The Catch (TV Series 2016–2017) Poster


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5 Reasons To Watch "The Catch"
krainzse28 March 2016
Not being a 'ShondaLand' addict—in fact, I can't remember watching one previous TGIT episode in its entirety—I didn't have preconceptions about what I was 'supposed to' feel about "The Catch". From the previous IMDb reviews, I see I am glaringly in the minority in my initial opinion about the show; I was already a fan of a few of the actors and loved the look and feel of the production. The previous reviews, however, have not convinced me to change a single idea I had about the show; in fact, I find the other reviews to be epistemologically flawed in their vagueness and unspecified assertions.

So as for me, I thoroughly enjoyed the first episode and plan to keep watching. Below are my first five reasons to watch.

1. Mireille Enos: Mireille Enos is a compelling actor. She may be typecast by some as the serious, unadorned detective in "The Killing", but in "The Catch" she is engagingly glammed up and beautiful, not with an 'I've-been-entitled-all-my-life' beauty but rather with an 'I'm smart and accomplished and insightful' beauty. Plus, she can sprint at an impressive speed after bad guys, showing that her outer strength can match the inner.

2. Alimi Ballard: Alimi Ballard has always been smart and sharp, as his scenes on "Numb3rs" and "CSI" have shown, but his frequent relegation to a law enforcement roles in dark suits has required a restraint he can thankfully shed in this role. From the first time we see him on the links rocking a preppy polo-shirt-and-plaid-pants golf outfit, we know something will be different. On "The Catch", he remains sharp and smart, but as the 'fixer' of the confidence team, he morphs into changing roles with emotive style and wit.

3. Mature Allure: It is great to see a show with a variety of actors over 35 (notwithstanding Rose Rollins' 20- something visage) who look great, dress great, speak articulately, and keep the story going. Much has been written about Peter Krause's casting and whether his age and recent role in Parenthood will affect audience perceptions. Not having watched "Parenthood" (or "Six Feet Under" or any of his roles, to be honest), he was a blank slate to me, and I was pleasantly surprised. My daughter remarked that the younger actor in the original pilot (still available online) is better eye candy, but Krause is a nuanced actor who conveys ambiguous intentions well. As a con man in his late 40s, it is more plausible that he has been around, seen more than he needed, and become reflective and conflicted about whether to stay in the game or pursue a connection with his latest smart, intriguing target. If his character were in his mid 30s with less knowledge, life experience and capital, would he really be ready to give up his best confidence-earning years to be with someone who could always put him in jail?

4. The Artwork of Maria Kreyn: I am not sure how widely recognized artist Maria Kreyn is, but after this pilot episode, I'm sure she will gain a much wider audience. Her painting 'Alone Together', featured in "The Catch", is hauntingly beautiful and provides a captivating metaphor for the show's narrative.

5. Open Spaces and Sunlight! Whenever I catch a few seconds of another TGIT/ShondaLand show, the scene is usually in an enclosed space such as a hospital room or dark office or someplace not particularly airy or (naturally) light. "The Catch", in contrast, is replete with outdoor settings, California sunshine, and floor-to-ceiling windows with luxurious day and nighttime views. This only added to my enjoyment of the show and desire to see more.
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jim-man9 April 2016
Don't understand why there are so many one and two ratings. The show is based on a good premise. That a con man would want to infiltrate a security company by wooing a senior operative.

Predictably, the con man falls in love. The success of the show will depend on the tension between the main characters, and the quality of the supporting cast.

In the first two episodes, I have enjoyed the show. Glossy, fast paced, attractive people, snappy dialogue. The main characters have played their roles well.

