"How I Met Your Mother" Last Forever: Part One (TV Episode 2014) Poster

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Ten minutes
LordFortnite8 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
They are married for ten minutes. Five minutes into the episode, they're at their wedding. 14 minutes into the episode, they've announced they're divorced. They spent the entirety of season 8 and 9 building up to their wedding, for them to be married for ten minutes. Hell, they build it up for the entire show, just for ten minutes of this.

The divorce is easily the weakest part of the finale in my honest opinion, more so than Ted and Robin getting together at the end. The entire finale is kind of a rushed mess with some funny and cute moments within it.

The stuff with Ted and Tracy is really cute though.
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Last Forever: Part One (#9.23)
ComedyFan201016 August 2015
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Hard to say what I feel about the first part of the finale. I love and hate it at the same time.

What I love is the thing that I always loved about the show. How they keep on surprising us and even if it is not what we were hoping for we understand why it happened.

But it is at the same time heart breaking. I loved Barney and Robin together and their divorce was definitely something that made me upset. At the same time they were handling it well at first. It was not a malicious divorce.

What really makes it depressing to me is that they all fall apart because of this. That Robin doesn't want to hang out with them anymore. I know people can stop being friends because life does it, but I would love to see this show end on a more happy note.

I still have hopes for the next part. We'll see how they handle. It isn't over yet.
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That ending ruined the whole show
dubhorizoned3 April 2014
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-> Spoilers Ahead <- You've been double warned.

Ask anyone who ever saw even one episode of HIMYM and they will tell you it's a Feel-Good show. It's not made to show a real company of friends with completely different personalities and who magically get along. It's the type of show that shows kind, dysfunctional people whose friendship always prevails, etc etc. That's not reality. That's wish fulfillment. They build up with whole series for a mother who is perfect for Ted and they actually FIND her! Which made sense and also was a success because Cristin Milioti had really big shoes to fill and she nailed it! But then for no apparent reason the show decides to go Game of Thrones on everyone, kills the wonderful mother and takes us to the future for the first time to tell us: Mom is dead, she got sick or something. Robin, is old sad and alone with 3 dogs because everyone she chose over Ted left her eventually and now Ted goes back to her cause he is also sad and alone. That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Why change a feel-good show, whose purpose was to have a cute giggly story into something with such a depressing message in the end. Instead of having an ending that will remind people to watch it when they're feeling down so that it can lift their spirits, it turned into a pointless drama. Maybe their intention was to allow the viewer to have a different perspective while re watching the show in the future but that perspective is that no matter what poor Ted does, his true love will be short lived, while the woman who slept with all the towns loonies + married his best friend gets to have a millionth chance after realizing it's too late, that since everyone else she slept with dumped her, Ted will nooooow be enough. What a great show, but what an undeserving, sloppy and almost ridiculous ending.
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I am shocked...
sexysavoie31 March 2014
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And so was everyone else. I am seriously at a loss for words here. The fact that they did what everyone feared, is… Exactly the kind of courageous moves how I met your mother has always been about. Starting with the narrating style,then having a season at a wedding and to top it all off… this ending. This finale was everything that made how I met your mother what it is. The callbacks to virtually everything, the profound moments, the funny moments, the twists and turns, I would not want it any other way. May this review be voted down as it will, but I will always remember this . It truly was a legendary ride, and this episodes legacy, to me at least, will last forever.
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Modern Classicism
goforawesome10 April 2014
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HIMYM Last Forever (Spoiler Alert- Please don't read if you haven't seen the episode/ the 9 seasons; please do read if you have):

Was it the perfect end? No, definitely not. Was it a more realistic end? I wouldn't say so. Barney- Robin not breaking up, Mother- not dying, is an equally realistic end. I mean if they had chosen that ending, everyone today would be like 'Wow, what a love story!! I am still crying....". So, why did they choose this ending?

