"Game of Thrones" No One (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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The things we do for love
dannylee-7808225 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
1. Gregor is a machine 2. Jaime takes riverrun 3. Dany is back!

In Braavos

  • Here we see the end of Arya's journey with Jaqen as she kills the Waif and claim her identity not as No one, but Arya Stark of Winterfell. Arya's been one of the more interesting characters as she's gone through considerably a lot and seeing how far her character has come is really moving. She still chose to be herself after all she's experienced. Slight question marks as Arya seemed to be able to move around pretty freely with a major stab wound, but sure I can take that. The past couple episodes feel like it was not written very well and that's unfortunate.

In Meereen

  • The scene with Missandei and Grey Work is so cute and funny. But before the wholeheartedness lasts, Mereen is under attack by the masters, which actually had a gorgeous panning shot. To save the day, Dany has returned with her dragon. I expect to see a major battle scene for the next two episodes.

In King's Landing

  • More drama unfolds as Gregor brutally kills a Sparrow and trial by combat is forbidden, which was what Cersei was banking on for the upcoming trial. Another mother vs son conflict is about to ensue.

At the Riverlands

  • Very high production value for some of the shots. Gorgeous cinematography.

  • The siege of Riverrun ended mostly without bloodshed as Jaime cleverly uses Edmure to regain control of the castle and Blackfish dies off-screen. The relationship between Jaime and Brienne is a fascinating one. It's definitely not romance but a rather deep camaraderie and respect for one another. It's hard to find a similar relationship in GoT so them saying goodbye to each other was moving.

  • Sandor is invited to join the Brotherhood and we can see that he is thinking about it. Sandor is actually a great character. Tough guy on the outside and understands the need for violence but also has a generally caring heart to some extent. I can only wish the best for him. I am glad the Brotherhood wasn't all messed up and they are able to self-correct.

Overall, a great episode with some memorable moments.
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An interesting episode with some ups and downs.
shane_keizer13 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This episode I especially liked the Kingslayer. How he manipulated lord Edmure to give the castle away. (the Kingslayer showed some really strong characteristics from his dad this episode) Also the performance from the Blackfish was very interesting to see. To bad that he supposedly died off-screen. I would think a character like the Blackfish would get a way bigger exit than he was given. Unless the writers have something more in-store with him, I really hope so. I also liked how Cercei stood up against the Faith, however this in turn led to her own son, the King being manipulated by the Faith in removing trial by combat. With other words Cercei showed her power to early leading to the faith realizing trial by combat is Cercei's trump card, thus removing it.

On the other hand, what I didn't like in this episode was how the writers went along with Arya's story-line. I was hoping that Arya being stabbed was somehow part of the house of Black and Whites trial program. I did like how Arya finally realizes that she doesn't want to be no one.

There was way more going on this episode, we finally see Tyrion again after two episodes, the scene where he is making fun with Missandei and Grey Worm was a delight to watch! I think the writers also made some mistakes with Daenerys this season. Up to the point where she lights the temple on fire with all the Khal's inside, that was magnificent. After that it went down hill fast with her. They are trying way to much with Daenerys, we don't need Daenerys doing something great every episode, tone it down a bit, please!

+ Jamie Lannister starting to sound like his dad, whilst keeping some of his more gentler sides. (letting Brienne go) + The Hound seeking justice + The mountain being an immovable object + The Faith realizing this and thus rendering the Mountain obsolete + Tyrion realizing things go a bit different in this part of the world.

  • The Blackfish dying off-screen (or did he?) -Arya story-line way too rigid - Daenerys doing something great every episode

Overall, very cool episode. I would rate it a 8,3.
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It's an hour where many of the big moments leave us feeling short-changed.
punch8713 November 2019
Game of Thrones, despite its dragons and its mythmaking, is not a respite. Part of the reason we love it is that its conflicts, its violence, its triumphs and failures of leadership and governance and character, mirror our own.
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Why I don't listen to theories
oisinmoh-7010413 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this episode and disagree with the hate against it. I thought it was (as usual) well written, performed,... While I do sort of see how people think this episode made Arya's story pointless, I don't fully agree. I think most people are mad because they heard the theories and expected something more, an example of how overthinking things can ruin those things sometimes. Arya fought the Waif in the dark because she had experience with not seeing, it's simple and feels good when you see her head in the hall of faces. And when it comes to the Blackfish stuff I think that's mainly a book thing that made people mad. Which I can understand but remember that this is its own show. Enjoy the books and enjoy the show but keep in mind they're both doing their own thing.

