Legend of the Superstition Mountains (TV Series 2015– ) Poster

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Entertaining show no matter what the errors
leinad_elyag28 February 2016
The program is entertaining. Truth or writers taking leave way it doesn't matter. I'll still watch if it is renewed. Also, the remarks concerning 'The Curse of Oak Island' is way off base. You need to go to Oak Island do the research look around and talk to the brothers. I wonder how many people would spend over 3 million dollars of their OWN money to try and fool those who watch the program. Use your head and go there. You will have a different outlook after doing your homework. It could also be said that you could do the same type of research on 'The Legends of Superstition Mountain' and you might come out with a different attitude also. The known errors or misrepresentations from the writers of this show could be proved so as to clear up the water so to speak. But all in all, it is still an intriguing myth/legend. Relax and chill, you may find out you could actually be entertained. Please bring back the show!!!
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tomtpcarpe19 February 2021
This show comes across as contrived and fake. The scenery is beautiful, hence the 5-star rating. The script and the acting are both clumsy, perhaps an attempt to add realism to this pretender. You'll find the Lost Dutchman before you find a nugget here.
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Interesting look into the minds of conspiracy theorists
nick1212351 March 2021
I find this show extremely interesting but likely not for the reason most other people who liked it do. I think this is an interesting look into the motivations and mindset behind adults who never learn to think critically and lack a firm scientific education. These people constantly buy into misinformation and legend and come up with some truly wacky ideas. The dowsing rods, the paranoia, the confirmation bias, the pareidolia. It truly is an interesting insight into the minds of people who are delusional but not the point of being a danger to society or being classified as 'mentally ill'. A sort of 'monomania' as they would have said in the 1800s. How much does anyone want to bet that these guys are all conservative? Unlike others, I don't believe this is contrived or fake. I think these guys truly do believe what they're saying and they are full of conviction for their cause. The problem is that they lack critical thinking skills.
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Great Show!
alapage611 March 2015
We love watching the show! We're Always learning something interesting in each episode we see. There are laughs and scary moments mixed in to enjoy. The show is a great way to teach others about stories of places and beliefs they have never heard. I would love to learn more about all the details shared in the show. Keep up the great work guys! We hope there is more to follow with this show, another hunt or maybe something about what happens after? I bet you guys can find a ton of Similar mysteries Thag need help solving. At our house the only Television we watch is reality type and all the History channel and National Geographics documentaries and series. That being said this was right up our alley and We would certainly watch more!
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All fake!
sjlempitski9 April 2015
Anybody watching the show would think these guys searched "far and wide" for this treasure, in truth EVERY second of filming is within a 20 minute drive. As somebody who vacations in the area, and knows it well, all the locations searched by these hunters are on a 20 minute ride down either route 60 toward Picket Post mountain, or straight down Route 88 - 'the Old West highway', from Apache Junction, through Goldfield, and ending up at Canyon Lake in Tortilla Flat. And the 'characters' they interview all have ulterior motives - no mention that Clay Worst owns the Old Wasp mine in Goldfield that gets a few ounces of gold a week and that his mine is for sale, or Bob Snoose who owns the Goldfield Ghost town attraction, also still works the Black Queen mine in Goldfield as well. Best part was when they went to the Bluebird mine and gift shop, nobody interviewed Louis or John who run the place, as they both would have laughed these guys off the property as more idiots looking for what was found 125 years ago, which was the Bulldog mine.
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Legends of the Superstitions, Authentic History and Real Down to Earth Treasure Hunters
garymherndon20 October 2017
I'm from the East Coast and Never took a step inside Arizona in my life,I am one of the few aging Dutch Hunters that will present himself in Arizona in Oct 2017.I have been studying the Superstition Mountains and area around them since the Mid 80's.This show isn't a joke and if one thinks it is then come out with this old disabled man and see if you could last the weekend. Legends has a deep rich history of real pioneers,mines and death, its creative and attractive to the viewer, sure it might have a script but what TV show or movie does not.These Treasure Hunters have all been searching for the same thing all their lives, something that most of us only dream of but they get out and do it. Clay Worst,the man is a world of knowledge about Arizona and the people who made it a state.Woodrow Wampler is probably the expert on anything that is Gold the best geologist in his field.Wayne Tuttle he gives a lot of history and points out the field so everyone gets a clear picture of what can be found. Me and Wayne are about the same age and yes I probably do envy him since he was able to get out and looking before I did. All over I give Legends of the Superstitions platinum stars!
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This show is fake and scripted
Scott-mccuistion422 March 2015
I have lived within miles of the Superstition Mountains for 20 years and have studied the stories. Anyone who lives out by the mountains knows that the military uses the river and lakes for flight testing and training almost everyday. Not to mention that a facility that builds the Apache helicopter is about 10 - 15 miles away from them. To see an apache or Blackhawk helicopter is very common out here, that is why they keep seeing the helicopters flying around. Oh, and the so called secret Peralta map, anyone can see it at the Goldfield museum. Just a desperate attempt to take a legendary mine and make some money. I have known many people that spent years looking for the mine and have never seen or heard of half the things this show talks about. Not impressed at all by this show.
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Legend of the Superstition Mountain
mrshbrns25 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Is this program coming back on TV? I really liked watching it. I was just wondering if it was coming back and I really hope so. I watched it every time is was on TV. I just hope it does come back and they find the gold left there. I have great interest in these kind of programs and really hope it comes back on. I also liked finding bigfoot, and I watched it regularly also. I sure hope it come back on TV, so I can watch it again. Please bring back these programs, they are so interesting and I have a pleasure in watching them. There is not much I have been watching lately because these two programs are my favorite ones. Sincerely, Marsha
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Fake! Fake! Fake!
eequalsmc28 June 2015
I was born & Raised outside of Apache Jct where the Superstition Mountains are. Never have I ever heard of people being beheaded. It must not be too dangerous considering the fact that thousands of school kids hike the "Supes" as they are know as to locals. Whats with the idiot out of state former cop always shooting snakes. Listen moron, People who live in the desert do not kill snakes unless as a last resort. The Apache Helicopters - The Boeing Plant that manufactures the Apache is 10 miles away. It's a test flight path around the Supes. They always fly there, so called restrictive air space all lies.

