"9-1-1" All Fall Down (TV Episode 2024) Poster

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Interesting episode, but not that great finale
siggy0331 May 2024
That was a fine episode, but I don't know if it really works as a finale. It certainly felt rushed and should have been a two-parter. I just feel like Athena was a bit off-character but that's fine.

The season itself is fine. ABC gave this show a bit of fresh air after two previous seasons that were pretty stale to say the least. They don't have everything right (the whole Eddie-Kim plot line felt super off-character for him), but at least you know, they try. One thing they also don't have right are the emergencies. It's supposed to be a show about first responders, and we've barely had any this season, so fix that for next time.

ABC also single handedly fixed this show's biggest problem: Buck. Let's hope they don't mess it up next season but it's a pretty big achievement to make this character consistent after how butchered he constantly was by Fox. The whole arc of him figuring out his sexuality is also great, and makes the character evolve a bit.

The Henren / Mara storyline was maybe the best thing this whole season, and I think Mara is genuinely a great addition to the show. I don't have many things to say about the others. It was a better season than season 5 and 6. Let's hope season 8 keeps it that way.
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Good Episode But Everything is Way Too Rushed
theonewithansia331 May 2024
I mean, you do a show for seven seasons, 106 episodes, you know that an episode has 43 minutes of running times. When you write something, don't rush everything: the bathena storyline was a good one, once again, but just like the cruise arc, it felt too rushed, anticlimatic, and way too predicabile. I loved it, Angela and Malcolm acted their asses off in their scenes, but evrything was just too fast, just like eddie storyline in general and more specifically with kim and chris, like two seconds they were there and two seconds after they were three miles away story-wise.

I loved the couples scenes tho: bathena reunion with both may and henry, madney and henren cute moments with mara (hope that sl doesn't go south as I fear), THEE buddie scenes with christopher - Oh Lord, I will never recover from that - and I'm also very curious to see were this storyline with Gerrard goes.

Also, please, for the love of God and of taste, set us free from this plauge that tommy, his actor, and their fans are - the worst people I've ever had the discomfort too share a tv show with. Pull a Natalia and Marisol, and break it off screen. Please, I'm begging you.
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Predictable. Underwhelming. Lackluster.
namo891 June 2024
This finale had a lot of the same issues that the s6 finale had. Mainly too many storylines to focus on and not enough time to make an emotional impact.

If you're going to write a show, shouldn't your main objective be to tell a new and exciting story? Hell, even just new and exciting for the characters. But as the show progresses season after season and we're left with the lackluster product of a seasons work, 9-1-1 is starting to loose what made it so special.

I understand that the writers and production had a lot going against them with the short season and last minute scripts. But I also I think these characters deserve more than hamster wheels of drama.

I only hope that s8 has enough time to let these storylines and characters develop in a way that feels more organic and satisfying. If not, I doubt this show has many more seasons left.
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Underwhelming just like the rest of the season
IwatchTV202431 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was really hoping the finale would be good but it was a rushed and sloppy mess just like everything else was this season. The whiplash from Gerard returning at the end to Bobby not having a job when he came back to work. Other than Madney and Henren working together to get Mara from the group home and Athena being the best field sergeant around, the rest should have been sent in an email.

I love Eddie and Chris but even their scenes weren't as impactful as they could have been since they were cut short and the way everything was setup. Helena and Ramon were there and the conversation they had with Eddie proves Helena still doesn't listen to her own son and she was gloating. When is Eddie going to realize she's an issue? The pacing was off and that scene with Buck and Tommy should have been eliminated.

