Istrebiteli (TV Series 2013) Poster


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Air war over Kursk 1943
gordonl567 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers

This one is a Russian mini-series set in 1943 on the southern front in the U.S.S.R. The story is about the pilots, officers, and ground crew of a Soviet Fighter Regiment. The Regiment is a mixed outfit with male and female pilots. They all fly early versions of the Yak fighter.

The standard Soviet types that always seem to be present in these productions are on display. The fair minded officer in charge, the rat of a NKVD political commissar, the lads fresh out of training and so on. One of sub plots has the NKVD swine trying to get a leg over on the female types. Play along, or get a bad report type stuff. He is also always trying to get an ex gentry type in hot water.

The story starts out with a bang, with the group, led in the air by one of the female pilots, in a fur-ball with a gaggle of German Me-109's. There are losses on both sides before all head back to their own bases. The Soviets were out trying to discover the location of a German armored train. The train has been shelling the Soviet front line. After several more raids and more than a few losses, the Soviets manage to destroy said train.

The story now focuses on the interplay between the pilots and the commanding general. He is riding the Regiment's top officer for better results and less personal losses. There is now a bit where the NKVD swine has a leading pilot with 250 missions to his credit, shot. The man was suffering from battle fatigue and could not fly anymore. Needless to say, this has an adverse effect on morale.

One of the Regiment's pilots is shot down over German lines and captured. He is questioned and tossed in a camp with several dozen other Soviets. He manages an escape and reaches the Soviet lines only to be arrested. Again, the NKVD commissar is in play. The commissar dislikes the fact that this particular pilot has drawn the affections of a female pilot he lusts after. The charges do not stick and the pilot returns to the Regiment.

It looks like the Germans are preparing an attack on a massive scale. (Kursk) The Regiment is sent out on daily recon missions to discover the German positions. The Germans are not amused here and bomb the hell out of the Soviet airfield. They also shoot the hell out of the Soviet recon patrols.

The German's finally attack and break through the lines. The pilots make one final attack on the Nazis, the survivors then fly to another airfield further behind the front. The Germans overrun the base they just left. The ground personal, officers and medical troops all put up a valiant defence but are wiped out, including the swine of a commissar.

The tale ends with a small group of survivors returning some months later, to lay a wreath at the site of their former base.

Not bad at all. There is decent cgi for the flying scenes, as well as plenty of good period detail. They showed the difference between aerial combat on the western and eastern fronts. On the western front, combat mostly took place over 12,000-15,000 feet. In the east, pretty well all combat took place at low level, 1,500-3,000 feet. This was because the Soviet Airforce was a tactical force, as opposed to a strategic one in the west.
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Enjoyable WW2 Serial
corneilius_uk4 May 2020
Ok let's get the bad out the way first, Subtitles are way too fast making them difficult to read but that doesn't mean you can't follow what's going on, the female pilots are way to glamourous and the male pilots are far too photogenic. It's not a big budget production, but they do well depicting the air battles using the Sturmovik computer game which 'Air Crash investigation' has already done successfully. But they make a good fist of it, most of the story is about the Pilots and groundcrew's interaction, blundering political intrigue, love interests and the sudden loss of colleagues. I have been binge watching during the lockdown and the Attackers have been a pleasant distraction, yes it's a bit far fetched but it give good indication of the trials of the Russian air force in WW2 which had male and female pilots serving together. It's not going to challenge you but you will care about the characters, their losses and their victories whilst it gives a different view of WW2 from the Russian angle. Currnetly watching the 2nd series 'Attackers the last battle' which only has a few of the first cast in, but the women are even more glamourous and the political intregue more vicious!
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An emotional take on the Russian Great Patriotic War
hopmah14 February 2020
This miniseries does not offer great acting or visual effects. But let the imagination run wild, and immerse yourself in the "world" it offers: it soon becomes an emotional roller-coaster ride into the unknown, whether it be love or loss. Be assured of moments of sorrow and tears, and moments of joy and laughter as well.
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Star Media Nails WW2 Again!!!
chrissso20 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Star Media is barely known outside of Russia and that's a shame! The first SM production I saw was a remake of the Russian classic The Dawns Here Are Quiet (A zori zdes tikhie) and I was blown away!

Then I watched Three Days in the Life of Lt. Kravtsov (Tri dnya leytenanta Kravtsova) and again I was blown away!!

