Level 16 (2018) Poster


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Better than I thought it would be.
deloudelouvain13 April 2019
Level 16 was better than I expected. Maybe it's not a very original story, you might get a déjà-vu, but overall it was an entertaining movie. A slow build-up, but that only adds to the thrill and mystery, a dark story slowly unfolded. It was a bit of a predictable ending but even then it's still worth watching, especially if you're just looking for some easy mindless entertainment. It's not a high budget but you can't really tell, and it's not necessary either. The cast is well chosen, all characters were convincing in their parts. Level 16 is a decent movie in this genre.
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This is the spoiler version
Snootz15 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In another review I mentioned the strengths and weaknesses of this film without spoilers. Now we get to the nitty gritty.

The basic writing, directing, sets and acting were all superb. Bottom line, a very well-done film, EXCEPT...

To put it delicately... why would someone raise cattle just for the leather and then discard the rest of the carcass?

It doesn't do much good to transplant a new skin when the recipient is old enough to have other vital organs wearing out already. In this aspect, THE ISLAND had pretty much the same premise but made a lot more sense-- harvest ALL the valuable organs (or at least a primary one to save a person's life).

The other thing that made no sense was the prison-like brain-washing routine... which was absolutely unnecessary. They could have had these girls living in a pampered, friendly environment so that they'd never question their situation (which is what they did in The Island... and made a LOT more sense).

In addition, they had these girls on no exercise schedule, and awake only 5 hours a day. That would have guaranteed the worst skin and a degenerative condition. In truth, the only thing they did right from a scientific standpoint is point out they had to start this process young so they could be genetically altered to fit the DNA of the host. Beyond that, the entire premise was ridiculous.

So bottom line, this is a well-done film with a nonsense premise. There just was no reason for the girls being handled as they were... and the "company" limiting itself to just their skins is just plain silly. In short, good film... ludicrous concept. Which kills more than just the girls.
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Decent micro budget drama with a hint of scifi
just_in_case3 March 2019
I think when you're doing a micro budget scifi film this is the way to go if you want to get some return economically and critical. I think its dishonest to call this scifi. Its entirely possible to do what they do in the film with the technology we have today. They however covered this up with very solid acting by the main actresses who held my attention and never said or did anything groan worthy. Go in expecting something just below The Handmaid's Tale in quality and you'll come out ok. I'll admit its probably a 6 but I tend to give extra credit when I leave feeling like the writing was well thought out.
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Better than I expected!
datkaa5 July 2021
I like to put on a Netflix movie I don't care much about while I do my nails, just to have some background noise as I can't give it full attention. That's how I started watching this movie, but let me tell you, my manicure is now looking dreadful cause I was too invested in this movie, barely looking away! 😂

It's just one of those movies that keep you guessing. They reveal just a little information at a time, and it makes you want to keep watching and find out what the hell is going on. I honestly loved this. It has a similar feel to it as Never Let Me Go, which was an absolute masterpiece and if you finished this movie and enjoyed it, I recommend you watch that too.
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Well-made for what it is. Worth watching.
S_Soma3 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Some other reviewers around here have criticized LEVEL 16 as not being entirely original or being noticeably similar to other comparatively-themed movies. The point is completely legitimate because it's true.

But then again, given the fact that virtually every movie made can usually be easily compared to half a dozen others, if you rely upon this point as a cause for catastrophic criticism then you're going to have a very difficult time finding movies to watch. Personally, a movie has to be UNREASONABLY derivative before I'll start taking points off. I only require that a movie be a WELL-MADE movie about "X" pretty much no matter how often an "X"-themed movie has been made.

Depending upon how far you want to cast your comparison net, you could not only compare LEVEL 16 to "THE ISLAND" / "PARTS: THE CLONUS HORROR" / "NEVER LET ME GO" but also to THE TIME MACHINE (why were those Morlocks taking care of the Eloi?) and SOYLENT GREEN (why is the state willing to give people a beautiful death and what's happening to those people?)

Essentially, anytime you have a group of people being confined and/or "managed" by some other group of people for mysterious/unexplained reasons and apparently peculiar circumstances, you have the same story. Obviously "management" has some dark motives in mind and the core of the movie is finding out what those motives are. At the largest scale, even THE MATRIX trilogy was about the same subject matter. People as batteries, unaware of their actual circumstances?

