Polar (2019) Poster

(I) (2019)

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Action & Brutality
ahmetkozan27 January 2019
First of all, the film shouldn't be a movie you'll definitely take seriously. Please leave your brain if you decide to watch this movie. Because this film is a crunchy film that focuses entirely on the action and the charm of ferocity. So there is no deeper meaning nor a deep scenario.

The visuals are great, the color palette is so good that even the nature looks modern. It looks like an Instagram filter has been applied to a picture taken with a proper camera. The girls are beautiful, the main character is charismatic, the bad character is a fat asshole. There are plenty of clichés. You can predict what's going to happen. Predicting what will happen is a problem in such films because it eliminates the thriller factor.

You don't have to pay much attention to, it's a fun movie. If you love action you can watch. 7/10
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Crazy film perfect for a Tuesday night
joker-415 August 2019
A good action movie is like a classic meat-and-potatoes meal; standard fare that although might be seasoned differently is both filling and unsurprising. Occasionally a genre-breaking film will surprise everyone and pop open a bottle of Malbec to serve with a little filet mignon. Usually? The plot, situation, even the action itself, is as recycled as a hot dog washed down with a Coors Light. Forgettable. Ordinary. Monotonous. Then there is Polar.

The film is Irish-carbomb crazy; chopped meat that's charbroiled yet still pink-on-the-inside, along with plenty of extra cheese.

The film's plot is insanely generic. Older hitman seeks retirement but his boss won't let him go. In fact, said boss, a maniacal Matt Lucas who was given free reign of Elton John's wardrobe circa 1987, would much rather see Duncan (Mads Mikklesen) dead than pay him his owed bank. A squad of diverse goons head out in hopes of retiring Duncan in cleverly ridiculous ways only to discover - shock - that old Duncan is more wily than initially estimated. Silliness ensues.

The slick camera-work and kinetic editing is an over-the-top, ADD-infused assault. Think Tony Scott helming John Wick. Adapted from a Dark Horse graphic novel and directed by Jonas Åkerlund, Polar looks like a full-length Rammstein music video, albeit scored by Deadmau5, and comes complete with Instagram-worthy title cards.

The film is soaked with annoying characters, absurd situations (Richard Dreyfuss on karaoke, anyone?), and a devilish weapon-fetish. Duncan, however, hi-jacks the film with his heart of plated gold, a desire for a pet, and the smooth handling of an axe.

Every plot point was slashed to bits with a dull sword. Betrayals were telegraphed as subtlety as a missile strike. And the ending was as secure as an A-Team mission. Through all that, Polar is deep-fried fun that makes an otherwise-forgettable Tuesday night slightly more memorable.

If only there were an explanation of the film's title...
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Has a bit of everything
RageQuitLeigh6 February 2021
Polar is a graphic novel adaptation that provides a little bit of everything. Action set pieces, gun fights, graphic torture, sex, over the top characters, interesting casting and some hilarious moments.

Mads Mikkelsen stars and excels in a highly entertaining action movie centering around an aging hitman in the final weeks before retirement. If he reaches retirement age he is due a pension payment of 8 million dollars and his employer is adamant that will not happen.

The obvious comparison of this movie is John Wick, but Polar has a very different style and over the course of three movie theres a lot more depth to the Wick movies in terms of the world they live in. I find the best way to compare this movie is a combination of a Liam Neeson action movie (the protagonist and core story), Guy Ritchie's gansgter movies (direction and editing style) and your typical superhero movie (for the lacklustre minions and over the top super villain).

The most questionable element of the movie is the casting of comedy actor Matt Lucas in the villain role. In my opinion he provides an entertaining and over the top performance to the character., which sits well with the overall movie, that being said it does feel fairly cartooney but it does work. I can imagine a different casting, would have provided a fairly drastic tonal shift of the whole film which may not have been an improvement.

