Captain Marvel (2019) Poster

Brie Larson: Carol Danvers, Vers, Captain Marvel



  • Maria Rambeau : You call me 'young lady' again, I'll shove my foot up somewhere it's not supposed to be.

    [awkward silence] 

    Talos : Am I supposed to guess where that is?

    Nick Fury , Carol Danvers : Your ass!

  • Carol Danvers : You have three names. What do people call you?

    Nick Fury : Fury.

    Carol Danvers : Just Fury?

    Nick Fury : Yep. Not Nicholas. Not Joseph. Just Fury.

    Carol Danvers : What does your mother call you then?

    Nick Fury : Fury.

    Carol Danvers : What do your friends call you?

    Nick Fury : Fury.

    Carol Danvers : Kids?

    Nick Fury : If I ever have them? Fury.

  • Natasha Romanoff : Tell me the second you get a signal. I wanna know who's on the other end of that thing.

    Carol Danvers : Where's Fury?

  • Carol Danvers : [to Yon-Rogg, refusing to fight him without her full powers]  I have nothing to prove to you.

  • Carol Danvers : [Referring to the front of the baseball cap that Fury has given her]  What is it?

    Nick Fury : It's a S.H.I.E.L.D. logo.

    Carol Danvers : Does, uh, announcing your identity On clothing help with the covert part of your job?

    Nick Fury : Said the space soldier who's wearing a rubber suit.

  • Carol Danvers : Name a detail so bizarre, a Skrull can never fabricate it.

    Nick Fury : If a toast is cut diagonally, I can't eat it.

    Nick Fury : You didn't need that, did you?

    Carol Danvers : No. No, I didn't. But I enjoyed it.

  • Carol Danvers : Well, I could use a co-pilot.

    Maria Rambeau : No. No, I can't. I can't leave Monica.

    Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old) : Mommy, it's okay. I can stay with grandma and poppa.

    Maria Rambeau : There's no way I'm going, baby. It's too dangerous.

    Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old) : Testing for new aerospace tech is dangerous. Didn't you used to do that?

    Maria Rambeau : [to Carol]  Your plan is to leave the atmosphere in a craft not designed for the journey, and you anticipate hostile encounters with a technologically superior foreign enemy. Correct?

    [Carol nods] 

    Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old) : That's what I'm saying. You have to go!

    Maria Rambeau : Monica.

    Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old) : You have a chance to fly the coolest mission in the history of missions. And you're going to give it up to sit on the couch and watch Fresh Prince with me? I just think you should consider what kind of example you're setting for your daughter.

  • Carol Danvers : I've been fighting with one arm tied behind my back. But what happens when...

    [tears off the inhibitor] 

    Carol Danvers : ... I'm finally set free?

  • Carol Danvers : I keep having these... memories. I see flashes. I think I have a life here. But I can't tell if it's real.

  • Carol Danvers : [To Yon-Rogg, realizing who she is - unleashing her full power]  I've been fighting with one hand tied behind my back. What happens when I'm finally set free?

  • [Vers and Fury arrive at the Records room of the Project Pegasus facility] 

    Nick Fury : Oh! Let me get my fingerprint out. Just let me unravel this puppy and we'll...

    [Vers blasts the lock off the doors] 

    Nick Fury : You sat there and watched me play with tape, when all you had to do was...

    Carol Danvers : I didn't want to steal your thunder.

  • Nick Fury : You know you're glowing, right?

    Carol Danvers : I'll explain it later.

    [Carol opens the lunch box, revealing the Tesseract while Fury removes Goose's muzzle] 

    Carol Danvers : Take the Tesseract. Leave the lunch box.

    Nick Fury : Me?

    Carol Danvers : Yes.

    Nick Fury : I'm not touching that thing.

    Carol Danvers : You want me to get you an oven mitt?

    [Goose suddenly reveals tentacles from his mouth and uses them to grab the Tesseract and swallow it. Fury drops Goose] 

    Nick Fury : Whoa!

    [Surprised look on Fury and Maria's faces] 

    Carol Danvers : Get the Skrulls on the Quadjet and go. Take the... Flerken with you.

    [Carol walks out] 

    Maria Rambeau : What about you?

    Carol Danvers : I'll buy you some time!

    [Fury looks at Goose] 

    Nick Fury : I'm picking you up now.

    [Fury picks up Goose] 

    Nick Fury : I'm trusting you not to eat me.