It remains to be seen whether blood will be spilled. Then, the show graduates to prime time.
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I Thoroughly Enjoy This Show
chryshig13 April 2016
I really enjoy this show because it's fun, plain and simple. It's fast moving so most of the details are left out and things just happen. Is it realistic? I'm sure it isn't, but I do sometimes enjoy lighter fare (only one murder so far) that just entertains. It packs a lot into each episode and for me, it never drags. I think Mireille Enos and Peter Krause are great in their respective roles and I especially enjoy Krause's subtle expression changes that convey a wistfulness when he is thinking about Alice. I bet a lot of women would love to have someone think that way about them. And maybe I really like the characters because they are older (is that why some people think they're ugly?). I do hope this show finds a niche and is able to maintain the fast pace.
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loving this show
ahutcha-678171 May 2016
We are loving this show. Finding it fun, clever and entertaining. It is enjoyable, much like the old Mission Impossible series was, but with a modern look and much more intrigue and play. Life is crazy, and it is nice to come home and disappear into the fantasy of a spunky intelligent thriller. It is also nice to have that story told without the extraneous and exploitive blood, guts and gore of other shows. The characters are fleshing out slowly, and cannot be taken at face value. Each week builds nicely on the previous one, which help to draw the watcher into the growing story. Mireille Enos is fun to watch, with her Monroeish eye-flutter affectations. She is mesmerizing, and nicely underplays the roll. In fact the show has strong and interesting female rolls with Sonya Walger playing the anti-hero steamily well. Yes, they are stereotyped, but aren't most fantasies? If we wanted to watch 'real life' we would just turn off the TV!
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What happened to the original trailer?
pjcooke-577113 April 2016
I was extremely interested in watching this series when I saw the trailer a couple of months ago. It reminded me a bit of The Thomas Crown Affair with the amazing attraction between the lead investigator and the sexy con artist. I had even persuaded friends to give it a try. So when it finally came out last month, I can't say enough how disappointed I was when I began watching. There seemed to be changes to the original trailer. So I went back and found that the original trailer I had seen was missing and another had replaced it. The original male lead had been replaced by Peter Krause and his female cohort was replaced by Sonya Walger. It seemed they have even changed the plot of the pilot. As I continued watching the first two episodes, I've found the feel of the show had been compromised in my opinion. To me, the chemistry between Enos and Krause just isn't quite the same as it was in that first trailer with Damon Dayoub. I love Mireille Enos and the rest of the cast. They are superb. But the show seems different than what it came across as originally and I almost feel like this was false advertising. Hope it can be salvaged.
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Lots of potential but little fizzle
mmilner414 April 2016
Love Enos in anything she tries-she is that good, Krause is predictably wooden and a little old for the role.

The back story on this does not hang together so the weekly story line gets forced into presenting the characters in "silly" mis-steps (oh I am a hot shot detective but I let me fiancé walk right by me??? silly me!).

Everyone is visually appealing but this seems to detract from the show - a group that is too pretty to be likable. Lovely parade of fashionably dressed women (boring) but at least they did not include the token "geek" with glasses and a funny pony tail (this "plastic" show would never include a chubby geek).

Oh and the predictable sex scenes.........yawn.
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Great Plots and Characters...And You Don't See That Coming...
dustie-18 June 2016
Love that this show keeps you on your toes, and even then, often you say...oh, I should have, but I just didn't see that coming.

Each cop/good guy/bag guy type show needs a unique hook to keep you coming back, and this one has one that catches you in the beginning and keeps you coming back. It includes intrigue, love, hate, like, likable main characters and likable side kicks...and plot twists. You really like the bad guys in this show...and that's not easy to do, create likable killers.

I liked this show so much that I actually watched 5 episodes via On demand, commercials and all, since I had to go out of town and my dish network stopped recording while I was gone... It was worth it though. If you've not watched this show, you can catch up on demand with dish if you've got it.

Hope it stays on for a number of seasons.
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A 'Catchy' Theme with a Shallow Storyline
goekaymitil16 April 2019
A promising concept with a lovely cast, but a WASTED potential. Even though it has its moments, everything being happening 'too' fast is genuinely nerve-wracking. You can never feel connected with the show. If you have nothing else to do or watch, you could take look. If not, do not waste your time.
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This show is my guilty pleasure
rheajack10 March 2017
I was not a fan of anything Sondra Rhimes, and had very low expectations for a The Catch. I only tuned in because it's on Hulu and I loved the now canceled show The Killing. Halfway through episode 1 of The Catch, I pressed paused and realized this show is really fun and full of chemistry. Great actors doesn't hurt. I've watched the entire 1st season and really enjoyed the ride of each episode's cliffhanger ending. It does have an feel of the Thomas Crown Affair, but it's its own creative production. I am a somewhat cynical person when it comes to big named chain productions, but this show is a joy to watch each week. Some of the previous criticisms I've read here, seem to hold some baggage against Ms Rhimes. But, I'm not sure I'm even spelling her name right.
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hoping it gets more exciting
blanche-222 April 2016
"The Catch" is a decent show from producer Shonda Rimes, who has been responsible for many shows over the years as either a producer or writer.