Maybe they wanted to convey something which we missed in our anger. I mean they are the creators- they have had you glued to the show since 9 seasons, its safe to presume that they really wouldn't throw away the end, especially when it is so clear to everyone. The end was certainly not something which a person can naturally accept as an ending. You have to think about it, justify it to yourself- something which we never really had to do before.

The creators, in their last episode, subtly conveyed to us, the essence of all the 9 seasons. Life won't be perfect. There will be points in life when everything seems perfect, but they won't last forever. You will always have to move forward, love, be awesome and stay happy.

Love is supreme. Its the best thing we do. Just because Ted goes back to Robin, does it mean the mother was just a stepping stone. I mean really, wow? Just because Barney and Robin get divorced does it mean they didn't love each other? Really...? (sense sarcasm) Life keeps on moving forward. All we can try is to be happy, awesome, and love our hearts out because there really isn't anything else worth doing in this life. Was the ending perfect? No, it was beautiful. The story the creators chose to tell us wasn't a fairy tale, it was messy, yet it left a smile on our faces. In my opinion, the creators are geniuses.

#HIMYM Thank you for 9 legendary years.
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Not pleasing but realistic
chloefoker3 April 2014
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First, I'd like to say that the writers are wise but dumb. The ending is highly realistic, and my tone here is sad; this is what real life would have become. However, contriving such a "terrible" ending while so many fans have been expecting something that is missing in their real lives, namely, happy endings, the writers appeared to be dumb. So dumb that they chose to speak something true from the bottom of their hearts instead of sufficing the people what they want, kinda ugly but true.

The problem is that can mass audience actually take this? Apparently NO.I myself nearly attempted to punch the wall in my room...

Albeit ambivalently, this is the ending my bestie would prefer, who had believed that R and B were not meant for each other, and T would always love R. Since as an overall comedy, the show didn't please its audience in the end, one star is taken.

Do you want something beautiful or the truth?
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A Truly Ridiculous turn of events
gab-menendez2 April 2014
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'How I Met Your Mother' is known for its light hearted and quick humor,along with it being the longest "how I met so and so" story ever to be told. The season finale massacres both of those ideals. The light hearted and quick humor is traded for sad monologue and ill thought through character 'development' ('development' meaning all the characters reverting back to their original personalities totally foregoing 9 seasons of character development, i.e. Barney becomes a player again after Robin and he divorce, and Ted-ultimately ends up with the one and only...Robin). After repeating season after season that all 'this' random stories, anecdotes, and morals has always led up to meeting the mother, the perfect girl, THE STORY THAT NAMED THE SHOW, even that "irrefutable" fact is diminished with Ted going full circle and bringing-once again-the blue french horn to Robins' door step, making Robin the true protagonist; the person this was all about and it feels like the entirety of the show was all for nothing.

All in all I would give this episode a -12 if I could. This episode distorted my image of the show all together. IF YOU LOVE THIS SHOW AND ARE EMOTIONALLY INVESTED DO NOT WATCH.
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Friendship, Fun, Love & Beyond
ravs0526 February 2018
What can I say, I just finished watching this show probably for the 5th time. Yes, all seasons, right from season 1 through to 9. This, along with "The Big Bang Theory" is my go-to definition of simple fun. I can just switch the show on when I cannot find anything interesting to watch or have limited time to kill and always end up having a good laugh. More than Big bang, this show get a bit emotional, but it balances it well with a strong dose of humour and "Barney". This guy is simply ingenious. Can you just recollect the number for gorgeous females we got introduced just because of his character. From Katy Petty to Britney to Nazanin and Becki Newton. It was a visual treat watching all these gorgeous females with hilarious characterisation.

And then the friendship, they stand with each other through thick and thin. It is heart-warming watching all the emotional stuff which they go through. Marshall, for always being the ideal boyfriend and husband. Lilly for being the sane one where other characters could always count on. Robin for bringing the charm this show needed, Ted for being the hopeless romantic and Barney, for just being Legend...wait for it...Dary!! Legendary!!

