Attack of the Killer Donuts (2016) Poster

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not funny at all for me, just a no-brainer
trashgang2 October 2017
Just sit and enjoy, this really is a no-brainer. Don't mind the script because you can tell what is going to happen. Is that a problem, no not with this kind of flicks but for me the problem was that it wasn't funny at all.

The donuts are funny in the way they came alive and even as it is CGI it did work out fine but there weren't any funny situations. It's all so cliché, coppers going for free donuts, the nerd having a sexy chick who makes love to others and he doesn't see it. Oh yes, and there's a lot of farting going on which for some will be hilarious, for me it's a bit too low to make it funny.

But the effort to make a stupid flick about attacking donuts is well done. And it didn't had a really boring moment. No gore at all, a bit of red stuff here and there but if you watch this with a bunch of friends it will entertain you...

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1,5/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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Sadly, one of the best movies I saw this year.
13Funbags14 December 2017
This movie seems like a Roger Corman flick, just a lot better. There's basically no plot or budget or wide shots but somehow it's still not too bad. So it's about a 30 year old man who still lives at home with his 35 year old mom and elderly uncle. The uncle has invented a re-animation serum that can somehow re-animate things that were never animated, like donuts. We see three cars in this movie and through the use of the tight shot they almost make you believe that they are on roads but if you pay attention, it's clear they are not. At one point they even drive through an area where there appears to be snow on the ground. Maybe they're in a cold place? Well considering that we clearly see 2 of the 3 license plates and they are California and Florida, I doubt that. Not to be out done, the extremely fake cop car has a plate from a different state. The donut shop is obviously an empty store front they rented. They even make a fake soda label, while turning the Shasta bottles so you can't read the whole label. There's just so much stuff that doesn't make sense. After the stars get fired/quit the donut shop they have no problem getting in it in the middle of the night. The girl is wearing a sleeveless rock band t-shirt like she's a 40 year old metal fan in the 90s and for the majority of the movie you can see large portions of her bra. In the morning when she wakes up after sex not only is her bra on but it's a different bra. I could spend all day tearing apart this movie but I'm done. Still better than anything Cruise, Clooney or Pitt ever did.
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A Mixed Bag
stephenselig16 May 2021
Attack of the Killer Donuts wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. High production values throughout. Some brilliantly understated performances by the cast. Stunning special effects. It'll be a long, LONG time before I trust another donut, let me tell you! In the end, though, I found the premise to be somewhat unrealistic, and after twenty minutes or so my eyes began to glaze over.
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Move along, nothing to see here.
filipsalapa30 April 2017
I am writing this review as a warning to all of those, who are in the market for a B movie, full of cheese and chuckles.

It's not the movie you are looking for - move along, nothing to see here.

The movie starts off idiotic, serves you a plate full of bacon (yes, seriously) as an opener and then it just goes downhill from there. The acting is atrocious. So is the sound and camera work.

The movie looks like it was made as a school project but it is somehow even on the lower level than that. If you can make it through more than 20 minutes of this tripe I don't know what to say to you..

Sorry? Congrats?

It is that awful.

I have seen many films that were so bad they're good but it seems to have been trying too hard to be bad that it actually is unwatchable. If you want to watch a bad movie and have a few laughs, watch Troll 2 instead. Again, if need be.

Stay away from "Attack of the killer donuts".

Just stay away.
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Silly and fun, worth the watch
korythacher1 September 2021
If it sounds like the kind of movie you want, and you like dumb B movies, then this one is fun.

Its not amazing, you won't be rolling on the floor, and you won't remember much of it. Everyone in my group enjoyed it enough, and there's plenty of stuff to point out.

I remember it had some killer tunes at the opening and in a couple spots. The main actress was pretty good, and surprisingly the donuts were done well. They had decent animations, and silly sound effects that felt reminiscent of "Ray and the Raving Rabids".

The attacking scenes themselves I think were pretty dumb, but you can't really expect much for those!
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Can I get a donut springled with boredom flakes?...
paul_haakonsen12 June 2018
Granted, I knew that I was getting into a low-budget movie here. Just the title alone says it all. But hey, chances were that it could actually be as fun as "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes", so I gave the movie a chance.

It was not even close to being near "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes". Not even by a long shot.

This was indeed a low budget movie, i. every sense of the term.

"Attack of the Killer Donuts" had incredibly laughable effects. It was suffering from an even more horrible story

The acting performances in the movie were actually adequate, taking into consideration the genre and budget of the movie.

There were a few scenes here and there to make you laugh, otherwise a very dull and pointless movie.
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Nothing much to say
One_slice_of_pizza29 April 2019
The title itself just guves it away about the quality of this crap. Bad dialogue, predictable storyline and awful cgi effects that looks like it was done on Windows Paint.

