World's Funniest (TV Series 2015) Poster

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Horrible - Part 2
otter-stl13 February 2015
Totally agree with the previous reviewer. I'm surprised it's still on. Five minutes is all I could take on the first week it was on.

So, what to do to fill a hour of Prime Time television and you can't think of anything? Take some you tube videos, some unknown (to me) judges and throw in the commercials and you have filled that hour.

If you are a regular visitor to you tube, you probably have already seen a lot of these videos. I remember when TV networks used to yank shows after one show because it was so bad. Either this show barely had the viewer-ship or they now just let them stay on.

If they made a new show "World's Worse TV Fails", this show should be on it. Play Monopoly with the family during this hour. You'll have a much better time.
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IDalterego24 January 2015
Ever meet a guy that tries so hard to be funny that they end up laughing their asses off only to realize they are the only ones laughing? .... this show is that guy.

The gimmicks to make the show "interesting" and "funny" do nothing more than bore you to death and cause you to roll your eyes. Producers need to start learning that a show about funny videos, needs to have more content that filler.

This show is a terrible rip off of Ridiculousness, I have watched shows in the past and understood that the first episode is not enough to completely pass judgement, but they would need to completely reformat the show to the point that it would be nothing like what they have put together so far.

This show feels forced and unfunny with gimmicks to the point that it's painful to watch.
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Horrible - Part 3
clark-bucher13 February 2015
This show has so many problems...many of which the previous viewers touched on. To have a successful show like this you need a host who knows how to work an audience and his panel members. Terry Crews "fails" miserably as the host. He "fails" at trying to be funny, He fails" at interacting with his panel and he "fails" with his wardrobe. The guy's voice is like nails on a chalkboard. How he ever got a TV show let alone 2 is mind-boggling. The show would be more entertaining if they just ran 45 minutes of clips. The only way this show has a chance of surviving is if, as one reviewer suggested, there is a complete overhaul with a new host. If it continues with it's current format, it will continue to be a complete "fail"ure.
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Horrible Part 4
jgrenell-5537911 March 2015
Horrible show... and the titles of the episodes on are so bad... I looked at the latest one to give the show 1 more chance being that they have had 7 more episodes to figure it out... however the title is called. Kids survive the darnedest things. Well.. throughout the entire episode there is maybe 2 clips out of the 30 that actually have kids in the clips.. So why have kids in the title when in fact kids are only in 5% of the entire episode... Just saying... this show is SO bad on every level, I feel bad for Terry crews. You throw him up on stage with some of the stupidest clips ever, i mean they are just Bland and horrible. Not even funny and expect him to make the show? Come on Fox... whats the budgets for this show? 20 grand? for the year? Maybe pay your employees more and you'll find more quality people wanting to work for you... Cause it looks like the person you hired to first off find the clips.. is a monkey sitting on you tube and sharing every 10th video he comes across no matter whats its about. Fire the entire staff of this show. None of them deserve a job. Horrible. (Poor Terry Crews)
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No second chance . . .
fredpiott6 November 2015
First of all, I like Terry okay, but someone really needs to tell him to get pants that fit! They were teasing him about it on the show, so I'm guessing maybe he won't wear them again. That is IF we see a second show even! He also should try talking in a normal voice sometimes. His speech reminds me of a person who types in all caps. You really don't need to yell all the time, and when you do, it's loses all meaning and it's just annoying. The show is also way too much of a copy of other shows. If you're going to do a show on funny videos, try doing something new. That is, besides having TC as your host. That's not the deal breaker though. Ross is. I don't know who she is, but we don't need a show trying to push the transsexual movement on our country. Who the heck is she anyway? I'm unlikely to watch the show again, but as long as she's on there, I definitely will not!
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