"Hannibal" Aperitivo (TV Episode 2015) Poster

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Happy hunting everybody
pablo289629 June 2015
Hannibal: "Aperitivo" Review

Finally folks, the board is set; and the pieces are moving.

After three episodes of introduction, deduction and anticipation on knowing who the hell was still alive, we can all agree that this fourth episode kicks off the main plot of the (final? :,( ) season. "Aperitivo" ends on a clear signal for take off into present day, after tying up all loose ends.

This fourth episode finishes the telling of the fallout of the "red wedding-esque" scenario in which the second season ended. That, obviously, means we now know who survived and, if they did, how much of a nasty mark Hannibal left on them. This leads us to my only complaint regarding the plot of the show. The impact of the finale lacked a tiny bit of a punch, in my opinion. The emotional and psychological change that the characters experience is quite noticeable but, aside from Chilton and Verger who both carry the meaning of disturbance on their scars, none of the main characters were left with a big physical impact. It is understandable that the wounds on Will and Jack got healed over time and became subtle marks but Alana was the one who really took a huge one for the team. I am no medic but that looked like a fractured spine which made seeing Dr. Bloom walking again hard to believe. And a part of me wishes the story had gone the extra mile of presenting a disabled Alana so that Hannibal's murder fest would carry a much heavier weight.

Speaking of the murder fest, the idea of using left over shots and angles from that episode to present the flashbacks has made me very happy. I can't explain why but it makes the flashback scenes very refreshing and gives their re-watchability a free pass in my taste. Except for that x-ray shot of Alana's fall. That looked like an episode of 1000 Ways to Die. OK, that was another thing I disliked about this episode but I swear I am done.

Continuing now with the superb. Will's guilt was a new aspect of his new persona shown very graphically within one of his lucid trips to imagination land. Jack's story arch with her wife came to a necessary and emotional close that also started a new era for Jack who is now free from the torment of her wife's suffering. Mason Verger is curiously one of the characters who I was happy to see again because of his insane personality. Joe Anderson does an extraordinary job by giving life to such a disturbing character with such disturbing prosthetics, yikes. An episode highlight was his conversation with Dr. Chilton who was another returning character who I was extremely happy to see, as his portrayal is full of life and personality, like any other character really; why is this show being canceled!? No God! No God please no! No! No! Nooooo! OK, yeah...,sorry for that moment there. Back to the episode... yeh. Chilton had some very interesting moments apart from his scar to scar conversation with Verger. Will and Alana also got their Chilton moments, as he strategically visited them and planted ideas in their traumatized brain. But, as I said, the pieces are moving. Alana is impersonating the queen after all. Becoming Verger's therapist is a bold move, but her desire for vengeance is stronger than her fear of this murdering psycho. It is surprising to see Dr. Bloom turn into a volatile manipulative person who, along with Mason Verger and Dr. Chilton, will begin the hunt for "Il Monstruo". Exciting stuff! Another facet of the hunt is that of Will and Jack. Well, Jack is sort of out of it but we know he will be involved in some way, judging by the fact that Hannibal remains "in contact" with his "old friend". This is also one of the clearest moments of their friendship.

Another scene I want to mention is the one in Hannibal's ex-home. Alana and Will both returning to it means that it remains a beacon of change for them, something special. And Will turning to face Abigail after Alana leaves was a heartbreaking touch. That final show of Will sailing to his new destination gives the whole ending a vibe of journeying into the unknown. The start of the hunt.

Not only did "Aperitivo" set off the rest of the season in an intriguing way, but it also introduced us to whole new facets of some of the main and side characters. All of this by, obviously, retaining that air of mystique and extraordinary cinematography and editing. Hannibal's fourth episode of it's third season gets a 9 out of 10.
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Proof that this show should not have been canceled.
mranieri-423381 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The best part of Thomas Harris' novels was his world-building. In the novels "Red Dragon" and "The Silence of the Lambs" in particular, Harris created enigmatic characters that populated a dark but intriguing world that absorbed the reader entirely. Bryan Fuller and his team seem to have also realized that this was the novels' strongest element, and incorporated it into the show. This was a marvelous episode of a show that this season has completely reinvented its world. It has taken some of its oldest characters down new and exciting paths, while also introducing fresh characters that provide new story opportunities, and continue to build the world of "Hannibal".