The Catch is her latest effort, filled with glamour and glitz, and starring Peter Krause and Mireille Enos. Krause is Benjamin Jones, a high-class con man who seduces, becomes engaged to, and then cons Alice Vaughn, part of a high-tech security firm, leaving her high and dry.

A cat and mouse game ensues, with Alice on his trail, except that she is still in love with Benjamin and he with her. At first she sincerely tries to catch him. Now she has another agenda. And he's still working with his partner (Sonya Walger).

This show has a couple of issues, the first one being, for an investigative agency with all this equipment, these people are pretty dumb. I mean, Alice's house and phone were bugged by a Fed, Agent Dao (Jacky Ido) and she didn't even know it.

The second problem I have is with Peter Krause, whom I like very much and loved on "Six Feet Under." He certainly looks elegant and sophisticated. However, this show has an unrealistic sheen to it - the offices, the good-looking, beautifully dressed people, so I think Benjamin should be unrealistic too -- someone like Ioan Grufford, Jon Hamm, Joe Mangello, that ilk. I say make him WAY too good to be true.

The third problem I have is that the show is just not that exciting enough. If the pace picks up, I might like it better. As it is, it's okay, it looks great, the acting is good, it has the sex scenes Shonda Rhimes is so good at - a few more sparks might be good.
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Stupidity ruins the suspension
akopp-412-45644716 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
when suspension is build up based on things happening due to someones stupidity, then I get all upset. you know when someone says: stay in the car, and you know: they wont stay in the car. that kind of cheap effort to try to build drama. This is where I stopped watching- beginning episode 3: criminal pretends to be photographer, meets in a flat with I think estate agent to take photos through window of a building with 2 towers for whatever marketing purpose, they don't know each other. 2 seconds later they are at it on the sofa. as she gets to his interesting bits.. she says "and I thought our towers were impressive" - bad acting and cheesy lines, couldn't stand it.

Oh, Mireille.. you are so awesome, in the Killing you portrayed on of the best leads ever. How could you agree to those fake eyelashes?
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Love the show
maryhmac8 April 2016
Love the actors and story line. The story moves quickly and keeps you wondering how they are going to get out of the latest escapade. Unlike a previous review I think there is a lot of chemistry between the main characters. Not sure what the role the FBI agent has in the end, I feel he has an underhanded reason for trying to capture " Christopher hall". I also don't think Alice will join forces with the fbi agent. The cat and mouse aspect of the show is refreshing after the usual cop and detective shows on TV. I enjoy the modern, sleek settings.

It was nice to have valerie's estranged husband appear in the show tonight. Can't wait for the next episode!
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fun Shondaland
SnoopyStyle12 May 2017
Alice Vaughan (Mireille Enos) runs an L.A. security and investigation firm with partner Valerie Anderson (Rose Rollins). Danny Yoon and Sophie Novak are her associates. She is shocked when her fiancé Christopher Hall (Peter Krause) turns out to be Benjamin Jones aka Mr. X, a con man who has been taunting her. His lover Margot Bishop (Sonya Walger) and her mother Sybil Griffiths run the international criminal conglomerate, the Kensington Firm. They are later joined by Margot and Ben's long-abandoned daughter Tessa Riley (Philippa Coulthard) and often criminal partner Rhys (John Simm). Tommy Vaughan (T.R. Knight) is Alice's loser wannabe criminal brother. Justine Diaz (Gina Torres) is the FBI agent.

Enos and Krause are terrific actors. It's interesting that they're leading this fun twisty Shondaland show. They may not have the highest of sex appeal but they are able to give it depth. The focus skewed more and more towards the criminal side as the show develops. That's really the best side to get at this show. A procedural of Vaughan trying to catch criminals is a different show and not as fun or sexy. This got canceled after two 10-episodes seasons.
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When she became a fake shrink I bailed. NOT believable!
archiecm16 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this show for about six or seven episodes. When Mireille Enos's character began to fall again for Krause's character after he had made such a fool of her I tried to hang in there. (Maybe he was going to listen to his heart and change sides). But he seemed to want to keep on with the bad guys. Then, when The female villain, Sonya Walger, masquerades as Mureille's therapist that did it. How could she wind up as a fake therapist when she was busy conning and robbing people every moment of her life? It was too far-fetched. (How would she even know Mureille was going to need a therapist???) To have to listen to Mireille's character tell Sonya's character all about her love of the very man Sonya loved . . . . I couldn't even try to sit through it.
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Definitely caught me!
gondabborbala17 May 2017
I love it, even if it's far from the reality! But come on! Everyone -who's "addicted" to a TV series- knows, that we love them, because they aren't about reality, exactly the opposite, so we can escape from it! For that 50 minutes, we can forget about our problems and imagine life can be like this!