Some scenes/episodes had a lasting impression on me that I watch them over and over. Like Marshall, prepping for the Marathon OR Stella watching StarWars, Lilly regretting her bad decisions OR Robin for Robin "Sparkles". Ted for honestly trying again and again for true love, Barney for the ultimate show-down from his play book, "The Robin". This show is really a roller-coaster ride of fun and emotions.

And finally when the mother gets introduced in the very last season, she really is everything which the show was building up to and more. "Cristin Milioti" was excellent as the Mother! The way they switch times-lines back and forth with the mother was simply heart-warming! Which brings me the biggest, unforgivable flaw of the show!! The way they ended it. It really makes no sense of everything the show built up to, especially throughout the last season! It was like the makers thought, "Lets just throw everything out of the window and opt for a finale purely on shock factor!!" Ok, if this was a horror show or a thriller, it makes sense. But come one, this is Mother we are talking about and it ends with a twist! The alternate ending would have made this show simply perfect, but what's the use. People consider original ending and not stop in the last minute and watch the alternate ending on YouTube. Which is exactly what I strongly suggest everyone, who has not watched the show, to do. Watch until the end and simply watch the alternate ending on Youtube. It will be the perfect and most satisfying conclusion for this great show.

Other than the hugely messed up ending, this show has few other minor flaws. It goes on for way too long at times, also some episodes feel hugely padded out. Like a whole episode dedicated to the "Slap-Bet" or stopping abruptly with the Mother's story and giving us a whole episode of "Gary Blauman"!!!??? I mean the character who plays Blauman is real-life Robin's husband. Sure if they had to include him, they should have done a guest appearance, not dedicate a whole episode for him. At least they show conclusions of several other prominent characters in this one, which is the best part of it.

But yes, omitting the ending, these are minor flaws of a great, thoroughly enjoyable show. And "How I met Your Mother" will always hold that special place in my heart... for all those countless moments of fun, laughter and emotional-doses which the show provided.
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Part one of this finale turns against everything the last few seasons have built up to
SLionsCricketreviews30 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Simply too rushed in every aspect of the word, Part 1 of this finale is an incredibly frustrating viewing experience. For someone who has far from enjoyed this final season, this finale has been a betrayal of what the last few seasons have stood for.

There is a nice callback to 2005, soon after Robin is introduced into the gang. This is where the episode opens, and it is a fairly nice way to open the episode. It serves as a rather fine piece of reflection, but sadly, this may be the best scene of the entire episode. As we flash forward to present day (wedding night), Barney awkwardly shouts out to The Mother that he found the woman of his dreams. Immediately, the episode feels all too rushed and artificial. There isn't that skill of writing that "How Your Mother Met Me" and "The End of the Isle" contained, where moments are made to be as surreal as humanly possible. Instead, Barney's forced encounter with The Mother is awkward.

We also get a part of the episode that flashes into the future, and things do not look too bright for Barney and Robin: they have gotten divorced. It isn't that this idea is terrible, but it is the execution of it that leaves a putrid smell. All of Season 9 has been so dedicated to representing the few days before the big wedding, and here in the finale, all that is flushed down the toilet. It renders so much of the ninth season unimportant in retrospect, as every bit of build up and development is thrown away. The worst aspect of this idea is that Barney reverts back to his former self: a sleazy dirtbag who views women as objects. Barney is back to flirting with any woman he sees fit, and all of the wonderful character development over the years is canceled out by this very idiotic move. To think how much of an influence The Mother, Nora and Quinn had on Barney makes you wonder how the writers could commit such an atrocity, but somehow they did.

Cristin Milioti is a wonderful, lovable and warm young actress, who brings such life into The Mother. Season 9 has been utterly wrong for showing so little of the character, especially seeing as her few scenes are so beautifully rendered. By this episode, she has become a part of 'the gang' and it doesn't feel too right. As a viewer, we haven't seen her friendship with anyone really blossom, and as such, those scenes feel awkwardly handled.

