The Curse of Oak Island (TV Series 2014– ) Poster

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Interesting story destroyed by repetitive canned narration.
skyflash-087936 May 2019
I'd give the story 8-9 stars but the production is just awful. Hey Rick, step on that rock over there. "A rock? On Oak Island? Could this be a rock stepped on by renowned pirate John Laffete? Or slept on by the Knights Templar who may have brought treasure from Jerusalem like the Arc of the Covenant? Or maybe it was used in writing the Magna Carte, or to identify the location of other buried treasure?..." Criminies.

And next time you go diving in a murky hole you think is connected to the sea, maybe a good idea to pump a 100K gallons of clean water in first? Just sayin...
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Tired of the narrator.
lockner-277935 December 2019
I remember hearing the story of Oak Island from my dad over 40 years ago. I really enjoy the show. But I am sick and tired of the narrator " could it be!" And his repeating of what was just said by the searchers. I really wish he could talk about half as much. He manages to ruin a really good show. I'm watching the program now, paused it and created an account just so I could complain about Robert Clotworthy. We discuss the show at work every week and everyone would like to hear a little less from him. Please listen to your audience.
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Stretching this out waaay too long
dmd-0486016 October 2019
The narrator is a living meme. "A rock...?! 78 feet below the surface...?! Could this be the key to the fabled treasure...?!?" Other than the stretching things out waaaay too long and the broken record narrator, the show is interesting and fun, and I like most of the characters. Just ready to see it wrapped up, for Pete's sake. 😉
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Great story, great characters, repetitive, irritating narriatuon
jaredlkidder19 October 2018
I do very much enjoy this show. The story and possibilities are intriguing and cause you to wonder what could actually be found. The characters on the show are likable and enjoyable to watch. The cons are the constant repetition of the story during each episode and my biggest annoyance is the narrator. You can bank on 2-4 times during each episode when they will find something (Coin, piece of metal, etc) and the narrator will say something to the effect of..."piece of metal?!?! Could it be part of an alien space craft from long ago?!?!" Obviously I exaggerate, but you get the point.
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Love the show but...
LaLaLaLaLoooola20 January 2015
Please please please don't cancel the show because I am addicted to the story and really like the guys on the show. They obviously are very passionate about what is buried on the island and how it git there and I hope the best for them.

What The History Channel needs to do though is stop repeating the same story of the curse - we get it, stop telling me what's coming next after the commercial and then recapping what I saw just before those commercials- if you think I can't remember that far back then you're airing too many commercials, and maybe combine a few episodes into one so I feel the team has accomplished something or give more details in place of the same curse chants so it doesn't feel like I wasted an hour watching 15 minutes of actual content.

Do not cancel it, fix the damage The History Channel has done to it.
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Kinda Stupid But I Can't Stop Watching It
ghost0ne29 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I can't stop watching this show in spite of how ridiculous some of these theories are. Marie Antoinnette? The Knights Templar? The Mayans?! What?! I just don't understand why anyone would dig some deep-ass tunnels, to bury their treasure 200 ft down, in some hard-ass rock on some random-ass island. Why would anyone go through all that trouble when you could just bury it 6 ft down so you can easily get it later. Or maybe, don't bury it at all. Spend it you idiots! You know, like normal pirates do.

But then I start thinking, "If it's a religious site maybe there's treasure there. You know, like the pyramids or something." And I hold onto that small intriguing thought in spite of my logic screaming, " That's stupid! There's nothing there!" The only mystery is why people keep sinking their money into this island. I mean, come on, one guy's theory is that the Mayan's sailed from South America all the way to Canada just to booby trap and bury their treasure. That sounded so absurd I would've slapped the dude who said that in his face. I can't believe some people buy this stuff. However there are some that are plausible. The one about the British soldiers burying their plunder of war there; I can see that possibly happening but not 200 ft down in an elaborate tunnel system. That's ridiculous. No one who wants to get their treasure back is going to bury it that deep.