So I think this was a good episode apart from, admittedly, the Arya stuff being a bit of an anticlimax. But I loved the Tyrion scenes, the Jaime scenes, the King's Landing scenes, the Hound scenes, all in all another solid Game of Thrones episode
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Do people want to hate this episode?
dominic-holmes-halo15 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It may be strange seeing a positive review for this episode, considering that the first reviews you'll see are incredibly negative and in my opinion, undeservedly so. This episode has great dialogue, funny interactions and steady plot development and closure for the Blackfish's story, defending his home to his dying breath.

Firstly, Arya's story-line has gotten a lot of backlash. Why? Because people can't make any leaps in logic and just enjoy the show. I really get the vibe that people like hating on it as it seems everything they see as a negative could've easily been explained away if they just stopped to think about it. Okay, so she got stabbed. She made a mistake and apparently, that's out of character for her because apparently she's now a Mary Sue and can't make mistakes. Really?! She didn't know they were after her, which is evident when she asks Jaqen if he sent the Waif to kill her, so why should she be on high alert. We don't know how deep the stab wounds were as it was a small knife the Waif used, and I'm not a medical professional, but for plot's sake I can accept that it can be stitched up. But some may ask: "How come an assassin failed to make any significant wounds?". Well, because she clearly hated Arya and wanted to make her suffer instead of killing her instantly.

After Arya is stitched up, we get a touching scene between her and Crane, reminding us that there's still some warmth left in her and she's not a full-blown murdering psychopath yet. Sadly, Lady Crane later dies in brutal fashion and Arya, who has been moderately stitched up & had time to recover, jumps out the window using her assassin skills. Granted, she's probably having an adrenaline rush as she's running for her life and therefore: briefly forgotten about her wounds until she falls down the stairs.

Unfortunately, we don't get to see the fight, but it makes sense because there was no way Arya could fight her in daylight. I like the look of admiration on Jaqen's face as he watches her go, and some may ask why he didn't kill her. To those people, I say you haven't been paying attention. Many times did Jaqen go on about a face being added to the Hall, one way or another. He just didn't care who it was, so he lets her go.

By the way, he didn't want her dead because she betrayed the Faceless Men's ways again, he wanted her dead because she didn't kill the woman for his God, so she was a substitute for Crane's death, but the Waif took Arya's place after all. This story-line may have gone on for a bit too long, but it wasn't pointless because now Arya can actually fight and she actually earned it. That's like saying Robb's story was pointless because he died before accomplishing anything.

This episode isn't perfect, but I gave it a 10 because A: I liked it and B: to combat the overly-harsh low scores the episode is getting for unjust reasons. Quick flaws with the episode: Tyrion's interactions with Grey Worm and Missandei started off a bit repetitive, although it paid off in the end, and Dany's entrance could've been handled better. Also, I would've liked to have seen the Blackfish go with Brienne, but I understand why he didn't, though I would've liked to have seen him die in a blaze of glory as well as the Waif dying a very gory death.

I would give this episode an 8.5/10 if it weren't for the overly harsh reviews.
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Forshadowing Greatness.
johnmalmud13 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm totally surprised to read lots of reviews stating how the episode disappointed and isn't enough for an 8th episode. Well, the 2nd and 5th episode this season were a lot more satisfying and shocking than any other 2nd or 5th episode of any season. And in my opinion you can't have a plot twist or an ultimate shock every other episode. The last 3 episodes have made a lot of foreshadowing about what's coming next in the best way possible. The story is now connected more than ever. In this episode we see strong dialogues, characters returning, building up for the Brotherhood, the Hound, Arya's return to Westeros, Dany's story-line , Cersie's total madness, the battle of bastards and for the great battle against the dead and much more story lines to get excited to. Thrones is taking us to a showtime phase after seasons of preparing- Dany is as ready as never to take back the throne, Arya is on her way back to check everything on her list, Bran's knowledge is nearly complete about fighting the white walkers and King's landing faces a near collapse, showing that the vicious-circled fight to the Iron Throne isn't the main theme, but the big battle against the dead. This episode builds up a lot, where the scenes were very well-made, but the thing is- now, we have high hopes for the things to come. Can't wait to see what will D&D and HBO bring us in the last two episodes and for next seasons to come. Winter is here!
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Decent episode, not exciting enough though
sohomp13 June 2016