In "The End of the Isle", Robin was entirely within her rights to question whether she should be marrying Ted instead of Barney, but by the end of the episode, comes to realize in herself that she is truly in love with Barney, not Ted, even if the latter may have feelings for her. By the end of this episode, Robin tells Lily that she can no longer be a part of 'the gang', saying that the gang features her ex-husband, a married couple and the guy of her dreams with the beautiful mother of his child. There is both a good and a painstaking bad in this scene. The good is the idea that Robin slowly excludes herself from her friends, simply because she feels the need to 'grow up'. You cannot always stay at bars, drink and hang out all night long. People change, and to change, you need to let go of certain things. For Robin, that becomes clear to her. I feel for her, as she must watch Barney womanize his way to a miserable life, without a care in the world for Robin. But she also earns a sin in that she has become jealous of The Mother and Ted, at their happiness. HIMYM is a loop, where Ted and Robin constantly have feelings for one another, then dissolve such feelings.

This episode is simply bad, as mistake after mistake is committed. The writing is simply not there to create an emotionally investing episode, as it abandons all the character development of Barney, from a womanizer into a deep and insecure male figure. The awkward insertion of the Mother into the gang in the final episode does not feel earned. Rather, it feels awkward as we have not had the time to see friendships and bonds formed.

The unfortunate reality is that this is only part one of a two part finale, where the second part can in no stretch of imagination, be any better.
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Very beautiful final episodes
liklik-rat16 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am a follower of many TV series, ranging from sitcoms, through drama comedies to pure dramas. When one follows a series, and its characters, for an extended period of time (sometimes over a decade) there are of course huge expectations to meet for the writers when they decide on how to end their series, and results range from total failures, like Seinfeld (with its gimmicky "include all our previous successes") to the mindboggingly beautiful (albeit somewhat predictable) Six Feet Under.

Dramas may end in an "open" way (like Breaking Bad) with people loving it, while comedies obviously seem to raise the expectations of very predictable, "clichéish" and hollywoodesque endings, which seems to be the case with How I Met Your Mother (judging from the rankings and reviews).

Personally, I (and my girlfriend) found the ending episodes (watched them as one from a DVD) extraordinarily creative, UNpredictable and also very, very beautiful, making it one (two-in-one) of our favourite final episodes ever.

In an interview we watched (extra material on our DVD) Josh Radnor (aka Ted) said that one of the things he liked about the HIMYM writing was that it was "true to life" and not shying away from the sad things that occur in life. He also pointed out that according to his view things and people in life can be "right" (for each other, like Ted and Robin) but on different time-lines, making "success" impossible. I couldn't agree more! The writers of HIMYM know this, and although several episodes of HIMYM are gimmicky, predictable and almost "slapsticky" at times (the entire Season 7 is a quality drop, methinks), it is different from most other sitcoms in its serious undertones, that pop up now and then.

I find the final episode(s) very beautiful for these reasons: good things happen in life, but you can't expect them to last (everyone can have really nasty surprises out of a clear blue sky!), life is complicated and depends on a huge amount of coincidences and "near misses" (more than we know or even *can* know), and/but finally the timeline adds up for Ted and Robin, ending in a way that is both open (we don't *know* what happens next, but we can be pretty sure) and positive, in the midst of the sad things that we have just been confronted with. Moreover, the end makes sense! Like the children point out: the entire series *has* been about Ted having the hots for Robin, but the timeline has never been right for them. Years and years later, it finally is, and what has been obvious for almost a decade (at least between the lines) happens.

Full score for a true-to-life, creative, unpredictable (while making sense) and very, very beautiful final episode.
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What Could Have Been...
rtp2951 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I want to start by saying I normally do not review anything, yet alone single episodes. However, being HIMYM is one of my all time favorites, I felt the need to.

This finale could have been perfect, if not for the last 3 minutes. I cannot get over them killing off the mother! I had heard the speculations, but I hoped it was not true. After almost 9 full seasons of Ted looking for her and finally finding her, they writers kill her off, it makes no sense to me. Worse so even is the fact that we barely saw her, the flash forwards were cool yes, but throughout the show the mother was almost made into a "mythical creature" of sorts, and I felt more scenes with her were needed.