In LEVEL 16 we view the majority of the movie from the perspective of a collection of about 12 approximately 16-year-old girls (hence the name, LEVEL 16) who are being raised in the context of a rigidly regimented, prison-like environment. The pretext they are given for their rather grim confinement is that they are being carefully raised to be "good girls" to be adopted by wealthy, high quality families who are very particular about whom they adopt. They are led to believe that they have been saved from unfortunate circumstances and should not try to leave because the world is in such bad shape that even the air is poisonous outside of their controlled environment. They are led to believe they are indebted to the institution for their care and maintenance. As far as we can tell they have been raised in this environment their entire life and aren't in any position to know any better.

Not unpredictably, very close to their time to be "adopted", a couple of "troublemaker" girls begin to get suspicious and the truth of the artificial construct of their imprisonment begins to break down under scrutiny.

The nitty-gritty details of the whys and what-fors is left to the reader to discover.

LEVEL 16 is not exactly mind-boggling in its concept or execution, but it's a competent execution of its concept and the acting and production values are certainly adequate all around. There's even a hint of Russian mafia context which works well for the situation but doesn't take over the plot line from its focus on the girl's experience.

Nothing about LEVEL 16 is Oscar bound but it's certainly sufficient quality and high production values are true to its subject matter. It's a good execution of the movie it intended to be. For me, this is what justifies reasonably high star score.
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Watchable little number
bowmanblue28 July 2019
'Level 16' is one of those films where the review shouldn't be too long. That's because, if you ask, 'So... what's the film about?' you can't really say too much without giving away vital plot points. The whole reason you'll watch this film is to find out what's happening.

We join a 'school' of young girls as they - er - 'graduate' to the final year of their educational institution, aka 'Level 16.' The reason I use so many quote marks around words is because this isn't your average American high school. There's something very amiss.

Only giving away mild clues (that you'll get from the early parts of the movie) are that the girls are hardly 'enlightened' and seem to be 'taught' by a single teacher and a load of videos which push 'cleanliness' at all costs. The outside world is never seen, but there's the ever 'exciting' promise that adults will one day come for the girls and adopt them into their new, perfect families.

Now, naturally we - the viewers - can see that something very bad is happening here. You'll ask yourselves question like, 'Is there even a world out there? Has there been some sort of alien takeover and the girls are merely human sacrifices?' and 'What's the deal with keeping the youngsters so clean?' All are valid questions and - don't worry - whatever you think is going on will eventually be explained to a satisfying conclusion by the end of the movie.

The stars of the film are - mainly - the young girls and - sometimes - having less experienced actors carrying a film can lead to lesser performances. Luckily, all play their parts well and lead actress, Katie Douglas, could well be one to watch in the future.

So, assuming you enjoy watching the film through to the end, the only real flaw is that you can only ever watch it the once and not know what's coming. Even if you love it (and it's certainly very watchable!) I can't see much point in re-watching it any time in the (near) future, as you'll know everything that's coming. Definitely one to watch, but not one to re-watch very soon afterwards.
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A decent film
bellabuckley-760903 March 2019
I enjoyed this film I thought it was different, and it played with an interesting idea. It's definetley not for everyone. However its something i found entertaining and thrilling. It's not an amazing film and it won't win an oscar. On the other hand the acting is spectacular and it's a pretty decent film. I reccomend to watch.
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It's intriguing but not
rossbailey-5458616 May 2022
Basic premise is a school that raises girls to be prefect looking and obbident they keep them uneducated for this purpose but it creates problems. I enjoyed watching it but there is some major plot holes that ruined some of it for me. How are the girls not able to read but knowing what a farm is and things like that. Overall intriguing but dragged out.
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Old Story... Well presented
flight913 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A movie that is a bit slow but interesting... The story is not a new one (The Island), but presented in a dark and twisted way. I liked the movie a lot, especially with rumors in our real world about human trafficking, this movie gave me an idea what might be happening in the future or what already is. The actors convinced me enough to watch this film all the way through, what rarely happens... if you do need to kill some time, this movie won't be the worst choice
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Very interesting premise, comes to a less interesting conclusion. Worth a watch if free.
TxMike20 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this at home on DVD from my public library, my wife skipped, not her kind of movie.