And I also don't like how the show makes a big deal about the most mundane things. "I found a handle that's a treasure chest handle." Cue dramatic music Because it can't possibly be a handle for anything else. They find a log. Cue dramatic. They find a rock. Cue dramatic music. Anyone mentions the word treasure or gold. Cue dramatic music. If any documentary guys are reading this please stop with the dramatic music cues every 10 secs. It's getting out of hand. Not everything is dramatic.

Despite all this I can't stop watching it! Even though my logical mind tells me this stuff is BS there is that small bit of intrigue that's taken me 8 episodes and I'll very likely finish the rest. So I give it a 6. There are things that annoy me about it but it's kept my attention.
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Too Much Speculation
JoelChamp8517 March 2021
I'll sum up this entire show: Marty "Would you say that's manmade?" Expert "Maybe." (Marty and Rick look at each other.) Narrator "A manmade structure? Could this be the final clue in the Oak Island mystery? Could it hold gold? Pirate treasure? Or something far, far more important?"

It's an alright show but they're connecting things on that island that are results of hundreds and hundreds of years of visitors leaving their own traces behind. The guess work in the digital video recreations paint a false image to the viewer.

In a way Rick and Marty did find gold, since they've invested a little over $5 mil and the show has made over $100 mil. In that way they were very clever.
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Treasure found!
graeters14 December 2022
The Lagina brothers have already found their treasure.

It is not at the bottom of the money pit.

It is in the heads of the gullible millions who think they can substitute their lack of historical knowledge with a "potentially significant" rusty nail. The same trick week after week, month after month, season after season.

These two clever chaps have got an army of addicted old boomers who think they are about to witness the last thrill of their life: finding out what was it all about.

It doesn't matter if there is a treasure on the island somewhere, the point is to always be just on the brink of finding it. "This season they will solve everything" the addicted pray. Like going to church to get your periodical fix of delegating responsibility for solving the mystery of life to someone else, someone with an elaborate story that can't be solved easily but promises to unlock something important, eventually. "Maybe we can keep them interested one more year" the brothers pray with each new season, and their prayer has been heard 9 times in a row already. I'm sure that at the end of this season they will be very close to solving it, again. Next year the same, the gods of TV ratings willing. And in the decades to come millions more will flock to the island to marvel at the altar of the "potentially significant" rusty nail.

The Laginas are digging in the hearts and minds of tv junkies and have already struck gold there. Congratulations!

