Hedgehogs (2016) Poster


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Weak corny plot amateur animation
atheerfouad6 February 2018
This is my second Chinese animation 3D feature after "Throne of Elves". Both of them show a necessity for some Western or Japanese experts to guide the animators especially when it comes to action sequences and fast movements. At those moments the animation is just not believable anymore. In "Throne of Elves" it was catastrophic. Fast movements were stuttering to an extend that it ruined the whole scene. In this movie; though the action sequences were improved and I didn't experienced the same stuttering as in Throne of Elves, the action was so bland and uninspired which also resulted in reduced believability. Maybe it's the lack of proper story-boarding as found in Hollywood counterparts.

As to the plot; there is nothing special to wonder about. Characters are underdeveloped. The love story has no excuse to exist. There are some good intentions and morals delivered throughout the story related to friendship, teamwork and modesty which I hope may be able to resonate with children. They didn't work for me however. Other than that, there may be some good laughs scattered here and there but also not so frequent.

I wouldn't say that you would regret the family time spent at this movie but there are a lot better ways and movies to spend one and a half hours with.
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Don't watch this
WeAreLive30 November 2018
Even though this movie is clearly made for young kids but I guess it was entertaining to watch to the point where I was bored again.

Another thing that did bother me is the animation and the cheap art style that was used. Well I am no one to judge but it could have been better. Also, parts of the story are bit dark but not too dark for kids.

Some might find this movie juvenile others will find it idiotic.

Also, why waste voice actors like Kyle Hebert, Patrick Seitz, Max Mittleman and Todd Haberkkorn's time on this when this should be dubbing anime.

From my side it is 4/10 as I have seen better animated movies.
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What the
mrwood-4648423 July 2020
We have been played. How much stuff they intertwined in this movie from 4 years ago. Sheesh.
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cmaclean2146 April 2019
This movie made my soul hurt. The story is garbage, the animation would have been bad for 1983 and the voice acting was awful.
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durhatre2 April 2019
The voice acting is horrible. The animation makes me want to die. The plot seems like it was made by a 4 year old. The adult jokes are wayyy to explicit and obvious. Seriously though, Bobby sounds like a bad version of sonic, and the animation is jolty and at some points disturbing. I'm not even going to start on the plot.
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Somewhere in here is a good film
jtj9214 June 2022
But the filmmakers didn't flesh out the story. Our main character, Bobby, seems to have many obstacles in the film that get settled in a matter of minutes. Talk about anti-climatic. So much of the story is told through verbal exposition it might as well be an audio book. On the plus side? The animation is sometimes decent such as the birds. There's some cool scenes of flying and jumping that give the film a little momentum. There are many characters on screen but make little impact on the film. Had the filmmakers taken the time with pacing, story, and characters this could have been a fine film.
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freyaatlas11 April 2019
I have hedgehogs as pets and well, their main diet are insects and this movie just bothers me lol that's just the start.
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leaverbrianna16 June 2020
This movie is absolutely the worst! I wasted my time with this garbage, I would never ever recommend it. I love hedgehogs, and all wildlife. This movie puts us as people in a really bad light. Despicable :(
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It's just a Sonic rip-off
OfficialFurbyFlash15 June 2019
Why does this movie exist? It just makes me want to rip all my hair out

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kepfree15 July 2020
I watched Hedgehogs with 5-6 year olds & they enjoyed it. I found it interesting that this was released in 2016 from Beijing & how well it relates to the current state of the world amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.
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This is a mess
soradgmr7 April 2019
This is one of the most time consuming things I have every watched. I think it wants to be a movie but it just cant decide on what it wants to be. Every scene goes by so quickly you feel like your on drugs with how fast the plot is moving around. It's only up until an halfway through the movie we are put on an actual plot line. Now I'm not one to snark on animation but this was pretty cheap. Not to most standards but it still feels like something you would find a dedicated college student to make. Not good but not too bad either. The endless references to sonic got a little grating after a while. At least the characters as bland, boring, forgettable, one note, cookie cutter, cardboard cutout, and bad as they are, at least their voice actor didn't make me feel as if they didn't know what they were doing. For some of these people I wouldn't mind hearing their voices with good direction and a better script. Overall this was a movie that was a complete mess from start to finish and I couldn't recommend it enough. This is a good bad movie that will make you and some friends say "what the hell did I just watch?"

