Lust (2017) Poster


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I've never made a review for a movie before, but this time i had to.
grandedavid-7964624 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Me and my friends were actually looking forward to finally watch a real Norwegian horror/thriller movie, and we thought "how bad can it be?" Unfortunately, this movie must be one of the worst movies i've personally ever watched. Right from the start all of us in the cinema knew it would be literally rubbish. The acting, and the gore was "okay" but nothing impressive, and that's about it i can say what's positive.

For the negative part, i must say that it seems like they ran out of money - from the start. Some of the scenes are widely reused, at some point the audio cuts out, and the setting is not scary at all. You know what's coming, the build up is horrible, and they even added "wilhelm scream" when nothing is going on.

The ending was literally confusing and you end up with more questions when the movie finally ends. I can't describe how bad it is, but if you want revenge on your ex, or enemy i highly recommend "Lyst" to them.
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psychological horror / exploitation themed exelence
vampyrius31 December 2017
L see some others on here complain and dont feel this is a horror film, that it isnt scary ..boohoo..l wonder what movies they usually watch.. maybe the plot (great plot btw) is more of a psychological themed one than the standard horror movies.. but the human mind can still be horrific and do terrible this should still be concidered a horror movie in my opinion..especially with the lengths it goes to; both plot wise. and the graphic special fx.. the CONCEPT is SCARY.. the MOOD is dark..the FX are bloody and well done..this IS a horror film!! (well written too l might add) ..As a big fan of exploitation, giallos, mystery, psycho killer movies.. and horror in general, l would say this does the genre good !! a breath of fresh air .. and that is rare today . l really hope this gets a wide audience .. it freaking deserves that !!
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A decent "rape-revenge", but hardly a horror film.
gaylord50922 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
**CONTAINS ONLY MINOR SPOILERS that don't reveal anything vital**

I love rape-revenge movies. I loved "I Spit On Your Grave" (the original), I loved "Ms. 45" and, also worth mentioning as a rape-revenge albeit entirely different from the typical example of the genre: "Irreversible".

"Lust" succeeds at the rape-revenge elements, but fails at being scary. This would have been entirely fine had the film striven to be a pure rape-revenge (s)exploitation; but, rather, it tries to be both a horror and an exploitation, and ends up being what I would refer to as a headless chicken.

The first part of "Lust" is highly mediocre. There are a few jump-scares as we are introduced to Lisa's troubled existence of pills and alcohol. I won't say too much about the plot here, but yes: she has been raped in the past and is now suffering from PTSD and delusions.

The second part, however, is more promising. In certain moments there is even true eeriness present, a rawness I haven't seen in any Norwegian film to date. But this drowns rather quickly in what I feel is the attempt to sustain a horror feel. Eskeland should have made the film a pure rape-revenge, focusing on the more traumatic aspects of the actual rape and on the subsequent revenge, as opposed to focusing on classic horror tension building. The scene where Lisa vomits in the shower after trying to masturbate and get back a healthy association to sex, is a nice touch I would have liked to see more of instead of her screaming in the mirror and attempting suicide and so on.

The film would do nicely with an extra rape scene of some length and a whole second act as the revenge part.

Overall "Lust" is worth watching for fans of the genre. Eskeland deserves respect for having the balls to go that extra mile with the violence compared to other Norwegian films (and to not make it completely tacky in the process). But the extreme revenge scenes, that make up the core of rape-revenge films, were far too few and brief.

"Lust" is a great effort. Hopefully this will pave the way for a true Norwegian "tour de force" at some point down the road.

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Violent. Dark. A Tad Confusing. Beguiling.
mhtmelgar-281-41664910 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a little hard to watch due to the length of violence it goes to and a tad confusing as it tries hard to get your brain to analyze-- so much for mindless viewing for entertainment-- but it really reeled me in. Surprisingly good. Not a "horror' film in the traditional sense, but nevertheless, scary with its psycho killer theme. It's hard to feel for the lead as a victim when she borders into villain as well.
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Relentless second half
SpicyRamenDude27 June 2022
The first half was run of the mill is this is real or nah. The second half was relentless and won't let you chill for a moment. Very good bloody scenes but the continuous money shot made me lose some of my patience lol But at the end I kinda get what she is feeling the feeling of trauma never goes away and everyone is a "suspect". You can kill it but it never really goes away.
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