Ted going back to Robin?!? I am not even going to go into it, its so ridiculous.

Lastly, the worst part is the writers had this ending picked from the pilot, which I find ridiculous. How can you make an entire show about one mans journey to find the love of his life, finally find her, and kill her off?!? You might as well change the title of the show, its actually beyond ridiculous they wrote an entire series with that ending in mind. All the close calls with Ted and the mother over the years almost feel wasted.

The show should have ended with them at the train station, we didn't even need to see them together after that scene, but simply not have her get sick, show them together at the station, and close out with "and that kids, is how I met your mother." May have been a predictable ending, but a much, much better one.

There was also a lot of character development with Barney that went to waste. It did improve slightly when he held his daughter but overall seemed wasteful. I didn't know such a good series could be thrown away in the final episode, wait...rather final 3 minutes of a finale. Maybe this is all an April Fools Joke? Barney's last play? Most of us fans can only wish.
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I don't see the hate
sexystarwarslover10 April 2018
It's been over a year since I started watching this show from beginning to end, especially after catching episodes on TV inspiring me to watch this hilarious show! I've watched it any time I can take - whilst doing chores, at night, at the gym, at work - now I can watch any episode any time. I get some people are angry over the finale, that shocked me but I also get what the ending was about. The kids tell their father the truth and the Mother, a great character all in S9 wasn't in the season much and this show was about Ted and his friends whilst he was leading up to meeting the mother. Barney has been one of my favourite characters from the beginning - he's the type of character I love - crazy, funny and outgoing. The whole group has been awesome and I cannot wait to start watching episodes any time. Definitely remaining one of my top shows ever!!
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hebawaduwdum23 January 2021
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It was sad to see but realistic and touching episode.
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The best one by far...
m-l-jake5 April 2014
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I have to admit the series from season five to the 22nd episode of season 9 was bit of a drag... The jokes got immature and boring, the plot and the idea was turning out to become way too long and unconvincing and then of course the saddest disappointment of all "the Mother"... I swear when she first made her appearance I was like oh f**k this no more HIMYM from now on that's about it! But fortunately I managed to continue watching this series till this very episode, a clever and well-scripted finale which kind of made the whole series into a master piece and self-explanatory (it was like a come back to all the anti-jokes regarding it's lengthiness and also "the Mother").

I watched the the first few minutes of this episode expecting it to be awful like the rest before it, then the next few minutes thinking oh this isn't so bad as i expected and then for the rest of it I was completely wired into it. I have to mention that I for one always wanted Ted to actually end up with Robin ever since the very first episode she showed up. In fact the Ted-Robin plot was the only reason that got me to the very last episode of this series (that and the songs and Barney's catch phrases). You could probably imagine how depressed I was most of time let alone during just this episode but also the whole season. I even started hating Barney for being the third wheel. Anyway, when Barney and Robin got divorced in between this episode I thought it's better for Robin to die alone and sad than to die married to anyone but Ted (I still wasn't expecting Ted and Robin to end up together). So the Last bit, absolute joy and pleasure, made almost 9 years of my life worth every second. Robin's smile at the end would definitely linger in my mind for quite some time.
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Robin is the true protagonist.
wasonlyafantasy1 April 2014
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Throughout all nine seasons of this show we got to believe that Ted was the show's main protagonist. The finale shows that this was not true; Robin has been the main character of the show all along. Only the main character is allowed to get everything in the end; all the things she deserved and all the things she did not, including Ted.

The ninth season has paved the road for a heartbreaking though realistic finale.

It could be the story of how one matures in this, beautiful in its messiness, New York City, between best burger quests, numerous of bad or good dates, perfect two minute dates, altar abandonments and ridings into the sunset with someone else's bride, to finally become ready to find the love of his life.

It could be the story about how many slaps (figurative slaps Marshall) you have to take from the girl you think is the one, before you can realize that she is not the right person for you, "love her, but not in the same way" and eventually let her go.

