Cosmos Laundromat (2015) Poster

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Can we get chapter 2
harmony_star-8235617 September 2019
At first I was like "wha the actual..." by the time 12 minutes was up I wanted more. Only to be disappointed that there isn't any. What happens to him? Who is that salesman? What else is going on in that laundromat? I NEED To KNOW.
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Cosmos Laudromat, Excellent Start.
snarkyphilo13 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The animation and style in this is phenomenal! A very promising start that utilizes an attention to detail, and texture, particularly with Frank, such as the individual hairs on this sheep's face and his wild wool, and in particular his eyes, which were well rendered in this great close up moment as he contemplates Victor's words. The colour in this pops at you in both setting of mood and a sense of the saturated trippy fantastical when Frank's ride arrives. Everything about this is a visual treat that keeps the eye riveted; you can tell the animators put a great deal of effort into this.

The sound in this was very well done. The music by Sebastien Krause was perfect; adding an extra touch of wow to the moment when the vortex descends and chases after Frank, with the backup of Frank's fellow sheep in chorus was a nice touch.

The premise of the story is intriguing, using a rather unique character, and the set up for what is to follow does well to incite interest, neatly starting Frank onto his journey and providing a good cliffhanger segway for the next instalment. The only problem I can see is that the sheep somehow inexplicably knew that the device would take him somewhere, but it never readily explained how the sheep knew that what Victor offered him would do anything at all and that he wasn't just some crazy person tying something to this neck. The dialogue between Frank and Victor could have been a bit more filled out. Otherwise, it doesn't overly take away from the enjoyment of it, and will perhaps be better handled in the next instalments.

The individual characters introduced so far are good, Victor comes across with just the right amount of intrigue, presented in a manner that explains what he is without outright stating it while his motivations appear to be yet to be realized. Frank being a suicidal sheep of all things combines a sense of depressive comic tragedy about him. Right off he is presented as a creature that struggles, and boy howdy does he! When he drags that broken branch he had tried to hang himself on, you practically feel this guy's determined effort as he pulls that heavy thing across the island to the cliffs, panting and struggling with everything in him. You just want to know what this guy's deal with wanting to die is, and hopefully one of the other contributors this project will take the time to flesh out Frank's motivation.

Overall this is an animation to look forward to with each progression, where it goes and how the other contributors will add to this wonderful project.

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"Part 2" is up!
mikeferguson7 March 2020
Just watched this for the first time ever (3-6-20, on NetFlix in 4K HDR), and I think it is a beautiful, elegant allegory; although I was at first confused why no one seemed to be named "Cosmo"...then I figured that part out! For those who admired the artwork, but were disappointed by what they felt was an abrupt and inconclusive ending, may I suggest that they, like Franck, accept the story as a springboard to a new way of looking at themselves and the world around them - a rebirth of sorts - and that they all write the ending that best fits for them? I don't believe the filmmakers ever intended to do it for, like life itself, just enjoy the ride for what it is, folks! Peace. MFF/Hawaii
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I thought this would be better
Horst_In_Translation23 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
These 12 minutes are the newest release from the successful Dutch production company Blender Foundation. Back in 2012, they stepped into the new area of live action movies, but with "Cosmos Laundromat", they are back to animation. Unfortunately, it is not really a successful return. I do not think that this is on par with "Big Buck Bunny" or even the outstanding "Sintel". Certainly disappointing as director Mathieu Auvray and writer Esther Wouda are both fairly experienced filmmakers and the inclusion of the pretty well-known actor Pierre Bokma to voice the main character is an interesting one as well. But all this is not enough, if the story is just not as interesting, smart and emotional enough. From the technical perspective, Blender delivers as usual. Nothing wrong with the visual side of the film at all. Still, my overall verdict is: Not recommended and if they really make a sequel as it is implied at the end, I am not sure if I have an interest in watching it.
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Strange and goes nowhere
garabedian1231 August 2019
But really good...The devil...and a sheep..Would love to see the rest of the story..or more stories if this was only a short
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Pointless and disappointing
Snootz9 May 2016
I'm not a film student, a film art fanatic or an expert in these things. I'm just an everyday Joe watching a video. I don't care who the director is (unless he does a very good job on the video), what his past is, how experimental something is supposed to be. When I watch a film I look for good directing, good plot, and a purpose. Film for art-sake leaves me cold. Life is too short to watch pointless videos.

I'm no prude... but it's getting pretty sad when they can't make an animation without dropping the F-bomb. The animation on this is acceptable-- and even exceptional when they do a close-up on Frank's face. Other than that not much to see here. There's no indication up front this is a series, so the ending winds up being a no-plot nonsensical letdown. The entire video consists of primarily two scenes: a field of sheep and a laundromat (well a third scene, but spoilers).

While the premise is semi-interesting, the fact that they never really take it anywhere or explain anything quickly dissolves any expectations one may have in this. The high point of the video quickly turns (literally) into something that makes no sense. It's not funny, it's not impressive, it's not moving. It just is.

I appreciate "outside the box" as much as anyone and have enjoyed many cerebral, difficult-to-grasp animations, scifi and fantasy films. But there's nothing to see here. Move along, move along.
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Outstanding Animation
kjdavis-9347226 August 2018
This is the beginning of something new- literally, there's a second part. Not sure if it's on Netflix so I can't say I'm too motivated to seek out the second part, or sure if it's even out yet. But what I am sure of is that the animation of this project is a gift to the eyes, the dialogue is fantastic, and the characters are so very curious. I did have questions at the end, I wasn't terribly inspired but was certainly entertained. Fantastic short!
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Its so beautiful
pikiapegacorn20 January 2020
I want more we need a lot more.. it had me on edge from th first few seconds to the end which i personally felt like it shouldnt of ended it needs more. Could be an amazing show or movie.. i dont care which but we need more
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Kirpianuscus19 June 2018
A surprise. or a collection of surprises. that is all. reference to Little Prince. the amazing texture of hair of Victor. admirable animation. and the inspired music. the seductive absurde. the colors reminding teenager party. and the right Frank. from existential dillema to a form created for surprise it. a salesman so seductive. and vulnerable. a misterius operation. and the answers. in the next episode. short, wow !
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All Style, No Substance
armandlust6 October 2019
I love animation. I especially like discovering a new animator. Unfortunately, this isn't one that I will look up in the future. The animation was gorgeous, but the story just stops. If there was a part two, maybe that would make this abrupt ending acceptable, but since this one was released 4 years ago, I'm going to guess that part two is never coming out. Would it really have killed the animators/writers to write a complete story? Add in a minute or two to explain what that was? When I was younger, I would have rewatched this, tried to glean a deeper meaning, assumed I lacked an understanding of art and raved over the brilliance. Now I know better. The conclusion was a chintzy shortcut for a production team that didn't know how to write a satisfying, comprehensible ending. I wondered how this short could have gotten such a high rating, but then I noticed only 374 people have rated it. That's probably friends and family of the production. If you're a fan of animation, it is pretty to look at and has a nice style and it's only twelve minutes of your time.
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mixedace21 February 2021
This 12 minute short film was Amazing. The idea in itself. Every minute had me more intrigued. I dont know why its been so many years and it hasn't been completed. Im begging for more. I know if I was rich, I'd definitely invest! I cant wait to see where this goes! This shouldn't be a lost project! This is definitely award winning! Please complete soon! Im begging!
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It must be European
ersbel17 January 2021
It must be European. There is no story, but boy the makers are so proud they could do with the hairs what Disney was doing 20 years ago!
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