hope this shocker pays off in the long run, because if it doesn't, it will cause the demise of one of the best series in TV right now...
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Gotcha, er, Jane Got John - excellent!
jknousak8 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was a good episode, a fitting end to the saga of Red John and so happy Jane got revenge for Angela & Charlotte et al. Life over Death, Good Guy over Bad Guy, that's the way to be, to have it. Kudos to Bruno Heller for an excellent saga. And for Simon's great acting, especially that last. Wonderful!
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Thank God
nuhahamada6 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was praying it is not Bertram, the man really sucks, he might have powers but come on he sucks at poker, he is a terrible liar, coward, bad actor and there were no charisma it had to be someone else. Nice twist, gotta say it wasn't the best closure, no offence but nothing can top season 3 finale. However, some things really don't make any sense, like if bertram actually was a member of " Blake " , then he would've told Red John or any of his friends about the room hightower was in, and then they would know it was a trap.This whole Bertram thing just came out of the blue.
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More to come?
ehhmil24 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was not the showdown between RJ and Jane i'd expected, it seemed rushed, forced and very unfinished. This has been brewing the entire season seeing as almost every episode have been RJ related, instead of spread out over three or four episodes during the entire season like it usually goes in The Mentalist.

But, with all the twists and turns this series have had i honestly doubt the interesting stuff is over, there is still the question about the list of names that i really hope will be addressed, probably in the form of another big twist. Sure if this is it and the rest of the season will be cleaning up this mess and getting CBI back on tracks, the show will leave me with a bad taste in my mouth, but i really hope that Bruno Heller have a higher plan during the final part of this season.

I still have faith in Heller until i see otherwise.
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Awful ending
stefaek24 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin? This episode was a mess from the very beginning... The promo,where it was clear to us that Sheriff was alive and probably the RJ. It is a huge disappointment after six years of tracking RJ to watch him LITERALLY BEG for his life. That came out of nowhere and I can't understand why Bruno Heller after so many good episodes would screw the whole thing...Well we can't also tell how RJ found out the names on the list and there are some glitches that show lack of respect on their own work. They told us that RJ is afraid of heights but still MCcalister helped Patrick by climbing the roof of that church...It doesn't make any sense and it's very disturbing to watch one of your favorite shows humble like that. It's a pity because neither me nor many fans of this show will continue watching it till the end. I hope Bruno Heller will find out a way to patch the whole series up before it's too late.
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What an amazing episode!
deysemagcruz2 January 2023
By far one of my favourite episodes! The series grew so much during the seasons 5 and 6. Deeper characters and stories, a litle more drama to balance with the funny moments. The hunt for Red John, which started in the 2nd half of season 5, was frantic and with many plot twists. I really enjoyed its outcome. Surprising, suspenseful and dramatic. Also, very good acting, especially Simon's and Robin's. It's possible to see how much Jane and Lisbon care about each other something that the early seasons lack. The sequel of episodes that show the search for Red John makes you watch it non stop until you find out who the famous serial killer is.
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Honestly, not as bad as people say
dant171928 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was a good ending to the Red John saga. Not brilliant, but not terrible. Yes, there are plot holes and unanswered questions, but viewers need to know that the whole point of this series was to investigate and unmask the serial killer from Patrick's point of view.

Being spoon-fed the answers to clues and running down the entire list of Red John's wrongdoings doesn't do anything but make this finale come across as one giant cliché. Those now rendering the entire series and Red John as a redundant and spoiled series really need to rethink this idea. For example, after the amount of years that passed since RJ murdered his family, do you really think that Patrick would care how he got the names of his list or how he killed that carny girl that was in one of his childhood memories to him? Having RJ just monologue all this while Patrick just asked him these questions would have been the convenient, easy way out for Bruno Heller and not the way I wanted to see this saga end.

At the end of the day, I have to say that this episode was satisfying but much more could've come from it. For example, I would've liked there to be more character development of McAllister once he was revealed, just some dialogue or body language to really show how psychotic he was. In addition, there could've been some happy flashbacks of Patrick and his late family leading up to his meeting with Bertram and eventually the Sheriff to really build suspense and make it more nervy for the viewers. Also, at the very end of the episode when Patrick was running in slow motion and the camera panned to the woman and her child, it might've been nice to fade them out of the shot without showing anyone else to symbolize how Patrick can finally move on but never forget them and let his love die for them.

All in all, this episode was pretty good and very, very close to being on par with the Season 3 finale (I watched it after this episode to compare).
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A blunder that cannot be redeemed. Mr Heller - why?
LatvianMovieFan25 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The much hyped final showdown between Jane and Red John felt a major letdown, especially after such a long winding road we all have endured. As many other show's fans, I had such high expectations for this Red John finale. It had to be spectacular and well deserved end to Red John saga, however this tentative episode was anything but.

For me the Mentalist as a show stops here (it should have stopped with Strawberries and Cream, for clearly Bradley Whitford was a more convincing, developed Red John). I write "stops", not ends, since undeniably show must go on – and that is what the producers will push for. But for what? Without Red John, there is no purpose, no destination for Jane to reach.

I agree to those, who note the lack of explanation, suspense and depth for Red John in this poorly written episode. There was no "fitting conclusion" instead we got a short, rushed anticlimactic scene that is but a pale shadow of what it should have been.

You can't blame Xander Berkeley, for he did his best with the material he was given. But what was given to him was a filler, a "twist" that many of us saw coming two episodes prior. All those Red John theories written at the seclusion of our study for the last years in fan blogs now must be put to rest. It seemed that there was no order and method behind Red John storyline. The "clues" left behind in the previous seasons now seem trivial, ad hoc and without any script behind them. I just wander, if this was what Bruno Heller had imagined and planned all along.

He once said that Red John is just a man and some may be disappointed, but within the context of the show he is (or was) the pivotal part of the show, like counterbalance to the brilliance of Jane. His obituary should have been far more developed and refined. Fans deserved that -- Red John deserved that.

Now ask yourself this – is this the Red John and closure you awaited for all these years? Was it worthy the wait? For me it was not and I cannot feel anything besides being foiled.
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