All the others who hate it: Why do you even bother yourselves to type your comments. If you don't like it, stop wasting your time. Just go find something else!

Please, please, please don't end The Catch just right now, after 2 seasons! Especially after last few minutes. I wanna see how the story will continue!
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Quite entertaining
sas201425 August 2018
I like deep political plots that makes me think for days to come but also enjoy light entertainment which doesn't need my thinking afterwards
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redalis12 May 2020
Great show but some "brain" cancelled it!!! There is no any similar show like this one....
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A pleaseant show, thanks to tasty British characters
florenceroux14 January 2024
At first, the series hesitates between being politically correct and cynical, manichean and complex. As a result, the first episodes are much to classical, with an air of already-made, already-seen. OK, you get to see some elaborate heists, and the life of the rich people in L. A., and that's fine, but it's not enough.

Fortunately, after american characters that lack substance, the tasty British family enters the scene. First, the sister, then the brother, finally the mother. And that changes all ! Thanks to excellent actors and better-written characters, cynism and complexity win, giving us a much better script, especially in season 2.
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Fun watch
annlwarren13 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, the show had flaws. It wasn't NCIS, or Law & Order. It was light hearted, it was fun. I enjoyed watching it for 2 seasons and seeing it more like 80's detective shows were (Hart to Hart, Diagnosis Murder, etc).

My biggest issue? Network not giving it a real chance. And for all networks. If you are going to CANCEL, then at least give the writers time to wrap up the storyline. I hate series on cliff hangers because the network can't give advance notice or let the series have one more episode to do an "epilogue".
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(UPDATED)i really wanted to like this ''lower case enthusiasm''
starslook9 April 2016
I'm leaving my angry review as an example of prejudging this book by it's cover. I got through episode 2 and the show bloomed a little. Now on 3, I kinda like it. Hey, it's not real life, real life is boring. James Bond, Jason Borne and Ethan Hunt would suck without a little studio magic and worked through dialogue. How I got to like it: Recorded and watched weekend mornings without prime-time expectations and pause/rewind while cooking/doing laundry. That gave me the time to give it a chance. Good show, good writers, damn good cast. (sorry about the prior negativity)

more Hollywood hogwash in a pretty package. blacklist is unbelievable, suits is inconceivable and the catch is irretrievable. i was interested seeing Mireille Enos and reading the story-line but peter Krause mugging and the corny-cute bait and switch over the top action is disappointing. wake up producers, just because you have money doesn't mean you can buy your way to a good show. unless TV watchers are getting dumber.more Hollywood hogwash in a pretty package. blacklist is unbelievable, suits is inconceivable and the catch is irretrievable. i was interested seeing Mireille Enos and reading the story-line but peter Krause mugging and the corny-cute bait and switch over the top action is disappointing. wake up producers, just because you have money doesn't mean you can buy your way to a good show. unless TV watchers are getting dumber.
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Quarrel-526 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Every moment of this show I was about 5 steps ahead of the plot. It is very, VERY cookie cutter and easy to figure out. I nearly stopped watching the show less than halfway in due to this, but I kept going to just make sure I was right. (you never know) The acting is not bad, but not superb.

I don't recommend unless you want something on in the background or you tend to not be able to follow simple story lines, then this might actually be enjoyable.

--BIG spoiler--

In the scene where they are trying to catch Mr. X he drives up in a Lamborghini, the area is surrounded by people that work for and with Alice. Her husband, Mr.X, walks by EVERYONE and no one seems to notice him, her husband there. Very poor.

