Extraordinary: The Stan Romanek Story (2013) Poster

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I'm a believer, but I don't believe this!
emsky3334 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really struggled with how to rate this, so firstly lets concentrate on this "true" story, for the first part I was like "wow, this is actually quiet amazing, however the more it went on, the more skeptical I became. My skeptical brain was asking why? Why for example would aliens move his knee brace outside and leave it strewn across the garden?

Then at nineteen minutes is where it lost all credibility for me... C'mon a peeping Tom alien, if aliens came into the house no problems, abduct people from their beds, can send light orbs in to look around then why would it need to pop up at the window and peep through? And the way it dropped down... And then the other "alien visit" where he was stood filming it in his kitchen as it unnaturally leaned around a corner (almost like someone was holding a puppet), apparently they can float too because the way it moved back around the corner. The biggest deciding factor on those two incidents being fakery rubbish is the guys reactions, lordy there is better acting at a second grade drama club.

Aliens are obviously in on the selfie craze too, as reportedly he found a camera with extraterrestrial selfies on. *eyeroll* Yet somehow other photos magically erased.

This guy is just someone who feels very unspecial and has created this imaginary life of being special, alien visits, alien children, mystery phone-calls calling him Starseed.

I am a believer in UFO's and extraterrestrials but this was just fake, I'm not saying I don't 100% not believe this guy was abducted or experienced something, I just think when you use fakery to back up claims that's when you lose credibility.

The documentary was well done though, which is why I struggle with how to rate it, I want to give it a BS rating but feel it's unfair to the documentary makers as it was a well done and difficult topic. I would have liked to see some objective psychology experts views on this, I felt the one they used, who based his evaluation off how calm he was was amateur at best.
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Its obvious no one here watched until the end.......
thebakingslave13 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's very obvious no one here watched until the end because EVERYONE who reviewed this film left out one very important detail on this dudes credibility.....at the very end of the film, text pop up that says that in 2014 Stan was charged with possessing and distributing child pornography of children as young as 5 years old. He claims the FBI planted this evidence to shut him up. When I saw this I was disgusted and any LITTLE, teeny, bit of belief I had in SOME of what he said (there were parts where there were police reports and also the injuries which he had medical records of would shock me if they were self-inflicted) all went out the window.

This dude is sick, TONS of child porn were found all over a bunch of USB sticks so its not like it was just on the computer. If FBI was going to "plant evidence" to frame him, they wouldn't bother downloading child porn all over a bunch of random USB sticks and stash them all over the house when you wouldn't need to do all that to convict someone of child porn. Just it being on the comp is enough. This dude is so effing sick in the head and when I read that these poor babies were as young as 5, I wanted to reach through my computer screen and strangle him. He is a fraud, even if he is telling the truth about SOME stuff, it doesn't matter, he is a disgusting human being. The only reason I am giving it a 4 is because the actual documentary is well made, I loved the format of it.
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Some truth is denied by the out right lies
ebecusa20 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
With a absolute open mind and with a belief that there is more to our story I painfully watched this waste of valuable time. I have followed some of Stan's claims. He does have a knack if not a 'gift' for being able to witness UFOs at the same times as others. One of his other claims were plausible and believable. However, outside the 3 acceptable incidents he decided to discredit the UFO community with lies and outlandish 'evidence'. He faked videos and other evidence that was so obvious he lost credibility with open minded 'thinkers'. The film is a waste of time and even gives the disbelievers a opportunity to united against MUFON for not calling out this clown for his Bull. The film allows him to describe himself as a BadAss scraper because he was the only White Boy caught between Crips and Bloods. But he uses his fighting skills(self taught because he grew up is Southwest Co) to beat, 'to near death', Black Ops solider. The film ends with the best part Stan the UFO man is a Pedophile with a computer full Child porn. Guess he spreads his 'Starseed' IFO his computer. p/s: His wife 'can't stand liars'.
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Good grief, Starseed.
nkalmbach-945599 July 2017
So I DO believe it is more likely than not that intelligent life does exist on planets other than our own. Whether or not they have visited earth is a topic I am undecided on. However, I can GUARANTEE they DO NOT travel from lightyears away just to tell this dude Stan (aka "Starseed") how "special" and "unique" he is. I think superior life forms would have better things to do than come all the way to earth to peek though this this guy's window, pet his cat and play peek-a-boo around around the corner in his kitchen. And apparently the same highly-advanced species of beings that is capable of transforming into a shadowy state, making sound come out of a stereo that is turned off (and many other impressive feats) is not able to take a decent selfie on a basic digital camera??? And notice how he had all this quality technology at his disposal, such as night vision cameras, surveillance equipment galore,etc. but when there is a supposed REAL LiVE ET only several feet away from him in the kitchen, he just happened to grab the crappy camcorder with a grainy image. Seriously, if you want a good laugh though, there is some real comedic value here. I mean, I want to believe. I really do. But after watching this I am certain that there is not even intelligent life in his household.
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A cry for help
OtisLovesUs9 July 2017
Or maybe a cry for attention.

