"The Walking Dead" Here's Not Here (TV Episode 2015) Poster

(TV Series)


John Carroll Lynch: Eastman



  • [Eastman talks to Morgan who's locked in his cage] 

    Eastman : What's your name.

    Morgan Jones : Kill me.

    Eastman : Well, that's a stupid name. You should change it.

  • [Eastman tells Morgan the story about Crighton Dallas Wilton] 

    Eastman : Built this place with my wife a while before our daughter was born. It didn't have a cell back then. That was just the other side of the living room. In my job I interviewed over 800 men and 25 women convicted of awful things. Stuff from the darkest part of the human soul. I was evaluating a man by the name of Crighton Dallas Wilton. Name like that, sounded like he should own an oil company and wear a big hat - Crighton Dallas Wilton. Despite doing some truly unspeakable acts, he was up for parole. And he was one of the most damn likeable people I had ever met. He said all the right things, he went to therapy. He wrote letters to the prison board to start a program to grow flowers for the waiting rooms in state hospitals, rest rooms. And I saw right through him. Saw that he was a true psychopath, that he knew how to play people, exactly how to play people. I was interviewing him next to the cafeteria. The place smelled of industrial pizza. They were polishing the floor. I had to shout my questions half the time. And there was this moment. Uh. Can't even remember the exchange. But right then I knew that Crighton knew that I knew exactly what he was. Everything he had said, had done to hide away what he was from everyone, from himself, just slipped away, and... and that model prisoner of 10 years stood up, smiled, and just cracked me across the face. His fist felt like a rock. Then he was on top of me and the floor polisher next door was thudding out every sound. And I - And I saw his face, his - His eyes, his evil. Mask had slipped. And he was gonna kill me right then and there because he knew I would make sure he would never get out again.

    Eastman : [Eastman pulls out his lucky rabbit's foot]  Arm bar counter for being choked from a pinned position. Aikido. I wasn't taking it for self-defense, but it saved my life. And I got to make sure he never got out again. Well, got to try. He got out. Talked to the right people who got him the right things and he broke out, but it wasn't to escape. Crighton Dallas Wilton went to my home and killed my wife, my daughter, and my son. He walked down the street to the police station around the corner covered in their blood. He surrendered. Said the only reason he broke out, was to destroy my life.

  • Eastman : I don't kill, but I'm not giving up on chocolate anytime soon.

  • [the narration between both Eastman and Morgan while training] 

    Eastman : [the two train outside in the daylight]  It's about redirecting.

    Morgan Jones : Evading.

    Eastman : And actually caring about the welfare of your opponent.

    Morgan Jones : So you have to care about yourself.

    Eastman : You don't have to believe your life is precious, but that all life is precious.

    Morgan Jones : You have to redirect those thoughts, the history that tells you otherwise.

    Eastman : What we've done, we've done.

    Morgan Jones : We evade it by moving forward with a code to never do it again.

    Eastman : To make up for it.

    Morgan Jones : To still accept what we were.

    Eastman : To accept everyone.

    Morgan Jones : To protect everyone.

    Eastman : And in doing that, protect yourself.

    Morgan Jones : To create peace.

  • [Eastman makes a joke to Morgan about how he was able to take him down so fast] 

    Eastman : That was Aikido. That's how I kicked your ass earlier. Well, that's how I redirected your ass.

  • [Eastman talks to Morgan about the door to survival] 

    Eastman : I saw a wedding ring. You had someone you loved, didn't you? Children? Oh. You loved them. You loved them a lot if you're like this. You saw it happen. That's how this started, right? It's all happening right in front of your eyes over and over. Your body's here, but your mind is still there. There's a door and you want to go through it to get away from it, so you do and it leads you right back to that moment. And you see that door again and you know it won't work, but, hell, maybe it'll work. So you step through that door and you're right back in that horrible moment every time. You still feel it every time. So you just want to stop opening that door. So you just sit in it. But I assure you, one of those doors leads out, my friend.

    Morgan Jones : I don't have any friends.

    Eastman : Get to know me.

    Morgan Jones : Oh, I'm gonna kill you.

    Eastman : Why?

    Morgan Jones : Because I have to clear.

    Eastman : See, that's the thing. You don't.

  • [Eastman talks to Morgan about food] 

    Eastman : Where there's life, there's potential. I've been a vegetarian for a while now. I was afraid that damn goat was gonna make me a vegan. I don't kill, but I'm not giving up on chocolate any time soon.

