"The 100" Spacewalker (TV Episode 2014) Poster

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Raven's screams always get me
Neptune16519 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There was no way Clarke could kill Lexa, all the grounders were around, she would be killed before she pulled the knife. The people from the Ark have guns, probably a decent amount of ammo, and at least some of their people know how to use the guns. But when say 75 people with automatic weapons and a few thousand rounds of ammunition are facing what could be many thousands of "primitives" who have demonstrated considerable capability with very lethal thrown weapons. Someone will either run out of ammo or get overwhelmed/killed while reloading, which takes a gun off the board, weakens defense in that direction, etc. We've already seen that the Grounders are willing to die in battle. This is when the show gets serious, now the story is really rolling.
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A lesson in skewd morality
roussou21 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What strikes in this episode is the total lack of moral judgement on someone that has just gunned down 18 people. The instant it is revealed that Finn has killed the ingroup/outgroup instincts kick in without further discussion on what happened. Prime objective becomes to shield him of from any consequence of his actions - in fact some of the protagonists are willing to stage another massacre (on both sides) to keep him safe, or even hand in someone else instead. Only when it becomes clear that the Grounders are not going to give up they are willing to put Finn to trial themselves - but only as a way of saving him. All this doesn't bode well.

Life on the Ark was certainly harsh, leading to a culture in which human life doesn't count for much, clearly Grounder lives are not worth much - and if you haven't notice by now, this episode has made it clear that the 100 are riding a pretty high moral horse. As things go south for Finn one can't help wondering if the protagonists learned anything.
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The whole plot point is stupid.
ououzaza11 March 2020
The whole FINN's slaughter is so stupid. You just need to give him. These characters just don't understand LOGIC. But the outcome was ok. It is still a smart way.
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Poor Finn
ronaldowhytehead-4523616 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 Finn was the best Season 2 Finn they turn him into a villain and then kill him, he didn't deserve that he was suppose to be the best of them
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Still suspenseful, but...
scottkursch3 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is an example of how to rate a show for its quality and entertainment value, and still acknowledge plot holes, inaccuracies, or lack of continuity. It drives me crazy how reviewers rate a Series 1/10 because of fictional science, illogical scenarios, and especially medical/military inaccuracies. Sure there's something to be said for making a story realistic or fact based, but this is TELEVISION folks. It's Drama, it's Sci-Fi, it's fiction...it's pretend.

Sure, mention where the writers may have left loose ends or failed to be congruent, but tainting the whole imdb rating because you are offended by a plot hole, seems absurd and ignorant to me. Because it's fiction, how about just using your imagination to fill in the plot holes and make it work somehow. Choose to be positive instead of arrogant and negative.

For example, in this episode they say there are "thousands of Grounders out there". Well where did they come from ? I thought there were only a few hundred or so. And if so, why are they so afraid of the Mountain People ? Didn't President Wallace or the Dr. say there were only a total of like 400 @ Mt Weather ? (and many of them kids or non-combat). Doesn't quite make sense, does it ? The point is there can always be some unrevealed detail that provides an explanation. Unless you are watching a DOCUMENTARY or Docu-something television, it's mostly ridiculous to expect FICTION to be factually accurate or 100% realistic.
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How gravity is generated in the director's eyes?
Sigzil11 June 2019
The gravity disappeared when the chamber was vacuum, went back when the chamber was full of air.


And the Ark wasn't even spinning.
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They should kill of the grounders
nicofreezer31 March 2024
The grounders are just savage people, you can't argue with them. Kill them all sound like a good solution. The right solution was to flee just like Jaha proposed. But no Clarke mother is a B*tch who likes power too much, (and for some reason she stay in control even with Marcus Kane return and the true boss Jaha return ? WTF ) And she choose to stay. Then some people want finn to die, how can you let someone from your own group be sacrificed to satisfy some savage stupid people ?

Finn should have stayed alive, but unfortunately he decided to surrender and of course it was then too late I guess.. maybe the could have tried to start the war at this point, but I guess Clarke did the right thing in this situation.

For the Chancellor role, Jaha should be in control, he is the boss, he even sacrificed himself in space to save everybody, but the writers decide to forget about that, so every character forget about it too. Worst case then Kane Marcus should be the leader, he only gave control to Clarke mother because he went outside, I don't understand why she got to keep the leader role with Jaha and Kane around.
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Criminal Activity Condoned
qck125 December 2014
Think this episode is interesting because it shows a very bad tendency in American society. Somebody (Finn) does a really evil thing, and because he is supposedly one of us and so he is not held accountable. There should have been no question that he should be held accountable for his actions of murdering so many. Justice is justice. Just because he is one of the spacers (like being American) it is OK for him to be responsible for the deaths of many of the grounders (compare to what is allowed if they were called Arabs). The Moral answer would have been to hold him accountable. There could be considered morality issues with who is responsible for determining his guilt, but his guilt it pretty obvious, so it is easy to determine guilt. What the punishment should be is another issue, but life is pretty cheap on Earth in this period, so death would be reasonable.
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Absurd episode.
Kale72BY20 February 2019
The whole premise is absurd, you can't even suspend your disbelief. Why you would ever defend a war criminal if the cost would be to loose more of your own people. Especialy this individual is not even having any special strategic or tactical importance. Even if you would be victorious in the fight you would lose some of your men. Save 1 and spend 10 if you are victorious, or if you loose you get everybody killed some 200-300.

By the way: what kind of siege is this when you can sneak at will in and out of the besieged camp? That could be possible only if the grounders do not have enought numbers to mantain a proper siege at withch poin you have to ask: how could they ever defeat people armed with fire arms?
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Finn's Wager
tenshi_ippikiookami7 February 2016
Finn is in a dangerous position. After Lincoln's recovery, the Grounders have accepted a treaty, but they ask for Finn's head, as he has to answer for his actions. Of course, Clarke, Raven and the others are not very happy about that. But some people from the Ark think that it's better to sacrifice Finn that to let the situation escalate.