At about the 15-minute mark I tried to just pretend it was a mockumentary and enjoy it for a laugh, but a few more minutes in and the "evidence" became so crushingly insulting to my intelligence that I just had to stop.

If I had to guess, I'd say Stan saw something that legitimately freaked him out years ago, but others either didn't believe him or didn't care. So he began fabricating a narrative to try and bolster the original story. Things got out of hand. Stan went off the rails. He couldn't stop lying, or making the lies bigger and more outrageous.

Maybe if Stan wasn't such a terrible actor (the scene at 22 min. is the worst in filmed history) I could have played along for fun, but… just, no. No mas, Stan
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Unintentional Comedy Gold
johngreenfield4 July 2017
I am quite honestly gobsmacked that this is listed as a documentary and not a comedy. I was prepared for some rather convincing video evidence and instead I'm presented with blatant toy aliens propped up against fences, red light bulbs being swung around a yard and a hilarious appearance of "Boo" (Stan's alien buddy). Memorising the Drake Equation and adding "x 100" is evidence of nothing. I'm truly lost for words here, maybe you just need to watch it for yourself.
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A Disturbed Individual
nbrumb8 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I actually believe that there are other intelligent forms of life in the vast universe; yet there are no signs of intelligence in this 'documentary'. At first, the movie was comical; the videos and images obviously fabricated. I thought that this must be a clever mockumentary, very creative for it's content; yet, the longer the movie goes on, it becomes more obvious that its intended to be serious and that it is all centered around a man with some very serious issues.

Expecting us believe that he fought off some "black ops looking guys" who knew some "kung fu and karate moves" and who were talking about "alien stuff", he goes on to talk about his seven space children who call him on the telephone (you know, from space) speaking perfect English, his name is starseed and he thinks differently from all the other 7billion people on the planet and hes been chosen because he has a miraculous, never before seen way of looking at humanity.

Ultimately, this is either a very sick man or a long term hoax that hasn't been planned very carefully.
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Total waste of time.
dainturner-125 April 2017
Poorly made hoax documentary of some dude that seems to have a real problem, mentally. It's an a-hole like this that make the UFO community look foolish. Do not waste your time or money watching this complete nonsense. The other reviewers that gave this a 10 star rating are either a family member or a complete dunce.
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Review of Stan Romanek documentary
ccorrine-3831323 July 2017
Ridiculous is all I can say. The aliens peeking up over window, and the one that slowly peeks around door.....reminded me of a SNL sketch. My immediate reaction was "laughing", not fear! And then they show the little girl aliens peeking thru the fence. Lol. OMG, they look like paper cutouts propped up against the fence. So do the little aliens in the woods. The phone calls from the supposed alien children sounded like a script from a 1960's B sci-fi flick; B for (Bad).
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if you don't believe it then you won't like it
chaitankrish23 July 2017
Stan Romanek is one of the few people who boldly came and explain their experiences to the world

and i firmly believe in aliens and i read and watched lot's of documentary about aliens and alien based abductions and according to me it's dam real and thousands of people world wide are abducted by aliens and many suffer from such experiences and don't know what happened to them and keep those experiences themselves and his experiences such as missing time ,bruises,ufo sightings are exactly what an abductee will experience in his lifetime so stan is not lying but stan is an brave man who took next step by investigating and sharing his experiences and no matter what can government try to cover-up his incident by filing child porn cases he should continue to tell the truth happening to him
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I am a full believer and I thought this was embarrassing
carryn-404337 July 2017
When I saw this on Netflix, I didn't understand, after the amount of time I have spent researching extraterrestrials, why I have never come across this guys name. Then I pressed play and realized why. Firstly, do you really think the USA would allow one of their citizens to make a documentary like this if it were actually true? And why would alien life target this one man and leave so much evidence when the rest of us search and search and never really find anything? This fake documentary starts off without explaining much, just showing a bunch of UFO clips and sightings, etc. I didn't think it was too ridiculous until I saw the clip of the "alien"looking at him through his window and his reaction to it. It's a clip I've seen a thousand times on the internet and I just shut it off after that. Embarrassing. Are you trying to make people believe less in aliens? Because well done if you are.
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I've never laughed so hard!!
susanmj27 January 2018
Lots of chuckles at the fake footage and easily explainable things, but this guy goes even further, he even maims himself to just to try and get people to believe this corny crap, and I swear around 22 minutes in I nearly fell out my chair howling w laughter I had to pause, I got tears. If you smoke weed, make sure you have some when you watch this, youll thank me, LOL
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To put it nicely, this guy is a modern-day Orson Welles.
dnungesser12 July 2017
Even the true alien believers will find this "documentary" humorous. Either aliens are real and are smart enough to make all of this evidence look staged or this guy had enough time on his hands to make a semi-compelling story for aliens. Every single piece of evidence could have easily been staged with a little creativity. A lot of his stories to back up the evidence could have easily been made-up. I'll admit he did a very great job at filling in any holes in his story but there are a few major holes/errors that completely make you realize this is a big hoax. Number one, he states he has kids and after all these abductions, any normal father would get the kids the hell out of that house, wouldn't you think? Also, the director also has a credit for cinematography, which doesn't make much sense if all the video in this is supposedly evidence from Stan. The last and most damming piece of evidence to prove this film is a hoax is the fact that Stan himself actually admitted to faking the videos during an interview on a talkshow.

