96 Souls (2016) Poster


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Disappointing plot with no soul
sgcamil4 June 2017
The movie started with what seemed to be a well executed story line but somehow lost the plot half way through. The director could have either done away with the pseudo philosophy , or at least developed it properly. Amateurish special effects and cardboard acting from some actors did not help.
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A very interesting movie
ravenhurtfew21 June 2017
I'm giving this movie a high 6 stars because it makes a heartfelt effort to tell a unique story. I thought from the trailer that it was an attempt at low budget sci-fi, and ultimately, it is. But more of a kind of hard sci-fi story in which morality and social conditions and consciousness​ underlie the story.

Some of the acting is amateurish and same for the editing and directing, and dialogue was more like conversation, but this director shows promise (up to a point). And his story is engaging. Despite the flaws, I never wanted to stop or turn off at any point.

Most importantly, it kept me entertained. And that, ultimately, is ​the task of any story. 5 stars for actual effort and an extra for daring something unique.
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This picture is not what you think, and that is a good thing.
ropipgi-581-4871668 May 2021
Based on the information beforehand, i expected this to be a movie in the style of " Flatliners ", but halfway through, the story went in a entirely new direction.

It became a thriller with heavy tones of philosophy, and a really good one of that.

The movie could have been better with a bigger budget as indoor scenes often seemed " unused " and the lighting seemed crisp but " cold ".

The acting and dialogues were on the other hand outstanding. Friends reacted like friends do, met with extraordinary news. The actors did an awesome job here, and to be honest, the " bad " guy here - had some really compelling arguments on why he had his verion of ethics. I really loved that scene.

In the end, you get many questions to ponder about in regard of society, connections to other people, and ethics.

I saw the movie spring 2021, just when the discussion on patents on life saving medication needed all over the world is at its peak. So we have here a 5 year old film, debating ethics that are more current than ever.

The most unusual thing about this movie, even as a big watcher of movies for many years, i could not see the twist and turns before they happened, and i loved that.
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Snootz30 May 2017
Very short review on this one. The story starts out okay with an interesting concept (being able to visibly see odors), but then devolves into absurdist directing and not-so-special "special effects" that have no sensible or reasonable basis. What starts out as science fiction quickly become science slop. Oddly, this happens at the very same time the theretofore reasonable script suddenly explodes in a blast of profanity. It makes one wonder if they completely changed directors and writers 20 minutes into the work... and decided to throw decent writing, reason, acting and good directing out the window in favor of shock schlock. What began as a reasonable premise becomes unbearably ridiculous-- at which point I decided to waste no more of my time than already spent on this spud.
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Do not know what is up with the high ratings
AvidWatcher10124 April 2020
Sorry to say, this is not a good film. Not the acting, the script, the dialogue, the pace.. really, it's hard to find anything good to say about it. Even if the premise had a chance at all, the way it's portrayed completely ruins it. So - two thumbs down from me.
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96 Souls -- Worth Checking Out
robertbarratt10 October 2017
This is a sci-fi based film that moves quickly into social commentary. The main character, Jack Sutree, is a research scientist studying the potential to use light to see olfactory data, namely scent. After an all-night work session he accidentally gives himself the ability to see smells. Soon after, he's begins to see people's souls, or the essence of their humanity. How he deals with this ability frames the film with his actions motivated by his response to events going on in his personal life. A pet's death, a pending divorce, a chance encounter with a damaged, but talente$d, homeless musician and a regent in his department who shills for Big Pharma all affect Jack as navigates the good and bad aspects of this ability to see beyond what everyone else can observe. This is an earnest movie. The tone is set right away as we see Jack dealing with having his beloved dog euthanized. He decides he wants his research to be used for the greater good, not great profits. The writing moves us along briskly, and the authentic Los Angeles locations are a fresh breeze. I thought the cast was put together nicely, especially Rob Locke as Stuart Holloway, Jack's mother's pastor. There is a great scene where he describes an onion in metaphysical terms. All in all a worthwhile movie — there's much to like here.
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mkh10228 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
That was absolutely terrible. It started off with a hint of better things to come and I was hoping it would improve although I had already decided the acting was dire pretty early on. The story line was wishy washy and all over the place and i really can't emphasize enough how bad the acting was. A leading scientist in his field who played a 'dumb' guy; and the 'real' inner versions of the various people were ridiculous! Also the date they went on seemed absolutely pointless to me. Ugh all of it was pretty much rubbish and hopefully no one else wastes their time on it.
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I Really Enjoyed This Picture!
blackierowan9 October 2017
I really enjoyed this picture! This movie is timely as the story line addresses medical ethics during a period when science continues at an amazing speed to make astonishing advances in all areas. This is classic sci-fi: a scientist conducting an experiment is suddenly jolted into a bizarre new realm due to an accident in his lab. Although initially intrigued, he soon realizes that his data needs more research as his visions become terrifying. Unfortunately, those in the pharmaceutical industry who fund the scientists hear about his latest discovery, and our hero has to protect his research from being used for malevolent purposes. Thus begins a tug of war between the forces of good and evil that keeps the viewer on the edge of his seat. There are many twists and turns that lay ahead, as well as some terrific new characters going in and out of the fray. "96 Souls" is a film unafraid to ask big questions and for that reason alone is totally worth seeing.
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I enjoyed it
kay_rock31 October 2017
Sure it has a lot of the flaws you expect from this type of low budget film. The dialogue makes you wince a few times as the writer was going for clever and it just sounded clunky coming out of the mouths of the actors. But the acting was fairly solid (with a few notable exceptions, but not where it counts). The cinematography was quite good, and even the "special effects" weren't too distracting. The editing was magnificent, and in many cases that's the key difference between good and bad in films. You don't notice it unless it's done poorly, and in this case, it was pretty much seamless.

