The Darkness (2016) Poster


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When there is no money for a movie, we get this stuff.
frankblack-7996112 May 2021
While lots of mysterious and intriguing things happen, you won't be satisfied unless you like not getting answers in spades. This is definitely another It comes at night , like other people have noted. At least with that one you get a good idea of what's happening. This one felt like someone really wanted to make a movie but left things undone because of lack of budget. I cant recommend this. Its too bad. Had some great things going for it.
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searchanddestroy-126 September 2020
This is a typical Spânish horror film in the line of IT COMES AT NIGHT, made the same year, and speaking of a very very close topic. I preferred the other one, but this movie from Spain is not bad either, and as any other horror film produced in this country, it presents kids or teens, but not in the same way as the made in US terror flicks. If you watch closely the Spanish features made since decades now, most of them show children, and this one makes no exception at all. I understand that it is not for all audiences because it needs to use some philosophical thoughts to fully get the message of the whole stuff; that I did not succeeded at. It is question of family and relationship between kids and their old man. Many links are available. Yes, it is too much complex to be accepted by most audiences. The Hollywood industry would have never made such a film, or in a different way.
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Visually Stunning
pcgoldcap2 July 2020
A very visually stunning, and moody atmospheric film. Had amazing potential. Should be an 8 but went nowhere and is only a half baked idea. Shame.
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Goes nowhere
badillandres23 May 2021
Interesting at first... Builds up tons of questions to the audience... Then it just finishes, leaving you with a feeling of having waste time in a story that tells you basically the plot: "in an apocaliptic world, a father tries to maintain.his family, his children want to find the truth"... Nothing develops, nothing's ends, you get nothing... Good acting though.
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bvgal-097999 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly the entire movie I was thinking about the little girl and how no one was honestly worried that she was so sick entire literally pause on life and take care of your child bruh.

Its very dreadful, sad, and bleak. Theres potential for more and we never see a creature/monster. The twist could have been better.

Its definitely alot like 'it comes at night' but theres no zombies here. The young actor was good. The father was a total lunatic and honestly film was racked with toxic masculinity haha and control.

Poor little girl was sick entire time. That was the horror part for me =(
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Who needs answers when you can have fog instead?
freqeteq8 February 2021
I don't mind films with narratives that are a bit vague and can be left open to interpretation by the viewer, but there is a limit, and for me this film went way over that limit. It set up compelling mystery after compelling mystery in the first 2 acts then ended abruptly with no answers to any of them. When the film ended I felt cheated, it was like the filmmakers had no idea how to answer any of the mysteries their film had set up in the first 2 acts so decided to not even bother trying and instead introduced even more mysteries into the 3rd act that were left unanswered as well.

I can think of at least half a dozen plot threads in this film that were left unanswered, and I don't just mean left open to interpretation by the viewer, but unanswered. That's not fun, that's not artsy, that's just plain good old fashioned poor storytelling. It's a shame because the first 2 acts that set everything up were so good.

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Nothing happens
raulgfuentesyt6 January 2020
Nothing happens, don't waste your time watching this film. The whole argument could be reduced to 10-15 seconds.
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zozotier20 May 2020
No ending movie are the worst. Why make a movie with no end and not explain the plot...
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Great film!
electronicerin25 January 2020
I'm not sure what reviewers who wrote "boring" or "nothing happens", were expecting, but this film was captivating. It is NOT in the genre of Marvel action films, so don't watch it if thats what you're hoping for. This film would best be described rather, as "understated", "beguiled". Definitely an artful thriller.
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nleal-818735 January 2020
Do not watch this movie, ever!!!!