    Eastman : [Eastman takes Morgan's tray away from outside Morgan's cage]  You might notice I'm not giving up on the Goo Goo Clusters. They're gonna remain on the menu. You should try one. They're good. Come on, you're alive. Live a little.

  • [Eastman tells Morgan before going to bed about him and his goat Tabitha] 

    Eastman : You shot at me. I fed you. Please don't hurt her. Good night.

    [Eastman hits the lights] 

  • [Eastman tells Morgan how he got his lucky rabbit's foot] 

    Eastman : One night, my five-year-old daughter found me crying in the garage after about eight beers. I told her I wasn't feeling too good. She gave me this. She had won it at a carnival in school that day. She said it'd make me feel lucky and I'd feel better. The next morning I found a flyer to Aikido. Damn thing worked.

    Morgan Jones : Your wife and your daughter... they're dead.

    Eastman : It was Aikido. It'll help. And you obviously need help if we're gonna make this trip. Can't just be me and you to the end. You're a shit conversationalist, and I can't make this trip by myself.

    Morgan Jones : A trip where?

    Eastman : I have no idea.

  • [Eastman tells Morgan the reason for having a cage] 

    Eastman : I built that cell with the full intention of bringing Crighton Dallas Wilton here, putting him behind those bars and watching him starve to death.

    Morgan Jones : And did you?

    Eastman : I have come to believe that all life is precious.

    Morgan Jones : Even for a man like that? Who did that to you? To your family.

    Eastman : I've come to believe that all life is precious. That's why we're having oatmeal burgers.

  • [Eastman tells Morgan the story about the drywall of his daughter's drawing] 

    Eastman : My daughter drew this on the hallway wall of our house. She thought I'd get mad. I just put a frame around it. After I went back, when I found out I couldn't turn myself in because there was no one to turn myself in to, I went back home and cut this from the wall. I lost the car on the way back. I walked through 30 miles of the dead for a piece of drywall.

    Eastman : [Eastman laughs looking feverish]  Scariest thing I ever did. Best thing I ever did.

  • [Eastman talks to Morgan about evil people in the world] 

    Eastman : We're not built to kill. We don't have claws fangs or armor. Vets, they came back with PTSD, that didn't happen because we're comfortable with killing. We're not. We can't be. We feel. We're connected. You know, I've interviewed over 825 people who've done terrible things. I've only met one evil person. Some of them were born with bad brains. Some of them got sick along the way. The rest were just damaged people. Traumatized themselves like you, but they could heal. Some more, some less, but they can. We all can. I know it. It's all a circle and everything gets a return.

  • [Eastman tells Morgan who he was and who he is now] 

    Eastman : I just wanted to wait a little while before we talked. I'm from Atlanta. I'm a forensic psychiatrist. The state employed me to determine if certain people who did very bad things would do them again if they were released from prison. That was my job. Now I live here. Because of the state of the state of the whole world. What did you do or what do you do now?

    Morgan Jones : I clear.

    Eastman : What the hell does that mean?

    Morgan Jones : Walkers, people, anything that gets anywhere near me, I kill them. I clear.

    Eastman : Why?

    Morgan Jones : Because that's why I'm still here.

    Eastman : Well... that's the biggest load of horseshit I ever heard.

  • [Eastman gives Morgan two choices] 

    Eastman : The door is open. The door right there. The cell door, it's open. I threw the key in the river a while back. I'm not gonna hold you anymore. I can't stop you. Go, clear. Or stay, crash on the couch, and we'll try to find you another way. The door's open. It's been open all along.

    Eastman : [Morgan takes a step to the cage door]  You stay or you go. Those are the choices. I will not allow you to kill me. I will not allow that.

  • Eastman : [to Morgan]  Everything is about people. Everything in this life that's worth a damn. It couldn't be just me. It shouldn't be just you.

  • [Eastman introduces himself to Morgan in the cage] 

    Morgan Jones : [Morgan continues to scream at Eastman]  Kill me... Kill me! Kill me! Kill me! - Kill me!

    Morgan Jones : [Eastman drops 'The Art of Peace' book in front of Morgan as Morgan faintly says]  Kill me.

    Eastman : My name's Eastman.

  • [Eastman attempts to taste his own fresh made cheese] 

    Eastman : [Eastman repeatedly gags murmuring out]  Oh! Oh, that is - Oh, that's terrible! That - Oh, God, that is - That is terrible!

See also

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