Buck... SMH should be single and now that it seems like Tommy will be in season 8, I won't be watching. I'm tired of the delay with Buck and Eddie and I'm sick of TM using Buddie shippers for views.
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Loved it!
bsbrmyguys1 June 2024
Loved it! Can't wait for season 8! The storylines were great and I can't wait to see what happens with Bobby and trying to get his firehouse back. I want to see Eddie find out who HE is without having another responsibility. He's never gotten to do that before. I want to see what happens with Madney helping foster Mara and how that goes and how Henren get her back and get council woman Ortiz back. Also the council woman is conspiring with Captain Gerard and I think that's how he got reassigned to the house. They are definitely going to get theirs. I hope Buck finds himself and maybe someone else, I feel Tommy is so negative. But yes, I loved the episode and it's a great jumping off point for S8. I don't get why people didn't like it. S7 was basically a catch up season and they will get back to rescues and stuff next season because they will have the regular 18. Anyways can't wait until September for S8.
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It Did What It Needed To Do
missamramos31 May 2024
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The resolution to the Bobby and Athena storyline was well acted by both Angela Bassett as Bobby recovered in the hosptial. The inclusion of Malcolm Jamar Warner's Amir and the cartel abduction showed us that Athena will come around to doing the right thing when needed and it's a brilliant way to spotlight the character.

Gotta give it up to Gavin McHugh for really showing us Christopher is in his teen years. The "GO AWAY" response to the father who has upset him and refusal to look at the man who has hurt him before the departure was felt so hard.

Maddie and Chim fostering Mara was soo sweet!
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It makes me excited for season 8
zvdnyj31 May 2024
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Listen, was this the best 911 season? No. But i think tim minear took those ten episodes abc gave him and did what he could to fix whatever happened from s5-s6 and is setting up a very compelling s8 that people can look forward too. The reintroduction of tommy and gerrard is amazing and will make for a great storyline for buck, tommy and gerrard. I wonder if we could get another lonestar crossover with chris now in texas? Ravi needs to be boosted to main cast! Hopefully we'll get that 18 episode season back and things won't feel as rushed. Excited to see more of buck and tommy navigating their relationship with gerrard as captain of the 118, bobby is obviously going to be fighting for his job back, eddie is going to be a complete mess, excited to see hen and karen fight for mara and maybe a how chimney got the name chimney episode? I think people need to give credit where credit is due. This season did great for the amount of time it was allowed and im sure tim minear is satisfied to get his characters where he wants them to be for s8.
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I enjoyed the season overall but it felt rushed and predictable
viviciuz31 May 2024
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This finale (and this season) is definitely a step up from last year's, but we can't really deny that the storylines were rushed and you could tell that those last episodes weren't planned from the beginning. We obviously know that, for various reasons, the season was cut short and they had to work with the time they had, but I hope we can go back to more developed storylines that feel true to the characters in season 8.

Now, as for the actual finale, nothing about it was surprising unfortunately. I may lurk on social media too much, but I feel like I knew every single thing that was going to happen and how it was gonna play out (from the unnecessary cartel storyline to Madney taking in Mara, Chris going to Texas and Gerrard coming back as captain). It didn't feel like any of the stakes were that high, especially since Bobby woke up completely fine and ready to go back to work. What?! I mean, I wasn't worried that he was gonna die, but it felt like none of the characters were either. I wish we saw more of Buck and Bobby; it would have been such a good parallel to when the roles were reversed last season.

As for Hen and Karen, I really really love that Maddie and Chim took in Mara, but their constant struggle to extend their family is getting ridiculous at this point. I hope they manage to get Mara back and finally be together next season.

Eddie's storyline is truly the only one that I enjoyed. Even though I'm very conflicted about the whole Kim/Shannon thing, I really think that in the end it's gonna benefit Eddie's development. I especially appreciated how they established Buck as his partner and co-parent and once again we got to see how important they are to each other, how much they lean on each other when the other is struggling. I think that now it's clear to Eddie that he doesn't need to find another parental figure for Chris because he already has one, Buck. I just hate that they had to take Chris away from Eddie in order to get there. It's also gonna be interesting to see Eddie be on his own for the first time in his life and what realisations about who he is and what he truly wants will (hopefully) come out of this.

The pacing of the episode felt weird, and I think they could have cut some scenes to give room to others. For example, the dinner date scene between Buck and Tommy added absolutely nothing to the story and all it did was reinforce the fact that ultimately they aren't compatible as a couple and Tommy just doesn't get Buck. Why would you make a (sexual) joke when your boyfriend is opening up about something really important and is being vulnerable with you, maybe even for the first time? They could have used that scene to create a nice moment between them, but that joke ruined it.

