"Lucifer" Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil. (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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The first one to shoot at magic hour
quincytheodore2 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It's quite fitting that Lucifer's second episode revolves around paparazzi, glamour and their contrasting underhanded tactics. The narrative is not quite as fast or varied as the pilot, but it does show the cast at more comfortable roles. A couple subplots help on establishing the fancy as well as creepy side of the titular character, and the fine soundtracks are still amiably present.

This one showing dabbles on story of a murder involving paparazzi, which coincidentally relate to Chloe's past. A few moments are given to set how Lucifer fits in investigation. Sure, he has his magical charm as plot device but there is a need for tangible motivation aside from "doing it for the laughs" if he's going for buddy cop theme.

The first episode has more diverse nuance, it hops between scenes with clear objective, while a few of the events here are seemingly repetitive. Of course, they do need to spread the material across episodes but the pace slows down a bit. The upside is Lucifer is steadily going through more moral and personal dilemma, although in a strange way he seems more fallible or dubious in nature, perhaps from all the insinuated sex scenes.

On the other hand, the bits with Chloe's daughter look very good. She represents innocent eyes in the more sinister though partly comical world, and her role is put together with finesse, so it would not be overwhelming or crude. Lucifer's side kick and brother are presentable, they both have certain inhumane aura about them, although here's hoping that it would not be too similar to angels from Supernatural.

Lucifer is still above average from other cop dramas, partially from the eccentricity, but he does need faster pace and wit to consistently obtain the elusive charming shot.
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"Should I stay or go?"
ygwerin127 October 2022
After viewing all of the episodes of this show and now re-watching them, it's clear that the murders aren't necessarily an end in themselves, because there is far more going on than good detectives seeking to solve crimes.

Perhaps the reality is that out here in 'the real world' police detectives aren't really that bothered to do that either, but rather more in making us the public think that is their intention.

A criminal confessed to a crime then why not simply "Case Solved and Closed" making police work that much easier certainly simpler?

That is most certainly what Detectives Espinoza and Decker would have ordinarily have eagerly concurred with, after all its so much easier to simply look for the easy way out why bother to complicate matters by asking any awkward questions?

Lucifer is being pestered by those who are naturally closest to him, being his angelic brother and his hellish cohort Amenadiel and Maze, but also those who desire his contact the lustful shrink Linda Martin.

They are all desperate to get inside his bonce with their own specific rationale, each of them managing to provoke some response though not necessarily the desired one.

They all believe that he is the one changing in his manner, attitude or personality, which may or may not be true, but is he really the only one who is capable of any change?
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Sticky and stinky
cjonesas3 July 2022
Episode 2: Diving and going down already. Losing the steam and tiny momentum that it was having from the first episode. Becoming slightly boring, repetitive with too many characters involved, especially the super uninteresting hell lady and that dark angel whose VFX consist of guess what, nothing.

Show "him" soar and fly up or forever hold your ...
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Warming up nicely.
galaxyharvey13 January 2020
Lucifer really getting into his stride in this episode, the interactions between Lucifer and Maze are electrifying and hint at a depth of intimacy I can't want to see explored in the future. Tom Ellis owns the character, I will never look at the devil in the same way again.
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Jam-packed episode!
VPenndragon7 January 2020
Great repartee between Lucifer and Chloe! I find his snarky humour absolutely delightful!!

This episode, right on the heels of the "Pilot", was packed with humour, instant anger, which brings out the raised voice and the Red Eyes (my weakness) as Lucifer chastises Mazikeen, and GREAT "eyebrow torn"! Our charming Devil is a MASTER at the fine art of "eyebrow torn", and this episode makes use of that art, again, and again. Don't you know that by now? Hmm?

My favourite, most sensuous scene in S1 : E2, occurs when Lucifer is seated at his piano bar in LUX and as Chloe approaches, Lucifer inhales deeply, with eyes closed; then turns and smiles as he says, "Hello, Detective." There are no words exchanged until he turns his head to speak to her.

Even though Lucifer finds Detective Decker "wildly irritating" . . . he also notes that "there is something about her that vexes me".

Now, all this begs the question . . . "What do I do with her?"
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Wanna start from scratch!
kremona-2672912 May 2021
I can't watch from the start! No way to open full series from season 1...only trailers!