The humor is so bad, you start questioning your self worth and the reason of your existence. Stay away.
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What The?!?!?
tiskec11 January 2019
Can't producers come up with a B movie that at least has a point. This is up there with one of the dumbest movies ever made. Donuts that roll around with teeth in the middle and jumping at people. Really? We can all tell a lot of thought was put into this turd.
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The best movie about murderous pastries you will see all year!
eboogyman21 May 2017
This movie is stupid, but if you are even here, you pretty much know that. Its about donuts that gain sentience and kill people. Again, no surprise that this isn't Ben Hur. The acting is passable, the female lead Kayla Compton as a standout and is a better actress then this movie would suggest. I assume in 2022 after becoming a more mainstream actress and getting better roles, she will be teased for being in a movie with such a ridiculous premise.

Again, basing this review on you are already aware that this movie is about killer donuts, Im reviewing it as such. The cgi donuts murdering people don't look so bad, and are as believable as your desserts coming alive to kill you can be. Some comedy horror movies are actually devoid of comedy or jokes land flat. There's some solid laughs here too, if you aren't going to be too judgmental of something with rainbow sprinkles on it trying to kill you. I've seen a lot of b movies and turn 60% of them off halfway through. I got through this with some friends and had a good time.
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Misunderstood genius
nogodnomasters28 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
John Blake Wentworth (Justin Ray) works at the Dandy Donuts with Michelle (Kayla Compton). Due to circumstances the donuts at the establishment become animated, grow teeth and start killing.

This is typically a film that I love. It created great characters. Unfortunately they didn't know how to use the characters or give them great dialogue. The donuts made noises resembling that of tomatoes when they attack. Michelle did a near Snuffles the Quick Draw dog when she ate a donut, but fell short of completing it. Certainly the film had great potential but fell through the donut hole.

Guide: F-word. Sex. No nudity.
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I will take a dozen to go.....
franklbirkhoff20 May 2017
Buy a box of donuts and get ready to watch ya typical cheesy B side movie. I knew it was that type but we like it. My kids and I laughed the whole time. Movie was filled with funny parts and we like watching silly movies. We will be waiting for part 2. Attack of the killer donuts : the filling fights back.
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I don't watch a lot of movies about killer donuts, but when I do I watch this one!
Mccadoo23 March 2019
This is just a horrible movie; horrible special effects, some really horrible acting, an incredibly stupid premise. I love every minute of it!

This movie is so bad it crosses that line to being awesome. Check your brain at the door, prepare to laugh at all of it, and have fun with it. And who knows, it may cause you to swear off donuts for a while and lose a few pounds!
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Dumb donut fun
BandSAboutMovies21 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
By no stretch of the imagination should a movie called Attack of the Killer Donuts be any good, but somehow, someway, I found myself liking this. It's definitely the best undead donut or pastry movie I've ever seen, but that said, it's also the only one.

Also - I have no idea how they got C. Thomas Howell to play a cop in this, but they did, and then they also made the donuts look vaguely like vagina dentata, which is very horrifying and somehow, as bad as the effects are, I found them kind of charming.

I usually hate the Troma films that are so aware of how stupid they are, but you know, sometimes I am very forgiving. This would be one of those rare times, so...get a dozen and watch this with someone understanding.
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Ridiculously stupid!
kevindjac2 September 2018
Wow I honestly thought this was an old B- movie, really cheesey couldn't get through 15 minutes of it!
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Donuts anyone?
Ru-Dy15 February 2019
Hey, I watched, and enjoyed this one! However, it didn't make me want to go out and buy a bakers dozen any time soon lol! This one signals the return of fun, gory B-movie silliness, is there anything better? Get the snacks ready, and enjoy! Hold the donuts please.
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You won't laugh once
Leofwine_draca14 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
ATTACK OF THE KILLER DONUTS is an indie comedy horror spoof that attempts to be a throwback to the 1980s bizarrities of old, with ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOES an obvious inspiration. Sadly, this homemade production is nowhere near being good, or indeed a real film. It's just an aimless and rambling narrative with various irritating characters interacting and going nowhere. It feels very predictable, as expected, and the horror scenes are ridiculous. Even worse, you won't laugh once at the inane antics on display.
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hard to comment
eddiecolazzo30 June 2019
There should be a limit to the imbecility.....this 'movie' proofs there is not.
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Marynewcomb20133 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There is nothing funny about this movie! All it's doing is trying to play on the cult classic Attack Of The Killer tomatoes fans!! Inject a dead rat with an experimental something & it ends up in the donut frier, STUPID!!
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Good For A Few Chuckles
If you enjoyed 'Return of the Killer Tomatoes', then this movie is right up your alley.

It's a fairly standard B-movie guys. Low budget. Bad acting. Asinine plot. Laughable production values.

All that being said, I found this gem of a flick entertaining for it's 98 minute run time. It had plenty of laughs and the CGI of the jumping and murderous donuts is hilarious to say the least. And people off-screen throwing the donuts to show them in pursuit? Brilliantly moronic.