Let the illusion of the almost solvable Oak Island mystery continue ad infinitum. Amen!
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The narrator gave my ears aids
chris_shields854 December 2018
So far I am half way through season 3 and it is ok, but to be fair the amount of crazy theorys is beyond a joke, the brothers are a great duo and pretty well equipped but at the same time seem happy to take a positive from almost nothing, such as a plank of wood. HOWEVER the narrator is now probably my most hated person on earth, if I had £1 for everytime he says " could it be that...." I would have made more money than any amount of treasure value that is rummored to be on the island. And he LOVES to repeat the exact words that someone on the show has just said except he likes to throw in a dramatic voice with long pauses. I recommend you give the show a bash if your kind of thing
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Possibly, But Doubtful
blackdaytonagt23 November 2019
Since I haven't read all 189 reviews that's shown to exist, I cannot know if anyone else has thought of my admittedly wild theory. I am glad that Rick & Marty Lagina decided to undertake the ''mystery'' of this island with the kind of equipment to try to accomplish something along with the know-how to operate this equipment however, due to the structure of the island, I honestly don't believe they'll uncover everything they hope to. In my opinion, most of the island is not naturally formed. I do believe there was a small island in the beginning, but that original existing island was built up, out, and around over time to build this pit & truly be able to bury or hide??? I cannot see how the original ''Money Pit'', as it's now known as, could have been built to the depth it is unless the island was structured around it. Along with the depth of the pit, all of the flood water booby traps as well could not have built unless the island was built up by layers. The ''Lagoon'', as it's referred to, is another detail of the island which I cannot see as being natural. The fact that there are so many flood water traps at located at several levels in the pit clearly indicates to me that the island had to be built up in layers. In the episode showing the dye test which located several openings which the dye flowed out of into the surrounding water, in my opinion, clearly indicates that the island had to be ''DESIGNED & structured'' by someone. Yes, I'll agree that it could be possible that if & when the pit might have been dug, these water channels could've been discovered & their effluents or outflow channels & openings might've been enlarged to create these traps however, I honestly believe it would be extremely tricky to successfully dig a hole that deep with all of these ever present openings. With the island being 36ft. above sea level (I'm guessing the top of the pit is a few feet below that) & with theories saying the pit could be 200ft.deep, the water pressure from the ocean would be approx. 72psi (200ft. minus 34ft. equals 166ft. X .433 = + or - 72psi). Even at depths of 90ft. which had previously dug down to, the pressure would be around 23-24psi. With my 20 some years of experience working in the water treatment & distribution field, I know that only 23psi is enough pressure to break open an already present & weak mud/sand opening to an extremely free-flowing channel of water. To me, all of these details seems to make it nearly impossible (anything's possible) for people to have successfully dug a pit so deep into an existing island. When they discovered what appeared to be an obvious man-made opening in the ''lagoon'' was the 1st yet final detail that clinched it for me that the island had to have been built up around the pit. Will anything of any significance ever be found? Besides the occasional coin, bones, more coconut fiber, and timbers, , , ,I don't see how. However ''ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE''.
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"Could be or it could be..."
stbrads-932-48576813 May 2019
The narration of this show is absolutely terrible. Never have I heard so many "maybe", "it could be or it could be..", "suggests", "might be"... and on and on, the writer must be a lawyer. The cast will throw some stupid suggestion out there and the narrator annoyingly turns it to a question like it's the most mysterious thing in the world. " This looks like a spear." Narrator "A spear?" Blah blah. Once you hear it you can't unhear it. There are endless recaps in the show; it could easily be a 30 minute series. These guys are tenacious, I'll give them that, they have spent so much money over the last 7 years that I doubt finding the treasure at this point would get them in the black.
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Oak Island TV Show is Cursed
celt00711 November 2020
They may be onto something definitely they have made amazing progress over 10 seasons.

I've grown fond of the people involved the Lagina's have a great group of people .

It's been a long road but ai think there is 1 season left , I think something is going to be discovered it could Be Templar treasure . If they do find this or anything else if will rewrite the history books .

This past season some very interesting discoveries .

A very decent Bobby Dazzler . ( thanks Gary Drayton for that word)

I really am excited for next season . I hope they find what they believe is there . If they do this show could be one of the greatest tv shows of its kind ever.
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Decent content, good adventure.
ryanmoreau-3757418 November 2017
I enjoy this show for the most part, for what little they find there is plenty of research and analysis done on those pieces. I enjoy the story that is told from the artifacts that they find. I'm very curious about other parts of the island which they've found artifacts. If it wasn't for the back story of the island and the story being told from the artifacts there wouldn't be much to interest me.
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Stop the narrator
dmesei27 April 2019
The narrator has to be cut from the show or at minimum reduce his nattering by 75%. He must say "brothers Rick and Marty Latina" 10 times an hour. It's ridiculous! Stop the insanity.
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Talk Talk Talk Talk and Then a Commercial
drednm19 March 2019
Hideously slow, repetitive garbage built around some possibly interesting history.

These "treasure hunters" dig and gouge their way through Oak Island, instantly assuming everything they find is Norse or Roman and another clue to the treasure they seek. Each episode has a nugget of story stretched out to fill a 1-hour time slot. They stand around and talk and talk and talk.

There's an old cross, an old coin, a concrete wall, a mysterious cavern, a rock with "carvings," etc. With every "find," they jump to an array of conclusions that always hark back to the mythic Roman or Norse explorers from two centuries ago. Nothing is ever substantiated. The "experts" they consult add nothing to the endless blather.
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A show I enjoy....but!
rickycalica27 April 2022
I've followed this show since the first season, and have enjoyed most of it. Often times I do find myself sleeping through the filler episodes, but the episodes where they actually discover things are pretty interesting. My main issues with the show though are the narrative of everything being potentially fabled treasure, and then the random factoids that pop up in later episodes because they find something in another country. Like in the most recent episode there is a well in Portugal that has a spiral staircase and suddenly the money pit also had a spiral staircase. This happens pretty regularly, and I'm left wondering if maybe I missed it during the filler episodes I sleep through, or I'd it really is a randomly added factoid to hold our attention.