An okay episode overall but the storyline of Arya Stark highly DISAPPOINTING & full of plot holes. The makers could have added so many dimensions it but it just remained one- dimensional. They failed to take advantage of the potential that her story arc had. And regarding Daenerys, we are confused whether she is a hero, anti-hero or villain. Her motives are not clear at all. Rest of the story moved with decent pace with nothing much interesting to add.

Just waiting for the final two episodes of the season which the makers are claiming to be very high paced.

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A Girl is Arya Stark
Tweekums23 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As this episode opens we see that Arya has made it to the home of Lady Crane; here she is patched up but her troubles are far from over; later on The Waif appears and kills Lady Crane. Arya must now flee through the city and retrieve her sword 'Needle' before facing The Waif in combat one last time. Elsewhere it becomes clear that Sandor Clegane has definitely not forsaken violence as he brutally dispatched those responsible for the massacre of the previous episode. Brianne arrives at Riverrun and persuades Jaime Lannister to let her talk to Blackfish Tully in order to persuade him to abandon his position and head north to join the fight to retake Winterfell for Sansa Stark. He refuses but Jaime comes up with another way to try to take Riverrun. In King's Landing the King makes an announcement that significantly weakens his mother's position and in Meereen the slavers go back on their agreement with Tyrion and attack the city.

I was surprised to see just how unpopular this episode is with some reviewers as I really enjoyed it… especially the parts others seemed to dislike most. I really enjoyed Arya's story line; for too long she was just training and generally having a bad time; things may reach a low point for her here as she is wounded then the person who is caring for her is killed but it leads to her fighting back and, in a scene I really liked, proudly reclaiming her name. Maisie Williams does a fine job in the role, which is why she has been one of my favourite characters from early on in the series. The other scenes were pretty good too; the Clegane brothers, 'The Hound' and 'The Mountain', each provide some brutal action of the sort we haven't seen for a while. The events in Riverrun provided some interesting twists as well as the unfortunate loss of an interesting character… slightly disappointingly this was off screen. The attack on Meereen was fairly impressive and sets things up nicely for a battle that is sure to come; the timing of Daenerys's return to Meereen might be a bit convenient but adds to the dramatic effect. Overall I thought this was a really fine episode but I won't say 'fans of the show are sure to enjoy it' as clearly some don't.
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what could have been...
maligor513 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
That's the best title for this episode....what could have been. I can live with the Blackfish scene, he was not a main character, needed to cut certain parts out for time... I get it. However Arya and the many faced god, seriously what....the....f. The whole premise of this cult was hard to swallow to begin with and has been getting serious air time that last two years.

Let's start with Jacqen. They made one of the coolest characters of the early seasons into an old miser who walks around in robes all day. Occasionally, for excitement, he gets to cut a face off. Has he left the building once? What is even in this building besides a fountain and a stone table for the plastic surgery.

Now to Arya and Waif. This girl has been beating on Arya every episode for the last two years, and it seemed like we were going to get an epic resolve. A chance for Arya to finally show off her training and kill the baddie. Instead we get a ridiculous choreographed Terminator 2 style chase. Waif flings grown men out of her way with the strength of Gregor Clegane. She stops pompously a couple times to breathe the summer air of Braavos, rather defeating the purpose of her T2 like sprint.

The chase would be stomach-able if the fight scene made up for it. Nope. A real cop out for the writers and directors to end this story line like this. My guess is they tried to choreograph something and they didn't like it so scrapped it. Perhaps there is a reason, maybe Arya is really Waif now. At the moment though, I really dislike how it ended.
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WTF happened to arya storyline ??
ssallazzar13 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Last week episode was great, character driven with superb dialogue and in all this near the end we get a few minutes of Arya's story . And it just didn't make any sense .

She knows very well that since she failed her mission the faceless organization will send people after her , Jaqen even warns her there will not be a "3rd time " , so the character knows she is in mortal danger . Despite all this you see her casually roaming around the city booking passage on a ship and looking at sunsets without a worry.