This episode marks the return of Dr. Alana Bloom, who we learn has not only emerged from the massacre at Hannibal's house alive, but also a very different woman. We see the darker side of Alana's personality materialize as she promises to bring "Old Testament revenge" down upon Hannibal, even working with the sadistic Mason Verger to achieve this goal. This is a very exciting route the writers are taking Alana down. After seemingly losing her intelligence last season, it is great to see Alana display a cunning and ruthlessness that would make Hannibal Lecter proud. Every element of the character, from her attitude, wardrobe, and even her make-up, shows that what Hannibal did has radically changed her, for better or worse.

Also making her return to the show this episode is Gina Torres, Laurence Fishburne's actual wife and one of the most underrated actresses of her generation. Her character, Bella Crawford, passes away after Jack appears to euthanize her while she's sleeping. This is one of the show's most poignant and beautiful moments, further enhanced by Laurence Fishburne's fantastic performance. It will be interesting to see how this event affects Jack in the long run, especially since his love for Bella dominates a large portion of his personality. While it was saddening to see Gina Torres depart the show, her death will hopefully provide interesting character development for Jack.

Numerous other characters make their return to the show and its great to see all of them. Mason Verger, Margot Verger, and Dr. Frederick Chilton all make entertaining and even humorous appearances that further this season's plot and establish compelling new story lines. Also introduced this episode is Mason's nurse Cordell Doemling, played with unnerving creepiness by Glenn Fleshler. While he only appears briefly, Cordell looks like he'll make a fantastic addition to the "Hannibal" family. The show's decision to sideline Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen - with Mikkelsen only appearing in what is practically a cameo - was a bold choice, but the welcome appearances of several supporting characters and the character development of both Alana and Jack make the absences unfelt.

This was by far the best episode of season three so far. The outstanding direction, sound design and visual style enhance the episode's every scene, and the complex character development provided to Alana and Jack should be applauded. In my opinion, this is one of the best episodes the show has ever produced, and is proof of why this show should not have been canceled.

NOTE - I would like to address the number of negative reviews that have been written in regards to not only this episode, but other season three episodes as well. I find it insulting that certain people write scathing reviews about the show while not providing a shred of evidence to support their claims other than making comments such as "the show has become boring" or that it has apparently "dipped in quality". Focusing a season around complex character drama is a very risky move, and I feel that Fuller and his team should be congratulated for being brave enough to do it. This show was never going to attract a large audience, and so it was always destined to fail on the ratings front. For people to write reviews that do not even comment on the events of the episode, but also that claim that the creators' caused the show's continuously slipping ratings and subsequent cancellation, is utter bullshit. It's not like this show ever hit ratings as high as "Empire", they were always low. If you have nothing interesting to say about the episodes, stay off this page and don't write an unnecessary review. Simple.
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By far the best episode in season 3.
MattBrady09927 June 2015
"I wish I could smile right now but I got no lips".

Season 3 so far has been a solid season for me, but it be a slow one for some out there. We are only on the 4th episode so far as I'm speaking and people have been complaining about it being too slow for them and they wanted more of the same stuff in the last season, okay here's the thing we only got 9 episodes left and we are only on the 4th episode; now the season can'take rush things as its slowly showing the aftermath of a brutal season two finale and how it seriously effected them and thats why I think this season is brilliant of showing it'seems glorious arty visuals and the characters that are in a bad place right now, its called a character ark its something that a lot of popular shows lack on when it involves danger or a tragic event. This week's episode called Aperitivo and it's the episode that both blow my mind with it's stunning visuals and also made me tear up a little.

In this episode you get to see every character from the last season that to be honest I thought was dead but they alive and in this episode you get to see how they survived Hannibal's attack. What's so surprising is that none of them what to seek revenge on Hannibal as most of them want to move on with they lives and just forget, but the past of that horrific event sneak's back to them, and they might have changed they minds a little. As I said about character ark well in this it fitted perfectly and I think its due to the writing of this episode as its both brilliant and powerful.

The whole episode is focus on flashbacks and what they shown matted and didn't feel out of place like episode 2 felt like a bit. To be honest this should have been the first episode of this season because everything felt like they fitted very well in this episode.

Overall I thought this episode was truly brilliant and the best one we got so far in this season. The acting was great, it's shot brilliantly and it's also gripping.
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Hannibal's design takes a life of it's own
shimshims27 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So far, this season has been a study into characters, their motivations and relationships, and this episode culminates this study in a spectacular way. Characters tied up and positioned, I expect the rest of the season to slip into fifth gear regarding plot.

Visually superb as always, we got an insight into the consequences of Hannibal. It's somewhat rare, and refreshing, to have a show treat its characters as people. I'm aware some of the audience might find such character studies slow paced in comparison to explosions, gore, and confrontations. But I'd argue the rising tension serves as intrigue, almost film noir in its details.

