RWD (2015) Poster


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A strange "found footage" movie
This has to be one of the strangest movies I have seen. That's not to say it's not unique because it is, but how everything plays out is downright confusing. The acting was alright, the plot-line is, err, different, and the found footage aspect was done well enough. I simply cannot get over how strange and confusing it truly was. Sorry!

If you are like me and will essentially watch any type of found footage than this one is decent enough to try, but it's certainly not my favorite and I wouldn't watch it again.
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Found Footage Fantasy
gemandeye13 March 2017
We all agreed this was not a horror movie. Found footage, yes. horror movie, no. More of a fantasy or weird trip. Not the worst Found Footage out there but I wouldn't recommend it. It is purposely redundant and it and the actors are quite annoying. I think they did this on purpose. Evidently they are making more films and I hope they have learned from this one, which appeared like a high school or college project they were lucky to get on Amazon.
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I enjoyed it
dragmio1 March 2020
I like movies with unique storyline. Too bad it wasn't a bit more fleshed out, but it was obviously a buddies project, and having that in mind it's really great. The premise is good enough to carry a full length movie that you can shoot over a weekend with a camcorder. That's not easy to come up with at all.
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dukeakasmudge24 January 2017
RWD has to be 1 of the worst found footage movies there is.It reminded me of when I took a film class in high school & our teacher said *Today we're going to learn about special effects.Everybody is going to walk around school filming whatever you like & later on, we're going add in some special effects* That's exactly what this movie felt like.It felt like it was footage shot by high school kids that made absolutely no sense & was only shot to show off special effects.If you come across this movie, I'd skip it.I almost made it to the end but with 15 minutes left to go, I just could NOT do it anymore.I felt like I was torturing myself.The only thing I can think of that almost helped me make it to the end was my love of bad movies but RWD was badder than bad, it was B- A-Double D..... BADD!!! Avoid it at all costs
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jper-4138720 January 2017
I watch many "low budget" films and have found some true treasures in my time. Unfortunately RWD is not one of them. I found the story line to be poorly written and plot nearly impossible to enjoy. While there were a couple of humorous moments it lacked any type of suspense. I found it to be a waste of film. It saddens me that I sacrificed one hour and twenty minutes of my life to sit through such drivel. I have no issue with the skill of the actors. They both did adequately considering what a poor script they were working from. Kudos go to the producer that was able to find financial backing for such a bad film. I would be interested to see what support they could get if they actually had a good story to work with.
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Don't Watch
schultze-324808 March 2017
I literally made an account on IMDb to tell people not to watch this. I watch a huge amount of low-budget horror films, and I have a particular fondness for the found-footage schtick - and this was bad, even by the already low standards expected of found-footage movies. The only scares are cheap jump scares by obnoxious sound effects.

It was hard to follow, but not in a complex, 'Mullholland Drive' sort of way - more of a haphazard, college freshman desperately trying to pull together a cohesive argument in a research paper kind of way. Don't waste your time, because it will be wasted.
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Not great, not bad
scheherezhad2 October 2018
Not a bad effort for two guys and a camera. Some of the effects got old very quickly, and I'd have liked a touch more plot, but it was a fun film to have on in the background while I worked on some stuff in another window.
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You won't survive
nogodnomasters17 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a two man found footage film. Chris and Ricky (Matt Stuertz, Adam Hartley) have an on-line ghost hunters blog. They make up stuff and are out shooting some film, getting some ideas, for an episode. They appear to be scaring each other for the first half of the film when it shifts mode. At this point the film becomes more interesting, as interesting as two goofballs shooting themselves can be.

This was a new idea for the found footage genre, but not one that is new to horror show or 'zone fans. While I liked the idea, the sausage fest execution was horrible with just 2 guys who have a bad film presence. The film continues past the beginning of the end credit. I can see this film getting a fan base.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity. Gratuitous urination scene.
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these people lack critical thinking
phenomynouss2 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
the film almost takes too long to hook you in, but once it does it does so quite effectively it moves slowly getting to the climax point, where it then reveals the conceit of the movie as evidenced in the title and tagline; when they rewind their camera they go back in time to where they'd filmed earlier, and encounter their past selves. we then see it's been their future selves messing with their past selves, scaring them and the like.

it keeps going along this route with seemingly no clear purpose, until suddenly one of them decides he wants to kill his past self. after doing so, another future version of himself appears and kills him.

then it devolves into a manic scenario of dozens of different copies of the two guys running around and killing each other with no clear distinction as to which pair "belongs". the ending seems to indicate one of the pairs is done dicking around and is trying to clean up by killing off all the duplicates.

initially I thought these people lack critical thinking, as I saw coming a mile away the end result of these idiots ending up with dozens of copies of themselves, or with themselves endlessly killing themselves.

the more I think of it, the more I think it might be some manner of commentary on what a pack of dudebros would do with time-travel copies of themselves, and how, after a period of jokes and pranks on their past selves gets old, it ends up devolving into murder.

aside from that, it was mostly fun to watch, although the characters tended to be highly unlikeable
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bishopragz14 July 2022
Interesting premise for a found footage film, but just misses the mark in the fact I watched this last year, and can only remember a few moments.