Hopefully they find the treasure soon though!
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Have respect for the team, not The History Channel
Disco_will_never_die7 November 2019
Firstly, I would like to offer sincere, public condolences to the friends and family of Dan Blankenship, who passed away in March of this year (2019), and devoted the larger half of his life to solving the mysteries surrounding Oak Island. That is no small feat, for any team, let alone one man. Such dedication and commitment is truly inspiring. And among other things, this show has at least done that man justice, in the form of bringing his life's work to a fair level of public attention. Can you imagine for a moment, what it must feel like, at the age of 90+ years, to have determined people like the Lagina brothers come to the place you have worked on for so many years, and finally have the means to help you really try to further your work, and bring it to the public eye? Just think about that for a second. Dan Blankenship lived there, Oak Island was his life.

Here we are in the age of information and smartphones and 30 second attention spans. I am 31 years old, and it's truly astounding to think that this man has spent more time trying to solve the Oak Island mysteries than I have spent being alive. And the Lagina brothers have very obviously been good friends to him, and numerous others who have worked on the island, and lost friends and family of their own. If you stop whining about the show long enough to look closely when Dan is in an episode, you can see that Rick and Marty go out of their way to bring anything they find directly to his hands so that he can examine it, and be a part of a potentially important discovery. I was raised to respect my elders, and hard work. And I find those scenes to be very touching. Because you can see the emotions on Dan's face, and that's real. Even the History Channel editors cannot take that from him. Even near the end of his life, that man got to witness possibly the most important thing to anyone who's worked that hard for anything could wish for; some people caring enough not just to tell his story and the story of others, but to include him in the process.

The Lagina brothers have done the late Mr. Blankenship a great honor, with their own dedication and hard work, and most of all, the extreme expenses necessary to do what they have done. Millions of dollars spent to try and solve this puzzle. They come off as very kind people, very genuine, and family oriented. Seeing as they have found many ways to include young Alex Lagina in the work along side them. Rick is certainly the more fact and results oriented treasure hunter here. He's always the first one to look at anything they find with all important scrutiny. Found an old crusty spike in the swamp? Ok, good, Rick might say. But it cost a small fortune to get permissions to drain that swamp and excavate it, and bring experts out to search it. Before he gets all excited about a guy with a metal detector suggesting it may have come off a Spanish Galleon, he wants it sent off to experts. He has a real level of calculating intelligence to him. As much as a man can muster under the title of "treasure hunter."

I respect the Lagina brothers for what they have done, truly. Many people would do anything to be able to do the things they have. Especially Dan Blankenship. So, it's a little bothersome to me to read some of the negative things said about the Lagina brothers and their team, and especially about Dan. That's really not fair to them. These people have worked harder, and dreamed about doing the things done on that show, longer than most of us have been alive. Not to mention spent more money on their dreams than many of us will ever possess in our lifetimes. Have some respect. If you can't spend your hard earned money on chasing your dreams, what's the point?

Now, the show. And The History Channel... the ONLY reason I give this show 9/10 stars. Before this summer I didn't have access to cable TV for about six years. I didn't know this show ever existed. I guess you could say I sort of lived under a rock. I did read a book several years ago, titled "Riptide," which was a fictional thriller, based upon the Oak Island treasure. It was a good read, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that a show about the actual island had been airing since 2014. Between Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, I have binge watched every episode in every season, and watched the the first of Season 7 live. Which prompted me to say all this. Because, clearly, when you watch it without having to suffer through commercials, and the BS network that airs the show, it's much more bearable.