For an episode with surprisingly little screen time of the eponymous character, it still works. Jack and his losses are handled poignantly, and I'm not ashamed to say I teared up at his various stages of grief. His wife is resplendent as always, and seeing her in her wedding dress, beaming and bright, was a powerful image. Smarmy Chilton is played with appropriate subtlety, trying to bend others to his plans as Hannibal bent him. He is unsurprisingly unsuccessful, but serves as a pivotal icon for the spiral into darkness. Alana is changed; no longer is she the kind, somewhat naive woman, and I believe it works well. We get a bit of foreshadowing with the Vergers, and I can only hope Margot enjoyed her happiness while she could.

At times the script is a little figurative. Alana self-reflexively comments on it, however, with a wry smile at being able to slip "defenestration" into conversation. There's the obligatory slow-mo blood splatter. The sprawling wide-angled shots and the intimate close-ups. This is definitely a foray into art, and while not for all, I think it's wonderful that Hannibal can make the familiar - our words, our world, and not just death - so beautifully uncanny.

There are no corpses in here. No bodies on display, death as artful but disturbing murals. Dead, bloody, and beautiful, last season we got the impression of the events as Hannibal's design. And this season, we get to see that design take a life of it's own.
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Mason His Plans
ZegMaarJus2 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode begins with Miriam, she shot Chilton in his face. Chilton speaks with Mason about Hannibal. Jack finally found Will. It gets clear that Alana is still alive. Alana is in a wheelchair when she visits Will. Alana is Mason his new therapist. Jack gave Bella an injection, she died afterwards. We see how Mason his operation had taken place. Mason says to Cordell that he wants to eat Hannibal his flesh. Nice Episode of Hannibal Season 3, such a dark Episode. But the real action is still not on. Hannibal is still gone, and Will wants to find him! I am curious how he will find him back soon!
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Maybe the show's weakest episode, but still good TV.
ryanjmorris2 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This was Hannibal's weakest hour in a long time. I could even make the case for Aperitivo being the show's weakest ever episode. I'm not entirely sure what it was specifically that made this episode feel lacking, but I know it has to do with this season's treatment of narrative. Or, more accurately, its treatment of narrative momentum. After that explosive season two finale (still Hannibal's greatest hour) it was both obvious and essential that the show's third season had to slow the pace down to begin with; it couldn't keep up that speed for an entire season, Hannibal just isn't that variety of show. Whilst the first three episodes made solid cases of catching us up with specific characters (Antipasto dealt with Hannibal and Bedelia, Primavera dealt with Will, and Secondo dealt with a combination of the two), this week's fourth episode threw everyone back into the mixing bowl bar Hannibal himself, but without any momentum. Whilst the opening three episodes benefited from a tight focus on few characters, Aperitivo felt muddled and, dare I say it, almost dull.

That's not to say it was a bad episode, it acts as a testament to this show's relentless strength that what I've labeled its weakest episode is sitting on a solid 7.0 grade, but it just felt categorically weaker than anything this show has done since the opening half of its first season. What Aperitivo did have, though, was a strong theme uniting its sudden load of characters. The first three episodes discussed forgiveness a great deal, but only really in respect to Hannibal and Will, so it was empowering to see how the idea of forgiveness is treated across a wider spectrum. The darker, colder Alana Bloom made her first season three appearance here, and is clearly leaning towards the revenge tactics of Mason Verger, now complete with skin graft surgery after Hannibal convinced him to eat his own face in last season's excellent Tome-wan. This episode also gave us that stunning opening sequence of Dr. Chilton's shooting by Miriam Lass in last season's equally as excellent Yakimono; when most shows resort to slow motion it feels cheap and tacky, but once again Hannibal turns the mundane into magic.

The biggest problem I had with this week's episode was its refusal to move the narrative in the right direction. So far season three has gone backwards in time, as well as sideways (playing stories out simultaneously over different episodes) and even into places where time no longer exists (Will's mind palace, for example). But it seems to be refusing to move us forward. This was also present in the show's first three episodes, but they powered through the lack of forward momentum thanks to their tight character focus and small environments; all three episodes prior to this were riddled with a darkened sense of claustrophobia. By widening the character range, the thematic focus loosened a touch here, so when these slightly lessened themes are layered on top of an episode that refuses to go forwards, it winds up a challenging hour to sit through. There are some people so in love with this environment and this world that they don't need a story to adore each episode. I was one of those people back in season two, a run of episodes I would contently label one of the best television seasons I've ever seen, but I need season three to develop a story. If it doesn't any time soon, these next few episodes could start to slumber.

