"Supernatural" Girls, Girls, Girls (TV Episode 2014) Poster

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The boys try to bring down a 300 year old witch until someone from their recent past sidetracks them
ariellebrents26 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
We get to see the boys still getting along and Sam giving Dean crap about his dating app. I love that Sam tries to prep Dean to the fact that Shayleen is most likely not her profile pic and might not even be a woman. Annnnnd then she shows up and proves Sam wrong- - for the time being. I think we all knew that something would be up with her. I am glad the boys are still getting along and that the tension undercurrent is at a minimum. Switch to Castiel and Hannah. Their mission on earth seems to be wrapping up and she seems to want to call it quits. Cas wants to guarantee that all the Angels are back in Heaven. I think he probably just doesn't want to go back himself so he's telling himself he needs to finish this mission. Of course insert awkward moment with Hannah getting naked so she can go shower. Back with Dean and the woman we soon find out is a prostitute-- with a twist. She's requiring souls as payment instead of money. Obviously she doesn't believe this is a big deal, but here's my question: Why use real prostitutes? Why not have demons handle both ends? As in why not possess prostitutes so they can just seal the deal with you instead of having to call in a third party? It just seems like a mood killer to me-- not that I'm looking to start a demon prostitution ring-- but if I was I think I could do a better job. And we switch story lines again back to Castiel and Hannah-- where her husband is crashing the party. This is awkward as well-- as everything with her seems to be and she tries to convince her husband that the reason she ran away was because she is in love with Castiel and they are together now. Her husband doesn't buy it and I think after she kissed Castiel she realized that he really wasn't interested either. She gives all of these noble excuses as to why she's going to leave her body and go back to Heaven, but I really think it's just because she finally gets that Castiel isn't interested in her like that. I'm so glad that she's gone now though and hope that Castiel teams up with the boys again. Rowena shows up at Raul's Girls and kills Raul. She takes the girls along to "help" them and at this time I was slightly unsure if she was really going to be a bad guy or not. I know we've seen her killing people in hotel rooms, but in this world that doesn't really make someone all the way bad. The boys find Raul's body and realize that witches are involved. With a little research (btw surely they ran across this spell when trying to kill Yellow Eyes or Crowley. Or any other demon) they find out that the spell originates from a 300 year old witch named Rowena. We see Rowena manipulating everyone around her while giving a pitch to the girls to try to bring them into her coven. So yeah-- now we're sure that Rowena is a bad guy. After a little bit of time getting all they want however we see that her magic does come with a rather large price (like the people she enchants die a horrible death pretty quickly-- gives new meaning to dine and dash). We also see that Crowley isn't too happy with the Raul's Girls establishment and agrees that a soul in exchange for some good (or nasty) sex is a bad deal. I would like to think that he agrees with me that Raul was running a poor business model as well. I also am concerned with Crowley's lack of focus. He's the King of Hell he should act like it! I miss my bad guy. Dean and Sam are now on the hunt for Rowena when we see yet another story line introduced. We see the dude (Cole) that tied up Sam at the beginning of the season and who Dean humiliated. He evidently hasn't given up and is now torturing demons to find out what makes them tick. So when Dean and Sam corner Rowena he gets the drop on them and Rowena gets away. In the struggle with Rowena though the boys kill 2 demons who were sent to grab her and Rowena kills one of the hookers as a distraction to try to get away. I am curious to see if instead of going home to his family if Cole sticks around and really gets to see what the boys do. He finally got to see a glimpse of the real Sam and Dean, but I find it hard to believe after a quick conversation with Dean that he'd really buy that Dean killed his dad for legitimate reasons. Is this going to be a plot line that disappears (cough-- Benny-- cough) or will we find out what Cole's dad really was? Will Cole become a hunter? Yes we see Cole drive off, but now that he's not out to kill the boys I'd kinda be interested in his story. The biggest feels were to be had during Dean's conversation with Cole. He acknowledged Sam's love for him, he thinks he is destined to die a bloody death (which I'm inclined to agree with), and he wants Cole to avoid the darkness he has in his life. Yep. All off the feels.

At the tail end of the episode we see Castiel Googling his host body's story, but even bigger we see Crowley go to kill Rowena. Yeah. . .about that. As many fans predicted we find out something big-- Rowena is Crowley's mom. You know that witch mother he mentioned a few seasons ago-- welp-- that would be her. Will he kill her? Create an alliance with her? Will his humanity cause (even more) issues with this situation?
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Curtains Down For Some,Curtains Up For Others..
alex-dinniz26 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First of all i want to say something...Remember when Supernatural was all about fresh ideas,hunting things,saving people? Still the family business doesn't it? Doesn't this season sound a little like season 2,when brothers weren't fighting anymore,the thing you guys asked for a long time? We have it right? And you guys still manage to complain.People often complain about everything,maybe SPN could be better right now,yes,but it still got our attention,we still face great episodes,we still have things coming up,sometimes when we don't understand something we say we didn't like it(Meta Fiction),but in the end we get a surprise.Don't make that finger down gesture for SPN while it's not living up to your expectations,this is a real show,a strong show which survived cancellation and bad writing,of course there's still some horrible writing out there,some writers just don't fit in,the show still has it