That Finn is an important character is obvious. We have known him since the first episode of the show, he was Clarke's first "love" on the ground, he was thoughtful, he wanted everyone to be cool with each other... But everyone's reaction to his behavior in previous episodes is a little bit of a stretch, as the show decides to ditch any possibility of the characters thinking coolly. With all that's going on it's more or less understandable, but it all reeks of the necessity of stretching the tension as much as possible. If any of those pesky extras had gone trigger happy, they would have been given a trial in a second. But Finn being Finn, it seems that he killing 16 people is forgivable. The fact that everyone cares about him is OK, that everyone seems so cold about the Grounders's deaths is, as said above, just an excuse to make his plight, his fear of death, the tension, stretch. And stretched it is. In that respect, the Grounders are shown to be less violent than they were before. They have actually become quite tame.

It all does for an emotional episode (what can they do to save Finn), but foreseeable (the outcome can be seen from the first second of the episode). A little bit of a lazy one here. Cute, emotional, but lazy.
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Just piling on here...
nlcckc31 October 2022
...but Finn was a mass murderer, and deserved to die. In fact, he needed to die, to right the scales of justice and show some respect to the 16 people he killed.

One might say he's just a young guy who got caught up in the moment and started mowing people down. Well, hello. Lots of young guys and girls have been shattered by tragic events without KILLING A WHOLE VILLAGE!

Not to mention that the morally ambiguous sky people keep confusing motive with responsibility. You say he was not himself? That he was temporarily blinded by tears? Guess what? He still did it! And the people he murdered don't care why.

Oh and in passing, are all the macho leaders slender, beautiful women, while all the temporizing, rationalizing wusses are men?
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1000s (with arrows and spears) against hundreds (with automatics weapons)
Rob-O-Cop15 June 2019
This episode was good for it's portrayal of difficult decisions, but when seen through the light of the sky people (Americans) verses the countries they invade with insanely superior firepower and resources, the analogy doesn't hold up for sympathy's sake, if you're viewing it from an independent view point, ie not skypeople, (American). Yes the grounders are brutal, but really, they're insignificant faced with the full might of the most powerful military might on the planet. Lets not consider they turned the most sympathetic compassionate character into the executioner of a war atrocity, leaving only the psychopaths turncoats and highly strung violent left to root for. Emotional TV, but, what's the message?
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Not horrible, but could have been much better
blackhawk515011 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Like other reviewers of this episode, I'm glad Finn finally got what he had coming to him. What bothered me the most is that the writers expected that we would be upset over his death. Sorry, but I think the vast majority of viewers were not as quick to forgive a war criminal as the "good guy" cast evidently were. Trying to make a mass murderer into a sympathetic character was just not going to happen. We're supposed to forgive him just because two of the main girls are in love with him and he helped cover up a crime for one of them? Riiiiight. I, for one, was rooting for the grounders in this episode, and only wish Finn's demise didn't waste so much screen time in coming. And for the one reviewer who said Clarke was worse since she killed more people, get real. There is a massive difference in killing 300 enemy who are actively trying to kill you and your people as opposed to massacring a village of men, women and children who are going about their daily lives.
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Finn is dead but i think the actor plays another role in this TV show.
cristian184425 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is what i think.Finn is already gone,but he will continue with this show in another role.Maybe Finn Collins have ancestry parentage people who live on earth before the nuclear war and one or many of the descendants lives along with the grounders people (other clans) or live in the city of lights.This is only a theory but if the actor wants to continue with this show certainly will find a way.Finn character had to die because it was right.Blood demands blood as crime requires punishment. Though many fans find it difficult to accept,finn's death was the only solution for things to go forward. Happy holidays to all !!!
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Inconsistent Storytelling
kreed3420220 June 2020
So I really do enjoy watching this show, and I can suspend disbelief for a lot of inconsistencies, but not the whole blood for blood thing.This episode focuses on the fact that the grounders want Finn's head for killing the 18 village people, and yet Clarke killed 300 of their people. Regardless of the fact that they were warriors, that was a much worse death being incinerated the way they were and in the numbers as well. SMH
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The people are so mental
DarkWolf3D2Y15 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Mister Psycho children killer died in this episode, good riddance.

He got what he deserved for his awful crimes.

The other characters are as usuall acting like kids, no one is behaving like an adult or lets logic dictate actions.


He should be punished and justice would save all of them.

But noooo ... poor boy is one of us, so he is allowed to kill almost 20 unarmed people because ... we are Americans we are Number 1 ... only our fat lives matter. We protect our psycho killers because they are a part of us.

So we dont want justice we want to save him even if 1000 people die instead.

When Clark (the blonde psycho who always acts like a rational beheaded chicken would and changes her mind every two camera shots) said NO HE IS NO GUILTY because he killed them searching for me i almost cried. Of tears.

My god what a magnificent mind she has.

Worst writing ever? No but we are getting close.
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Absolute hypocrisy
CG17RH1311 March 2024
What Finn did was horrible and inexcusable, no question. In the real world. But the world of the 100 is a world of barbarism. And even in that world, everyone is forgetting the horrible and inexcusable terror perpetrated by the Grounders prior to the incident at the bridge in season one, outside of the theater of war. They murdered sky teenagers, who had not intentionally caused any harm. They used horrifying biological warfare to "soften" the battlefield, causing both atrocious pain and death. Both sky people and grounders have committed barbaric acts without real consequence. Look at Murphy. I'm not saying Finn did not deserve punishment, but the spectacle of it all is insane given everything everyone has done "in order to survive."
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