As an avid movie-watcher I enjoy all kinds, often just to see how the filmmakers carry through a particular theme. Here the premise is mostly unique, we aren't given any backstory at all, we piece together clues as the story moves along. It is rather easy to come up with a novel premise, carrying it through to an interesting wrap up is much more difficult. In this one it is a moderate success although the last half hour is not particularly inventive. Still I am glad I watched it.

A large group of girls, from rather young to teens, are kept in what appears to be an orphanage. Each of them has a first name of a famous actress. Level 16 is the top level, where the girls then look forward to being placed with a family that will love them. They are shielded from the outside, told it is toxic, live a highly regimented existence, and are given "vitamins" to make them docile and sleep most of the day. We never learn where they actually come from as young children.

So, what is really going on? Suffice to say the girls are being lied to and the plan is very sinister. Not a great movie, all the actors are experienced in TV series, it all takes place in one darkened building, but as a free viewing I am glad I stuck with it, there are some interesting story elements.

SPOILERS FOLLOW, QUIT READING IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE MOVIE. As it turns out there is a Russian mob connection, the head mistress and the doctor in the facility work for them, the business is to develop the girls into young beauties so that wealthy people can purchase one and use the body parts to rejuvenate older women, especially use of a face transplant so that an old and ugly woman can look young and beautiful again. Vivien manages to figure it all out and mastermind an escape, as the movie ends they are being rescued by police.
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The Seasoning House was better executed
mochteam30 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If I had never watched The Seasoning House years ago I might have been able to enjoy this film more. It seemed like a G rated version of the seasoning house. A bunch of young girls trapped inside a house forced to obey rules and basically held against they're will by Russian gangsters till one escapes in a fight for her life after her friend is killed.

I mean The Seasoning House might have been about young girls forced to work in a brothel but this movie had too many similarities to it for me to feel this film was 100% all original. Especially with the pacing and cinematic style this film had that reminded me of The Seasoning House.

I didn't dislike this movie it was decent to watch but the acting of the girls was pretty bad and didn't sell me the movie so well. The movie also seemed to miss a lot of good horror ideas that they could have done but I guess they wanted to keep this movie with a friendly rating.

There isn't much violence or horror in this movie. There is however this creepy pedophile undertone which I felt was cheap. They could have come up with a better idea than that for the "Dark Hour" since this is supposed to be some sort of horror/sci fi thriller. It seems to lack those elements a lot.

It hints at things like the air outside being poison, this weird regimen the girls have about washing up but it doesn't play enough into those things and when the movie has the big reveal it's not shocking it's just a "oh so that's why" kind of moment because by the time you get to that point in the movie the build up to it is so weak that it's not that important. Matter of fact it's revealed as the girls are in the middle of escaping so there's no "wow they better get out of there" moment because they're already leaving.

I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to be in suspense over? The crippled pedophile that visited the girls in the "Dark Hour". The Doctor that seemed like both another pedophile and passive-aggressive child abuser, or his female counterpart who seemed to enjoy her authority over the girls and mostly yelled at them and threatened to punish them.

There was a lot of potential for this film but I don't think it ever reached it. Personally I would have just dropped the pedophile stuff and went for the suspense of the creepy guard coming into the room as the girls were sleeping to take one away that was disappear forever. Then have one of the girls stop taking the "vitamins" to stay awake and see just what is happening to their friends that go missing over night and then sneaking out to follow the guard and find out about the body harvesting...and have them try to figure out how to get all the girls and escape for the rest of the movie.

That would have been perfect for this film but that wasn't the story they chose to go with. Instead the movie feels like it should have been better. It's like it's pointless ending of the lead girl cutting her face when she really had no purpose too as she wasn't even in danger and what was going to happen to the doctor was already going to happen to the doctor.
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A taut drama made on a low budget
Tweekums1 September 2021
This film is set inside a strange institution. It is populated by young girls who are schooled to be obedient and clean; but not how to read or write. They are there from babyhood to the age of sixteen; each year moving to the next level... they are promised that after Level 16 they will be adopted by caring, wealthy families. They have never seen the sun as they have been told the world outside is polluted. They are also heavily guarded and sleep in locked dormitories.