  • Carol Danvers : Higher, further, faster, baby.

  • [Vers walks out of Maria's office after listening to the Black Box recording and realizing that Yon-Rogg abducted her in 1989] 

    Carol Danvers : He lied to me. Everything that I knew was a lie.

    Talos : Now, you understand.

    Carol Danvers : What? What do I understand now?

    Talos : Yon-Rogg killed Mar-Vell. He killed her... 'cause she found out that she was on the wrong side of an unjust war.

    Carol Danvers : No. Your people are terrorists. They kill innocents. I saw the ruins on Torfa.

    Talos : Ruins that the Accusers are responsible for. My people lived as refugees on Torfa. Homeless, ever since we resisted Kree rule and they destroyed our planet. And the handful of us that are left... will be slaughtered next, unless you help me finish what Mar-Vell started. The core that she found would have powered a light-speed ship capable of carrying us to safety. A new home... where the Kree can't reach us.

    Maria Rambeau : Lawson always told us that our work at Pegasus wasn't to fight wars, but to end them.

    Talos : She wanted you to help us find the core.

    Carol Danvers : Well, I already destroyed it.

    Talos : No, you destroyed the engine. The core that powered it is in a remote location. If you help us decode those coordinates, we can find it.

    Carol Danvers : You'll use it to destroy us.

    Talos : [sighing]  We just want a home. You and I lost everything at the hands of the Kree. Can't you see it now? You're not one of them.

    Carol Danvers : You don't know me. You have no idea who I am. I don't even know who I am!

    Maria Rambeau : You are Carol Danvers. You are that woman on the Black Box risking her life to do the right thing. My best friend, who supported me as a mother and a pilot when no one else did. You are smart, and funny, and a huge pain in the ass, and you were the most powerful person I knew. Way before you could shoot fire from your fists. You hear me? Do you hear me?

    [Carol nods and smiles before Monica embraces her] 

    Maria Rambeau : Come here. Come here, girl. I got you.

  • Carol Danvers : You're right. I'm only human.

    Supreme Intelligence : On Hala, you were reborn, Vers.

    Carol Danvers : My name is Carol.

  • [At Avengers Headquarters, Fury's pager shuts off while Rogers and Romanoff view the increasing casualties of Thanos' Decimation in the war room] 

    Steve Rogers : This is a nightmare.

    Natasha Romanoff : I've had better nightmares.

    James Rhodes : Hey. So that thing just stopped doing whatever the hell it was doing.

    [They look at the pager] 

    Natasha Romanoff : What do we got?

    Bruce Banner : Whatever signal it was sending finally crapped out.

    Steve Rogers : I thought we bypassed the battery.

    James Rhodes : We did. It's still plugged in. It just... it just stopped.

    Steve Rogers : Reboot it. Send the signal again.

    Bruce Banner : But we don't even know what this is.

    Natasha Romanoff : Fury did. Just do it, please. You tell me the second you get a signal. I wanna know who's on the other end of that thing.

    [Romanoff turns around and suddenly sees Carol] 

    Carol Danvers : Where's Fury?

  • [Vers and Fury enter the fifth floor of the Project Pegasus facility when a cat approaches them] 

    Nick Fury : Hey there. How are you? Oh my goodness. Look at you. Just look at you. Aren't you the cutest looking thing? Aren't you cute? And what's your name, huh? What's your name? "Goose." Cool name for a cool cat.

    Carol Danvers : Fury?

    Nick Fury : Hmm?

    [Fury gets up] 

    Nick Fury : [whispers to Goose]  I'll be back.

  • Carol Danvers : I'm not gonna fight your war. I'm gonna end it.

  • [Vers breaks free from the memory reading device and attacks nearby Skrull soldiers before cornering Talos] 

    Carol Danvers : What did you do to me?

    Talos : Now we're just after a little information.

    Carol Danvers : What did you put in my head?

    Talos : Nothing that wasn't already there.

    Carol Danvers : But those aren't my memories.

    Talos : Yeah, it's like a bad trip, isn't it? I'm not surprised you can't keep it straight. They really did a number on you.

    Carol Danvers : Enough of your mind games! What do you want?

    Talos : We're looking for the location of a Dr. Lawson and her light-speed engine.

    Carol Danvers : I don't know any Dr. Lawson.