As someone who fought for Bi Buck for years, I'm disappointed to see that this is how his storyline went this season. And I know I'm not the only one. The writers need to remember that Buck can exist outside of his romantic relationships. He needs to explore himself and be on his own, so when he finally opens his eyes and realises what's been under his nose this entire time, he will be ready to take in that information.

That's all. I hope we'll get a better planned story for season 8 and I'm excited to see where this goes.
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Great Episode!
natslyric1 June 2024
I believe this was a great episode for what time they had to deal with. Everyone complaining its rushed doesn't understand it's because it was such a short season due to the justified actors and writers strikes. I personally love all of the Buck and Tommy scenes and think they are an adorable couple! Henren had some great scenes and I hope they are able to keep their family together. The small Madney scenes were so heartwarming with the care they have for their family! I'm so intrigued to see where they take this for Season 8. Can't wait for a full length season and to hopefully explore relationships more both romantic and platonic!
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Enjoyed the story lines but...
vanmeter0231 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So, I love 9-1-1. It's by far my favorite show on television. This season started off great, and I do understand that it was a shortened season and that it follows the lives of several people. However, I felt like this finale was too rushed. The storylines all had great potential, but they needed more than two episodes-especially Eddie's and Christopher's. I know that it will be extended into next season, but I feel like there wasn't enough story telling between Kim showing up and Christopher leaving. Or at least it could have been handled better.

Another thing that felt way too rushed was Bobby getting out of the hospital and going back to work.

I would much rather been left with cliffhangers than having everything so poorly wrapped up.

That being said, I am happy that Bobby lived! I'm also very happy and touched by Maddie and Chim taking Mara in.
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9-1-1 has lost it's essence
davidronaldgood1 June 2024
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After being relieved when the show was picked up, by ABC, with some worries where they would take it, now confirmed.

The whole season, was rushed and disjointed.

Starting with the 3 episode shipwreck arc. Moving on to the Bi-buck storyline, which long time fans were not too surprised by, but then pairing him with a unlikable former reoccurring character. Then the wedding episodes, which they cut so much of the action of that episode(especiallythe bachelor party), which made it not even enjoyable. Followed by a Bobby centric episode which was fine, the origin stories of the characters are always enjoyable. The vertigo, storyline while intriguing was handled all wrong. The final two episodes, while said to be a reset for the characters, really was a slap in the face to fans.
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Wow I loved it
sbgfbhqty31 May 2024
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This season was so short and I was wondering how they were going to fit everything in but really I should've known and trusted in Tim and the writers. The finale had a lot going on and they managed to get it all in while giving the viewers a clear picture of what the next season will be about. I look forward to season 8 and all the future seasons after that.

I am so glad that Bobby survived and wasn't killed off like most feared, I look forward to him fighting that bigot captain with the help of the whole 118 to get his job back and free his team from this terrible man. I look forward to Buck and Tommy growing as a couple and maybe a mini deep dive into Tommy's life story. I look forward to Mara coming home and I hope Chris forgives his dad and comes back. The Eddie storyline was well done, this will change him for the better.
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Kristen Reidel is still there? FIRE HER! I expected more pathos but I got some flat dynamics
moonlightsunlight2231 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I expected more pathos in the hospital scenes, more focus on Bobby's critical condition (since you did the whole promo around this topic), more scenes at Bobby's bedside at least one BuckBobby scene since Bobby is so important to him giving us the parallel to Buck's coma arc. The cartel plot got too much screentime, I felt like I was watching an episode of The Rookie. The absolutely awkward BuckTommy scene with Tommy and his lack of sensitivity towards who should be his date. Buck was expressing his affection for Bobby -that he's like a father to him- and he makes those jokes?!? Seriously?

The only storyline that was truly touching and heartbreaking was the Eddie-Chris-Buck centric one.

I expected more emergencies in this season, it's a show about firefighters: WHERE'S THE FIRE? In these last episodes we have seen more of the 133 at work and not the 118.