What this episode actually does best, in a slightly ironic sense, is heighten just how strong the rest of this show is. Episodes one to three of this season also refused to advance the narrative, but remained highly compelling pieces of television, bolstered by stunning visual designs and sturdy themes and character work. Had this episode tightened its thematic focus and maybe cut one character out, Aperitivo could've been at the same standard as the three episodes that preceded it. Again, this wasn't an actively bad episode, but I can safely say it's the first time this programme has been on the verge of boring me; the pieces of the teacup didn't cone together properly this time around. The show was always going to struggle to live up its second year, should it get picked up by another network I would be genuinely shocked if any future season even came close, but that doesn't matter. Hannibal is an excellent show, there's no doubting that, and it would be a miracle for any show to reach the second quarter of its third season without having a minor bump somewhere along the way. Hopefully Aperitivo will be Hannibal's bump.
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Not that Good [6.8/10]
panagiotis199320 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My Reaction / Review for Hannibal Season 3 Episode 4: Episode 3 was not that good and I gave it a rating of 7/10. Previous episode wasnt really good so I expect this one to be better. Chilton is alive? What? Oh boy Chilton is so disfigured. I guess by now everybody knows that Chilton is not a serial killer. I like how the episode starts with Mason and Chilton. Why do they keep reusing scenes? Its annoying, I want new content. Alana's injuries seem to be very serious, will she walk again? Is she paralyzed from the waist down? Seems like it. Nope, she can walk again. It's amazing how much damage Hannibal has caused to all these characters. Nice to see Bella being alive, I thought she would be dead by now. And she is dead... that sucks. The only ones at the church are Jack and Will, where is everybody? Does Mason want to eat Hannibal? Seems like it. Overall a mediocre episode, my rating is 6.8/10.
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Boring nonsense.
fgame-038236 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Chilton is alive and well. Despite being shot in the head. Alana is alive and well. Jack is alive and well. Will is alive and well. By the end of the series, Dr. Chilton will have only his head, and he will still be alive. So in the season 2 finale everybody lived except the character that was actually killed off in season 1, Abigail. Abigail pushed Alana with surgical precision trough the window, so she survived. Hannibal, after being choked and beaten and face down to the ground, stabbed Jack with surgical precision, allowing him to be alive. Will got his belly ripped, with surgical precision (only 50 liters of blood were spilled there) allowing him to survive. I wouldn't be surprised if Beverly Katz was alive. He was sliced apart with surgical precision, Hannibal wanted her to live, so she lived. By the end of this series, Hannibal will have a bodycount of 0. What happened in this episode? Pig guy wants revenge (who cares). Alana wants revenge (why should I care, she was so dumb in season 2 she deserved what se got). Jack's wife's funeral happens (Why is this relevant? Why does it have to take 10 minutes of runtime?) , and he receives a letter from Hannibal. Jack forgots about Hannibal, knowing all his crimes, and after almost getting killed he just doesn't care anymore. And all the rest is boring artistic nonsense. The creators are so full of themselves it hurts to watch. At least it would be exciting or anything other than super boring and dumb. But no.
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Jim-Eadon28 June 2015
Loved the first two series. This series so far is, for the most part, mediocre but this episode is by far the worst! The writing is mostly to blame, the characters piously and earnestly talk in supposedly profound psychobabble to one another, they all sound alike in their awkward, unnatural prose, except one of them has a sarcastic sense of humour. I keep wondering how the characters - and the actors - can keep a straight face. And now we find out that all but one of the characters are practically immortal. This episode was by far the worst, without the antics of the charismatic antagonist to elevate the game. The other characters are nothing. This episode was simulateously boring and absurd, with a massive WTF (not in a good way) every five minutes.
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Quite boring
gedikreverdi19 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Crawford's wife is dead and Hannibal sent a letter to her funeral. Dr. Frederick is looking for revenge and visiting each and every survivor of Hannibal. Alana is walking with a crutch after the fall from the window. Mason is one of the patients of Alana. Will is in love with Hannibal. Mason wants to eat Hannibal alive.
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Season 3 destroying all of what there was
greenwhich27 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Hannibal the Messiah, forgave them their sins so that they may become resurr'acted.