    Talos : Really? Then why is she in your head?

  • Carol Danvers : [Carol gives Fury his pager]  I upgraded it. Range should be, a couple galaxies, at least.

    [as Fury goes to take the pager, Carol pulls back her hand] 

    Nick Fury : What? You think I'm going to prank call you?

    Carol Danvers : For emergencies only. Okay?

    Nick Fury : Well, if you're ever passing back through this galaxy, be sure to give a brother a shout.

  • Nick Fury : So... you're not from around here.

    Carol Danvers : It's hard to explain.

  • Carol Danvers : I'm kind of done with you telling me what I can't do.

  • Yon-Rogg : I can't go back empty handed.

    Carol Danvers : You won't be empty-handed. I'm sending you with a message. Tell the Supreme Intelligence that I'm coming to end it. The war, the lies, all of it.

  • Carol Danvers : I slipped.

    Yon-Rogg : Right. You slipped. As a result of me punching you in the face.

    Carol Danvers : I was already slipping when you happened to punch me in the face. The two of those are not related.

  • [last lines] 

    Carol Danvers : Where's Fury?

  • [Vers activates her beacon before Fury knocks on the payphone booth] 

    Nick Fury : Excuse me, miss. You know anything about a lady blowing a hole through the roof of that Blockbuster over there? Witness says she was dressed for laser tag.

    Carol Danvers : Oh. Yeah, I think she went that way.

    [Vers proceeds to walk away, but Fury stops her and shows him his I.D] 

    Nick Fury : Uh, I'd like to ask you some questions. Maybe give you the 411 on the late-night drop box. Could I see some identification, please?

    Carol Danvers : Vers. Kree Starforce. We don't carry our identification on little cards.

    Nick Fury : Vers? Starforce? How long you plan to be in town?

    Carol Danvers : Oh, I'll be out of your hair as soon as I track down the Skrulls that are infiltrating your planet.

    Nick Fury : Skrulls?

    Carol Danvers : Shapeshifters? They can transform into any life-form down to the DNA.

    [Vers notices Fury and Coulson smiling] 

    Carol Danvers : Oh, boy. You guys don't have any clue, do you?

    [Vers proceeds to walk away] 

    Nick Fury : Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. How do we know you're not one of those shapeshifters?

    Carol Danvers : Congratulations, Agent Fury. You have finally asked a relevant question.

    Nick Fury : No! Congratulations to you, Starforce lady. You're under arrest.

    [a police officer approaches Vers to cuff her when Vers suddenly notices a Skrull sniper disguised as a human aiming at her and Fury. The Skrull fires, but Vers pushes Fury away and fires back at the sniper before running after him. Fury heads for his car and calls out Coulson] 

    Nick Fury : Rook! Rook, let's roll!

  • Carol Danvers : I'm not what you think I am.

  • Carol Danvers : Has a Skrull ever simmed you?

    Korath : Once... it was deeply disturbing.

    Carol Danvers : Why?

    Korath : Because I stared into the face of my mortal enemy and the face staring back was my own.

  • Supreme Intelligence : You did good, Ace.

    [Supreme Intelligence grabs the Tesseract] 

    Supreme Intelligence : Thanks to you, those insidious shapeshifters will threaten our borders no more.

    Carol Danvers : I used to believe your lies, but the Skrulls are just fighting for a home. You're talking about destroying them because they won't submit to your rule. And neither will I.

    Supreme Intelligence : We found you. We embraced you as our own.

    Carol Danvers : You stole me. From my home, my family, my friends.

    [Supreme Intelligence sighs. Carol charges and punches her in the face, but her fist is stuck in her face before she is thrown to an invisible wall] 

    Supreme Intelligence : It's cute how hard you try. But remember, without us...

    [Carol is absorbed through the wall, which projects images of her memories] 

    Supreme Intelligence : ...You're weak.

    [Carol continues to watches flashbacks of her crashing in races and failing in physical activities] 

    Supreme Intelligence : You're flawed. Helpless. We saved you.

    [Carol falls back in the room] 

    Supreme Intelligence : Without us, you're only human.

    Carol Danvers : You're right. I'm only human.

    [Carol starts remembering every time she got up from a fall] 

    Supreme Intelligence : On Hala, you were reborn. Vers.

    [Carol holds a fragment of her dog tag that reads "Vers"] 

    Carol Danvers : My name is Carol.