--End Spoiler--
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.. it keeps getting better
bjarias8 April 2017
This is one of those shows when you first start watching you're now quite sure how it going to go, and if you'll be in for the long hall. But don't be alarmed, it gets good real quick.. and by the middle of season two, it's very good. It's a series with a little bit of an unusual story-line, with writing that is interesting and top notch. And the same goes for the cast.. casting always makes a first rate production, and kudos must go to the group making this ensemble happen (only glitch.. age of the daughter, and age of the actor playing her mother). It really is hoped it is able to continue on with similar quality for at least another couple seasons or more. Recently a couple of favorite shows have ended.. don't wish to loose another.
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Can't believe it's still on the air!
kmerickson6 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was pretty sure I wouldn't like this one after the 1st episode. Since then, wow, so many crap plot things. The main character barely moves - it's like she may crack her makeup or something. There was one episode where she was wearing an outfit that was SO '60's - that long sleeved cream mini-dress, with matching boots BARF - what happened to the wardrobe budget?? lol. I don't blame any of these things on the actors, I blame it on the writers. I was hopeful that Krause's character would have redeemed himself but there's always some mystery excuse. I agree with another review who was commenting on the FBI agent - my observation is that there is absolutely NO way a solo FBI agent would be working with the Ex of the supposed fugitive he's chasing (and still have contacts/resources, etc!). Sorry ABC, what a waste of at least 2 primo actors!
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Cancellation of an amazing TV series...
guptaaish13 May 2017
When I saw the last episode of season 2, I was sad because the TV series for which I used to wait whole week for, just aired their last episode of the season and to satisfy my curiosity I googled the air date of the next season. I was so sad that it was not only the last episode of the season but it is the last episode of the series. I had just asked my friends to watch it as it was the most interesting TV series of the season. It is a really sad thing that we won't be able to see such strong characters and plot anymore.
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ABC's The Catch a Diabolical Romance
amyromine-565-21704926 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Shonda Rhimes, the ABC Prime Time Queen, has once again given us a rare gem in dramatic entertainment. The Catch -- ABC's Mid-Season replacement for 'How To Get Away with Murder' – can be seen on Thursday's right after Scandal. Starring Mireille Enos, best known for playing detective Sarah Linden in The Killing and opposite Brad Pitt in World War Z. In The Catch, Mireille plays a successful private investigator and co private security firm owner, Alice Vaughn. In the pilot episode Alice is glowing with happiness about her upcoming nuptials to successful business man, Christopher Hall, played by Peter Krause. Peter is known for such shows as Dirty Sex Money, Six Feet Under and most recently, Parenthood. So the twist in The Catch comes when Christopher wakes Alice the day before their wedding and asks her to run away with him. She laughs him off, thinking he is being ridiculous. When she returns home she discovers he is missing, she goes to his office and finds an empty space. Finally, the 1.5 million dollars she's given him to purchase their new house is gone. Alice has a good cry a little tantrum and then picks herself up. Resolute on finding this man who has destroyed her heart, hopes and dreams Alice Vaughn goes to work. As The Catch plot develops, Christopher's love for Alice is genuine, and had she said yes to him that fateful morning when he asked her to run away he would have abandoned his con-artist life forever. But of course, that would make for a boring drama, right? So why doesn't he just drop everything and tell her he loves her? Well, the life of a con-artist is complicated. Christopher and his associates owe some very powerful bad guys a lot of money, 15 million to be exact. When the 'score' with Alice tanked, forcing the return all of the money stolen from her and her firm, Christopher's little con man team was left penniless. Christopher wants to put as much distance between Alice and ruthless associates as possible before they find out the truth about his feelings. The most eminent threat is his dominating lover played by the glorious Sonya Walger, (known for Parenthood, Lost, and even a small 2 episode stint on Scandal). Christopher, despite many attempts, is unable to let go of Alice, his pull to her is magnetic. As she gets closer to finding him, he allows it, if only to give into his needs for a short time. Awwww…so sweet. Add in The Catch sub-plots of a French Secret Service Agent also looking for Christopher Hall, Alice's wanting to keep her endeavor secret from her trusted friends, and her regular day-to-day job and you have the mixing of a dramatic masterpiece. To be honest, Alice is just as diabolical as Christopher in many ways and thus making the series so addictive. Plot twists and high fashion abound in The Catch making is visually and psychologically stimulating. The brilliance of Shonda Rhimes in my opinion is nothing is ever black and white, she loves to dabble in the gray's of the world. I put this new series to the three episode test, and it passed with flying colors, full of intrigue, romance, deception and uniquely flawed characters, The Catch is most definitely worth your time and DVR space!
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