Harbinger (2015) Poster

(I) (2015)

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Harbinger: Wait......wtf?!
Platypuschow21 October 2018
When I hear that a movie is award winning it doesn't give the film any additional credibility in my eyes. Awards mean nothing, you'd be amazed how many films in the IMDB top 250 I think are awful! In fact a lot of the top 10 are in my opinion!

Harbinger is an award winning (Yawn) fantasy/horror/thriller tale about a small latino family who move into the middle of nowhere for a break after their daughter is involved in an accident. The daughter hates it and wants to leave and rapidly it becomes apparent that her fears were justified.

Harbinger has a great little cast of mostly unknowns, the biggest name is Robert Rodriguez's sister Tina. It's lead is a really promising young lady by the name of Paeka Campos who I hope goes onto have a fantastic career based on her performance here.

I was gripped, despite a couple of eyebrow raising moments it had my attention and I was curious to see where it was going. A slow burn it's enjoyable regardless, that is until the end.

When something "Happens" it happens fast, makes up the last 10 minutes of the film (If that) and is bafflingly awful. I don't just mean bad, I mean just random unexplained nonsense that came out of nowhere and fitted the movie about as much as if Tinky Winky the Teletubby saved the day at the end of the new 2018 Halloween. It's ridiculously bad!

I was really enjoying the film up until this point and still can't get my head around what I saw. Was this some kind of joke? An April fools gag? Making a great film and then ending it on such an embarassing note?

Such a shame, cannot believe the stupidity I just witnessed.

The Good:

Tina Rodriguez and Paeka Campos

Well scored

The Bad:

I can't like a character if they get their jollies from killing things for fun

WTF was that ending?!?!?! No, seriously

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

It WAS an April fools joke?...................right?..........RIGHT!?

One of the writers needs stringing up by the genitals and used as a pinata, I don't care which one but it needs to happen to send a message to all future screenplay writers that this is NOT acceptable
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Well....it was OK.
wingedheartart31 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to rent this on Amazon,because it was filmed in Texas, and the writer/director is from Boerne, Tx.

The story was OK. I love the idea of an environmental horror movie...goodness knows there is a lot to work with right now in reference to scary environmental situations going on all around us.

The fact that fracking is all over the US, but in parts of Texas it is awful. The film didn't show West Texas, the area around Midland/Odessa/Kermit on to the Big Bend area, where fracking/rigs/and more are just ruining the land. This was filmed mostly around Austin, where it is still quite untouched.

The story moved a bit slow at times, and the acting made parts a tad confusing. Was the father a part of a dream, or was he looking freaky in "real" time. The kids ....all 3 of them, were pretty neutral. Not a lot of expression at all.

It was OK. One thing I really liked though, was that the focus family was Hispanic, as were the supporting characters. The house was beautiful, the scenery was nice, and the character of the ranch hand was quite good.

One thing bothered me for sure. Everyone was always running around outside without a care in the world, not watching out for snakes. Seriously? I live in the country, have for 30+ years, and I watch where I step, and look ahead on the path even if I was just outside 2 minutes before. Rattlesnakes, copperheads, and more around Central Texas. That was very unrealistic.

The scary face of the dad towards the end....not so scary.

All in all, it was OK. I hope Cody (director/writer) continues writing/directing. I'm sure he will get better, and better.

Hope he keeps filming in Texas...that is always cool.
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Waste of a hour and 23 minutes
billiemarieeverly3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Dumbest movie ever!!!!! What a waste of time.... I lost so many brain cells watching this. Nothing made sense .... I would have rather watched Cocomelan ...... There is no story line at all ...... What even was the point of the movie.... What did the clown have to do with anything.. what did it have to do with fracting.... What was with the wild bore... Waht happened at the end.... What happened in the beginning to the girl.... There was so many plot holes and so many different things going on... And none of them had a explanation of why anything was going on. Like what happened in the beginning it starts with the girl beginning rushed in the hospital with her head bleeding.... Then we go to a fair house in Texas and the mother's becomes pregnant and the girl is having werid dreams... Then the dead grandmother shows up .... And the girl trys to kill the baby bc I guess he is some kind of clown or something... And he wants to hurt is sister I guess... Then the dad shoots a pig the they eat it .... Then a werid smell is there.... Then the dad turns in to a piggish .... The mother dies giving birth to her son you us covered in oil ..... Then the dad takes the girl to get the meat she stole .... The ranch hand comes in with a gun the dad tries to feed his daughter the meat ..... Something explodes ... The daughter shoots him.... She dropped the gun the ranch and picked it up and starts to run after the father then shoots him multiple times then the oil thing falls and catches on fire.... Then the girl wakes up in the hospital like nothing happened I guess she was having a dream about it all...... Still the stupidest movie ever.
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Strange but not bad , different not horror.
shellshiels29 April 2019
Would not watch again but glad I have. The acting was good especially the girl but a bit too thin in places
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Dark, inventive fantasy.
RatedVforVinny31 January 2020
Really a well crafted movie. Good direction and acted with some conviction. There are some atmospheric moments and the setting is charged with a certain sense of foreboding. I can understand why this movie has had some negativity here, as it's more Art House than a blood and thunder horror but keeps away from any dreaded pretension (normally afflicted with the former). The ending to is not well explained but on the whole an involving, enjoyable experience.
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