One day Vivian is warned by another girl, Sophia, not to take her daily vitamin pill; that night all the other girls quickly fall into a deep sleep... Vivian is about to start learning the true nature of the 'school'. The more that is learnt the more disturbing it is for her. Knowing the truth is one thing; getting out will be another.

I really enjoyed this film; it had me gripped from the opening moments to the final scene. It is safe to say most viewers will guess that the school isn't quite what it seems but the truth isn't too obvious. The location is great; just a few rooms and a linking corridor for the most part... this emphasises the claustrophobic nature of the girls' world. Not seeing the outside keeps the viewer in the dark about many things; we don't even know when it is set... the old films the girls watch and certain items make it look as if it could have been set anytime from over fifty years ago to sometime in the future. The cast is impressive; especially Katie Douglas who really shines as Vivien. There are also notable performances from Sara Canning as Miss Brixil, the woman who appears to run the establishment; Peter Outerbridge as Dr Miro; and Celina Martin as Sophia. There isn't too much in the way of violence and gore although there are one or two disturbing scenes. Overall I'd certainly recommend this to fans of thoughtful films that don't require expensive special effects or a big name cast.
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Good Psychological Horror
Pairic9 October 2019
Level 16: A group of girls have been raised in an institute, told that conditions outside are lethal, Life for them is highly regimented and thy are taught to be subservient. Finally at age 16 they are being prepared for adoption by sponsors who will give them a better future. Two girls suspect that something sinister is at play. Dark, almost entirely fumed in a few rooms and corridors provoking a sense of claustrophobia, threat and tension. Writer/Director Danishka Esterhazy delivers a good Psychological/Horror film with a few disturbing scenes. 7/10. On Netflix.
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2019s Level 16
ghettodub8 August 2019
2019s Level 16

2019s Level 16 stars a bunch of people I wasn't familiar with other than Sara Canning from the Vampire Diaries. It's not a bad thing. It's actually a nice change to see some new faces in genre films.

The story mainly revolves around Vivian, a young woman who is in some facility with other young women. It's clear they're being groomed for something, but it's not revealed for quite a bit in.

So, this kinda felt like a long episode of maybe Doctor Who, maybe Black Mirror, but didn't feel much like a film. The cinematography and scoring left a little to be desired with me. I think pacing was a bit of an issue as well.

When the twist happens later on, I liked it, but it just took too long to get there. At 1hr 44min, it's a long film, and for the interesting thing to happen around 1hr 30min in, it took some patience to get there.

So, this one was just average for me. I don't think anyone needs to drop everything to watch it, but I'll always tell people they should support and watch all that they can. People work really hard on these films, so it's good to support them. Unless they're Uwe Boll, of course. But this is much better than one of his films.

Streaming on Showtime now.

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Super Acting/Interesting Idea/Simple and Straitforward
tdwillis-262735 March 2019
Although this story is not a new idea, it is still an interesting premise and the presentation and acting along with good direction makes this film a worthy watch. The camera use and cinematography is bleak and dark, with the use of hazy bright lights used to accentuate the shadows. The music score was perfect and added to the various scenes. The plot plugs along at a fairly decent pace for those movie watchers that don't get bored easy. It is a simple and pretty strait forward movie with few surprises. The themes of friendship, loyalty, courage and greed are well portrayed by the end of the movie. There are some plot holes, yes, but again, the great acting, and the interesting theme brought me thru the movie and allowed me to set aside those inconsistencies and just enjoy what was in front of me. If you find it difficult to set aside your disbelief or if plot holes keep you from enjoying an otherwise well made movie, I admit this film would not be for you. (Or if you are into action films or horror/slasher films). As for me, this was an excellent small budget movie!!
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Are You Clean?
Foutainoflife31 March 2019
This film is about a facility in which young girls are taught to be clean, virtuous and obedient. This is all done with the promise of becoming the type of girl families will want to adopt. However, things are not as they seem and the reality is far more sinister than they could possibly imagine.