I've seen B-movies that I had to stop after the first 20 minutes or so, they were too awful to watch even for the sake of trying to ironically enjoy a cheap movie. Not the case here. Sure it will never win any awards and is never destined to become a cult classic, but for this flick to remain fairly unknown is a pity. I, for one, was entertained.
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No laughs and a poor attempt to equal Killer Tomatoes
beg3715 October 2022
A truly terrible movie, at the level of the Twi(t)light movies. The premise is not even original, it desperately wanted to be another Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and failed miserably. After watching this piece of garbage, I seriously considered ripping my eyes out of my skull to eliminate any possible residual on my retinas. This movie could not pull off the same level of Attack of the Killer Tomatoes even with the advantage of CG and other technology not available when Killer Tomato's was made, perhaps this is why this movie was so terrible, it relied on these technological advantages at the cost of the script. Avoid this movie if possible.
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Hilarious B type movie
bkramer197512 January 2020
To everyone else on here who left a negative review, if you didn't get what this was from the title, I feel sorry for you. It's very obviously a B style movie that is in no way meant to be taken seriously. It's gonna have lousy actors, effects, storyline, everything. It is what it is. Heck, I was surprised to see C. Thomas Howell pop up. Overall it's wonderfully cheesy. The way it was meant to be.
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Do-Not miss ( I really enjoyed) if you like b-movies .
atinder6 May 2017
I saw this last night, I wanted too see something fun, silly, (after long week at work), this was perfect for me.

It was a lot better then I expected to be. ( unfortunately I have seen Rise of the Animals 2011, which was really horrendous bad, I seen my share of some really bad movies, with really low budget) and this is not one them, no were near.

However saying that, the budget is low, which dose show in places from the movie.

Like at the start, where the male lead, who I think looked a little to old too play his role, as for a time I thought his mum was is wife! ( that one of the down side).

I enjoyed the rest of it, there were some very funny moments, I laughed a number of times, some jokes did fall a little flat at times.

I enjoyed how the donuts attacked people, it was really well done, (it reminded me a lot of Attack of the killer tomatoes, Which I really liked)

Some of the death scenes were very creative and very funny, one of them will be very memorable.

The acting was okay, for this kind of movie, I have seen a lot worse (Backslasher (2012) which is UN-watchable) this is not!

I will definitely watch this movie again,( what the hell, I'm going to watch it again tomorrow)

I'm going to give this 7 out of 10

Please let there be a sequel
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dry and stale
talllwoood131 February 2022
The concept is unique all things considered, the CGI was ok and they desperately tried to make this movie funny but other than the dollar store knock off of Milia Kunis and the guy with the really awful wig there's not much to say about this one. I couldn't wait for it to be over..

skip it, don't watch it, you can do a lot more with your time than watching people stream video games, hot girl who can barely play the game or not. To a boring podcast. Those will give you far more mental stimulation.
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Avoid at all cost
jakerchief19 February 2023
This movie makes Troma look like cinematic art. Flat lighting, bad sound design, and awful acting. There is nothing funny about this movie. Absolutely avoid this.

This movie makes Troma look like cinematic art. Flat lighting, bad sound design, and awful acting. There is nothing funny about this movie. Absolutely avoid this.

This movie makes Troma look like cinematic art. Flat lighting, bad sound design, and awful acting. There is nothing funny about this movie. Absolutely avoid this.

This movie makes Troma look like cinematic art. Flat lighting, bad sound design, and awful acting. There is nothing funny about this movie. Absolutely avoid this.
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scarlettsdad3 March 2024
Generally, I thoroughly enjoy movies with promising dumb titles like this one, and I'm a fan of the Killer Tomato series-every single stupid one of them. So I'm forgiving of low budgets, questionable acting and silly special effects in exchange for a funny script, creative storytelling and frequent poor taste.

Unfortunately, "Attack of the Killer Donuts" came up really short.

The idea itself was fine. The acting was fine. In fact, over-acting might have helped. But the biggest problem was that the script wasn't the least bit funny. Or even silly-which was the biggest sin in a movie like this. The killer donuts weren't funny-we've seen and heard the same high-pitched chipmunk voices before with tomatoes and spiders. There's no particular charisma between the actors and there seems to be a loss of direction on how they're supposed to respond to their situations...should they play it for laughs or play it straight? And poor C. Thomas Howell. I don't know whether to feel pity for him or to admire him for jumping into the fray with such abandon.

In the entire film I chuckled exactly once, and didn't laugh at all. I really wanted to, but it just wasn't funny. There was way too much talking and too little action. Even the ending took for EVER to wrap up with a predictable and boring finale.

It's really too bad. Apparently there's a sequel, but I don't think I'll worry about trying to find it.
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