  • Maria Rambeau : You don't remember anything?

    Carol Danvers : I see... flashes. Little moments. But I can't tell what's real. If I could just piece together what happened that morning... maybe it'll all make sense.


    Maria Rambeau : You woke me up banging on my door at dawn. Your usual move. Back then, we had to get up so early. The Air Force still wasn't letting women fly combat, so testing Lawson's planes was our only shot at doing something that mattered. You wanted to race to base in your old Mustang, and I wasn't about to argue 'cause I knew my Camaro would dominate. But you cheated, took a shortcut.

    Carol Danvers : Since when is a shortcut cheating?

    Maria Rambeau : Since it violates the predetermined rules of engagement.

    Carol Danvers : I definitely don't remember those.

    Maria Rambeau : Hmm. Of course you don't.

    [they both laugh] 

    Maria Rambeau : When I got to the hangar, Lawson was agitated. She said she had lives to save. She was trying to take the Asis up herself, but you said that...

    Carol Danvers : If there were lives at stake, I would fly the plane.

    Maria Rambeau : Yeah. Yep. Big hero moment. The kind of moment we'd both been waiting for. The Doc was always unique. That's why we liked her. But now you're saying she's from another planet.

    Carol Danvers : I know this must be hard for you.

    Maria Rambeau : Oh, what? This part right here? No. No. Mmm-mmm. Oh, what's hard is losing my best friend in a mission so secret they act like it never even happened. Hard is knowing you were out there somewhere too damn stubborn to die. And now you come up in here after six years, with your supercharged fire hands and you expect me to call you... I don't even know what. Vers? Is that really who you are now?

    Carol Danvers : I don't know.

  • Carol Danvers : You knew all along. Is that why we never hung out?

    Minn-Erva : No, I just never liked you.

  • Tom the Neighbor : Hi there.

    Carol Danvers : What do you want?

    Tom the Neighbor : Ummm...

    Maria Rambeau : Hey Tom. This is my friend, Carol.

    Tom the Neighbor : Pleased to meet you. Yow! Static electricity out here's no joke. I noted that peculiar bird you got parked by the road, and I was just wondering if you'd mind if I bring the boys over to get a closer looksie?

    Carol Danvers : A closer looksie?

    Tom the Neighbor : Yeah.

    Carol Danvers : To see the bird parked out by the road. You're really working overtime to sell this one, aren't you Talos?

    Maria Rambeau : I'm sorry. Tom, this isn't really a good time. I'll come by tomorrow? Okay?

    Tom the Neighbor : Uhh...

    Maria Rambeau : Okay.

    Talos : You know, you really should be kinder to your neighbors. You never know when you're gonna need to borrow some sugar.

    Talos : Hang on a second, before you go swinging those jazz hands around, making a mess in your friend's house - and... it's a lovely home.

    Maria Rambeau : Oh my God. What the hell?

  • [Vers enters the Supreme Intelligence's chamber] 

    Supreme Intelligence : Vers.

    Carol Danvers : Intelligence.

    Supreme Intelligence : Your commander insists that you're fit to serve.

    Carol Danvers : I am.

    Supreme Intelligence : You struggle with your emotions, with your past, which fuels them.

    [Vers looks at a hologram of the galaxy on her left] 

    Supreme Intelligence : You are just one victim of the Skrull expansion that has threatened our civilization for centuries. Imposters who silently infiltrate, then take over our planets.

    [a hologram of a Skrull soldier appears] 

    Supreme Intelligence : Horrors that you remember and so much that you do not.

    [the Skrull soldier fires his arm blaster before disappearing] 

    Carol Danvers : It's all blank. My life. You're supposed to take the form of who I most admire, but I don't even remember who this person was to me.

    Supreme Intelligence : Perhaps this is a mercy, sparing you from a deeper pain. Freeing you to do what all Kree must: put your people's needs before your own. We've given you a great gift. The chance to fight for the good of all Kree.

    [Vers' left fist begins to glow] 

    Carol Danvers : I want to serve.

    Supreme Intelligence : Then master yourself. What was given can be taken away.

    [Vers' fist stops glowing] 

    Carol Danvers : I won't let you down.

    Supreme Intelligence : We'll know soon enough. You have a mission. Serve well, and with honor.

  • Carol Danvers : [checking her after the crash]  Doc? Your blood... it's blue.