That said I jumped into this mini-series The Attackers (Istrebiteli) and I was once again blown away!!!

Istrebiteli is a 12 X 45 minute series that takes place on a remote soviet YAK air base in 1943. It's subject and setting is very unique especially to Westerners. Like other SM productions it makes great use of CGI (occasionally a little too much) and offers a very compelling story of the Russian WW2 experience. What I like most about these productions is that they look and feel very authentic. More so they have exceptional sound editing (listen closely and you will see).

Noteworthy is the fact that there is a sequel to this series called Attackers. The Last Flight (Истребители 2. Последний Бой) that is not even listed on IMDb. Like most SM production this can be found on Youtube. I'm betting it is good.

Finally there is another SM production that I will be checking out Night Swallows (Notchnye Lastotchki). This one is from 2013 and is listed in IMDb. I know that will be great!

POST: I just gotta say thanks IMDb for disabling the message boards ... way to take care of your customers! hope it proves to be a bad business decision and some well-paid Execs lose their jobs!!!
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Gritty, engaging and entertaining WW2 drama series
grantss18 January 2021
The Eastern Front, 1943. Two Soviet pilots, straight out of training, join a veteran fighter squadron on the front line. They will have to learn quickly as the adversaries are experienced and cunning and a mistake could make the difference between life and death.

Great Russian WW2 drama series. Quite realistic in its feel, with gung ho heroics kept to a minimum and the detail largely quite accurate. Not just a one-dimensional action series either as it looks at the war from many angles and covers many themes: home life, combat fatigue and how it is misunderstood, conditions in the trenches, treatment of wounded combatants. The wasteful, inefficient Soviet politics and ideology also receives much attention, unflatteringly (to my surprise!).

Throw in some good character depth and some interesting sub-plots regarding the pilots' personal lives and it is quite engaging and entertaining.

Special effects and action sequences are generally pretty good. However, some aspects do feel quite cheap, e.g. Flying scenes that look like they're from a video game. Some of the plot developments are quite clumsy. Worst of all, the English subtitles are very badly done. I don't understand Russian but some of the translations can't possibly be right. However, you get used to the clumsiness of the subtitles and learn to figure out from the context what was said (or just hope that a particular undecipherable sentence wasn't important!).

Also a pity that the writers couldn't maintain the solidity of plot until the end. It was going very well until about Episode 10 or so, after which the plot starts to get a bit loose. The final episode is particularly loosely written, making for an ending that is a bit disappointing.

Still, great entertainment and enthralling viewing.
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Russian Band of Brothrrs
robert-mcconnell101 April 2018
If you only ever judge WW2 by what Hollywood shows us then your as ignorant as can be. The Russians play an enormous part and this series shows just how it was for them. Men & women fighting together in difficult conditions. Political Commisars in every unit indoctrinating the troops and all fighting a dirty war that is seldom fully recorded here in the west. D-Day saw 7 divisions land on Normandy. Russia fought 50 divisions of German infantry and armour at least.

As for the production, it is representational and captures the feel very well. Russians don't have the luxury of big fancy CGI firms doing their fight scenes and to be honest it's the story line that makes the show, so we'll done to the script writers and the actors.