Ultimately Polar is a highly enjoyable movie that looks and and sounds great with action of all kinds.
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Exactly what I had hoped for
matthewkodadek26 January 2019
This isn't high art, it's certainly not Oscar bait or even trying to be tongue in cheek...this is a blatantly bloody and violent thrill ride with little exposition and a single purpose: gratuitous violence with no deeper meaning.

If you watch this for any other reason, be prepared for copious disappointment. No nuance or subtlety, just a murder ballet for the masses.

I predict that as is the current trend, that the audience will love/like it while the critics lambast it...shows the growing irrelevance of the professional critic as their disconnect with the audience grows.
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'Next' in Assassin's Genre!
sahilgill1925 January 2019
The storyline is very simple, a top assassin named Mads(Duncan aka "The Black Kaiser") is settling into retirement whereas his former employer identify him as a liability to the firm. So he sends a group of ruthless killers (young assassins) to find and finish him. The movie is based on a graphic novel: "Polar: came from the cold". Although I've not read the comic but I can guarantee that the team has done justice with stylish action choreography and gun fights full of gore, contains brief nudity plus appealing cinematography and music add-on to make it 'next' in violent movie genre. The cast comprises of Katherine (Vivian), Vanessa (Camille) and equal amount of shares for Ruby(Sindy), Matt (Blut) and guest appearance from Knoxville (Michael). It is a must watch if you're fan of movies like John Wick, Punisher and Equalizer. Since it is based on a graphic novel , the one-liners are really awesome before the kill:

Vivian: Heard you stopped smoking? The black Kaiser: "Figured, it wouldn't kill me"

I don't know what critics are going to rate it but this movie has everything which can give a high dose of adrenaline rush. Just don't miss it!
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Wasted Potential for a Solid Movie
krishkhatiwada25 January 2019
Summary: It is a fairly good movie.

Polar is set in an interesting world that is filled with characters that feel like they are in different movies. It is a violent movie that does have a solid story with a few exceptions.

Pros: Mads Mikkelsen does a great job in presenting a subdued hitman who is hunted by something he did. Vanessa Hudgens also does a great job with her character. There is a revelation in the movie that she plays really well. Story is good.

Cons: Supporting characters are not terrible. They feel like they exist in a different movie all together. The dialogues are fine for the most but horrible in some scenes. Pacing is inconsistent. The main antagonist is a shell of a character.

All in all: Its a weird movie with at least two actors doing well. Story is solid but its supporting characters are horrible. The tone of the movie is what hurts the movie the most. Watch it for Mads and Vanessa.
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Feel like two different movies, one great the other terrible!
themoviemaniac-4768526 January 2019
This film could have been great if they just played it straight. All the scenes with Mads Mikkelsen as a brooding hitman are great. The shots of the snow-capped mountains and cinematography are really well done. This is all ruined by trying to give it a comic book feel by having a group of over the top, outlandish villains, hamming it up. The movie just does not flow. And the worst casting decision in history to have Matt Lucas as the Mr Big! Even if you had never seen him in his comic avatar it just doesn't work. What a waste!...avoid
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I wanted to hate this B-grade film, but ended up loving it!
Top_Dawg_Critic26 January 2019
Novice (mainly music videos and short film - only a handful of full length feature films) director Jonas Åkerlund, and novice screenwriter Jayson Rothwell, did an outstanding job creating a crazy action noir film adaptation from the graphic novel by Víctor Santos.

The directing was outstanding - props to Jonas Åkerlund for nailing this one. The great cinematography and use of high-contract colors really added to the film, as did his camera work. The screenplay's use of character introductions - although done many times before, worked really well, and combined with the writing and directing, gave this film a Quentin Tarantino feel.

At first I felt the characters were way too animated and overshadowed Mads Mikkelsen's monotonic and bland character, and thus was disappointed in this film. But as the story progressed, I felt this wasn't your typical 'assassin retires' movie. The story developed slowly, and I do feel the 118 min length was a little long, but the pace kept up well, help keep me interested and intrigued, and eventually found myself to start liking it.

The actors where cast perfectly and performed really well . The soundtrack by Deadmau5 was perfect for this film.