This episode was written by Kristen Reidel so that's why it was an overall flat and unsuspenseful episode. Y'all gon decide to fire that incompetent woman permanently?
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No problems here!
asay-355221 June 2024
I loved this and thought it was a worthy finale. They (very clearly) tried to cater to every section of the fan base and i for one am thankful for that. It had drama emotion some fun and even some sauciness from Tommy. The people behind the scenes had a hard job fitting so much into such a small season and i think that did the best job they could. I loved where they ended this episode because now they have perfectly set up S8 with the big baddie that is Gerrard and i cant wait to see how they take him down. I hope we see more Tommy next season i've already grown to really like his character and next season could be a really great opportunity to flesh out his character a bit more.
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Love this episode !
lenabreland1 June 2024
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Sigh of relief that Bobby is alive and well and it was so good seeing Athena go hard for her man like that . Eddie is such a good father , but can't fault Christopher's decision. Hopefully Eddie gets his head on straight ( would love for Buck to be a support to him like always ) .Maddie and Chim are the best , so glad they are fostering Mara until she can go home to Hen , Karen , and Denny where she belongs. Hopefully we see more of Buck and Tommy's relationship in season 8 , I absolutely love their storyline and the actors who play Buck and Tommy are phenomenal . Kudos to all of the actors! Eww Gerrard tho ....
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Great taste and awful execution
eldritchalien31 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Where even to begin.

1) The way 9-1-1 writes Athena especially her relationship to being a cop continues to be weird. I always hate when she does things that are an abuse of power considering she's a black woman working for the LAPD and I especially hate it when she's doing that and that means pulling guns on an innocent man after retraumatizing him several times. They could have easily just had her see him getting kidnapped and saved him and had the same confrontation set up without her accusing him of arson. Malcolm and Angela saved the storyline tbh, they acted their asses off but as usual I hate the way KR writes moving on from trauma.

2) Henren and Madney were obvious afterthoughts. Hen apparently choosing to jeopardize her adoption by sneaking into a group home which is a huge no-no for safety reasons... wtf

3) Ryan put in a devastating and stunning performance as Eddie but the storyline was super poorly planned and lackluster and fell flat in many places even if it hit other key notes. I hope s8 really leans into what caused this ill-advised decision making from him and that he's finally able to put Shannon and his romanticizing of their marriage and desperation to find a mother for Chris.

4) I love see Buck's growth tying together. It really feels like every bit of hard won change with him has come together this season and he's hit that part of adulthood and healing where you're like "oh, we're actually doing it!" It's been nice to see him supporting people and being a pillar while he settles into himself and his relationship with Tommy (I loved their dinner date, it was sweet and sexy!). I would love to see more of them and what Buck's ambitions will turn to now that he's seemingly happy and found the thing he was searching for since s2. Particularly if it's his job or forming connections outside the 118.

5) Don't mind Bobby and Buck taking a step back as they already had their arcs/Buckisodes and Bobbysodes (to borrow Peter's verbiage) for the season.

6) And also would love to know why so many villains are POC and I kind of think the cartel plotline was dumb as hell period. I hope next season we find out it was actually Captain Gerard.
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Entertaining but a slightly rushed
martinamijnders1 June 2024
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I really enjoyed this episode but I agree with most that it did feel rushed.

And bringing back "the bad captain" felt odd, he was dismissed over complaints so to me it doesnt make a lot of sense that he's back.

However, I cant wait for season 8! I also really hope Tommy sticks around.

Ryan Guzman has managed to pull at my heart strings. He has grown a lot into his character and acting and I cant wait to see what he brings next season.

And I hope we get to see more actual calls again. I have really missed them this season. Understandbly so, with only 10 episodes but since season 8 is gonna have more episodes they can bring those stories back.
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Why does this show hate Eddie Diaz so much? Take his son away from him? Seriously?
buddiecanonera1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've been waiting for some time to pass hoping not to be more angry about yet another storyline they've given Eddie but unlike other years where I could eventually calm down and find the silver lining this time not only am I angrier than before, but I have this growing sense of disappointment that I fear will lead me to not go on with the show (surely that will happen if Chris doesn't return to his father in the first 3 or 4 episodes!) Eddie is a peculiar character; it is true that he has a number of traumas to work through, BUT IF THERE IS ONE THING THAT CANNOT BE SAID, IT IS THAT HE IS A BAD FATHER!

