Sever (2018) Poster

(I) (2018)

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Bad acting
andyo-794469 February 2019
The opening was very long and the acting is very bad but was okay movie
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Seen Worse
greg-5368211 June 2019
It was a pretty competent movie. Intro was pretty cool but lasted way too long. Acting was pretty good from the main two girls in the movie. Other then those two it was a little lacking. Ending kind of irritating dialogue from the sheriff, but overall it was an ok movie and didn't feel totally let down after it was over. Good if you can enjoy low budget movies.
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Awful acting
ricardotamez6 July 2019
The acting is like it is a high school play. They are like amateurs.
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I tried
chad-0939629 May 2019
I really tried to like this movie, but the opening credits took forever and that alone made it a rough start. Dull writing and acting caused me to fall asleep halfway through the film. I did rewatch it, but regret doing so. I gave it the benefit of the doubt, thinking the movie would get better, but it just never happened. The main characters did give it their all.
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laineyawhite9 September 2021
Terrible movie don't even waste your time.. so predictable slow and stupid.
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annesage7 April 2022
Do not watch

Waste of time.

Totally predictable.

Horrid acting.

No plot.

To much inapplicable unnecessary music.

Rediculous storyline.

Wish I had not watched.
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Pull the Cord on this braindead movie.
sbcjester215 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Shut up Martha! (repeat 8 more times)

Oh god where do I start? This movie was pure incompetence from beginning to end. I feel bad for the legitimate actors who were performing their asses off, only be be hamstrung by some of the worst writing, worst acting and worst secondary casting I've seen in quite some time.

Let's look at the very beginning. The opening title credits were over 5 minutes long, with absolutely nothing happening. The movie's initial name of "Bone Deep" was obviously changed because someone really likes Se7en and wanted to interject the look and feel into the opening.

The opening scene of Martha's escape was also clearly the director's attempt to steal the look and feel of Terminator 2's escape scene of Sarah Conner. It might have worked had they spent some time working on the fight scenes. And would some practical blood effects hurt? They had the perfect spot to have done it in the sink, and instead went with some very bad CG instead. Someone must've just learnt how to use After Effects and just had to use it.

From there we meet Mindy and "Cord". While Maia Kavchak is very pretty and a serviceable actress, the stiff they rolled in to play her husband wouldn't be convincing as a corpse on the Walking Dead. This guy has less range than a hobbit with down syndrome.

From there this movie is just a plodding exercise in how not to make a movie. The plot, such as it was, was convoluted and pointless. While the acting of the two female leads was inspired, the absolutely horrendous "acting" of everyone else made this almost unwatchable. While the camera work was actually pretty decent, the SFX really dragged it down. Worse was the editing. Done by the director, it was as bad as his acting. Every transition scene carries on far too long. Perhaps he was trying to hit 90m and could only do it by repeating every shot 3 times in a row. And his "acting"... He gives "Cord" a run for his money on who the worst actor of this film is. Thankfully he didn't give himself a lot of lines, but he repeats all of them 9 times each! Shut up Martha! Shut up Martha! Shut up Martha. Don't listen to her Mindy. Shut up Martha!

The ending, when this film mercifully finally put us out of our misery, was as uninspired as the rest of the movie. No twist. Nothing dramatic. I think even the actors were glad they could finally stop coming to set. The after-credits teaser was completely pointless. It literally added nothing to the movie except about 90 seconds of run-time.

I've spent far more time writing this review than you should spend watching this movie.

If for some reason you really hate yourself and watch this anyway. Bring a 12-pack. Maybe you'll get lucky and pass out halfway through.
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One of the worst movies I have ever seen, and I've seen some stinkers! No one in this movie has ever taken an acting class. Plot was dumb. Writing was worse. I've seen better acting in Elementary school plays.
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Cheap, bad movie.
cosmejoaquindearmas3 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The 2 leading actresses were decent but everyone else, especially Cord and the Sheriff were awful. The opening credits and ending too dragged out. Stupid behavior too. Example: Mindy slaps killer Martha and stupidly turns her back to her prompting another attack. The Sheriif moves at a glacial pace in a life or death situation and repeats variations of the line Shut up Martha a bunch of times. Painful to watch.

Killer Martha must also have been way too bad at Math to figure out Cord was way too young to be the culprit of making her sister pregnant since he would have been about 10 years old at the time. It was his FATHER, not him. Yes. That stupid!

Also Martha must be the most unattractive female killer in history.

A waste of time.
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The Acting and Flat Plot Set This One Back
MoviesforRelaxation13 April 2020
It pains me to leave a review like this but I'm doing so because the acting was not up to par. It was cringey to watch in certain parts. Batya Cruz (Martha) did a great job acting and really fit well into her role.

The plot was easy to predict about 20 minutes in. It was a pretty flat, straightforward, one dimensional plot no twists or turns. There wasnt much character depth. The characters seemed hollow like puppets even. Other characters came off as very annoying. Maia Kavchak (Mindy) was a decent actress for this film but I feel the role was too small for her acting. She would be best cast in a role with more flexibility, more range. This role was too restricting for her acting. She did great for what she was given.

The character dialogue was also pretty basic; a lot of shouting and swearing. Visually it was also very basic.

In short, I feel this was poorly cast. A different cast (keeping Batya Cruz) and a revamped plot to make it not so predictable and flat could save this moving.
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Future cult classic...
christischoen13 January 2019
Great unexpected plot twists, this movie had me guessing throughout the storyline. The performance of the main actress was absolutely incredible! She was truly frightening and believable, she should receive acknowledgment & praise for her amazing performance. The sheriff's performance was awesome as well and the director was impressive with their breathtaking nature scenes. Overall it was a great movie that surprised me. I'm sure this will become a cult classic along the lines of Blair Witch. I thought it was great!
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Shut up, Martha
jcroak-1817419 December 2020
This was a pretty good movie until the stupid ending. Most of the movie was good, it had twists and turns the actors really sold it. The end was just stupid, the sheriff should have shot the B***h at the end, that ruined it for me.
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Awesome talent!
kmarrick12 January 2019
Just finished watching this movie and I would highly recommend this for anyone that likes suspenseful movies. Filmed and cast in Colorado the talent and plot in the movie is in my opinion excellent. As with anything new there are minor improvements that could happen but I hope to see even more coming from the director and cast!
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christiansm-8142820 January 2023
I look forward to seeing more of her work in the future. I find Sever quite humorous.

"My daughter and I.... We were so close"... lmao

The scene where she says, "She was so young, SO INNOCENT!" Is my favorite part in the whole movie!!

"Why did you marry Mindy" made me laugh as well.

I frst saw this movie in 2018 or 2019 one evening and it was great. Batya Cruz has some very interesting and Powerful roles and I would just love to see some new material. She should star in American Horror Story one day, maybe... There is something iconic about her role in SEVER. Thank you so, so much CHRISTIAN.
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