Plenty waste of not pay attention other reviews, they say good movie I don't know why????
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abdullahemredemir27 August 2018
This is worst film ever. If You look at a wall for 1 hour you make better choose
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kissmewhereithurts19 January 2020
So the Dad wakes up and wanders to the window. At the edge of the screen you can see someone sneaking up on him, I started to get worried until I realized it was the boom mic operator!!! And the movie was doing alright up til then.
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My eyes hurt
musab-karakus27 August 2018
If you got to choose between watching this movie and everything else on this planet. Dont watch this movie.
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So freaking boring !!
batik-8810 June 2020
Most boring movie ever. It does not make any sense.
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Beautiful and thrilling
TereCastelloMagallanes21 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am surprised it got so many negative reviews, I personally enjoyed the photography, the scenery, and the acting. I also loved the dream sequences in the film, sometimes you get tricked into believing the character is actually awake. There are also some puppets which are cool and pretty creepy. I found the film in general, captivating.

First of all, it is not a movie with action, if you are hoping for something fast paced then I would recommend you to watch something else. The film is about a boy growing up in a world where he is forced to believe every single word his father says. He later discovers his father has not been honest and decides to question him and rebel against him. It is a growing up film in post apocalyptic circumstances.

The film starts with an overprotective alcoholic father and his 3 children who live in a cabin in the middle of the woods. The film starts with the four playing hide and seek inside the house. Happy to go for another round of the game, their father, Gustavo, dryly says it's time for bed. We later see the father opens up a door leading to the basement where the children; Argel and Luciana, including his eldest son Marcos, have to sleep. The eldest goes last, glaring at his father as he continues downstairs behind his younger siblings. The father locks the basement tight with a lock.

It is later revealed that there is a monster that lives in the darkness. The children see a wolf in several occasions and weird noises torment the woods and the cabin. The younger siblings are not allowed to get outside, while the eldest, accompanies his father to hunt in order for the family to survive. In the outside world, they use gas masks to explore the woods in search for food. Luciana spends her time collecting insects she finds, while Argel wonders what his big brother Marcos wanted to tell him before going out with their father to hunt. His father later returns without Marcos. When questioned about Marco´s disappearance, his father claims the monster has taken him because he left his side.

Young Luciana gets ill, while she lays with fever she tells her sibling that "the darkness is in his room" explaining no further while she doses off to sleep. Argel starts doubting his father, he questions Marco's disappearance and starts having weird dreams. He also suspects, after encountering two other survivors, that his father is hiding something from them, probably in one of the cabin´s room where his father has forbade them to enter. The two newcomers seem to be the only ones around and claim to have seen Marcos and Argel slowly rebels against his father.
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shelleyhackstar23 November 2019
What a waste of time. I wrote like a wee Spanish movie like The Body, or The Last Days... This was utter crap, pointless and was all over the place. Avoid.
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How stupid can a movie idea be?
greg-295358 June 2021
The earth stopped spinning. Ummmm....ok...all life ends....or if you're a really dumb writer it just gets foggy jnstead....
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prisgrace27 June 2021
If you want to waste your time- by all means, watch this film. If you enjoy over dramatic dark family issues that are captured in a dingy cabin with fog, watch this film. What a waste of film.
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Great acting but poor ending
fredbl-574803 July 2021
This movie had some superb acting, but the story needed some work. There were to many questions left unanswered especially the ending. The rating is purely based on the lack of a cohesive story and ending and is not a reflection of the performance of the actors.
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Creepy noises in a cabin
idonotexist17 June 2023
Can this even be reviewed without spoilers. Well, maybe. Will give it a go.

This had elements going for it. Cast was creepy, location was creepy, lighting was well done.. it did not feel forced. It is a very steady and slow paced flick.

As the movie progresses it begins to build animosity and mistrust between the characters for reasons so preposterous you as the viewer are confused. That stems from the lack of communication between the characters about what is going on around them. That is actually on purpose.. perhaps he is trying to protect the kids, perhaps he doesn't know. Anyway, the man is portrayed as a semi villain yet caring enough of a person. It never really lets the viewer settle on either side of him, you are constantly wondering if somebody will go full postal...