You would think that after all she has been through she would be more careful , paranoid , wary of everyone . And then the waif in disguise as a sweet old lady doesn't raise any suspicions from Arya even tho she saw that face last season in the hall. Even if this is all a ruse to catch the assassin that she knows they will send after her she wouldn't be so foolish as to let anyone get close enough that they would have a chance of killing her , she had a lot of training, she knows how they operate and this reason wouldn't work either . So with a slash across her belly and 2 stabs the last one even had a twist she manages to get away .

Because of the above reasons Arya scene doesn't have any logic unless there is a twist to be revealed and we all had speculations and various theories to what might happen.

It turns out this week it was exactly what we saw no twist no logical explanation for the characters behavior just awful shameful writing to get Arya from point A to point B . Even more so it appears she has just a flesh wound .And no she wouldn't have had time to heal it was a matter of hours when the waif found her again not weeks but hey screw logic , D&D need to get her to Westeros .The way Arya manages to defeat the waif by trapping her in a room pitch dark works fine , problem is everything leading to that are all the issues listed above .

Anyways onto probably the last scene between Arya and Jaqen he says "Finally a girl is no one" why would he say that ? Isn't it obvious ? She refused to carry out the mission you gave her , she killed the assassin you sent after her, she is threatening you with Needle . This was worse then the Dorne plot.

The rest of the episode was decent ,Dany comes home and finds out her children have been naughty , Jaime did well in the end , Cersei is screwed , and The Hound found a new pair of boots , my favorite scene this season so far.
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Suspense is building
IamInge2 August 2019
There are several nice twists and turns - and a sense that something big might be coming our way.
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A Man Has A Bad Day
Dan1863Sickles15 November 2017
Not a bad episode, but I have to wonder why the Arya vs. The Waif conflict had to culminate in a silly and over the top chase scene, in broad daylight, in a crowded market place, with dozens and dozens of witnesses. Not to do spoilers, but how would the waif have explained all this to her boss?


"A man wants to know what has happened." Walking slowly down the stairs within his shadowy temple, the gorgeous robed priest confronted the prim blonde with the haughty, sadistic-teen allure.

"I got her," mumbled the waif. "I got the spoiled little girl just the way you told me to. I stabbed her right in the street!"

"A man tells a girl to kill another girl. A man assumes that a girl is not an idiot. A man assumes that after years of training in sneaking up on people and wearing other people's faces, that a girl will do her business quickly and quietly, where no-one can see. A man does not expect a girl to run through the marketplace in broad daylight, waving her arms and knocking things over and acting like a crazy person."

"But I had to catch her," the waif whined. "She ran away instead of just falling over and dying after being stabbed twenty times."

"What does a girl expect? A girl is supposedly a trained assassin, yet she runs all around town like a track star, jumping over wagons and leaping across fruit baskets, scattering produce and generating potential lawsuits for our shadowy temple. A melon merchant wants payment. And a man is fed up with a girl's stupid mistakes."

"What does a man wish to do with a girl?" asked the waif.

"A girl has failed. Now a man wants to put on his favorite mask."

The waif was suddenly breathless. "You mean you're going to be the lustful Mad King? Or cruel teen degenerate King Geoffrey?"

"No. A man will be Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore."
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What were they thinking?
kuppiii13 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I can honestly not fathom how the writers wrote down the ending for Arya's storyline in Braavos, read it through a few times, perhaps asked a few other people for their opinion and put it into action without thinking "this is ridiculous, contrived, Hollywood nonsense".

The rest of the episode is mostly fine. King's Landing was enjoyable, for once something actually happens in Mereen and the Riverrun siege...well, I suppose I don't understand how the Blackfish can get all teary-eyed over Sansa being just like Cat but refuses to go with Brienne because he wants to hold his home, yet when his home is lost he STILL refuses to go with her just to die off-screen for no reason. Never mind that, though. This is way worse.

So at the end of last episode, Arya acts entirely out of character by wearing fancy clothes, tossing around money, strolling around like a fancy lady, all while being unarmed while being hunted by the faceless men, which she must've been aware of given her, you know, spending two and a half seasons with them and acting all prepared for an attack at the end of S06E06. Predictably, she gets stabbed by the waif but manages to survive and get away.