Eddie begins was one of the best episodes in 7 seasons, I rewatched it right before writing this review and it feels like a totally different show, there is not a bit of consistency in the evolution of these characters because in fact there is no evolution, it feels like they just replaced them! This last episode was just a general problem, I focused on Eddie BECAUSE this thing about Chris having 13 years old picks up and goes to Texas doesn't make the slightest sense, but it's not like the other characters and their stories fared much better... The only logical explanation is that it was an episode that took place in an alternate universe and they forgot to tell us.
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Looking forward to season 8!
christyoneal-950812 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Great finale for this shortened season. I'm glad they resolved Bobby's health early in the ep. I'm looking forward to more Buck/Tommy and learning more about Tommy's past. I think Gerrard being around will play into this nicely (Tommy Begins?). People complaining that Tommy was inappropriate or predatory need to watch again. Buck started the daddy issues comments and the flirting. They are good together! I don't really see how Gerrard is going to be a big issue when all they have to do is file a complaint about his bigotry, with enough of them complaining it can't be ignored. And Buck knows how to sue the fire department :)
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No no no!!
Strawberrycake52 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry what was that? I miss when I could watch 9-1-1 and have fun, cry, smile, now I get tense thinking about how they will ruin the characters, the journalists spent a week saying that the episode would be incredible and that was it. I still watch it because I love Bobby,Eddie, Chris and Josh. They (writers) ruined the show, it's a drama series not a comedy, they put characters that no one likes back to make jokes in moments that aren't funny, this captain was horrible in the begins episodes and he's back? I was very excited, I prepared dinner with my boyfriend to watch this, we stood there in completely silence for 5 minutes without believing what we had just seen, everything was very rushed, boring jokes, horrible episode, I hope the next season has more quality and r.i.p. Rick.
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Brilliant episode, only downfall was the rushed season as a whole
laurabrat131 May 2024
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Absolutely loved this conclusion to season 7, it definitely felt a bit too full but to resolve all the plots they'd built up to had to be.

I wasn't shocked to see Christopher go off to Texas, I imagine it was the actors choice to leave the show for a bit but I do hope we'll see him back in season 8!

Eddies plot was left open, he's lost his son and his girlfriend, his only support system being the 118 who may not all see his side of things- I look forward to finding out.

Hen and Karen's storyline wrapping up somewhat with Maddie and Chim taking in Mara was amazing, i can't wait to see her home with her moms and her brother, but I think i'm going to enjoy this foursome friend unit work to make that happen, really great use of "it takes a village."

Athena made some bad choices this season but I was happy to see Amir wasn't one of them, I was very worried he'd be villainised and I'm glad he wasn't, I imagine he's probably not sticking around, but I'd love to see more of him if the future.

I am excited to the Gerrard plot, i am a fan of angst and I want to see how this unfolds with this vermin of a man back in the captains chair after 14 years, I absolutely believe the councilwoman had something to do with that.

Buck and Tommy were a bright spot in this episode, I've been so excited watching their relationship evolve and hopefully we'll see more of it in season 8 - the joke about 'Daddy Issues' lightened the mood for the episode for me and I genuinely found it funny. I can't wait to see Buck explore his relationship with Tommy more and his sexuality more.
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a little rushed but made me excited for s8
chellfeldt1 June 2024
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I agree with a lot of the other reviews that some of the storylines were rushed and didn't get the attention they deserved. But with how short this season was and with how amny major storylines they had it was a decent finale. Going in and knowing we'll get another season definitely helped.

They could've cut down on athenas scenes (as much as i love angela bassett) to give us more heartfelt moments between other characters. But all in all the episode did what it had promised. And it absolutely made me excited to see what season 8 has in stock for my faves. Especially with gerrard back there's the potential for drama and a lot of fun.
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Season 7 and the mystery of where were the scenes of the 118 just being the 118?
maggiemargaret1233 June 2024
That season finale was yet another dumpster fire. I'm not even sorry to write this. Whoever let Kristen Reidel ruin yet another season finale should leave the show immediately with her. This 43 minutes were really hard to swallow if you watch this show since the very beginning. It felt like a lot happened but nothing happened at the same time.