I can't believe that the producers of this show actually thing people are so gullible to believe this garbage TV.
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Very entertaining
pastark23 September 2020
The six episodes did keep my interest, but many questions arose, mainly about the ladder in the last episode. It looked way too new, like it was very recently placed there. And the metal section found lying on the ground was not rusted.
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100 Percent Contrived
Sandypond29 March 2015
This comes off as 100 percent contrived with poor acting and a script desperate to fill time. One tends to think that it was written by the same people who brought us Al Capone's vault with Geraldo Rivera. It would have been far better if they didn't script the presentation. They have a good subject. All they had to do was present the facts and show the incredible landscape then it would have been interesting. Their attempt to jump on the "reality show" band wagon is where their problems begin. Not all information is suited to be presented in a reality show format. Sound research and a linear/historical presentation of this information would have made for a far better show.
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Legend of the Superstition Mountains
kc1254-261-56493111 March 2015
I thoroughly enjoy watching the television series "Legend of the Superstition Mountains." I am always anxious to see the next episode. Each shows leaves us dangling in suspense at the end. I made a point to tape each episode so that I don't miss a thing! Having lived in the State of Arizona for almost 50 years now the stories over the years have been very interesting. It is wonderful to be able to actually see the beautiful landscape and wildlife up close. The people in the show really help to keep the show interesting and often funny. They seem like they all get along pretty well together and they seem to make a great team! Keep up the good work!
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Silly Show
kris-4262318 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
How bad is it? Those searching for the Lost Dutchman Mine include a prospector who is afraid of rocks. He is certain that one looks like the Devil and none of his colleagues laugh.

When they encounter a wooden ladder, clearly recently constructed, that provides access to a cave, they do not speculate on its origin. They celebrate the discovery of a cross embedded in the cave wall as if they are the first to find it. Since the artifact is not shown in context, it is not even clear that what is being photographed is actually in the cave they entered. And oddly, the cross, later described as iron possibly several hundred years old, shows no obvious signs of rust.