PS. I should mention the the creators of SMOSH (Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox) star 8n this movie as main characters. I thought Ian did pretty good and he could have done better with a good script, and Anthony was terrible I every way. I have no interest or knowledge of SMOSH but if this is something close to their work, I'm not a fan.
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Awesome Movie
sarahthebaldifan2 April 2020
I watched this movie and it was heartwarming. But, the voice acting was a bit weird, and Bobby got a little rough, but it's fine.
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Don't Waste Your Time
HenryHillisatattletale17 August 2019
Honestly, awful. Chinese garbage. Lame story, characters you don't care about. Badly dubbed, badly acted.
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Low budget cash in.
Java_Joe13 June 2019
There's no reason for this to exist other than to capitalize on another hedgehog themed movie coming out later this year, namely Sonic the Hedgehog.

The animation is second rate and is obviously done on the cheap. And while some of the voice cast is okay and obviously just doing this for a paycheck, why the hell did they cast youtubers to do some of the main voices?

I've got nothing personal against Anthony Padilla or Jenn McAllister. I'm sure they do some good work on youtube and have lots of preteen followers. But here's the thing, they're not actors. They're not even voice actors which honestly can be a much harder to be as everything needs to be conveyed by their voice. Their delivery is flat and uninteresting. My guess is they got them because they were hip with the kids and that they worked cheap.

So really this is a Sonic ripoff made to separate the less observant from their money.
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What did I just watch?!
rena-0742622 August 2019
I'm sorry but the storyline for this movie is garbage. My 4 yr old chose it and I couldn't follow it AT ALL. What is that badger/skunk thing even supposed to be??? Why does the hedgehog think he's a bird? Who's the guy that steals them out of the sky (you read that right, the hedgehog can "fly")??? Why did he run over a motorcycle? Angel Baby??? These questions are only about the first 25 min of the movie because I made my son turn it off after that. I couldn't listen to one more second. I'll never get that 25 min back either...
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So bad
TexasAngel836 September 2019
This movie was chosen for our Friday Flick always work, for kinder through fifth graders. Out of 28 kids, two paid attention at all. It is just ridiculously bad. Very disjointed story, horrid animation, bad voice acting. If I could have given it zero stars, I would have.
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This is probably the worst movie I've ever seen
adamcalebhill27 July 2019
As other people have said the plot sucks, voice acting is awful, and it looks like a 2 year old animated it
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No, just no.
creampuffpigeon19 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie when I was like 8 and boy it was bad, the stroyline was so rushed, the characters desgins were just-💀 Anyway the love story was legit out of no where, people don't just straight away fall in love, and don't get me started on the main character being a boy and saving everyone in the end while the girl was sitting there like: "My hErO". Another person said the character development sucked and so it very much. The animation wasn't good at all, and look I GET HE IS THE MAIN CHARACTET BUT GOD WHY DOES HE HAVe to be saving the girl like SHES CAPABLE. Anyway just the sexism kills me.
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Terribly violent "children's" film
mdfox-961337 November 2020
For being a PG film, my husband and I thought it was fine for our toddler's movie night. Boy were we wrong. This was so sad; constant violence from animal to animal and human to animal. This movie was disgusting, terrible story line and just plain heartbreaking. I gave it a "thumbs down" on Netflix, but really wish I could have written this review. No child, or adult for that matter, should choose to watch this movie.
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An Awesome Hedgehog movie for the family
cleejr8 December 2021
I really enjoyed this movie despite it's knock off version of Sonic the hedgehog really love seeing the hedgehogs design especially Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox,Jenn McAlester,Jon Heder and Chevy Chase they really entertain me to have a good time watching this film really grateful to see this film from China especially the USA DVD I borrowed at a library from Lionsgate and Grindstone Entertainment Group.
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Very cute n funny movie
mikethebear-2994815 May 2022
You have to be a big kid inside to enjoy this movie of which I am It is so cute and funny too no reason to dislike it. If you hate kids films that might be a reason but that's on you. Don't ruin it for others because you don't like it. I wish they would have made another one It's got romance in it too I highly recommend it.
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Very cute, realistic, and predicted Covid in 2016!
elizamenchaca26 June 2022
This movie is a must see, very cute characters colors and realistic. This movie either predicted Covid or new about it. The cartoon is set in China. It shows how humans take wild animals for their own benefit, try to eliminate them, or blame them for the virus which in fact was created by humans. The movie shows Covid a "virus" in the city, humans wearing masks, wearing body suits, and fumigating. Looks like they knew it was coming. Perhaps they predicted covid would happen because humans are careless with animals and nature.
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Animated Masterpiece
hedgehogs_fan26 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of these review don't get just how great this movie is, I strongly recommend for you to watch this movie. It's fun for the whole family! A favorite scene of mine is where they probe Bobby. This movie is great and Maddox is scary! Bobby and Hubert are epic and I love them. I know smosh broke up but fingers crossed for hedgehogs 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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