This movie gives you vibes of 10 cloverfield lane where the woman is kept against her will for her safety as she doesn't believe or understand the world. This is very much the same play out here except replace woman with kids. And i don't have an issue with it from an originality or execution side. What i have an issue with is that after it ends you realize it is a big nothingburger. You have no idea what happened, you have no idea what will happen and nothing is explained. There are vague suggestions as to what is going on but none of it really fits together too well. It is so vague and open ended you can fit in any explanation you want and it will probably work... But then, why watch this?

It is a movie with no plot. Just a collection of scenes that lead nowhere. It is unfortunate because the scenes that we have are decently well done. There is that tension, that anticipation, that creepiness.. But ultimately it is wasted because there is no purpose to any of it. It just a movie that never got finished.

This will get your attention and keep it, and then at the end, smack you with a big fat "haha" and go to credits. The haha is the realization you will never get any closure from this. It also felt like a troll, but i have to write it off as incompetence or lack of money. I mean the budged is no more than 200$ for this and they used it all up and had to end it. No other explanation here.

5/10 because what is there is not horrible at all. 5/10 because it will make you hate how it wasted the good things it had going.

Watch it but just expect nothing out of it.
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Slow and deliberate with foreboding instead of monsters
msghall15 January 2020
Too slow a pace almost ruins this study of human behavior in impossible situations. Not entertaining or flashy, this film will not appeal to those looking for a diversion or soap opera.

Technically it is a fine work and emotionally the payoff takes a little too much time for the layers of the story to unwind. Too bad because not many will stick around to ponder the mysteries this movie presents. Only thing is - where does the adult male find all those bottles of booze he drinks throughout?
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Big Suspense, But Falls Flat
denise-nachtigal5 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I keep reading how this is a coming of age movie, but as far as I could tell, the only thing the kid learns is not to trust his dad about EVERYTHING, but maybe some things. That could be enough to make a decent movie, I mean, all kids need to eventually learn that their parents don't know everything and maybe sometimes they omit things to protect us from the harsh realities of the real world.

Except, everything seems to more center around this mysterious thing in the woods that hunts them, and also that the air is toxic outside, (but not really). Not to mention: ~Why does the little sister say "the darkness is inside his (dads) room"?

~Why does dear old dad have an army of creepy marionettes in the attic?

~Why is dad making fake monster noises when there's maybe a real monster out there?

~Why does a wolf keep showing up?

~Why did the strangers say they could take the kid to his brother, but that was a lie? What was the point of that? To just...lure the kid away? What was the plan there exactly? Were they going to eat him? Even when the girl was alone she's still like, "Hey, I can take you to your brother!" So it's not like they were trying to just get into the house. She was trying to LEAVE with him.

~What's the point of the 'earth not revolving' bit? I mean, if I hadn't have read that in the description, I NEVER would have known that because it's never mentioned once anywhere in the movie unless I missed it somewhere? The only thing you know is that it's perpetually dim. It has absolutely no other relevance than to explain the lighting, which is just...why?

The questions go on and on and on but there's really not any answers to any of them. The only thing the kid actually learns is that dad said the monster got the eldest, but actually dad killed him because apparently he wanted to leave and take the siblings with him. I mean, I get not wanting to be alone, but wouldn't it have made more sense to just explain to the oldest that, yea, there's a real monster out here somewhere.

I think.

I'm still not 100% positive on that.

Maybe it was just the wolf that the little girl kept seeing out side the window, but then again it just pops into existence in the basement when dad is trapped down there, so I guess maybe the wolf is just a visualization of some other pending threat.

Whatever. I don't know. This whole thing just started interesting with a lot of mysteries, but then it went like, 45 layers deep or something which is way too deep for my personal tastes. Your mileage may vary, but for me, this just felt like a pretentious, read-between-the-lines, if-you-don't-get-it, you're-just not-deep-enough-to-understand, sort of movie.
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This movie is quite intelligent
jonavanryke14 December 2019
This movie is about trust, adolescence, and like the description coming of age. Great movie ignore the reviews. This is a movie that, requests your ability to think!
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It comes at night
job_ian6 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a one year earlier It comes at night Mexican movie. If you liked, loved or enjoyed It comes at night you should see this awesome movie.
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