It could be the story of how best friends are drifting apart, how people becoming tired when babies and jobs invade brutally their lives, and how relationships are changing from these dynamics, something that as Robin quotes "isn't necessarily a bad thing".

Finally, it could be a story about love and loss, about cherishing each little moment with your loved one, "every stupid fight you ever had, every sleepy Sunday afternoon", because you never know what life will bring.

But it chooses to be none of them, it chooses to be the story of how Barney magically deletes every emotional progress he has made over the last 2 seasons and stays the teenager's definition of awesome, high-fiving himself into another bimbo's pants and how Ted and Robin, contrary to the show's narrative, end up together. And that is a bad thing.
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Grape scotch
bevo-1367815 June 2020
I like the bit where they do a massive high five and the ET thing
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Robin and Barney getting divorce because there's no WiFi in the hotel..
IlhamRamadhan8 May 2014
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Carter and Craig create this whole season 9 to tell about Robin and Barney's wedding, and after 1 episode they just walk into the end of the aisle, they getting divorce, and the most awful part in my opinion is because there's no WiFi in that hotel! If Barney can have WiFi access, then he could just doing his blog, and Robin can continue with the journalism. Another awful part is Robin always scared that Barney is not the right man because he is a liar and whatever he do is based on lies that makes she think this wedding is a mistake. The truth is Robin is the reason why they're getting divorce. She is the one saying this marriage is not working and that's because she need to go to a lot of country, and Robin also the first one to propose to getting divorce, this whole thing is because her. I'm sorry for my bad English, but this is just to awful for fans like me.
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Worst ending ever
bdmakadia26 July 2014
its the worst ending ever after an amazing build up of 9th season. the entire season made barney better. Swarley was perfect relationship. And if barney cant work out with robin, there is no chance Ted and robin can work, never. Robin is too away and cold for Ted. Loved the way it ended for lily and Marshall. Ted and Tracy were perfect. Hoped they built that relationship. The ending was so worst it didn't make me cry. Ted and Tracy were amazing. Hope the producers redo the ending. Loved loyal, honest, caring barney in entire last season. I really hated the ending. It was just awful. I know love is messed up or crazy. But Ted and Tracy were more perfect then Ted and robin can ever be. Ted and Tracy were like Lilly and Marshall.
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Worst Finale for the Best Show ever !
shakthi19961 April 2014
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The whole show lays emphasis on the journey that Ted goes to meet the mother while the finale suggest the mother was merely a prop set to the actual story, 'How I met your mother but still loved aunt robin'. I get it, The mother dies but still, i would have hoped for the mother to be bigger part to this rather than just be a cover up for the real deal. Although I wanted robin and barney to last forever *the fact that they broke up completely infuriates me*, To just ignore these 9 years and bring Ted back to robin spoils the essence of the show. I loved this show for many reasons, catchy and fun lines, the whole atmosphere of the gang, the way the story is told and many more but the standing reason i LOVED this show was for the purity in Ted's search for his true love *and also watch barney and robin find theirs but that didn't work out !* and to spoil the whole thing by Ted disregarding entire story for robin was just pure insanity according to me. The finale didn't go the way i wanted and i'm sure it didn't for other as well, nevertheless, The show i grew up with has now ended and this brings tears to my eyes knowing that it didn't end the way i was hoping for.
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How I met surrogate mother
tufreeh3 April 2014
Ted and Robin shippers are happy that Ted / Robin became couple in the end that is why they didn't see what others see.

Out of the small number people that enjoyed the finale specially , the excuse I see the most is: "Well, the mother dying? That's life, after all." Oh, really? Good for you, guys. I don't need HIMYM to teach ME any life lessons. I'm pretty sure we all have our share of painful lessons our lives taught us of our own and if I want to see what life looks like in all its cruelty, watching the news is enough. Or, at least, I watch a drama.