It's also WELL worth pointing out how shocking it is to see what The History Channel has been reduced to... I agree with every single negative comment here about the network and the narration and the commercial breaks. It begs the question of whether or not Dan Blankenship ever had watched this show live, because if that were me, I would have been upset. What an affront to this mans work. Last time I focused on the History Channel, they seemed largely interested in airing NON-fictional programs, that certainly had no script or fake drama. Now, I can't find a single show on the network that comes close to that. It's beyond pathetic, beyond words. They should not even be legally allowed to title themselves as a "History Channel," it's disgusting. Not as bad as what we Americans call "The Learning Channel," aka TLC. I won't even get started there, all I can say is Honey Boo Boo... Really, all of television seems to have turned into a lot of garbage over the last decade, having the unique point of view that I do, with that several year gap. The commercials are louder and longer than they used to be, there seems to be no more 10:00pm "watermark" for the more adult programs and content. I'm still shocked at some of the things they allow on daytime TV now, and I'm 31! Any kid who gets home from the school bus before their parents do, has access to some serious garbage at all times of day, and people wonder what's wrong with the younger generations, wow... Saying that makes me feel incredibly old, but is it not true? And what the heck is wrong with Cartoons? What a mess...

Anyways, I think I'll drop cable again, and just stick to streaming what interests me. Television has become so much more trash than I ever thought possible. And one of the biggest disappointments to me this year, has been realizing how terrible the History Channel, of all networks, has painted the the story of a really intriguing part of... North American history, with The Curse of Oak Island. So sad. Go ahead and hate them for that all you want, but respect those who have have worked to chase their dreams. That's fair. But maybe they wouldn't have been able to get as much funding for the treasure hunt without getting the story on such a network, I do not know. I just really hope something is discovered, after all these years.
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Love a Mystery but Jeez
trwhit4 January 2017
I love a mystery as the titular assertion would suggest, but this one is just too old to solve, I feel. They've done a lot of work amounting to bumpkiss as far as I'm concerned. However, the author, Sullivan, who has come to the game late, is the wisest; without spending any money, he has steadfastly learned something of the history, genealogy and habitation of the island, which is where these two brothers should've started.

On a different note, I find it hard to believe anyone, even with slave labor, dug a hole over 100 feet just to bury a treasure, then riddled the hole with traps leading to sea water; but if they did, wouldn't the ensuing years worsen the condition of the "vaults" and "traps". I'm not buying it.

Anyway, the show is what it is. What I find irritating is the narration. Every time there is some infinitesimal discovery, we get this incredulous narrator doubling down on what we already know from having just listened to the players. I've seen there are drinking games revolving around this show; one should include taking a shot every time the narrator switches to his incredulous voice. *VERY ANNOYING*

Good luck to the crew--in finding treasure and keeping an audience through their journey.
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Far Too Much Repetition!
ScriptiSandy25 January 2015
I have loved the mystery of Oak Island since reading about it in an old copy of Readers Digest in 1975. I was so excited about the show and have watched every episode in hopes of something being discovered.

I agree wholeheartedly with the other review - it is far far far too repetitive. Easily 90% of the show is rehashing and repeating what has already been shown, talked about, etc. As a result, in an entire season you get MAYBE one episode worth of new information. It's pathetic really.

I have wasted enough of my time on this show, I won't be watching any more seasons. I wish it were different as I really like the brothers and their passion and dedication to the quest, and I would love to watch it unfold in anything but what amounts to frame by frame slow motion.
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Very Interesting
canuphome7 October 2018
Love this show. Mainly because there is no fussing and fighting shown if there even is any. It's about friends and family coming together and working towards a goal. I really enjoy learning about the history of the island and the different theories of what could be hidden on the island. You can really see the love and respect they have for the island and to those who came before them and worked on the island. About to finish S5 and can't wait till I can watch the new season.
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Fair and Honest Review
northwoods199220 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Although I agree with the points of many others regarding the errant direction of History (previously the History Channel), that is not the point of this review - rather to honestly and fairly review The Curse of Oak Island.

I shall start off with the negative aspects of COOI: the show is slow and has obvious pacing issues as many others have said here. We as the audience are naturally impatient and are more interested in the results of the digs, the investigations, etc rather than watching the process unfold. This has led many times to a series of events that rightfully should have taken one episode being stretched out to three or four.