Now, all of that aside, I chose the rating that I did because it is a pretty entertaining film. It's not a true documentary, but it is a very well done and fun to watch sci-fi documentary. If you're into aliens or sci-fi in general, you may like this if you go into it knowing it's all made up.
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Obviously a scam
onefreakinword14 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I like watching documentaries about aliens, because a part of me truly wants aliens to be real, visitations to be real, and even abductions to be real, as scary as they sound. But this "documentary" is so obviously a self-indulgent, amateurish scam that I'm scratching my head over Netflix presenting it as a serious documentary. Most of this movie features Stan Romanek talking and talking and talking about himself. A lot more of it consists of his family and friends also talking, about him, of course. Romanek presents himself as someone who's basically being stalked by aliens who view him as a threat, other aliens who see him as the savior of the world, and shadowy human agents out to prevent by him by any means necessary from revealing the truth to the world. He vociferously denies believing in aliens until all is revealed to him. This epiphany as artificial as everything else in this sideshow. Of course, this "documentary" has the obligatory home videos. The "aliens" peeking into his window are clearly fake. They look like puppets or masks worn by some colluding human. He also receives multiple telephone calls featuring an artificial-sounding "British" woman that reminded me of one of those YouTube videos with the computerized voice overs instead of an actual narrator. The recorded calls of his supposed alien hybrid children were pure camp. The unmitigated conceit of having these voices call him "Starseed" is so ludicrous, it's more contemptuous than amusing. He isn't a good actor, so his videos of himself catching an alien peeping tom are so badly acted, they're not even funny in a "so bad, it's good" kind of way. I had such a negative reaction to this sad little show that I went to my computer and Googled "Stan Romanek scam." Imagine my surprise when a screen chock full of stories about his pending child pornography charges and then imagine my complete lack of surprise about his claim that nefarious forces planted it all on his computers to keep the truth from coming out. Yeah, right. Netflix, get this POS off your network. It's an embarrassment.
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Waste of time and the dude is into kiddie porn
b_tight20 July 2017
Literally the worst thing I've ever seen on Netflix. Only got through about 20 min and had to stop. Googled Stan Romanek and found this...http://www.snopes.com/2017/07/11/stan-romanek/

The guy is into kiddie porn and is using government trying to frame him to shut him up as an excuse. Pathetic
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Oh dear.
intj-1385710 July 2017
I'm afraid I couldn't make it more than 20 or so minutes in to this. Even so early in to this 'documentary', there were many issues:

  • The sound design is so awful that it wouldn't surprise me in the least to learn that it was intended to be as grating as possible. It was so jarring at points that I found myself grimacing in faux-agony

  • Much of the 'photographic evidence' has quite clearly been photoshopped. At one point they show a picture of a young girl with large eyes, staring at Stan through the spindles of his deck's banister. Good lord. Even my 80+ year old grandparents could tell it was a fake.

  • People apparently losing their minds over what were very clearly Chinese lanterns / balloons.

  • An allegedly 'mysterious' caller leaving messages for Stan in which Stan is referred to as a "Starseed", regularly reminded of how special and unique he is... this is a manifestation of a very real problem - an individual who is not only completely deluded but also suffering from a narcissistic personality disorder. Sincerely, I feel pity for him and hope that he makes a recovery soon.

Don't get me started on the '''alien''' peering through his window.

