"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" A Distant Echo (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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markq-7565428 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is another great one for the new season. We saw some more great action, as well as Rex's character. He's been through so much lost so many of his brothers. That one maybe alive he has to go and find out. It was also nice seeing Anakin talk to Padme, and Rex knowing about was also nice. It shows how close Anakin and Rex got through the war. It show trusts and how good of friends they are. It was also nice Obi Wan knowing, as he knew all along. It was cool that Anakin knows he knows. Both are Jedi, both know they cannot get married. Yet Obi kept the secret. It add more to their characters and their bond for each other. And makes their falling out and fight all that more messed up and emotional.
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Search for Echo
A_Kind_Of_CineMagic6 October 2020
This episode sees Anakin lead 'The Bad Batch' of clone troopers on a mission to see if the clone Echo is really being held and used to predict the Republic's battle strategies.

It is a very solid and entertaining episode with strong action, some nice humour, some good touches such as the emotion of Rex searching for his old comrade and Anakin trying to sneak contact with his secret wife Padme.

The animation is excellent.

My only real negative would be that I would have preferred more of a major plot development story to do with Anakin/Obi Wan and the Sith.

My rating: 8/10.
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"A Distant Echo"
lassegalsgaard28 March 2020
So far, this new series is on a good trajectory. The idea of starting it off with a clone-focused arc was great, as that was the spirit of the entire series when it began. And putting Rex in the forefront isn't a bad thing, as it adds some great character development to him, ultimately leading him into becoming the character that we have since seen in other material. The action sequences are terrific, and the fluent animation adds a lot of nuance to something that was once a little bit rough to fully appreciate. It is clear that it is made by Disney, so there are a few light moments and while some of them land, there are some that seem a little too Disney-like. I am also skeptical about where this storyline might be going and I believe that there are a few ways to actually lead this this in the wrong direction, but for the moment, I think that they are going down a good path and setting the stages for the final run of this incredible series. So far, I haven't been disappointed, and I am more excited than ever to see what comes next, especially knowing what is ultimately coming down-the-line.
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A better completed version of a distant echo
s_yancey28 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really like the changes that they made in the beginning of this episode to include Padme. I think it was way better than the nose art scene and it set up episode 3 very well. There is also more development between rex and anakin. Overall I thought it was a fantastic episode.
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linussundvall-0522128 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
(( S P O I L E R R E V I E W ))

So i already did i review for this episode but there is just to much to cover that you just can't cover in a non-spoiler review. So here is my spoiler filled review.

The first real change from the unfinished episode that i noticed was when Anakin went to talk to Padmé. In the original version (as many of you know) there was a nose art of Padmé on the side of the bad batch's shuttle. Instead of just taking that fun but unnecessary moment out they instead replaced it with this sweet moment.

And by "this sweet moment" i mean the scene where Anakin went to talk to Padmé and Rex got to cover up for him. This reveals that Rex either knew all along or just found out recently. But the real shocking moment that really had me wondering was when Obi-Wan Kenobi was revealed to had known as well. This was a really sweet scene but also a really important one. So i am glad that they replaced the nose art scene with this.

The next "not so shocking" reveal of this episode was when we finally got to see Echo ALIVE! My favourite clone has always been Fives and i still miss him but this... this was really cool. It is going to be interresting to see his reaction to Fives being dead. And maybe that will tie in to the whole Order 66 Siege of Mandalore arc at the end of this season. Still 9.6/10.
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"Sit tight trooper, we're going home"
linussundvall-0522128 February 2020
Great sequel to the last episode. This episode had some major changes since the unfinished version, most of them i liked.

Really nice to see more of the relation and chemistry between Anakin and Rex since it's been so long! 9.6/10.
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Badass troopers!
wetmars29 February 2020
Man, the animation is so much better. and I enjoyed watching Anakin and Obi-Wan six years later.. and I love love love the bad batch!
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The best
bsanchez-4251328 February 2020
People who complain about the remodel of the nose art scene. I feel bad for them if they'll let the removal of. A gag ruin the episode for them.
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A Distant Echo
Trey_Trebuchet31 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Solid sophomore episode for this arc.

The reunion at the very end was very heartfelt and satisfying, but also had me excited for the following episode. I love you, Echo.