    Dr. Wendy Lawson : Yeah, but uh, how's my hair?

  • Carol Danvers : [to Yon-Rogg]  I'm fine, thanks for asking.

  • [Deleted Scene] 

    Biker (The Don) : Nice scuba suit.

    [Vers looks at the Biker, then back to her map. Biker then approaches her] 

    Biker (The Don) : You need a ride, darlin'?

    [Biker pulls down the map] 

    Biker (The Don) : How about a smile for me, huh?

    Carol Danvers : A smile?

    Biker (The Don) : Yeah. I'm offerin' to help you. The least you can do is give me a smile.

    [Vers puts away the map] 

    Carol Danvers : How about a handshake?

    [They shake hands] 

    Carol Danvers : I'm Vers.

    Biker (The Don) : People call me "The Don".

    Carol Danvers : Wow.

    [Vers does not let go of the Biker's hand and she electrocutes him] 

    Carol Danvers : Here's a proposition for you: You're gonna give me your jacket, your helmet, and your motorcycle, and in return, I'm gonna let you... keep your hand.

    [Biker grunts in pain as he hands Vers the keys to his motorcycle] 

    Biker (The Don) : Take it!

    [Vers lets go of the Biker] 

    Carol Danvers : What, no smile?

    [Biker gives Vers his jacket before running into the store. She then steals some clothes before riding off] 

  • [Carol is bound by Yon-Rogg and mentally summoned to the Supreme Intelligence] 

    Supreme Intelligence : There she is. Seems like your time on C-53 jogged the old memory. This jacket... it's killer, by the way.

    [Supreme Intelligence starts dancing to "Come as You Are" by Nirvana] 

    Supreme Intelligence : Oh. This music, it's a nice touch.

    Carol Danvers : Let me out.

    Supreme Intelligence : No can do.

    Carol Danvers : If you hurt them, I will burn you to the ground.

    Supreme Intelligence : With what, exactly? Your power comes from us.

    Carol Danvers : You didn't give me these powers. The blast did.

    Supreme Intelligence : And yet, you've never had the strength to control them on your own.

    [Carol attempts to blast the Supreme Intelligence, but she is stopped by the inhibitor on her neck] 

  • Nick Fury : [escaping from Keller]  Do you know how to fly this thing?

    Carol Danvers : Uh, we'll see.

    Nick Fury : That's a yes or no question.

    Carol Danvers : [powering the engines up]  Yes.

  • Carol Danvers : Keep the Tesseract on Earth. Hidden.

    Nick Fury : You sure that's what Marvel would want?

    Carol Danvers : Mar-Vell.

    Nick Fury : That's what I said.

    Carol Danvers : It's two words. Mar. Vell.

    Nick Fury : Mar-Vell. "Marvel" sounds a lot better. You know, like the Marvelettes?

    [as she looks on amused, he starts singing "Please, Mr. Postman"] 

    Nick Fury : Not ringing any bells?

    Carol Danvers : Keep singing. Maybe it'll come back to me.

  • Dr. Wendy Lawson : Goose likes you. She doesn't typically take to people.

    Carol Danvers : Early start to your morning.

    Dr. Wendy Lawson : Oh, late night, actually. I can't sleep when there's work to do. Sound familiar?

    Carol Danvers : Flying your planes never feels like work.

    Dr. Wendy Lawson : Wonderful view, isn't it?

    Carol Danvers : I prefer the view from up there.

    Dr. Wendy Lawson : You'll get there soon enough, Ace.

  • [first lines] 

    Yon-Rogg : [urgent knocking]  Do you know what time it is?

    Carol Danvers : [at the door]  Can't sleep.

    Yon-Rogg : There are tabs for that.

    Carol Danvers : Yeah, but then I'd be sleeping.

    Yon-Rogg : Dreams again?

    Carol Danvers : [yes]  Wanna fight?

  • Carol Danvers : Where's Pegasus?

    Nick Fury : That's classified. Not unlike the file I started on you. But I see you've changed it up a bit since then. Grunge is a good look for you.

    Carol Danvers : Did you have a rough day, Agent Fury?

    Nick Fury : It was cool, you know? Had a space invasion, big car chase. Got to watch an alien autopsy. Typical 9-to-5.

    Carol Danvers : So you saw one?

    Nick Fury : I was never one to believe in aliens, but I can't unsee that.