I think a lot of Russian made programmes and films are greatly underestimated. If as a country, they weren't so keen on poisoning people or cyber attacking someone then they could be a big player in the Movie business.
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lenartzajc17 November 2018
Simple made, with cool stories, and good effects for low budget. I think it's really one of best in low budget ww2 series.
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Russian WWII fighter pilot action, homage to brave women combat pilots
profsmartin16 January 2021
I couldn't stop watching this and found the series massively entertaining. The action is gripping and has you shooting at the screen. I welled up all the time with the romance and tragedy and the cast were brilliant. Cleverly written and completely palatable for western European viewers' tastes. Ekaterina Vilkova is superb as the woman flying ace, hard on the outside and fighting her inner emotional needs. Mariya Andreeva gives a storming performance, too, displaying international merit in the production. The subtitles could be improved for grammar, spelling and nuances, but that is not a fatal flaw and far outweighed by the whole thing. Don't miss the sequel series Attackers: The Last Fight, which is even better.
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There's so few reviews I wanted to post another..
Blumanowar25 November 2021
Now that I've finished the series I just want to say I found this show so very endearing... I absolutely loved it. The friendship and caring among the pilots was a great take and very different for a war movie. This Director did a great job. I enjoyed every moment and I'm so sad it's over. So few series get me like that. I know it was shot 7 yrs ago but I assume it's only been on prime a short time given there are just over 100 rating votes... Amazon ought to put this series in their recommended or trending etc because it's a damn good show. I can't say enough about this cast and their excellent acting. Sincerely... they're great and it's a great show and you won't be disappointed. I failed to mention this in my mid season post.. but the fact that Russian women served in battle and especially in such a technical job as flying war planes has to make the rest of the world realize we are way way behind the times in allowing women that want to participate in skilled battle positions. Cudos to this show for showing this as it was done 80 years ago. I know the US has just begun to allow such but it's time the damn conservatives than run our forces to give women that deserve it, whatever spot they qualify for. It's embarrassing that Russia was a decade ahead of us in this. This show shows what good people there were that fought in the war for Russia and at the same time how those good folks hated the party leaders and their overbearing inhuman 'statutes' were implemented. We all (countries) try to put hate upon each other but the truth is it's the Russian party leaders, the extreme US Conservatives and conservatives throughout Europe that keep war mongering just for the sake of continuing military dominance in each of our countries SIMPLY TO KEEP THE WAR MACHINE MONEY GOING SO THAT ALLVTHE DAMN CONSERVATIVES AND WARMONGERS CAN KEEP GETTING RICH FROM THE SALES OF WEAPONS.

When will the illiterates that support conservatives the world over stop being brainwashed and re-electing these fools just so they can keep playing their war games and just so they can get their kickbacks from the manufacturers and all the generals and those in upper level management of our armed services can retire from the military after 20 yrs and then take lucrative jobs in these same companies they've approved buying weapons from.

1/3rd of the US budget supports the military and it's similar in Russia.. when are THE PEOPLE OF BITH COUNTRIES going to get together and fight back at this absurd drain on our taxpayer funds. If we all came together (Russia and the US and others) and put a stop to all this military spending there'd be enough money to keep every human being in the world above the poverty line. Socialists purported to live this way but obviously Lenin and his predecessors up to the idiot running Russia now... it's obvious that was all a scam because the US and Russia have always been and still are today run by the same aggressive politicos and refuse to lay down arms.. NIT NECAUSE THEYRE AFRAID OF EACH ITHER' but because both governments and all their politicians make a living off of the military corporations. It's time all this insanity stopped. The people of the US and Russia both want the same things... jobs to take care of their families but our governments won't allow this. It's time the citizens of Russia, China and the US overthrew our governments and came together as one. I truly believe that will happen in the future. If it doesn't one of the 3 countries I mentioned will end reigning terror on the others. Let's all citizens of the world fight against our militaristic governments and their BIG CON and try to change the world the RIGHT WAY. Damn the CIA, the KGB (whatever their current name is) and Israel's damn spy agency is worst of them all and let's unite the world under freedom and Democracy/Socialism . I truly believe if we don't blow each other up first (Israel will cause it if happens) then in a decade or less we will all fight back and bury these damn conservative red fools forever and become a world that comes together in support of the people and not the military.
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Great series...! is this a typical Russian production?
Blumanowar25 November 2021
This was a great series.. I'm glad I found it. The story, plot and the actors are fantastic. Some very good actors all the way around.

And Elkatrina Vilkova... omg I'm in love. She is a beautiful lady and great actress. I'm trying to find more movies she's been in. Maryia Andreeva and Anton Sokolov are excellent in this as well. Seriously they're all good, some very prodigious actors in this show.

If this is a typical Russian production I hope Prime or Netflix picks up more of them.

If you like war flicks, especially those with war planes, you don't want to miss this.
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I just watched the best actor of the past decade!
Blumanowar26 November 2021
Did you know that Eketrina Vilkova is the most beautiful woman in acting today? And that her acting skills are second to none. If not just watch this show and others of her movies to see what I say is the truth. She is simply heavenly and has such stage presence. If she was in Hollywood she would be in the top echelon of actors. Scarlett Johansson is a joke in comparison to Vilkova. Hollywood is missing out by not casting her in top movies. The finest actress I've seen in the past decade without a doubt!
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