It is easy to see where this show is leading. Viewers will get a two-fer when they find Big Foot and the Oak Island treasure.
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Legend Of Superstition Mountain
americanmade810511 March 2015
I have been watching every episode of The Legend Of Superstition Mountain. It is absolutely a edge of the seat kinda of show! The guys have been doing a great job. They all seem to be down to earth and respond to postings on Facebook. I have been to the Superstition Mountain every time I visit Mesa, AZ. I love the drive and the scenery through there. It is a fantastic way to spend a day with family or friends. I really hope y'all can continue to keep filming more episodes. To all the cast and crew, keep up the great work! Stay safe though…I'll let y'all know when I'm coming for a visit again. Maybe, I'll run into to y'all somewhere out there. Keep up the good work and I hope y'all find what your looking for. You all deserve it...
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The blind leading the stupid
dougwilkinson11 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So we have a bunch of guys wandering around Superstition Mountain. They're checking out supposed marked areas and find a small opening under an outcropping. Let's investigate. Someone crawls in but find nothing, so what do they do? They leave to go back to town to talk about the photos they took. They don't bother to check it out with the metal detectors they have with them. My prediction? This will turn out EXACTLY the same as that other failure of a show "curse of oak island". The curse of History channel is making pointless shows where the subject matter will never be found. How do i know that? Because if anything were to be found it would already have been in the news.
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Great Show
kencartwright14 March 2015
Great show. I lived near The Superstition Mountains for 2 years back in the late 1990's. I read all the books about the Dutchman's gold and spent a lot of time in the mountains. I would take clues from the books and go into the mountains hunting. The next book I would read would have a clue that the others did not and it would send me off in another direction. The books always keep you guessing. There was always something that kept drawing me back even though the leads led me nowhere. I was so happy to see that the History Channel has taken an interest in the lost gold too. The show and the people in it are great. I look forward to watching every Sunday night. Thanks to everyone involved.
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Absolute waste of time
mparsos-7960116 December 2020
6 episodes that go absolutely nowhere. Fake AF. Very similiar to big foot hunters. Tries to portray danger and incident...in fact nothing going on. Walking along tyre tracks saying they are in the middle of nowhere at a treasure location
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This show is ausome.
matthew-fecica16 March 2015
I love this show. Every big of this show is exciting and I can't wait for next season! My favorite episode was last nights with the cave. The suspense is killing me. The treasure might be in that area and I'll have to wait a few weeks or a few months before Season 2. If anyone can solve this two hundred year old mystery, I have a feeling that it will be you guys. When you guys went up to the cave, did a cameramen follow you or you had one of those GoPros? If the cameramen followed you, it must have been hard climbing up that valley with all that heavy camera equipment! You guys are doing a great job. Keep up the good work and good luck in finding the treasure.
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Treasure of the Superstition Mountains
mfrerking20 February 2021
What a load of BS; The only treasure found was selling this cornball pseudodocumentary to the media. Suckers.
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Best show on TV HANDS DOWN!
Edge of your seat action! What will they find in that cave?

Amazing cast of people that interact and speak to their fans which makes it better.

We feel that we are right there with them in those mountains!

Waiting impatiently for the next episode Sunday night. Last show???


These guys are fighting rattlesnakes and spiders in the desert. Are they are being watched by unseen eyes?

Must keep this show on!

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No, I don't think so.
Cigar chomping, gun slapping with more testosterone than brains. Like the pro- wrestling of treasure hunting but not as believable.
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Must see Indiana Jones Style show!
If you are looking for a mix of history, legend, humor and adventure Indiana Jone's style we would say set your DVR for the whole season! Must see this one ... Our whole family of six ranging from ages 6 years old to 40 years old are on the edge of our seats for each show... Between the creepy crawly snakes and spiders, cave exploring and the cliff climbing we are amazes they survive each rapid or Only wish is that it's moved closer to prime time so the teachers at school are happier when-our kids get to bed on time since its on Sundays way after bedtime (well worth the lack of sleep) We will be on vacation overseas when the next episode airs and asked our pet-sitter to make sure the season finale is recorded just in case we miss the last episode due to being away... Will still try take a break from vacation to see it because it really is that "good"
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Liked it, once.
txmagiclady1 August 2022
Why did the show quit just as they found the cave? Why not try something else? There're more theories. Did a earthquake cover the entrance, is it the only gold?
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A challenging hunt for gold wrapped accurately in the history of the desert Southwest and set in beautiful and rugged terrain.
mfklaus11 March 2015
Whether you are a history buff, a treasure hound, into desert ecology and mountain adventure or you just like a good story, Legend of the Superstition Mountains has a lot to offer. The show is very faithful to the history of the Southwest, both Native Americans and the intrepid and stubborn miners. Each of the treasure hunters is a character in his own right and each brings unique expertise to the search for gold in very challenging terrain. The interplay as they make difficult decisions in trying to follow the trail of the Lost Dutchman's Mine is interesting. Try to imagine yourself in their shoes (boots) - it's part of the enjoyment of this program.
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Waste of time
lantzlionheart18 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is another one of those shows where they go in search of something. Bigfoot, Sasquatch, The Yeti, The Loch Ness monster, UFO's, The Chupacabra, or any other mysterious thing that's supposedly out there. They all end exactly the same way. They never actually find anything. It's all just to make shows they can sell to any network that will buy them and get people to watch them. As interesting as these shows are, there's no point because they don't accomplish anything, but wasting peoples time watching them. They never come up with any proof or real evidence of anything. It's all hypothesizes and theory.
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