I wanted to hate this B-grade film, but ended up loving it! This is one of those films that stay with you long after you've seen it, and I feel in time will become a cult classic. I do hope for a part 2 - and judging by some unexpected and surprisingly well placed surprises, I'm guessing that will happen.

The critics got this one wrong. Yes, it may not be for everyone, but going in not expecting much, I became a fan. A well deserved 8/10 from me. And if anyone thinks this is a fake review, click my username and you will see my 300+ reviews. :)
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Two great performances, one horrible movie
gaamst19 November 2019
Somehow Mikkelsen and Hudgens are brilliant in this. I would've liked it if the movie focused more on their characters relationship. Because the script, and in particular the dialogue, is just awful. I understand that this movie is based on a webcomic, which I haven't seen, and it's painfully obvious. The characters, except for Mikkelsen and Hudgens, are cartoonish and completely over the top, and not in a good way like Kick-Ass.

Even if Hudgens deserved a lot more screen time, she made the most of what she got. And Mikkelsen is a solid 9 in a dedicated performance. Everything else is at best a 3 out of 10, which makes this movie a 6/10.
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Ruined by bad characters and all the silliness
grizeh26 January 2019
What saves this movie from being a 1/10 is that Mads Mikkelsen is fantastic on the role of the hitman. He is not only believable while doing the John Wick-style action scenes but, unlike Keanu Reeves, he can actually deliver in the drama department (it's a shame they did not chose him for the new "The Witcher" series since he was practically born for the character of Geralt of Rivia). The main problem of this movie is that all the other characters , especially the main antagonist, are so far-fetched and cheesy that it looks like a cheap B-movie when they are in the scene. They are so ridiculous and Matt Lucas acting and character is so over-the-top that it completely ruins the movie. Even if they had decided to go with the stereotypical Russian mob boss antagonist, the movie would have been 1000 times better. Imagine "The Bourne Identity" but with a bunch of clowns and villains from a children's movie chasing the main protagonist instead of CIA agents, and you will know exactly what this movie is.
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Has no one seen a comic book film before?
MrandMrsWorley27 January 2019
I very rarely write reviews, but seeing the initial reviews here I couldn't not say anything.

Yes, it's silly. Yes, it's over the top. Yes, there's a lot of gore. It's a movie based on a comic book!

I, for one, absolutely adored all of the silliness, ridiculous fight scenes, blood splatters and gruesome moments.

One of the best Netflix originals I've seen for a while!
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0U20 February 2020
The only exceptional thing about this film is Mads Mikkelsen, who is always worth watching. Otherwise, the film is mediocre, predictable, schmaltzy in parts, your typical beat-em-up shoot-em-up extravaganza, complete w/closeups of wounds and dead people. Too much money was spent for a mediocre movie. Surely Mikkelsen doesn't need the money this much, does he? He can afford to be more discriminating.
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bloody comic
enjozsef10 September 2021
Its a great movie, even if mad mikkelsen carried the all on his back, literaly, but still was fun, action, love, everithing what we need for a good movie. Not a great story, and actors, but i dont know, still enjoyabe and loveable.
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Stop hiring Doobie White
phoenix_brodie25 January 2019
The editing on this movie is atrocious. Every single scene contains dozens of unnecessary cuts that just made me feel nauseated. I remember thinking I haven't seen a movie edited this badly since the last Resident Evil movie. Turns out it was the same editor - Doobie White. When every scene is cut to pieces it completely distracts from the story. The story had potential but was butchered by Doobie White.
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Surprisingly entertaining
TdSmth518 September 2021
A bunch of goofs are about to kill some rich guy somewhere in his mansion. Why it takes 5 people to kill some completely unprotected guy who knows. Then we meet Vizla, another killer part of this outfit called Damocles. He's taking care of some business with his accountant. Vivian who sort of manages the killers gives Vizla his...yes...his "One Last Job" (TM) before retirement. He "reluctantly" agrees of course, travels to Belarus and nearly gets himself killed because the whole thing was actually a setup. Back in the US, Vizla goes home to his Montana cabin where does...basically nothing. He has nightmarish flashbacks of killing some people in a car. There's a girl living conveniently by herself next door who is beyond traumatized. Eventually...finally...they start talking and he helps her out with stuff.