Now about this episode in particular,good actresses,good choice for Rowena,the resolution for somethings that were left behind,like Cole and Hanna,a good episode,not much to talk about it,we got some directions for what we can expect about the main arc of this season,which i still haven't figured out yet,maybe Rowena and Crowley will team up and bring chaos to the world i don't know,and also,nothing about the MoC so far,this was more like a new beginning for this season,i give it 8/10,it was calm,gonna highlight Dean's speech to Cole,it is worth watching...
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Three stories merged into one.
mm-391 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Supernatural episode Girls, Girls, Girls is three stories merged into one. There is the Castiel with his partner story-line about what to do with the human hosts,the Marine who is out to get Dean story-line, and a evil witch with two prostitutes/Crowley story-line. All three story- lines merge into the episode. What happens is there is a conclusion for two of the three stories, while the overlap causes a sub-story for a future story. Well acted, direct and written Girls, Girls, Girls is a Tarrantino formula style episode. I have a feeling we will be seeing the Marine become a hunter one day!?! The producers were running out of ideas and created a new episode by merging three old sub-stories together. I give Girls, Girls, Girls an eight out of ten.
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A very Satisfying Episode
Dariush7226 November 2014
This EP had the Laughs, Typical Dean behavior, Emotional moments, a good sent off to a rather stale character, beginning of an interesting Arc and the writers recognizing their mistreating of The Angels..

The Situation with Hanna and her recognition of Human condition and what's the right mission was quite satisfying to me, It effectively began rebuilding Angels as what and how they should be like rather than the lackluster they have been in last seasons....It could be a good foundation for writing off the Angels, at least most of them and returning them to the place they should been all along, as the superior and mystic Celestials they truly are managing the universe and following up on their original mission of Protecting Humanity...some recurring appearances on the angel's behalf after their possible write off would be pretty good...

in terms of Brothers relationship, I'm beginning to forget the abomination of last seasons and starting to literally "Care" again which is good...

This Episode felt like a Classic SPN episode from the "Good Old Days" rather than not so good episodes of late....

the only "maybe"questionable thing was Dean's usage of online Dating, this didn't seem Dean Winchester style at first but it could be Dean adapting more elaborate ways to get laid which frankly wasn't a big deal for me considering the rest of this EP

I have criticized this show a lot as of late but I'm glad it reminded me why I have fallen in love with this show in the first place so hats off to Berenes....
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Travis Aaron Wade
rich-fouts31 May 2019
Travis is such a compelling actor and did a superb job playing the role of Cole. Overall this was a very satisfying episode. I hope Travis comes back.
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It has a slapdash quality by being overstuffed but the core of it is worthwhile
CubsandCulture23 September 2020
This is something the later seasons sometimes did. They would introduce a whole bunch of ideas in the early going only to end them too quickly because the fans didn't initially like the material. I think that happened to Hannah and Cole here. Both subplots get wrapped up in this episode along with introducing Rowena. The resulting hour of TV is messy and feels slapped together.

The core developments of this episode-i.e. Rowena, the innovation of the demon deals are compelling-and how Hannah and Cole get wrapped up make sense. But too many moving parts in this episode.
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Super hero fight??
krycek1924 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode. Classic Supernatural.

But the fight between Dean and Cole is ridiculous, even for this show. In another episode Dean can't get a locked door open by jumping up against it. But here he can throw Cole through the windshield of a car, like it's nothing. First of all it requires enormous strength to throw a grown man through a car-windshield. I doubt, even the strongest man in the world could do this. Second of all, Cole gets right back up and fight Dean again. He would have been knocked out, maybe even break his spine. And thirdly: if Dean don't wanna kill Cole, it seems strange that he throws him through a windshield. I'm pretty sure it would kill a man in real life.
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Amazing new character
shwetafabm2 July 2020
I knew about the character from vid edits and i wasn't too excited for it because spn has been bringing us rather lame characters but this new one was awesome. Two storylines also got tied up, one was too boring so good riddance, the screentime it got is why this is a 8 otherwise its a pretty good ep. Also i liked the joke in the opening but really he used his real name? Also i know the show ignores s*xual torture or anything to do with it because it is way too dark to acknowledge but atleast it tries to convince us that Crowley ain't as bad as we can imagine. Now that does bring me a tad bit relief about S6 and the monsters Sam and Dean gave him because that was one of the dirtiest and most disturbing things in this entire show and Dean even says they are giving them upto a lifetime of demon r*pe so just something i connected.
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