Kinda dissapointed...😒
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If I dont affect you..
croakedit26 December 2019
Roots of puzzles in this episode. Worth watching to get some perspective into the series. Characters start to get interact more.
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tenshi_ippikiookami30 June 2016
The second episode of Lucifer presents the same problems that the pilot, and it may become a stale idea pretty soon if they don't improve things.

The son of a movie star is killed, but the paparazzi that was behind the accident may not be the real culprit. Chloe and Lucifer decide to investigate.

The episode has some good moments: the relationship between the characters is a little bit more developed, there are some funny moments, the acting isn't great but isn't horrible (Lucifer's Tom Ellis seems a little bit more confident in his role). But the problems are still big: lame mystery, not very good plot development (cheap situations and "surprises"), more moments not funny than the other way around and, really, Lucifer is changing?; they couldn't come up with nothing more original?

It is still acceptable enough, but if they don't improve soon, there won't be much to make it special.
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Pilot to this episode - lost some zest
seanpatrix-518-1508142 February 2016
When I was watching the pilot - I was not wanting it to end. Tom Ellis is absolutely perfect in this role. I could barely contain myself for the next episode, and that doesn't happen often. That being said, something was seriously amiss with this episode in comparison. It seemed very rushed, the original 'zest' in the pilot was barely there. Make-up and lighting was totally off. One of the lead characters seemed incredibly off, if not a bit sketchy. I had to watch the pilot again just to compare. I hope future episodes can pull it together and bring back what was so awesome in the pilot. Perhaps it is merely a case of the editing, or a different filming crew, but something was definitely missing in the episode.
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Episode 3
ccb-1559310 February 2016
When the 1st episode comes out I was ecstatic, I even watch the leak episode and it lives up to the hype it procured on the trailer, but then after watching episode 2 and 3, I recognize a pattern a pattern where thrill and suspense come to die. I can't even finish the episode 3 due to its predictability.

Crime > Detective try to solve it> Lucifer try to help > some drama > and crime is solved, SHOCKING!>

I've waited one year for this, I hope something will change. But I suppose it will not since the majority of people already rating it with very high amount of stars, I wonder if it's real.
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Absolute Garbage!!! Bad acting, bad plot, REALLY bad characterization
topper24hours9 February 2016
So..... I absolutely LOVE the character Lucifer. I read all 75 issues of the acclaimed Mike Carey comic book that this is loosely based off of & I adored it. This "Lucifer" is GARBAGE!!!! Bland.... randomly cares about stupid things that are beneath him. Is unrealistic an OK word to describe fictional characters?? Lol. Ugggggggh.... OK, (very minor scene description: NOT a spoiler), but Lucifer deciding to "prank" a street preacher by getting in his head, was silly, embarrassing, campy, frat-boyish, & in no way dark, badass, or edgy. THAT is the character. A frat boy that is the devil. Yuck! Puke. TERRIBLE!!!! Ffs, the "PRINCE OF LIES" actually chastises the phony street preacher & delivers the line: "I hate liars!" (non-ironically) before scaring him to "teach him a lesson". Wtf????!!!! Are you for serious??! Vomit. This show SUCKS!!!!!!!!! Then they took the AMAZING character Mazikeen (Google it... she ROCKS), who follows Lucifer from hell as his loyal bodyguard, & DESTROYS her... making her a token weak/sexy female "eye candy" character, nicknamed "Maze" & constantly horny. Ummmmmmm.... no. Just no. A thousand times, NO! Mazikeen is the quiet, stolid, merciless, possibly more badass even than Lucifer, no joke (literally & figuratively) of a bodyguard. Savage! Her one key trait was that she wears a mask on earth - showing one half of her flawless gorgeous face, and covering the other half- that is horribly disfigured down to nerves & bones. In the comic; scenes showing her and Lucifer kiss were somehow both sexy AND disturbing. Sadly, this show has her kinda in a "stripper/bartender" type of role, rather than bodyguard. While Lucifer is not a serious, enigmatic, powerful & formidable being - he is a jokester, making many, many, many (truthfully... almost ALL of his dialogue) unfunny attempts at snark and repeatedly trying desperately to impress humans by saying again and again "I really am the devil, guys!". What drivel!!!!! It is HORRENDOUS. I watched all of episode one & part of episode two before getting too angry, and coming here instead. Do NOT waste your time on this teratism of a show that should have been mercifully aborted as a fetus. It couldn't be worse.
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