Not a bad film. It is filmed well and the acting is decent. The story unfolds at a slow pace but it helps in building suspense. I wasn't too crazy about the setting even though it was suited to the situation. It isn't amazing but as I said, it's not bad.
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Not your typical Girls' School Horror
saccool26 April 2020
If you're looking for cheap thrills and jump scares, this isn't the movie for you. If you are looking for a good horror that keeps you on the edge of your seat, makes your skin crawl, and keeps you asking questions till the very end then you're in the right place!!

People say it's a rehash of a common theme but it's made something new out of something overdone. There's no way to guess every twist and turn coming from these girls and their care takers.

If you like horror that makes you think and question every characters motive. This is the movie for you!!
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Loved this film
shelagh-m5 April 2021
I saw this film in Toronto a while back. Was on the edge of my seat. An unexpected gem - so well made.
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more like a Twilight Zone episode
SnoopyStyle25 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Girls are trained in a highly regimented Spartan boarding school. Punishment is harsh and obedience is absolute. They are not taught any reading or math. They are told that once they graduate from level 16, they will be adopted into perfect families. Miss Brixil is the madam of the facility. Dr. Miro is the physician.

The premise is intriguing but it's really only a Twilight Zone episode. While the final reveal is interesting, a reveal is never in doubt. It's really only good for a hour long TV episode. There is a few questionable turns. The escape is highly unlikely. The girls would face strip searches to find that card. The whole facility would be turned upside down. It's too unlikely unless the card could be stolen without being known. There is also the old couple. It makes no sense that they're picking from two different girls. The whole premise is to grow someone out of the client's own DNA. This is a short story unless the two girls can make a quick escape and make a scary trek across the Russian countryside.
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Mostly a tedious drama
jon-c-ison1 October 2019
This movie is based on a simple but strong (and grim) premise, and starts off strong. But the basic theme already established is then laboured to the point of tedium. The middle three quarter of an hour or so really do drag, not much happens, no new meaning or ideas are conveyed, there is no emotional arc or tension, and there is little or no narrative development. Then it picks up in the last 20 minutes or so, things happen and there's a satisfactory ending. The movie explores (or at least exploits) some stereotypes around the roles and expectations of women in society, but this is overdone. It is only very loosely a sci-fi, more of a drama. The young female lead actresses are excellent though. There was potential here, but let down by bad direction.
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alieminci21 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
PROS Decent acting A very gloomy atmosphere which is believable The plot is nice The idea is not original but not boring to watch Slow burner but it has to be that way for the movie to be unfold

CONS Not very realistic setting. Even if you are in low budget for a human farming project like this you could afford more than 2 stupid guards. Also the bad guys who invested in this might have provided you with some extra security.. You are doing high science dna work there so you obviously have some budget. 2 tiny girls over powering security men.

OVERALL Decent movie with some plot holes. If you are a perfectionist you won't enjoy it much but if you are ok with some mistakes this is a low budget but a nice movie.
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Not even Lifetime worthy
RMS19491 March 2019
Very weak movie that wants to be Hand Maidens worthy except that it's very dull,, offers no real suspense and ends on a whimper. Even Made for Lifetime movies offer more than this did.. very disappointing...
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I don't know why this is reviewed so bad...
tessaheron-5139511 April 2020
When I originally saw the reviews for this movie I was cautious to watch this thinking it would be bad, but I watched it any way and I'm very impressed. this movie was amazing. the acting was so professional and I really liked the plot, it was multi-layered which made the whole thing so interesting when revealed at the end. the whole movie kept me on the edge of my seat and was so well done, I do have to say the movie to me seemed aimed to the female gender as that's one of the main plot lines but its open to interpretations. Definitely recommend the watch.
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Great film
theteacher3121-228-3111120 January 2020
I was pleasantly surprised by this film. A pure example of how you can create a good movie with low budget. Really unique idea and plot. Magnificent acting as well
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Don't go to Russia for dubious beauty treatments
stevelomas-694016 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Starts off as a low budget but competent derivative of other clone/medical/dystopian SF dramas ends up as a silly incoherent low rent rip off. Just remember not all Russians are evil pervert gangster cannibals with female beauty fixations.
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