We meet the boss of Damocles, some nasty fellow named Blut. In order to avoid paying retirement he's having all his soon-to-retire employees whacked by the goofs. Why the goofs/Vivian don't wonder about their own predicament who knows. So now he has Vivian order the goofs to go after VIzla who has hidden his tracks well. They have a hard time finding him but eventually make it to Montana where they attack him, but he's too good and saves himself. That forces goofs to kidnap the neighbor Camille somehow knowing that Vizla will go after her. Which he does and that gets him captures and tortured by Blut. Still he manages to escape and now has to again try to rescue Camille, take out Vivian, Blut, and his army of goons. Eventually we learn what's up with the flashbacks and learn a secret about Camille.

There's plenty of delightful violence and even some nudity. The story works well. Acting is very good throughout. Ruby O. Fee is lovely and Katheryn Winnick steals the show as always. Cinematography is nice and colorful when it comes to Damocles and awful and colorless in the Vizla scenes. As with most movies these days, this one too is a bit longer than necessary, but the enthusiastic violence and action keep things entertaining.
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Near Retirement
claudio_carvalho23 February 2019
The efficient hitman Duncan Vizla (Mads Mikkelsen) will retire in a couple of days and will receive an eight-million dollars pension from the organization where he works as retirement plan. However his employer Blut (Matt Lucas) decides to double-cross Duncan to save the amount despite the advice of his assistant Vivian (Katheryn Winnick) to pay the pension to him. Duncan moves to an isolated cabin in Montana and befriends his only neighbor Camille (Vanessa Hudgens), a shy young woman. Meanwhile Vivian hires Duncan for one last job to kill the assassins of the retired hitman Michael Green, but with the intention of killing Duncan. However he kills the gang and returns to his house. Blut decides to send a team of assassins to kill Duncan at home. Will they succeed?

"Polar" is an action thriller with a violent and brutal story of double-cross and revenge. The plot uses many clichés but anyway is entertaining with Mads Mikkelsen performing a very tough assassin seeking revenge. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Polar"
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Polar for POLAR-izing
SamueljjLawrence26 January 2019
Not understanding the hate. I saw the reviews and decided to give it a chance and it was far better then I expected. Mikkelsen is great as the retired assassin and Vanessa Hudgens gives one of the best performances of her career. The main weakness of the movie for me was when it focused on side characters, these scenes gave cheap B-movie feels and relied on raunchy, gross-out humour and violence that really hurt the film. If you can look past the flaws and the ultra-violence there is a really good movie here.
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I love Mads Mikkelson...
kekistaniterrorist31 January 2020
But the terrible acting by the rest of the cast bring him way down. I had to turn it off, the fat evil boss, the Asian chick with no eyebrows, the creepy ginger dude, all crap actors, and the and the other no names made what should have been an enjoyable movie to watch one of my favorite actors in unbearable.

Guess he was bored to have agreed to this, and what parts he played he played well of course, but this movie was just too bad to suffer through.
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Not perfect, but far better than the critical reviews..
blundell-5422225 January 2019
Quite a poor critical reception, but having just watched it myself I can't help that many of the reviews have missed the point of this violent slice of entertainment. While for the most part what they say IS true (clunky dialogue, silly, poorly paced), they could also add slick, humourous and stylish to that list. The corridor scene - a highlight in the trailer misses the mark and would have benefitted with better choreography but was enjoyable all the same. The Female characters, empowered one minute, gratuitously undressed the next, don't make sense other than to advance the plot and pleasure the men. It did feel a lot like the graphic novel in parts though and contrary to what I've read elsewhere Mads Mikkelsen's understated, world weary portrayal is brilliant, even if Hudgens is underused (as are are most of the supporting cast). Style over substance? Maybe. But as a ultra violent comic book popcorn flick I think it works pretty well, and whether it happens or not I'd love to see the sequel it sets up in the closing scenes. I'd say watch it yourself and form your own opinion.
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An ok watchable action movie
jamesfmatthews9 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A mix of moody thoughtful moments interspersed with comic book villainy. If you want an action film with a likeable hero and an 'assassin trying to pack it all in' story then you'll enjoy it. Matt Lucas plays the villain of the piece and I struggled to get George Dawes out of my head.
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outrageous comic book movie
SnoopyStyle5 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Duncan Vizla (Mads Mikkelsen) is close to retirement as a working class assassin. He befriends troubled neighbor Camille (Vanessa Hudgens) in their remote community. He is due to receive millions in payout by his employer Mr. Blut (Matt Lucas). What he doesn't know is that Blut has been sending out his assassination team to murder all of his retiring killers to avoid the pension payouts. Blut's right hand man Vivian (Katheryn Winnick) lures Vizla to an ambush in Belarus.