This season once again individual storylines were really questionable (the doppelganger) and there wasn't a single light episode in the second half of the season. I am in the camp of people who still hate the Madney wedding episode and how it had more Doug than Maddie. Why? I won't mention Buck and Tommy here , because that character does not work for me at all and i hate every single wasted moment with this pairing. The bi Buck arc is one of my biggest disappointments of this season and i REALLY don't want to see more of Tommy. Sorry Tim Minear.

Now to my favorites the Diaz Family: I don't even know what to say. I'll start at the beginning. The first arc with Chris two-timing (or possibly more) the girls I felt was actually a great way to introduce the Diaz family to the new viewers on ABC and bring up what Shannon meant to both Eddie and Christopher. Almost every other storyline fell short. I hate that they had Eddie make fast friends with Tommy in one episode only to completely drop it once Buck started dating him but it's clear now that Eddie was only being used as a plot device (and buddie bait) in that storyline. Two episodes later showed us he was pretty neutral or negative toward the guy he was ditching his girlfriend multiple times a week to hang out with less than a month before. Speaking of Marisol, the nun thing made me laugh for like a second but other than that it did nothing but spark a catholic guilt storyline that didn't go anywhere when he starts emotional cheating on her a few episodes later. The moving in/out thing was again unnecessary. Then there's the Kim of it all. I like Devin but not enough for them to bring her back for this. I realize Tim thinks he made a mistake killing her off, but like, she's been dead for five years you have to let your writing regrets go at some point. Personally, I would have loved a delayed exploration of their grief over Shannon. If they just did it well. Instead it was a two (or maybe three?) Episode arc just to make Christopher mad enough at Eddie to go live with his grandparents possibly permanently? That is so screwed up and erases pretty much all progress Eddie and Ramon have made in the last few seasons. Anyway I super hate what they've been doing with Eddie, especially when Eddie's breakdown was one of the only good storylines in season 5 so to pretty much ignore all the progress that he made that season Is super pointless.

That being written the only thing that would make me watch Season 8 is if they finally give us the coming out storyline of Eddie Diaz, because if this season has proved one thing, than that Ryan Guzman is an excellent actor and he even can turn very little into very much.
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Really problematic & rushed
mweishaeupl31 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the S6 finale. Especially the emergency, yes everything else felt rushed but this finale...

My biggest problems with the finale is that most of its stories have problematic roots.

Athena abusing her power as a cop, a mexican drug cartel?? Henren losing another foster kid and having to overcome a million things to expanding their family.

Why Buck's coming out storyline when you just reduce him to his relationship again?? Sometimes I think they don't know what to do with him when he's not in a relationship.

And why are they so obsessive with redeeming the Buckley and Diaz parents??? Chris never called his grandparents why would he start now??

The whole episode just felt rushed. They knew they were going to get renewed so why rush the episode. Why the whole Bobby's on the verge of dying storyline when he wakes up in the next five seconds and HIS TEAM is more worried about Athena doing something stupid??

Plus Buck is practically Bobby's son so why was he kinda unbothered by it... After all his coma dream almost came true...
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Not the 911 I used to love
AFlavor31 May 2024
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This episode was bad. Everything was too rushed. There was potential for good stories at the beginning of this season, but it feels like everything kept falling apart.

So many boring and unreasonable things were forced into this episode. Some of the main characters' reactions to important emotional scenes were completely out of character.

I'm not sure if the writers are just lazy or what, but Buck could have had a much better storyline. Unfortunately, Buck was trapped in the same hamster wheel again. And Buck comparing the Buckleys to Eddie made me sick. Can the writers stop redeeming toxic side characters like the Buckleys, Tommy, and that old Captain? I'm not watching a show for rage.

'911' used to have great dynamics and emotional bonds among the main characters. This episode? Big no. It was boring and underwhelming. They definitely need to keep the writer who wrote this episode away from the show if they want a Season 9 renewal.
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