Avoid this. It's an absolute travesty, and yet another fine example of some dolt robbing credibility from what is a fairly interesting field worthy of further investigation (UFOs, that is - not little green men).
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The Sad Reality
akashicsoldier9 July 2017
Stan Romanek is a sex offender who was convicted of possessing child pornography. He is a deceiver and a charlatan. That said, like most charlatans he is a great storyteller. So, if you're looking for some cheap thrills you might enjoy this, but make no mistake. This is Fake News. :)
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If you already believe, then go ahead, if not, this wont be the one to change your mind.
galactictarantula15 April 2017
Plays like UFO fan-fiction, and not even good fan-fiction at that. If there's just the littlest, tiniest, microscopic, skeptical bone in your body, you will hate it, as this seems to be aimed ("aimed" is even giving them too much credit) at the most credulous among us. On top of all of this, the whole "documentary" seems to be a looooooong (seriously an hour and forty-five minutes of this junk?!) work of self promotion for this "Stan" fellow. It seems to be about how "interesting," "smart," and "exceptional" he is; constant, but subtle pats on the back. Kind of gives the vibe of "please like me!" Cant help but to feel a tiny bit sorry for the guy, however, Im sure he is killing it at the UFO conventions.
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THIS is a documentary??
elizaco126 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This was the worst piece of propaganda garbage I have seen in a long time. For those who believe aliens have landed on earth, and abduct humans for experimentation, this is NOT evidence of that. I am a critical thinker. However, That does not mean I'm closed minded. When alleged "evidence" does not pass muster, I reject it. There is ZERO valid evidence in this film. It's all based on the word of these people, and it doesn't stand up. The videos of the supposed "aliens" makes it even worse. And the not so veiled compliments to this guys superiority is so obvious, I LOL'd. This poor guy has serious mental health issues. He obviously lacks self esteem and is unsatisfied with his normal everyday life, so he makes up this garbage. Look at all the attention he's getting! And the gullible masses eat it up like candy. Ugh. I agree with a previous reviewer, it should be classified as a dark comedy, not a documentary. As far as a film goes, it's not poorly made, with the exception of those tiny typewriter sized captions littered throughout the film. I have a 42" TV and I had to sit 2 feet away to read any of it. It's as if you were watching a subtitled movie and all they provided were tiny white typewriter font words. BAD.
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Good and interesting documentary, just wish that they would've left out the fake parts ...
heidiraitio4 July 2017
This documentary was very interesting, and I do believe Stan may actually have been abducted. I do believe there's aliens out there, i mean it's pretty crazy to think there wouldn't be, after all there is at least 100 billion galaxies out there except from the one we live in..so why would we be alone? Stan probably told the truth about most of his experiences too, and since there's other people who can prove much of it , it's pretty believable to me. But there's parts of this documentary that I know has to be faked, e.g. the aliens that were recorded on the tapes.. I mean what are the chances of real aliens actually looking almost exactly the way we have pictured them? There's just no way they could be real..I also don't know about the girl who e.g. called Stan and even showed up to one of his speeches, and they even got a picture of her looking all strange? I mean wouldn't other people have noticed there was an actual alien there?:D...So yep I do believe in Stan , and the other experts etc. in the documentary, mostly. But they made a great mistake exaggerating it all the way they did, with fake material. I think they should have just told the real story, and used only the real material. Because sadly now I think most of the people watching this, especially if already critical towards this stuff, won't believe a word Stan or the others say:(
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This must be a joke.
burtayari-945496 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Actually i was very excited when i have started to watching this documentary. At the beginning you start to get his story and develop an interest to what he is telling but at the moment when he shows that cheap alien video i almost died from laughing. This guy shows an alien in his Video which looks 100times faker then the alien from E.T and tells us that these videos are the evidence of what he experienced. After that bullshit i have stopped watching it and my lost was 15 minutes of my life.
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The Stan Romanek Comedy.
yorkscotta6 July 2017
I was watching this documentary and then my neighbour came and we watched it together. He said that this documentary changed his life and touched his heart. I then went and rented a projector in a big field and all my villagers watched it and it changed their lives too. We all are so grateful!!

Thank You for this video.... 🤜🤜🤜
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Get your facts straight
patches-ny4 July 2017
Those who call this film a hoax should make sure they have their FACTS straight. Those who do, I assume you have had the film analyzed and your not just spewing conjecture, that's what I thought. If you have something to backup your claims as he does . well then maybe people would care what you had to say.

As for Stan, it looks like he may be harming the ufo community. I always like to have videos professionally analyzed and Stan's doesn't pass muster. see http://www.csicop.org/si/show/abductions_and_hoaxes
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Horrible, Stan should be ashamed.
jon_hsieh7 July 2017
I love films and believe in other beings, its only logical. This film is absolute garbage praying on the gullible. This man should be ashamed, taking advantage of a serious topic. But hes probably not, trying to gain exactly what hes getting...money.

Watch it for yourself...its amazing how he has HD still pics and the worst video quality known to man. Im horrible at photoshop and I could do way better on his still photos.

If you're gonna fake it...be good at it.
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What The * beep *
roland-rockerfella17 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This kind of garbage damages serious UFO research in a major way. I'm not sure what the worst part was of all this " evidence " he was showing us, someone running about his backyard with a flashlight, the shaky cam UFO footage that literally could be anything or that absurd rubber headed alien looking in his window. I turned it off after 20 minutes. I was hoping to see a serious piece of UFO research instead i got a pile of fake garbage that should never have made it onto Netflix in the first place.
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