This is trying very hard to be an outrageous comic book movie. I don't mind it although Matt Lucas is more silly than threatening. It's not that he's funny either. The best part is the confrontation between Vizla and the kill team. It's the thrilling climax of the movie. The later action is not quite as compelling. I don't care about Blut and Vivian only slightly more. I only really love the team of killers. Once they're dead, the movie loses some of its punch. It's one movie where I wouldn't mind if it ends sooner. Vizla could vow revenge against Blut for the sequel who could send another team of killers. As it stands, the movie slowly fades with a few cool moves like Vizla waving his lazer fingers. The movie needs a better Blut if it wants me to be invested in his death.
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Action movie with charismatic hero
blueeye-silntkilr0725 January 2019
//Short and simple//

If you love Mads Mikkelsen and action, this movie is not going to disappoint you. Over the top action? ✔ Overdramatic main villain? ✔ Replaceable side villains? ✔ Listen guys.. don't compare this movie with john wick and ruin the popcorn time, afterall this is comic book adaptation. Yes, this movie is not perfect (hint: lame villains) but you won't regret watching MM in action.
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Took a time to figure out wether I liked it a lot or despised it
pierresempere25 January 2019
The casting is amazing (but the better actors are underused and the less talented overused imho (my god the boss plays bad)) The plot is pretty simple, but Mikkelsen plays brilliantly even though the movie falls into some clichés. After a brainstorming with myself I decided to let me seduce by this genre, kind of akward, and take the movie for what it is. Still, in the end, it's Mads Mikkelsen who gives an interest to the movie for me.
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Started ok... (Spoiler alert)
c7flat1325 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love mads mikkelsen. He's one of my favorite actors since valhalla rising. He is an intense understated actor and I enjoy his performances. So when I saw Johnny Knoxville in the opening scene I thought ok maybe that's clever. I followed along despite the camp hoping for a good story and some entertaining action. But at 23 minutes when the plot line is laid out I was done. First the idea that a world class Hitman as serious as mads worked for the pasty unconvincingly dangerous mr blunt was a disappointment. And second, the idea this mr blunt would decide to double cross his agents to keep from paying their retirement was just amateur. The idea a man supposedly as powerful and wealthy as a mr blunt who hires squads of the best hitmen in the world decides he's too cheap to pay on his retirement plan is just moronic. And leaves so many gaps a semi would fit through it. Do the other hitmen helping him set up mads character realize they won't get their retirement? After presumably years working for dopey Mr blunt these retiring hitmen had no clue he was dumb enough to try something like this? I mean the whole plot is tedious. And then the constant jump from dramatic shots of intense mads mikkelsen to the campy awkward scenes with the other characters is jarring and annoying. Would have been better as a drama with mads and his neighbor. Whoever read this script and decided it was worth the paper needs a new career.
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Overall decent movie
ajbran7025 January 2019
I actually really like the movie, some of the scenes were a little over-the-top silly but decent. Personally I think the actor Matt Lucas is idiotic and horrible, never should be allowed to act again. Other than that I recommend checking it out, it's a good Netflix original film.
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