Accidental Activist (2013) Poster

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Hate Filled Propaganda Film Made by a Hate Group.
NickGagnon94219 November 2019
How does a film like the garbage known as Accidental Activist get made? This film is on par with a Klan rally. It was made by American Family Association, an anti-gay hate group monitored by the Southern Poverty Law Center. And its approved by The Dove Foundation. Its as bad as a film can get and it has to be among the worst films ever made. The film is about Ted a family man who owns a tee shirt detailing business. He signs a anti gay petition although it didnt look like he really cared about it but later he defends it. The word gets out through a gay themed newspaper and he gets protested. His gay friend is deeply offended as he should be. Ted never learns or grows from this he just gets advise from his old lady friend and her son. They are black so I guess the losers who made this film thought that would be less bigoted.

This film is beyond awful. Its a piece of hate propaganda made by a hate group. They have nothing good to say. They couldn't even get to an hour length! You would almost feel sorry for the nuts who made this junk because they have so much hate in the,. Who would sign on for this horrid film? Who would enjoy it? How did it get made. Oh wait I know. When mean people get together they can make a huge load of crap and put it on film.
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Another movie about persecuted Christians and evil homosexuals.
NoWireHangers11 August 2015
This 58 minute film was produced by the American Family Association (AFA), an anti-gay group labeled as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. It tells the story of Ted, happily married Christian father of three. One day, he signs a petition in support of traditional marriage (that is, against gay marriage). Before long, his name appears in a gay newspaper and gay activists make threatening phone calls and start picketing outside his business. It's never made clear why the gay activist singled Ted out, of all the people who signed the petition, but it may have something to do with the fact that the gay rights group and it's leader, an evil Italian, want his business to fail so that they can move into his property. Ted didn't want to make a big deal out of this, but now he has to decide whether he will stand up for his beliefs, even as the angry, intolerant gays want to silence him. The movie ends rather abruptly and I wonder why they didn't bother making it into a real feature length film.

"Accidental Activist" is another (lesser known) movie in the genre of Christian films in which Christians in America are portrayed as persecuted for their beliefs (better known examples would be "God's Not Dead", "Last Ounce of Courage" and "Christmas with a Capital C". If you like that genre and think this sounds like a great story, give "Accidental Activist" a try. If not, don't bother.
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Hate Group Sponsored Drivel
hammieboy-8633520 July 2022
Poor bigot is persecuted for his bigoted beliefs. This movie constantly minimizes anti-gay hate as being an attack on Christians, as opposed to what it really is - one group trying to limit the rights of another. It's gross.
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Hate and bigotry.
niall-749999 November 2022
This movie was made to whip up hate and ignorance from people filled with hate and ignorance, I have genuinely never seen something so pandering and designed to target willfully small minded people, who keep themselves in the dark.

Such a shame all these 'actors' chose to destroy their 'careers' in this way, I particularly feel sorry for the children who were clearly forced to participate in this poorly writen movie by their parents/guardians.

May human rights and decency continue to pave the way for our fellow man and education taught to help teach these people that a life filled with hate is no life at all.
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Truly a work of hate
perfectss4925 January 2020
I really don't have more to say than the other reviews have said. This is just trash wall to wall where a man behaves in an incredibly childish and bigoted way and spends the next 45 minutes not learning that if he grew a little things would be ok. On another note apparently I can't buy Dove products now lol. Thanks to the SPLC!
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mandyvs-872141 July 2021
"Accidental Activist" is a great depiction of the importance of standing up for one's beliefs and the possible consequences that could come with it. No matter your beliefs or background, you can relate to this film.
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Intolerance in Action
barbosa-vicki29 March 2020
The other reviews are examples of this film's message: that Americans who dare to stand by their beliefs should be silenced, according to the people who preach tolerance but practice intolerance. It's not a great film, it's probably a 5 or 6, but that's because of the budget and acting, which were not terrible, just average. No worse than your average sitcom. Certainly not a 2 or 3, as other reviewers suggest. I liked that it didn't portray the characters as black and white: the protagonist was ambivalent, and his gay friend supported him while disagreeing with his opinions. If you think that having an opinion that differs from that of vocal social activists is hate speech, you will despise this film. But if you think that in a civilized society, people have a right to hold different beliefs and to express them, you might find it of interest.
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Courage, Stunning and Brave
jmssaok28 September 2022
A movie about true persecution. It is relatable and inspiring for anyone with a belief that might actually cost them something.

A gay viewer can see themselves in the protagonist (on the off chance that anyone in their life would actually try to ruin their lives).

As mentioned elsewhere, the runtime makes it dubious to call it a movie. That and mediocre acting keep it from being a 10. However, I will applaud it for telling the story it has to tell and not having it with 45 minutes of fluff, B plot, or other such nonsense just to get to a certain length.

Whether or not you want to watch this movie is up to you but understand that the very low rating is entirely ideologically based and has nothing to do with the quality of the movie. It is the fecal droppings of the chronically offended and those completely devoid of empathy.
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Standing for rights.
jamalking1530 March 2021
Good movie, not great.

Good depiction of the challenges of tolerance towards those who disagree with you.

Showing that it's okay to have quite differing opinions and be able to live peacefully with those whom you disagree with.
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