  • Nick Fury : What?

    Carol Danvers : [holding her hand out]  Your communicator. You obviously can't be trusted with it.

  • Carol Danvers : Just so I'm clear... you were Soh-Larr and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent?

    Nick Fury : Keller. Tied my boss up, stole his identity.

    Talos : I borrowed his likeness. I'm no thief.

    Soren : It's a little like stealing.

    Talos : Who... whose side are you on here?

  • Talos : I saw you crush twenty of my best men with your hands bound. I just wanna talk.

    Carol Danvers : Last time we talked, I ended up hanging from my ankles.

    Talos : That was before I knew who you were. Before I knew what made you different from the others. I have an audio recording from Pegasus of your voice from a plane crash six years ago on a device I believe you call a black box.

    Maria Rambeau : They told me it was destroyed in the crash. How'd you get it?

    Talos : She don't understand. Young lady, I have a special skill that kind of allows me to get into places I'm not supposed to be.

  • Carol Danvers : Lawson's plan for the light-speed engine. I wonder why they terminated the project.

    Nick Fury : [showing her a coded journal]  Um, maybe because she's cuckoo.

    Carol Danvers : [recognizing the language]  Kree glyphs?

    Nick Fury : Hmm?

    Carol Danvers : Lawson is not cuckoo. She's Kree.

    Nick Fury : Well, she's dead.

    Carol Danvers : What?

    Nick Fury : Crashed the Asis aircraft doing an unauthorized test flight. Took a pilot down with her. That's why security here is so unfriendly. They're covering up a billion-dollar mistake.

  • Carol Danvers : [to Talos and Soren]  I'll help you find a home. Finish what Mar-Vell started.

    Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old) : They can stay here with us. Can't they, mom?

    Maria Rambeau : They won't be safe here, baby. Auntie Carol's right. They need their own home.

    Carol Danvers : I'll be back before you know it.

    Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old) : Maybe I could fly up and meet you halfway?

    Nick Fury : Ah, only if you learn to glow like your Auntie Carol.

    Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old) : Or maybe I'll build a spaceship. You don't know.

    Carol Danvers : He doesn't.

    [she laughs as he looks at her indignantly] 

  • Carol Danvers : This is gonna get a little awkward, but I gotta ask.

    Nick Fury : You think I'm one of those green things.

    Carol Danvers : Can't be too careful.

    Nick Fury : You are looking at 100% red-blooded Earth man.

    Carol Danvers : I'm afraid I'm gonna need proof.

    Nick Fury : We talking cheek swab or urine sample?

    Carol Danvers : No. The DNA would match.

    Nick Fury : Want my AOL password?

    Carol Danvers : Skrulls can only sim recent memories of their host bodies.

    Nick Fury : Oh, ho. You wanna get personal.

  • Carol Danvers : Where were you born?

    Nick Fury : Huntsville, Alabama. But technically, I don't remember that part.

    Carol Danvers : Name of your first pet?

    Nick Fury : Mr. Snoofers.

    Carol Danvers : Mr. Snoofers?

    Nick Fury : That's what I said. Do I pass?

    Carol Danvers : Not yet. First job?

    Nick Fury : Solider. Straight out of high school. Left the ranks of a full bird colonel.

    Carol Danvers : Then?

    Nick Fury : Spy.

    Carol Danvers : Where?

    Nick Fury : It was the Cold War. We were everywhere. Uh, Belfast. Bucharest. Belgrade. Budapest. I like the Bs. I can make 'em rhyme.

    Carol Danvers : Now?

    Nick Fury : Been riding a desk for the past six years trying to figure out where our future enemies are coming from.

  • Nick Fury : Your turn. Prove you're not a Skrull.

    [she destroys a jukebox with a photon blast] 

    Nick Fury : And how is that supposed to prove to me you're not a Skrull?

    Carol Danvers : That's a photon blast.

    Nick Fury : And?

    Carol Danvers : [as if it's obvious]  A Skrull can't do that.

  • Nick Fury : The Skrulls sim alien races to infiltrate and take over planets. And you're a Kree? A race of noble warriors?

    Carol Danvers : Heroes. Noble warrior heroes.

    Nick Fury : So, um, what do Skrulls want with Dr. Lawson?

    Carol Danvers : They believe that she developed a light-speed engine at Pegasus.