Since Arya acted so tremendously out of character, we were led to believe that either she had prepared some sort of trap or perhaps this wasn't even Arya at all. Or at least that she had some sort of basic plan. NOPE! As if she had not at all considered the possibility that she may be attacked by the assassins who she betrayed a few days ago, she goes off to Lady Crane who magically heals her wound. "Never mind getting stabbed in the gut, I'll just sleep it off!"

The waif tracks her down, kills Lady Crane and after some Terminator-esque monologue from the waif, she chases Arya, who has regained all her strength after being stabbed all of a sudden, even though she could barely walk after she got out of bed, through half the city. Stuff happens, Arya leads her to her hideout and kills her in the dark and off-screen. She returns to Jaqen, confronts him and then leaves.

The thing is, had Arya knowingly lead her to her hideout in order to fight her in the dark, that would make some sense. She knew she would be attacked, so she baited the waif (with the fairly risky tactic of getting herself stabbed) and lured her to her safehouse. But no. Arya has no idea what's going on. It's absolutely absurd and completely out of character. There's no way Arya would not know she was being hunted. There's no way she would be unarmed and strutting around like she owns the place, unless there was some plan behind it all. There wasn't. It was just awful writing.

In my opinion, this is the lowest point of the series. To see such a long, drawn out storyline of a major character end like some awful cliché Hollywood action movie is just baffling.
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Not a boring episode, this episode has a story
ankitdasofficial6 July 2020
The episode is not boring, this episode has a story, the action is a little less but there is a story. Here is the story of a man who never made friends in his life but suddenly agreed to kill a man and die for a friend he found. This episode speaks of a king who can do anything for the love of his sister. Here is a guardian who has defended his homeland with his own life. Here is a story about a girl whose life has no end to conflict. The story of how they found the real entity is in the episode. The episode is by no means boring, you just have to watch the episode with a little patience. This episode has meant something that is really very important to understand.
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Interesting stuff here
Leofwine_draca29 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
NO ONE is a pretty decent episode coming as it does at the end of season six. Arya's storyline is finally, thank goodness, tied up, going on a season too long as it did and wasting a character who was one of the best in the show back in season two. The chase scene involving her and the Waif isn't great, but at least it finishes all that disastrous play stuff. Elsewhere, we finally get to see the Mountain in action and it doesn't disappoint, while it's a return to form for the Hound. Best of all are the political wranglings at the siege of Riverrun, with the honourable Blackfish reminding me of Ned Stark and his end; a nice bit of writing, that.
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For me a great round up for Arya
dean_k_finnigan14 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved this episode and whilst I understand some of the critics so far I was engrossed with the story. This was my favourite episode of the season. Yes, it's somewhat unrealistic that Arya can be as strong as she is with the wound she received but it brought this chapter a nice closure for me to move her onto the next bit.

Her blind scenes made sense for me. As if the training led to this final test where she had to fight for her life, cutting the candle light at the end where I knew there and then she could survive because of all the training she'd had in the dark. You didn't need to see anything - you just knew.

At the end where she met the man of many faces and he said, finally a girl is no-one and she replied a girl is Arya Stark and she's going home - for me that was poetic. It was as if the whole thing was about her learning about herself to go home with a purpose. She'd lost her family, she'd lost everything so who was she? Everything she went through gave her a purpose and she know's who she is.

I could be wrong but I think it was set up for that. So to call it unrealistic when there are dragons, and faceless gods, and people brought back to life I think well you just have to go with it. It's about the meaning. I thought it was brilliant.

And to see the hound. Well I don't need to say anymore.
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A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell
tvinodramprasad13 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is certainly not the best episode of the season by far or the "Entertaining Eighth" types like the "Hardhome" or "The Mountain vs the viper"but did did lay the plot for the upcoming episodes. I was a little disappointed like most of the viewers for not having seen the battle between "the waif" and Arya Stark. Then it made sense to me. First, Arya Stark has failed against the waif on numerous occasions for obvious reasons, the waif was better at fighting. Second, Arya is severely injured and although she is a great fighter, her body would give up eventually and the waif would have killed her rather easily. Hence Arya had to defeat the waif by drawing her into her ploy. Arya was blind for a while and she was trained in darkness. So it makes sense that Arya has deceived the waif and brought her to the place where Arya will have the edge over her. We could not see this battle but we will get to see her battle at better fronts. Thanks to the waif and the many faced god. What an entry for Daenerys! The queen of Mereen has returned when the kingdom was under crisis. Will we get to see the war? lets wait for the 10th episode. There was some interesting developments with the hound, Jamie and Brienne of Tarth. These were mostly the plot for the next episode. Brienne failed to convince blackfish so she does not win the Tully army. She goes empty handed to Sansa who is all set to fight the Boltons with a small army and "Jon Snow" by her side.