I also liked the brief exchange between Anakin and Padmé and then between Obi-Wan and Anakin and Rex. Just goes to show how close some of these Jedi were to the clones they fought with. It's a small scene that doesn't further the plot, but a welcome one.
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Intriguing plot developments
jerbearq28 March 2020
A hooking episode that perfectly continues the plot introduced in the premiere with riveting action and an emotional ending

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Disney mediocrity strikes back.
ultroks29 February 2020
While first episode was good, this was just kinda meh. Bad pacing, To many close quarters fights with no weight, really naive moments thru whole epsidoes. But on good side, improvement in animation (especially face animation) really shows.
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I love the Bad Batch, but come on Disney!!!!!
jarred_trujillo28 February 2020
I have loved the new Episodes, the Bad Batch are bad a**. Adding Padme into the mix was amazing, we have officially reached Episode 3. But come on Disney, first you release The Mandalorian week by week, now a 20 minute episode week by week? I understand there are only so many episodes, but your the only platform besides hulu that releases episodes that way. But Hulu also provides TV series that are currently on television. Its very disappointing I only get 20 min of clone wars a week. You could Atleast release 5 episodes a week. Netflix and Prime originals are thriving on releasing their full seasons for those who like to binge. You need to change your platform Disney, come on this isn't the 90s. Nobody likes waiting week to week for a show, I like being able to watch the whole season at my pace. Like how you can on Neflix, so its time to think about the future Disney. Stop living in the past.
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Still going strong (apart from Anakin's frankly horrible hair)
chrisrs12324 March 2020
More excellent trooper action, this time with a Jedi. I'm not convinced by Anakin's new design, and the story's a bit predictable, but it's still good old Clone Wars fun. Obi-Wan makes a short appearance that provides a good laugh, and Rex absolutely delivers as the episode's lead helping the viewer to invest in the plot.
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Stale Writing and Cringe Performances
seventhbeacon21 November 2020
I'm reminded why this show bugged me so much in the past. The scripting is god-awful yet again, and the performances of the "bad boy" clones are some of the most cringe-inducing one can get.

There is good entertainment written "for children" but when the people making the show think "for children" means dumbing things down, not only do they underestimate their intended audience, they certainly leave nothing on the table for adults watching either.

I'm not very hopeful for the later episodes now, as Clone Wars at its best was when it was focused on the clone soldiers, and its worst when it focused on the Jedi or schtick guest characters. Unfortunately, the clones ARE the schtick guest characters this time.

Holding out hope for the season finale stuff, I guess, but I can definitely say that quality Star Wars only gets increasingly rare as time goes on.
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A Distant Echo
kaden_lewis3 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In March of 2021, I decided to watch Star Wars for the first time. I chose to watch it in the timeline order, and watch everything, including the cartoons. I am so happy I did, because with the exception of Star Wars Resistance, they were all amazing. But my favorite is 100% Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It is just amazing. I didn't have my IMDb account at the time, so I couldn't review it. That is why I decided to re watch one of my favorite seasons, season 7, and review it.

This was another solid episode. Rex and The Bad Batch found the signal they were looking for came from the planet Skako Minor. They head back to the Republic base, and get Anakin to come with them on their mission. They have a run in with the locals, and they agree to help them get to the source of the signal. Once in the facility, the look for the signal, and find it. Rex and Tech go in and find out that Rex was right, Echo, his old friend was their source. I really liked Echo returning. Ever since The Clone Wars season 3 premier, I have loved the Domino squad, more specifically Hevy, Fives, and Echo. Fives and Echo were in the show the longest, until they both died. The Citadel episode in season 3 was so emotional for me because Echo died. That is why I was so happy to see him back in this episode. That was easily my favorite part.
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bekemgoeceri5 June 2021
I love the gloomy, dreadful atmosphere and also the chemistry between Anakin and Rex was pretty good. The end of episode 2 was also quite shocking and horrific.
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Plot armour beyond silly
jmoorenec6 June 2023
I always find it dissapointing when writers/directors feel the need to provide their characters plot armour. This episode has that more than many others. The fact that the droids just refuse to shoot the team, even though they had plenty of oppertunities, destroys any stakes the episode could've had. I know many of these characters appeared in projects which takeplace later, but that is no excuse to make the enemy blind, deaf and dumb. Another related issue is that there aren't actually things happening ofscreen. In the scene that Anakin is surrounded by two droids, only one droid fires, and only when Anakin turns around, does the other one fire. It is all very absurd and cheap.

Asside from the animation and acting, I find this episode to be incredibly flawed.
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Even worse than S7E1
Sismanski23 May 2022
In this episode you can see a couple more established characters acting weird all of a sudden. I'm not exactly sure if it really is just the dialogues, but also the way they act. I'm avoiding spoilers here, but take a close look at Anakin, Amidala, Obi-Wan and Rex. Especially Rex again acting very insecure and incompetent, while Anakin even lost the power to fight off a simple flying creature? Where are his Jedi Powers gone? Remember, this is shortly before he will transition to Darth Vader, he basically is at his peak here. And even the clones somehow suddenly fear simple droids more than before. They used to be elite troopers, but suddenly they act all scared at certain situations, as if they never faced a handful droids at once...

Sigh, I don't know man, I'm just disappointed. I don't want to say it's all bad now, but they surely sucked out it's soul and now it is just regular popcorn cinema. Brains off and just enjoy the action I guess :(
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