Not a total waste of time, because there are a number of flicks I'd put below this one.
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Surprisingly good
PyramidHead_14 April 2019
I really enjoyed this movie. It does take a while to get going but when it does you'll be glad you stuck around. It seems like it's not going anywhere but give it time. This is also more of a suspense/thriller type of film. If you like found footage types of movies this is a must. Enjoy
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jfost7510 July 2020
RWD was an attempt at a found footage ghost movie but essentially it's just 2 oily guys walking arount a back yard in CT, saying "dude", and "did you see that?" In response to ghosts you never actually see. Throw in a few random noises and camera blips and called it a horror movie. The "plot" is supposed to be 2 ghost hunters researching the site of multiple murders for their web show. You never see any ghosts or anything that might pass for scary. The only thing scary about this movie was how bad it was.
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Pretty Bad
tonystarkironman-7851015 April 2020
The camera was moving way too much, there was bunch of obnoxious noises and sound effects. There was no real plot or storyline. They were unnecessary cuts and rewind. This movie is just waste of time!
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higginsh-3073025 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The storyline in this movie is not unique but they didn't take it to it's full potential. There was no explanation of what actually occurred regarding the "tower" or whatever it was. What happened had nothing to do with the original reason they were there, the cannibalism. They kept repeating the same action over and over without introducing something new and different. Actually, nothing was explained. Their reaction to their duplicates was not believable. It was no biggie to them. If I saw a duplicate of me during those circumstances, I would freak out. Why were they killing each other??? What happened to explain what occurred? What was all that film interference, the jagged lines and static, it was annoying. Overall, it was OK, left too many questions and not enough scary stuff.
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Unnecessary and awful
valzheimer7 October 2017
I thought there's possibly a very bad reason why something filmed in 2016 would already be free to rent for so long in 2017, but I gave it a chance anyhow. I don't judge movies by the budget, I've seen very well executed low-budget films, but this one is just a waste of time, if it was that easy to make a movie we'd all do it with one laptop and a gopro pissing our day away in the woods. Yet we don't, and these two guys shouldn't have either.

I'm not a stranger to found footage, and more often than not the feeling of first person will work well for me, but not this time. I felt dizzy for an hour after the movie from camera shake and half- deaf by unnecessary addon of shrieking and static noise every few minutes of this piece of work, where it ended up completely in loss of the concept and the idea and couldn't decide whether it wants to fit in the genre of horror, thriller or scifi disgracefully falling out of all three at once. Characters are like those college goofs we all know that can be very funny and interesting, if they have a merit, but these guys don't, so it goes to a high escalation to annoying and unbearable to watch within minutes.

Unless you really enjoy your senses being attacked by screeching and camera turbulence for no particular reason, this movie has very little to bring to the table. Even the characters get so messed up by the lack of their own idea that they don't know how to get out of it, but you can - don't watch it and save yourself from loosing 80 minutes of your life you're never getting back.
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c-harmer-115 April 2018
Weak, It was not scary at all. The characters were stupid and rather boring. The movie it self was very unique, but scary found footage it was no. Don't waste your time
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No plot, no horror, no good
zamboni-3663310 January 2022
This film started off as your typical found footage movie. Two guys with a ghost blog go to this area where murders happened and things are still going bump in the night. Ok. Then that gets thrown out the window and what follows is absolutely ridiculous and annoying. No clue why this is happening (I repeat: NO clue is ever given why any of this is happening) and these guys have the most absurd reactions to their predicament that I can imagine. Plus the static and loud screeching became annoying very quickly. Skip this loser!!
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What would Logan Paul do....
yuzuruizawa2 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If he traveled back in time?

that is the one thing interesting in the movie - it is not about ghosts, but about time travel

what do two douche youtubers do when travel back in time? they scare themselves they kill themselves (yes, really) they run as more and more stupid versions of themelves try to kill one another

I know that found footage is full of stupid characters but these two break the mold
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Enjoyed watching
sawsy200413 March 2019
First off, I'd like to note, I used to be into watching ghost hunting shows and these guys reminded me so much of the main guy from "Ghost Adventures." If anyone has watched this series you would understand why the characters act the way they do.

Second, I agree with all the other commenters about this NOT being a horror movie, although it did have some scary parts.

Third, I thought this was a fun movie. Just like watching Ghost Adventures is more fun than scary.

If you decide to watch, I'll let you decide for yourself what you think it all means.
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This movie shows why we have to be governed
donaldwaynestephens18 June 2023
God is the Almighty and this movie is exactly why we have not been able to figure out time travel as of yet hope that little statement didn't spoil anything for anyone but I figured that out just from title myself but this is exactly why time travel is something that shod will not allow us to ever figure out and I understand exactly why myself with out watching this but some people just can not be trusted and are to imature and would just let things get messed up or I process of trying to fix the mistakes of their past would end up making even larger mistakes. God makes no mistakes so love the life he gave you and do t worry so much about what you would like to change and if you want to change something change tomorrow but start changing it today.
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Don't Be Swayed by the 1 Star Reviews...
hellodon18 March 2023
I thought this movie was great. You can tell a few of these low scores didn't even watch the movie beyond the first 20 minutes or so. Like the "you never actually see the ghosts" guy who clearly "never actually saw 3/4 of the movie".

I've seen this a few times because it left me wanting to rewatch it. I don't want to check the box that turns this into a spoiler review, so I'm not going to elaborate - I just felt I had to say something to those who haven't watched it yet and are here reading reviews to decide if they want to or not.

If you like horror, found footage, and time loop movies....give this one a full viewing. The budget was never on my mind while watching it, but clearly it had a low one and it didn't affect what truly matters, the creativity.
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