I was not here to review the entire episode rather i was here to explain why the battle was not shown between the waif and Arya Stark. The ending is as epic as the ending of the "Home" earlier this season. When Arya says "The girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell and she is going home"!
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The show can shock even when it doesn't want to
nikhil-3960413 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was angry at first after watching the episode - the promo hype led to this? But after calming down and thinking too much I actually found the episode really good.

Here's why:

1. King's Landing - It may seem anti-climatic but Cersei played her ace move i.e. FrankenMountain too soon and now must resort to other measures to fight back. Wonder what the "old rumor" is about? - the Mad King's wildfire caches, Tyrion being alive, Gendry(?) etc....

2. Riverrun - It may seem anti-climatic at first because Jaime reverts to his old self, but guess what, Jaime used his reputation as a dishonorable man to stop the siege without violence except Blackfish's death, whereas Blackfish was willing to let his men die to keep his home. Very GoT. Bonus - Bronn calls Podrick a pimp and wants Jaime + Brienne = <3.

3. Meereen - Its established that too much drunk Tyrion is incompetent Tyrion.

4. Somewhere in Westoros - The Hound declares his eternal love for chicken again and joins BWB (Brotherhood Without Banners) to fight the White Walkers. No Lady Stoneheart. Eh, who cares? The books are the books and the show is the show.

5. Braavos - I was like "WTH" after watching it because none of the theories were true, but I realized that Arya was behaving like a fool deliberately in the previous episode to draw the Waif out, she just didn't expect to get stabbed. After she was, she decided to go through with it anyways by going all Assassin's Creed across Braavos with the Waif following her Terminator style. Arya then becomes Daredevil again and kills the Waif and plants her face in the Hall of Faces. As for Jaqen letting her go, she did give a life to the Many-faced god and fulfilled her debt. This may be just bad writing, but hey, you can believe what you want.

NOTE- if this episode proves anything, stop being a GoT fanboy/fangirl and that not all theories come true.
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Expectation and Hopes Shattered!
ishsim13 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Well here comes the end of all the speculations of the fans...whether arya being waif herself or Arya becoming an assassin('NO-ONE') or return of lady Stone Heart and all comes crashing down.

Arya's Plot - No fight scene between arya and waif...so much hype for nothing..aryas going westros...wtf why be in bravos in the first place!!

Riverrun plot -The whole plot seems to have been wasted by thin story-line, horrible writing.The death of Blackfish, which was one of the most bad-ass character just died without being shown fighting. He was one of the most admirable character showing his dedication to the castle and how he'll die for it but the writers disappoint me here hugely.

Expectation were high on this episode but it was a let down...yet hopes are much high for the last two episodes which should one the greatest episode in GOT history!
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Very dark and gritty episode
Dannyboi9413 June 2016
Season 6 has been a great season so far, it has become a much darker season than the ones before it. This episode was better than the two before it, with its perfectly paced storyline. While many parts (such as characters) are rushed over, which makes you wonder why the hell they even bothered to do it. However the writers have a very limited amount of story to work with, so you can understand in a way.

Now to start with, the title is a bit misleading, making you believe Arya has the main story in this episode, she does not. However this does not make her scenes any less amazing. Some of the best moments of season 6 where here. The Waif posed as a very intimidating foe here, with the actress giving a very intense performance. The choreography and the cinematography with them running through the streets was fantastic.

Seeing the Hound on a murderous rampage was a delight to see, I am so damn pleased they have brought him back, as he was my favourite character in the show. I really hope they don't kill him off, as they have being doing to many returning characters.