Despite is flaws, there was something about the story, and the developmental arc of the characters, that kept me fascinated. I watched it more like I was watching an art project than a movie, and I was able to really appreciate what they were trying to do.

I watch a lot of indie films, and some are definitely horrific (although many of them have some merit buried in there somewhere. This one was definitely worth a watch. Someone had a pretty clever idea, developed it, and managed to work in some thought-provoking philosophy along the way.
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Take a cup of coffee and sip it slowly...but don't watch this
hrhkalways27 June 2017
96 Souls…yes..what about it? Its starts out with all the right moves and hooks…builds interest..and then quickly it degenerates into trash logic. It has nothing to save it. No eagerness of the actors, no fresh look appeal, nothing. The script writer ran away for coffee and never came back, so they kind of handed it to whoever came back to finish it. I feel if the rating goes below a certain level, the makers should be penalized for wasting people's time. It was a criminal waste of time.
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Loved the film. Very different.
bevk-3527720 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The beauty of this film is it has depth (a turnoff for some fanboys). You see a work-focused scientist, Jack, have his perception altered to be able to see the soul of certain people he encounters, whether rich or poor. It reminds us that the soul, not our exterior, is really who we are.

The dialogue is realistic, different from typical sci-fi, with a little humor thrown in. (This type of exposition is preferable to what we heard in Dr. Strange). One character, Basement (a very talented actress), wins over your heart. Jack's decision to help her appears at first as self serving, but the journey leads to a human discovery as important as his scientific discovery.

If you can switch from the typical way today's films come across and let it work on you, your mind and heart will be engaged to understand its powerful message. I'd like to see future work from the very diverse cast and filmmakers.
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A Soul-Searching Escapade
amandaclairoconnor9 October 2017
Extraordinary storytelling and writing for this low-budget feature film. Science meets God when a doctor discovers a chemical formula that allows the human eye to see the essence of energy. The story makes a play for the advancement of psychoactive drugs. The "see smells" and 96 souls scenes are well worth the wait. The protagonist Dr. Jack Surtree "has it all" on the surface, yet his personal life is falling apart. He is facing dwindling research funding, an estranged wife, mother in a nursing home and loyal dog passing away. It seems Dr. Surtree's entire life has been devoted to controlled deductive reasoning with methodical outcomes, and he has hit a wall. Grinnell Morris is an excellent actor in this role, especially in such scenes where he convincingly says a sweet goodbye to his dying dog. He must venture into the unknown to find solutions. With the aid of his new formula and a little help from his friends (a minister, a homeless schizophrenic, and an East Indian doctor) he succeeds in finding a humanitarian medical cure for society. The characters expand on these ideas with heart-felt revelations, delivered by strong actors. I admit to tearing up on several occasions. "When you are free, I am free; we can't escape the effect we have on each other in the larger societal consciousness."
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One boring premise
Leofwine_draca3 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
96 SOULS is an indie thriller with science fiction touches. The film's protagonist lead (a Sharlto Copley lookalike) has a laboratory accident, but instead of turning into a giant green monster with anger issues, he has the power to see inside people's heads and thus their real intentions. Yeah. It's not a very exciting concept for a movie, and perhaps would have worked better as a novel. In any case, this film is as dull as can be, with very little effort or vitality to make it of interest.
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This is a waste of time that could be spent watching weeds grow
johng-9089330 March 2020
I could go into a long diatribe as to why this has candidacy for the worst movie ever made. Part of me wants to, but I fear you would stop reading, and the risk that you do is too great. If this review saves even one person from watching this film, then it is my civic duty to write it.

Just use your imagination about what makes a movie satisfying and then remove all of those things. Think like reconstituted powdered mashed potatoes made with water and no salt.