This Season has destroyed great TV, keeping mostly those bunch of hacks in a job. They were only good once the arc, arced, now they are all just rubbish. Nobody died, Oh No! They can all keep on chasing that cereal killer, anti-pasta, to the ends of the earth, all over again and again. That is what every serial killer likes the best, to be chased by all the people they didn't kill, turning into their Parriah. Wrong! The F...'ing Following with a little bit of polish, better sets, locations, cinematography, but nothing else. A gratuitously boring season, lets also add in stupid. May they all go and find him so that they may party, patzy, whatever, eating each other and having their last supper. I just don't freaking care.... If it keeps on going they will all be back, next season as well.

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matthewcsantry31 March 2022
Just so much wasted screen time with both this episode and the previous. Nothing actually happens, it's hard to work out what is real and what is Wills mind palace. It's just a lot of waffle, meaningless script and pointless cinematography. Honestly such a disappointment.
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No surprise at all that it's been canceled
randymcbeast26 June 2015
Well, my reviews of the first three episodes of this season were 1, 2, 1, and this week I've given another 1. On top of that, the series has now officially been canceled.

I am actually gutted by how this series was ruined by it's creators. They should all be ashamed over destroying such a great show and I'm glad the network was sensible enough to realize how horrible a job they've done this season and then fire the lot of them.

I was actually confused though about how there were so many positive reviews of these episodes. There were actually people giving greater than 8 ratings and I just couldn't fathom it. I really felt like maybe I was missing something and all the pretentious and bad student film antics were flying way over my head.

In the end though, the ratings were slipping week to week and then news of the cancellation confirmed my suspicions. I now suspect that many of these glowing reviews were people somehow associated with the series, but I have no proof of that of course.

Anyway, it's over now. Shame, Shame, Shame on the creators. You all failed miserably and I hope I never ever have to suffer from your incompetence again.
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Will Knows What He Has To Do. Do You???
wandernn1-81-6832747 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
WE open this episode with WOW, really??? Chilton is alive and apparently well. That bullet that blew the back of his head off didn't kill him. LOL and the opening scene is a meeting between Chilton and Pig Man. Pig Man explains to Chilton that yes, he is indeed offering a reward for information leading to the finding of Hannibal Lecter.

-1 Star for them EVEN allowing us to believe that Chilton was dead for this long a time. I don't like it!!

Flashback to Graham being embraced by Lecter in the kitchen, with the knife, once again. Chilton!! Visiting Graham in the hospital in the aftermath. So here we are giving more explanation as to why Chilton is still alive, and why he is still lingering around and interested in Lecter. 'Both of Us Eviscerated and Accused.'

LOL...dream sequence of Lecter, Graham and Crawford sitting at Lecters table, and Graham and Lecter both jump up with knives to kill Crawford!!!! That's just beautiful, and funny.

+1 Star for that....

Crawford Comes to Graham's house, 'here to make sure you don't contradict the official narrative.'

Flashback once again to Bloom getting tossed out the window. She survived that night also!!! Chilton comes to visit Bloom while she is recovering. Everyone survives. Bloom will probably recover good as new!!

-1 Star for juts about every star in this show surviving all these severe events. It really does remind me of the A-Team. The difference being in the A-Team no one even got hurt no matter how severe the accident, explosion, or similar event.

Skip to Bloom in wheelchair meeting with Graham who is memory palacing. That's my new term, deal with it. Then Bloom moves along to visit Pig Man. Oh we got a different actor playing Pig Man. I was wondering what was wrong here. Okay got it now. I'm slow.

Flashback again to THE KITCHEN, Crawfords viewpoint again. Crawford on his phone and he phones.....his wife. It's amazing how any of these people, all bleeding out, survived. Scene to Crawford in the hospital recovering, with his dying wife by his side. Did Crawford just put his wife down?? I think he did. I guess now we have officially all entered the killers club.

Ruh Roh in the funeral parlor where his wife lay in repose, Crawford finds a note from Lecter. Lecter is still actively monitoring all activities of the supporting cast from afar. Enter Graham for a small pow wow about Lecter.

Cut to Pig Man talking with his new nurse / henchman, Cordell. And then a flashack to Pig Man's reconstruction of what's left of his face. Dr. Bloom, meets with Pig Man, and they discuss how they could possibly get Lecter.

Crawford shows up at Grahams place to find Dr. Bloom. Graham, he's gone. Gone to do 'what he has to do.' Which apparently is to sail across the ocean blue.

Although this episode provides some catch-up thru flashbacks, it really doesn't have any hugely bad or good moments. 4/10
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Love the series, but a change in actor?? Mason verger isn't the mason in season 2
BruceWayne322 October 2019
Changing actors from one season to the next is a little weird.
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