The scenes in King's Landing were also much improved this time around, and like last episode, reminded me of Game of Thrones season 1 and 2, where issues aren't resolved through fighting, but through manipulation. The High Sparrow, despite not turning up, still poses to be a very great threat, and is turning out to be one of the best villains the show has had. And how badass was that Mountain moment?

We haven't seen Tyrion in a good few episodes, and he makes his appearance again here, in a very lighthearted moment with Grey Worm and Missandei, leading to one of the most visual stunning shots in the show, showing the hundreds of ships sailing to Meeren.

But the best moments of this episode are in Riverrun. I loved this part of the episode. Not only was it filmed brilliantly, and given a great amount of time, but it reminded me of an actual war. The gritty feel about it, the intense soundtrack played over many of the scenes. Jamie Lannister has officially become Jamie Lannister from season 1, he was very cruel and sadistic here, but heartfelt in his reunion with Brienne of F***ing-Tarth.

This episode was fantastic, and people are getting annoyed with the slow pace, but I have to remind you, have you forgotten about Game of Thrones seasons 1 and 2? They were slow, with limited action, but I believe that after watching the preview for episode 9, the next episode is going to become one of the greatest episodes in TV history. I can't wait.

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The End of Arya's Pointless Journey in Braavos
claudio_carvalho13 June 2016
In Braavos, Lady Crane finds the wounded Arya hidden in her chamber. She stitches her wounds and gives a potion to Arya to sleep. When Arya wakes up, she finds that the Waif has just killed Lady Crane and wants to kill her. Arya flees and is hunted down by the Waif. In Riverlands, Clegane seeks revenge and hunts down the men from the Brotherhood without Banners that killed the settlers; he stumbles upon Beric that invites him to join his group. In Meereen, life seems to be normal; however the Masters send vessels to attack the city. In King's Landing, Cersei challenges the Faith Militant and Gregor defends her killing one fanatic that has attacked him. Out of the blue, King Tommen announces a surprising decision that affects his mother and Loras. Brienne unsuccessfully tries to convince Blackfish to surrender his castle to Jaime. But Jaime makes a deal with Edmure that is released, returns to the castle and surrenders it to Jaime.

"No One" is an episode where Arya ends her pointless journey in Braavos. She has spent half season to join the criminal Jaqen and now she gives up. The poor Lady Crane dies for helping Arya. In Meereen, Daenerys returns in the moment that the city is under attack of the Masters. The Machievellian Jaime retakes Riverrun without bloodshed. The announcement of King Tommen is surprising and the consequences will certainly be bloody. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "No One"
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That moment when your idiotic theories don't come true
dcskaebur13 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Best episode of the season except "The Door" (episode 5). In King's Landing, Cersei's hopes are crushed. Take that you filthy b*tch! As well as every fan who actually believed that Cleganebowl would happen. Never got the hype around that theory, glad it's now over.

In Meereen, Tyrion, Grey Worm, and Missandei get drunk, which is great, and then Daenerys returns. Anticlimactic? Perhaps, but I'd rather that than her storyline being dragged out for another several episodes.

The Hound runs into the Brotherhood, and Beric's alive! R.I.P. the hopes of those who wanted Lady Stoneheart to appear. Brienne and Jaime reunite, and the latter takes Riverrun. I'm glad we didn't get a battle. Too many battles wouldn't be a good thing.

Finally, in Braavos, a girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell and is going home. Damn right! Also, take that anyone who actually bought the Arya/waif face switch theory. (You can't take a living person's face, and Arya didn't know she was being targeted, and even if it weren't so, why the hell would they switch faces offscreen. *shakes head*) Remember, if your precious theories don't come to fruition, the disappointment is on you.
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Where Arya?
Hitchcoc29 June 2016
It's a shame about the whole Arya thing. We have never seen her as supernatural, but in a Wile E Coyote kind of way, she keeps bouncing back, even though she has been brutally stabbed. Her wounds should have been utterly debilitating but she swims, runs, goes on the offensive. Even in the most dramatic fantasy, there have to be rules. Aside from her story, the rest is pretty good development of times and plot lines, more exposition. There is some nice revenge stuff. Cersei is becoming more and more interesting, even though she is ultimately ruthless. The forces are up for alliances or forced compliance, and so going into the ninth of the season, I have great interest. Tyrion at times gets a little tiresome with his indulgences. He seems so focused on being drunk all the time. But he still manages to function well. Dani is out there and things are going to get hot, literally. Not the best of episodes but a necessary one.
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Worst episode of the series
nathanpatricbrown12 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The northern battle is so hyped up for next episode, but there was absolutely no set up for it in this episode. So far we have Jon and Sansa's army of wildlings, their small donations of 62 good men and littlefinger who will ride in an save the day - (I think we could all guess this by now) If he doesn't Sansa and Jon will just fail dismally. I'm assuming the next episode will get straight into the battle and/or give no setup.