Some people enjoy entertainingly bad films, but imo this has no value on that front either.

This is a film that could be used to show what not to do, particularly in the writing, acting, directing, and special effects areas. You could teach an entire class based on the analysis of what makes this film bad.

I actually feel sorry for whomever made this film. I hope you find joy in something else in this life because you have zero aptitude in film-making. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but you wasted my time and mislead me.
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Not even worth the MST3K treatment
NoloContendere26 September 2017
This film was horrific. The dialogue was stiff and empty, the plot was nonsensical, and it lacked even a single "Oh, cool!" moment. Even though I watched this on Netflix, I mourn the wasted bandwidth and urge you not to make the same mistake I did. My son and I tried hard to mock it a la Mystery Science Theater 3000, and even though we're pretty good at that, even our magnificent milieu of mockery was unable to find any fertile ground in this sad excuse of a film.
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Very enjoyable - nicely filmed.
rdoanderson7 April 2020
Defiantly a film you need to enjoy the look of. It's trying to look like a 70's film filmed roughly today a bit like (I think it was the love witch)

And basically pulls it off.

Well acted provided you understand what they were going for.

Give it 20 mins and you'll know of its your thing.
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Do not believe the rating
orionhi17 September 2021
This movie contains every negative thing you could possibly come up with. Horrible acting, terrible special effects, stupid story, filmed with a flip phone. It is an awful movie. If you are a glutton for punishment watch 5 minutes. That's all it will take for you to see how bad it is.
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So good!
carolvvani26 September 2018
This was not at all what I expected but a breath of fresh air. Very inspiring. Raw. Feel good movie. Loved it.
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"96 Souls" is Captivating
cjdelmonico10 October 2017
"96 Souls" is captivating from start to finish. The lead scientist at a university lab has his hands full as he deals with personal disappointment and heartbreak at the same time he is fighting for support of his unprecedented research into light-based identification of scent. His life turns upside down when an accident in the lab inadvertently provides the breakthrough he is seeking and more. This low-budget thriller uses simple, but effective special effects to illustrate the "hallucinogenic" quality of his formula – it literally alters one's perception of reality. There is unexpected humor in this film, which doesn't detract from its message about the importance of not abusing potentially exploitative information for harm. It is also a meditation on love and loss, as well as personal redemption. Jack's discovery transforms him as readily as it transforms his field of study. Toyin Moses deserves special recognition for her performance as Bazemint Tapes. Her scene in the mental hospital's music room is both poignant and revelatory, and the young actress is convincing throughout the film. This nicely-written film serves a main course of entertainment with side of morality tale.
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Just... weird
sarakmiles-6818414 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has a lot of unanswered questions... one of which is, where did the title come from?? It's an interesting premise but a lot of it just doesn't make any sense. For instance, the "lab accident"... it's not really clear exactly what happened, why, or how. There is the sound of breaking glass, but I have no idea where it came from. I rewatched that part several times, but couldn't figure it out. Also, why did he see things with certain people but not with others? Shouldn't he see it with everyone? It's all really weird and a bit of a stretch, even for science fiction. It also felt like there were a lot of things going on all over the place. Why would a science experiment suddenly turn into a missing person's case? It was twisted and strange and in the end, left me feeling like I really didn't know what this story was actually about.
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Life is a well known mystery
M1racl3sHapp3n25 January 2021
I didn't know what to expect from this movie, all I knew was that it's science fiction. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that this is a pure science fiction story embed with spirituality and healing. Sometimes in life we need to get lost to find ourselves again. Finally, a great sci-fi without any alien war or fancy CGI special effects.
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Rocky start, worth sticking it out
TwistedCyberChik25 January 2022
I was quite underwhelmed with some/much of the acting in the opening scenes, but it either got better or I got used to it.

Regardless, once the actual "vision enhancements" begin it gets interesting enough to warrant a watch. It's not exactly without agenda, but given the subject matter it's to be expected. It's not so frequent or focused on as to spoil the viewing experience.

As one of the other reviewers mentioned, the actress for Basement (yes, that is her chosen name) is quite good and I hope she gets more castings.
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This is hysterical(ly bad)
onenonymouse19 June 2023
This would be a fantastic movie for Mystery Science Theater 3000. The acting and writing is like a high school film student level. Not to mention the score, editing, "special effects" (in parenthesis because my 15-year-old could do better), etc. Sure, it covers some interesting themes, but nothing can make up for everything else. Especially the acting.

I have to write more to be allowed to submit this review, but there isn't much more to write. When I see a film like this I always wonder how anybody managed to get it made. Also the main character isn't compelling as a person. Nobody in science would outright insult the people funding them, what was that even about?
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