"The Bear" Children (TV Episode 2024) Poster

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Wasn't thrilled with the Sammy character
apstrong-127 June 2024
As a show gets more and more popular it seems that celebrity guests become more and more prevalent. I'm hoping this doesn't become a trend on this show. Although up to this episode the celebrity guests have been pretty spectacular.

Nothing against John Cena, but whenever I see him in something he seems to play the same character. Wink wink, ain't I quirky. It took me out of the episode and it felt forced.

The rhythm of the Faks seemed off this episode too. Maybe it was 1 too many Faks.

The Computer character seemed more interesting than Sammy and I wish the focus had been more on him.

Again, nothing against John Cena.
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tobhp29 June 2024
The first half of this season of the bear has been mediocre at best. It's not the Emmy winning show we all know. It actually makes me feel depressed watching it sometimes Season 3 Part 1 - 6.8/10

The first half of this season of the bear has been mediocre at best. It's not the Emmy winning show we all know. It actually makes me feel depressed watching it sometimes Season 3 Part 1 - 6.8/10 The first half of this season of the bear has been mediocre at best. It's not the Emmy winning show we all know. It actually makes me feel depressed watching it sometimes Season 3 Part 1 - 6.8/10 The first half of this season of the bear has been mediocre at best. It's not the Emmy winning show we all know. It actually makes me feel depressed watching it sometimes Season 3 Part 1 - 6.8/10.
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Trey_Trebuchet6 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Real talk; why the heck was John Cena in this of all people? Why him?

At face value, it's kind of a funny joke. The fact that the Faks have a bigger, stronger brother is hilarious, and I honestly was laughing for all of their screen time. I don't know, they remind me a lot of my own siblings (particularly my sister), so I wasn't nearly as annoyed as many others on here seem to be. It was a fun cameo, as most of them are. And I honestly don't have John Cena.

The real question is why we got so much time with the Faks in this episode. That's really what felt like an odd change of pace for me. We still got some great character moments and an interesting plot here though. I don't really get the hate. I liked Jimmy's conversation with Syd, and I loved her conversation with Marcus. That was maybe the best part of the entire episode.

The Computer character was a little strange, but not so strange that I thought it broke the pacing or writing of the series. I didn't think Carmy felt out of character either. There's been so much pressure on him with the new restaurant. Why wouldn't he start asking people if he's screwing it all up?

I didn't think this episode was bad at all. It's certainly a bit odd, but I didn't think anything broke the series for me. I still laughed frequently and I still felt for all of the characters.
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My least favorite episode
gwamunyu1128 June 2024
Love this show and would was planning on automatically giving it 8+/10 for the whole season....until this episode (S03E05 - The Children) Introducing fan favorites into a show or episode can work well in most cases if the character melds well with the story.

This time it felt forced. Almost as if the writers and directors were trying to make a point of it.....it felt jarring and took away from the overall storyline. Would have preferred another character without as much stardom commanding the camera. The best part about The Bear is that it feels authentic and more connected to the struggles of the common man. This felt like a slight deviation with the character introduction.

But overall still love the show!
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we need a maximum limit on the number of faks in one room together and on the number of minutes spent showing them.
maggieplusthree2 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In one episode they made the Faks the most unlikable part of the entire show. John Cena wasn't needed in this episode and they spent way too long on the Fak interactions rather than, idk, the actual plot? The main characters? The PHOTOGRAPHER COMING AND THE REVIEW??? Sydney being hesitant about becoming a partner??? Literally why are we spending the majority of a 30 minute episode focusing on the dynamic between two side characters that literally have nothing to do with the main plot? It's not even funny either? Could we have an actual productive conversation for once? A competent and consecutive series of scenes that clearly moves the plot forward? I appreciate the abstraction and the artistic nature of the show but it feels like we're getting too distracted by the artistry that we're forgetting about the story.
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Just the Faks
djbhdqrzkr5 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode leans way too much into the Faks and thinking their banter is hilarious. For me, it wasn't. I could barely follow their conversation and what was there wasn't funny it was just annoying. Then adding in John Cena as another Fak was just unnecessary. I'm of the opinion that John Cena is not a very believable actor at least in the company of some outstanding ones. Cutback on the Faks!

Also the drama in the kitchen is getting old and they keep trying to add tension to recreate the same tense moments from the first two seasons but it's unearned and not as interesting. There's also just weird moments that don't flow like Carmie randomly asking Ebraheim if he's messing up. They have little to no interaction and Carmie doesn't listen to anyone else so why would he ask Ebraheim out of nowhere? It just felt like the writers didn't know how to bring these two characters together in a genuine moment. They could've just made it more of a natural moment by having Carmie go to Ebraheim's to-go window for a smoke (that he is trying to kick) and they get into a more natural interaction. Carmie can have a talk with Ebraheim where Ebraheim can air his concerns since he is seen struggling.

Also, the interaction between Syd and Uncle Jimmy feels unearned. Uncle Jimmy is picking the place apart in the budget and he's trying to have a moment with Syd. It's just not genuine, earned or believable.

I also don't understand that Carmie had Richie go to the fancy restaurant so he would hopefully learn some things which Richie did. So, why does Carmie shoot down every idea Richie has for the front of the house? Why won't he respect Richie's evolved perspective? It's like the writers don't know how to treat Carmie and Richie's relationship if it's less combative.
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