But if I decide to watch a SIT-COM, I want the HAPPY END... and, you know writers? A happy end doesn't involve a character who gets killed off just because you want to forcefully achieve an ending that, after 9 years from the pilot, is now pointless. Flexibility, in this case, would have been the perfect route.

We are not angry that Barney / Robin divorced or mother's death we hated because they wasted fans' 9 years.

Barney proposed to Robin is one the most romantic and beautiful proposal in any television history. they destroyed that . If you want T/R final you should not made B/ R as couple. Instead that C&C should show this proposal from Ted to Robin.

They destroyed whole 9th season and wasted our time by showing Wedding but divorced them immediately and in rushed. They should show wedding in 1-2 episodes only and later whole season should be shown how they will going to separate.

Worst to all, they ruined mother's character , they should make Jeanette or Karen as the mother so that it will be happy ending that Ted dating Robin again in the end. Instead they show character who loved by majority of fans and killed her in rushed and without moaning and proper funeral. She looks like a just baby making machine instead of Ted's soul mate or Love of life.

Last few minutes of last episode destroyed the title of the series , Should be title as "How I met surrogate mother" or "How I bang your Aunt".
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depressing episode
chichia5 June 2014
How i met your mother has been a great show.The perfect combination of subtle joy , fun and intelligence. I was expecting the last episode to be epic. It started good and funny as always but then went poor and sad it wrecked the soul of the show it was painful to watch, the twists just didn't seem to fit with the characters personalities and behaviors. I find it hard to understand why the creators of the show took this turn ,it is more like an episode of a dramatic cheesy show. at one point I asked myself who wrote this?. If you really like these show I recommend not to watch it, because if you do all the legendary magic that every episode had will disappear.
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Thanks to tears and laughs HIMYM gave us
jimji10281 April 2014
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I would have given a 10/10 if it was not the finale. I cannot deny that this was a great show and there was no reason to give a review this low. All the plots should have led to a happy ending. I don't agree with the kids of Ted. Yes, the story was mainly about Ted and Robin, but why the heck in the world would Ted Evelyn Mosby tell his kids how he met their mother and turned out to be the love story between him and Robin? I like Robin, but this is not how it should end. What about Barney? Why would Barney end up with himself and no one to love? Why would Robin and Barney get divorced? Why shouldn't a guy like him, finally decided to settle down and marry a woman he loves, get the chance to have his happy and lovely family? A daughter? Sure, kids are important, but I would rather see Barney raising her with Robin than himself! What about Tracy? She just died after marrying Ted for four years, and Ted thought she was the one and end up standing outside of Robin's apartment with the blue French horn? This is not fair to anyone. Even if this might happen in real life and no one could do anything about it, this is a TV show and apparently audiences don't want to see a finale like this. The position of this TV show is romantic comedy, not some kind of cheesy shows that are filmed to earn some tears. In Summary, I don't think this finale satisfies me.
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This hurts me still
cmburton-2987519 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm re watching this for the 2nd time, first since it really aired and I still can't believe it. I need a do over. If they didn't make this last 2 part episode this show could be up there with the great sitcoms but they ruined it. Killing the mother and making this whole Ted should be with Robin thing? Nightmare. This is horrible. Robin and Barney are two of the worst people on earth. Barney for obvious reasons but Robin is also incredibly slutty and cheats on literally everyone. They're scummy and Ted is constantly being called a good guy. So why is the good guy supposed to be with the gross girl? We could have just left Ted with his Wife and Barney with Robin and called it a day. Bone head move to the extremes of ridiculous
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Worst ending ever Part 1
pack_fan_dave3 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The entire series revolves around Ted looking for the love of his life and how Robin made Barney a better person. For Ted to end up being married to Robin makes the entire series moot. They should have made Episode 22 the final episode. That would have made more sense and been true to the show.
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I'm confused.
changhanngoh6 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Someone needs to explain to me why the Writers of this show thought that showing the group spiraling into sadness and drifting apart was an appropriate ending to a sitcom comedy about a group of friends. I'm very confused.
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