    Nick Fury : Light-speed engine? Gotta admit, that's not the craziest thing I've heard today.

    Carol Danvers : Well, it's still early.

    Nick Fury : And you, what do you want?

    Carol Danvers : To stop the Skrulls before they become unstoppable.

  • Talos : I know I don't deserve your trust, but you were our only lead. We discovered that your energy signature matched Mar-Vell's core. Now we know why. If only you knew the importance of it to me. I just need your help decoding the coordinates to Mar-Vell's lab.

    Carol Danvers : Those weren't coordinates. They're state vectors.

    Nick Fury : For orbital positioning and velocity.

    Maria Rambeau : You didn't find her lab on Earth 'cause it's not on Earth.

    Carol Danvers : That was the location on the date of the crash six years ago. If we track its course, we'll find it in orbit right now.

    Maria Rambeau : It's just basic physics.

    Talos : In orbit?

    [to another Skrull] 

    Talos : Was that so difficult to figure out? I mean, you're my science guy, right?

  • Carol Danvers : Yon-Rogg will catch up to me soon. We've got to get to the core before he does.

    Nick Fury : Mm. We going to space?

    Carol Danvers : In what?

    Norex : A few tweaks to your vessel should do it. I can handle the modifications.

    Nick Fury : [to Talos]  Mmm. Your science guy.

  • Carol Danvers : What is the point of giving me these...

    [balling her hands into fists] 

    Carol Danvers : ...if you don't want me to use them?

    Yon-Rogg : I want you to use them. The Supreme Intelligence gave me responsibility of showing you how to using them.

    Carol Danvers : I know how.

    Yon-Rogg : Yeah, if that were true, you'd be able to knock me down without them.

    [she hits him] 

    Yon-Rogg : Control your impulses. Stop using this.

    [indicating her heart] 

    Yon-Rogg : Start using this.

    [indicating her brain] 

    Yon-Rogg : I want you to be the best version of yourself.

  • Carol Danvers : You lied to me.

    Yon-Rogg : I made you the best version of yourself.

    [she tries to conjure her powers] 

    Yon-Rogg : What's given can be taken away.

  • Yon-Rogg : [learning the lunchbox in Carol's possession is empty]  Nice diversion.

    Carol Danvers : [meaning the Tesseract]  I could have sworn I put it in there.

  • Carol Danvers : I know Lawson was Kree. She was here on C-53 and died in a plane crash. Do you know anything about this?

    Yon-Rogg : I just discovered a mission report sent from C-53. There's only so much I'm cleared to tell you, Vers, but... Lawson was an undercover Kree operative named Mar-Vell. She was working on a unique energy core. Experimenting with tech that apparently could help us win the war.

    Carol Danvers : Does it say anything about me?

    Yon-Rogg : Anything about you? No, of course not. Why would it?

    Carol Danvers : I found evidence that I had a life here.

    Yon-Rogg : On C-53?

    Carol Danvers : Mar-Vell is who I see when I visit the Supreme Intelligence. I knew her. And I knew her as Lawson.

    Yon-Rogg : This sounds like Skrull simulation, Vers.

    Carol Danvers : No, it's not. Because I remember. I was here.

    Yon-Rogg : Stop. Remember your training. Know your enemy. It could be you. Do not let your emotions override your judgment.

  • Maria Rambeau : Is that it? The core?

    Carol Danvers : In her notes, she called it the Tesseract.

  • Carol Danvers : Has anyone ever seen what the Supreme Intelligence really looks like?

    Yon-Rogg : No one can look upon the Supreme Intelligence in its true form. You know that. Our subconscious chooses the way they appear to us. So it's sacred. It's personal. No Kree divulges it, ever.

    Carol Danvers : Who do you see? Your brother?

    Yon-Rogg : No.

    Carol Danvers : Father?

    Yon-Rogg : No.

    Carol Danvers : Your old commander?

    Yon-Rogg : Vers.

    Carol Danvers : [teasing]  It's me you see, isn't it?

    Yon-Rogg : I see what you're trying to do.

    Carol Danvers : [snickering]  Is it working?

    Yon-Rogg : Yes. But you won't succeed in changing the subject.

  • Carol Danvers : Is that a communicator?

    Nick Fury : Yeah. State-of-the-art two-way pager.

    Carol Danvers : Who are you paging?

    Nick Fury : My mom. Don't worry, I didn't mention you.

See also

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