OK understandably there was no light in the room, but the Waif vs Arya would be such an emotional battle. Both girls hate each other and I would've liked to see their struggle against each other. Instead we're left with a "I killed her, and by the way I don't care about your faceless men anymore" and Jaqen was like "Good work girl" Logic/10 right there.

The same can be said for the Blackfish - "I'm gonna die fighting" attitude was admirable, but the next scene is some random soldier telling Jaime "Yo, he's dead" - A Barristan Selmy style death would've been appropriate here, but obviously the producers thought that it would've been too much effort, funny, I get that feeling about a lot of this season's content.

I'm not even gonna start on the Lemoncloak, actually I am, Fans: "Yes, we might get Lady Stoneheart" or "Nice maybe his character might do more in the shows than he does in the books." Instead we got an episode 7 "OMG LEMONCLOAK" - Episode 8 "He's dead now but he has nice boots" I must've blinked and missed it, what was the point of his character?

The siege of Meereen was comprised of a) a clip of the ships coming, in b) The ships firing and c) The city on fire. The rest of it was "We can't defend the city, lets hide in the pyramid, oh hi Dany, good of you to show up for 5 seconds" My question is "Why don't they just move trebuchets to fire at the pyramid once they take the city with minimal effort. This siege is really underwhelming.

Tommen just singlehandedly ruined all Cleganebowl hype and crushed fans. From the fans point of view I think we all want/know Tommen will die. How Tommen doesn't realize he's being used is amazing. No kid could be dumber and Kevan just lets this happen?

All in all, I can see why the producers are saying they don't have enough content left, they can't deflect fan's disappointment when it's obvious that this season was rushed.

There are massive holes in story lines/storyline deaths in general. A few examples being Dorne and Lady Stoneheart, and some scenes have just been skipped over, examples would be the siege or Meereen and fight scenes/deaths mentioned above.

This episode was meant to set the scene for the upcoming battle next episode + the King's Landing trials + maybe some Bran/Benjen update. It didn't accomplish the first and mutilated the second. I felt that the hound using his axe was the only part of this episode that wasn't a waste of time.

The title "No-one" Clearly pointed to Arya, but even her parkour + skipped fight scene + talk with Jaqen that doesn't make sense, she basically told him where to shove his death cult and he doesn't care. Now the only way that they can get around this logic loophole is if Jaqen = Syrio. While that theory is plausible I don't see how they plan to introduce it now Arya is going home. I'm trying to envision a scene where Jaqen is waving to Arya as she gets on a boat - "Farewell Arya, oh I forgot to mention, I'm Syrio" (Massive reveal, LOL NO)

This episode was so disappointing and so has this season in general. The only good scenes so far are:

Lyanna Mormont Hodor's death Tower of Joy Jon and Sansa reunion Jaime vs Blackfish conversation I'd like to say Benjen, but that was too predictable

My advice as a fan would be to get the director of that play that Lady Crane acts in and use him to direct the next season, because this season has been terrible considering this is Game of Thrones.
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Better but not the best
utpal-6110912 June 2016
After watching the episode 'The Door'(S06, ep05) I have been thinking that the next ep06 and ep07 would be fascinating. But it made me sad. Generally in every season the episode 08 become the most interesting like Hardhome (S05, ep08), The Mountain and the Viper (S04, ep08) etc. So my expectation becomes high towards the next episode though I have not found any interesting in last two episodes. I and my all hostel mates just now watch the ep08 (no one). Definitely it is better than the last. Direction is perfect. But we have not found what we expect in the story behind name of the title 'No One'.

At the end the fighting is so exciting and track changes at suspense. But compare to others suspension, it is not the best. So my rating is 8.7/10.
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