Personally I find the narration to be a bit degrading as well. It feels as if the narrator is attempting to catch us up on what's happening after every small occurrence. For example the main characters might be investigating some pirate treasure theory, and the narrator feels the compulsion to butt in with "Pirate treasure?! Could it be?" Contrived is the word I would use.

As an additional observation, something always seems to go wrong with the investigations - hence the idea of the Curse of Oak Island, but there are times when it becomes obvious that the difficulties are self-inflicted - for example, "Well, it's getting late, we'll have to continue the dig tomorrow," they say in broad daylight - to which we all respond, "great, we'll have to wait until next episode. Again." Still with all of that being said, overall I have enjoyed the show. It is a bit overlong at times, but the processes they take are logical and they are very conscientious of local laws and very respectful of other owners of the islands' wishes. As much as the theories seem to be far-fetched at times, I find them to be refreshing takes on the holes in between the stories of the history books. To be honest, this show contains more history than a number of History shows, even if they are just theories.

All in all, I think it's not a bad watch. I really hope they're able to discover something - hopefully in a more timely manner.
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Entire story could be told in a one hour documentary
asleep_soon18 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I can't blame the History Channel for trying to drag this out for at least a season. A series will certainly bring in more money than a documentary.

But for any series to be successful, there has to be substance.

On the episode I just watched (number three, I believe?) the whole hour was about finding coconut fiber on the island. At the end of the show, they received information about how old the fiber was.

That was it. That's what happened on this week's episode. Really? An hour for that? Most of the allotted time was filled with dramatic music punctuating events that weren't dramatic, and the narrator repeatedly reminding us of possible theories of the island.

I really don't mean this review as a dig against the people on the show. I think they're sincere and they probably have no control over what the network deems the final edit.

At this pace, this show has no hope. I hate to admit I find myself continuing to watch, hoping for something big. What my hour amounts to is about ninety seconds of watchable television while I fight the urge to fast forward through more than the commercials. I had high hopes for this "real life" mystery show, but after this week, I'm out.

I've thought about starting a drinking game to play as I watch but I'm not sure I'd want to get that drunk. A drink every time they show the graphic of the booby-trapped pit, a drink every time the narrator mentions the Knights Templar or other theories, a drink every time there's a dramatic setup for absolutely nothing, a drink for every time the guys are sitting around the table drinking. Unfortunately, this show isn't worth the hangover.

I will gladly read the episode summaries after the series is over. And if there's a nice, condensed documentary, that's even better.
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alvisjw4 November 2019
Please get a different narrator! The guy you have is the most irritating person on tv.
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Nice entertainment but too slow and repetitive narrative
petsuchos-ra2 May 2017
I never heard about Oak Island. But this show seems interesting and gave it a try. And don't regret it.

Lagina's brothers efforts and determination are so strong it's contagious. Their partners seem also very excited and intrigued to solve it all.

But History channel is ruining all thing with this repetitive narration. Better have people watching 5 episodes season than nobody watching a 15 episodes season. Just do the maths. Please, read IMDb's reviews and fix this! There's still time to solve the mystery and enjoy the viewers.
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Never have so many done so little with so much time!
Bronco4613 January 2016
This show is the Lagina treasure. We're three seasons into this thing. And little to nothing has been found. Nothing has been proved. And if this was anything but a TV show that had sponsors paying the bills, it would have been shut down after the first season. Episode after episode does not deliver. The writers of narration and the narrator himself do as much as they can to maintain our interest. But with three seasons in. This show has proved to be a complete bust. Episode after episode we have to sit through seemingly endless discussions by all those involved. I don't know whether these guys legitimately believe there is anything at all on this island. But I myself have begun to feel like we are being strung along. We all like to see historically significant treasures found. And while this show is making money, hooking us, week after week. With nothing. There's no there-there. They keep dragging out little bits and pieces of history, and "experts" to keep us interested. But it's gotten tedious. There are only about 10 to 15 minutes of new content per week. The rest is flashbacks and graphics. I read the same article in Readers Digest. But I read it in the 70's. And I thought "Oh Boy". Someone's going to finally address this. THEY HAVEN'T. And I'm 99.999% sure they won't.
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