Strangers at the Door (2017) Poster

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Bizarre socialist tirade.
DomsDad25 September 2019
Halfway through the movie we are treated to a bizarre anti-capitalist tirade between two of the bad guys. What the hell was that!?
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Odd attempt at character development.
HeatherK200715 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The storyline, in itself, wasn't horrible and for that reason alone, I was able to make it to the end. However, the development of the characters was odd and uncomfortable. Conversations that didn't seem to fit, but were obviously an attempt to build their history and a backstory, never quite hit the mark. Instead, they were unnatural and awkward and felt like a poorly written book with actors/actresses struggling to make it sound believable.

I actually care less about the quality of the cinematography than the script. I can forgive how the movie looks, but can't get past those weird conversations.

One last thing that was really disturbing to me was the final death. All these seemingly educated people and none of them attempting CPR on someone they wanted to live. Not enough blood to convince me that person bled out, and yet no attempts to revive. Lame.
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I made it 8 minutes
tsmikrmej23 October 2020
I got exactly 8 minutes in (line is 'Noooooooo let me goooooo') and it's unwatchable. I like bad horror movies, trust me. I like schlocky, low budget slashers, hokey ghost stories, silly zombie movies- but this is not even bad in a good way. It's just bad. How do movies like this even get made? It's like a freshman film student's midterm project or something. I've seen better acting in porno movies. One highlight is the lady doing the weather on tv- yikes. Honestly, there are thousands of good (and bad) movies out there that are watchable and worth your time. Not this. Cutting my losses at 8 minutes. You've been warned.
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This is a terrible movie!!!
cheefn2717 May 2019
Im not really sure how this movie is rated so high on IMDb. It's really bad. The acting, the writing... really bad. If you don't believe me then rent it and see for yourself. It's bad
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Oh come on
haskel-7295124 September 2019
When your grandma gives you a thousand bucks and you know a guy that owns a decent camera...That is the best synopsis I can think of. Any and all positive reviews are from cast and crew.
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Good storyline, terrible acting
phyllisbasso20 April 2021
This movie had potential to be a good movie. The storyline is good, but the acting is so terrible it ruined the whole thing. The acting is so bad it's hard to watch.
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Yikes....its bad, BUT!
adamgray-5678526 October 2020
The opening credits' dark synth music was good to me. Movie is not my cup of tea. Not going to slam it, it has to be good to someone.... On Sullivan's Movie Scale it is a solid 1.5/7.
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Absolutely pathetic!
brazlee2 April 2020
HORRIBLE acting, irrelevant dialogue, only good thing I can remotely think of is the camera work wasn't awful... Decided to watch it because I was bored...honestly not possible to be that bored again!
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"Greed described as capitalism"
hwg1957-102-2657045 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Three burglars wearing ebony masks break into a quiet suburban home but one of them has more on his mind than simple robbery. It had the glimmering of an interesting movie but is let down by the ineffective acting, the uninspired script and the poor music score. There is potential in the idea of the unintended consequence of one's actions but it is clumsily developed.

At one point in the film two of the burglars launch into a diatribe about capitalism that comes out of nowhere. It reminded me of similar non sequitur rants in a Neil Breen movie and thus came out as hilarious. Although the director tries to generate suspense the film is rather mundane.
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Refreshing Home Invasion Thriller
darcyweir18 December 2020
I watched this cool thriller with my girlfriend the other night and we found it pretty entertaining. Some cool twists that you wouldn't expect at first glance, and the ending has a rewarding payoff. Check it out!
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Great Plot, Terrible Acting
l_chuma9 May 2019
The plot and script was great. The acting was terrible. You can clearly see that this is a low budget film. If they had the money for better actors, cameras, and equipment, it would have been great.
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solidabs3 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just awful. Only decent part was the brother killing the three home invaders. I saw some idiot who gave this a ten saying it was the best twist ever. There was NO twist whatsoever. Ignore the fake 10s from the production clowns.
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Better than I expected
lpyles-514-37364427 April 2021
Because this isn't my preferred genre, I will give this a neutral "5" score. I went into it with trepidation, but it turned out to be more nuanced and thoughtful than I anticipated. Gore fans might be disappointed, I suppose, if they were expecting more "slasher" vibe. My only quibble was with sometimes repetitive dialogue. The story had substance, though, and while not all the acting was perfect, most of it was satisfactory and the lead, Manuel Garcia, can be singled out as a fine actor. For the micro-budget and sparse crew involved, I was impressed with the lighting, sound, and cinematography. So many low budget films sound like they were filmed in a bathroom or are so poorly lit that the viewer can't see what's going on. I appreciate the skill shown, and the general story, and I will bet that the next film will be even better.
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olivermeier-7073331 March 2023
My own fault, I knew what I was getting into but at the beginning in the car caught my interest and I gave it a chance. As soon as heard an actor say "just like old times" I knew it was going to disappoint. I continued as far as I could. I honestly tried to keep watching it even after I heard the other "actors" speak in the house. It was like they had no acting experience at all,not a single one of the six. The background music was terrible and the movie seemed to be filmed by a high school student trying to get an art credit. Incredible as it progressed it got worse. The movie would be suitable for a Drive In theater for laughs or ignoring if you are a new couple. Final verdict was I shut it off at 14 minutes and 12 seconds,I didn't want to know what happens next .
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nikki-mook27 April 2019
No spoilers but I LOVED IT! I was at the edge of my seat the entire time. I have to say, I did NOT see that twist OR that resolution! I can't wait to watch it again during this rainy, east coast weekend. So much for enjoying a peaceful night at home. You think you get up every day and go about your life with no repercussions? Well, think again? This quiet, unassuming family finds out quickly how the smallest "omission" can turn their lives upside down. Sit back, buckle in, and ride out the storm. You won't be disappointed. Oh, and lest ye forget...what goes around...comes around!
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Powerful and moving!
michellybean17 May 2019
Very well written story line and effective soundtrack. Excellent acting and great cinematography. I was on the edge of my seat throughout the whole movie!
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Strangers At The Door
rj_daniel31 August 2019
Creatively shot! Great actors! Awesome director!😎🍻
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Waiting For The Review
jeremyahayden1326 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is as suspenseful as it gets. A family's quiet evening at home does not go s planned when 3 masked and armed men force their way in the home and hold the family hostage. The ring leader who is named Victor (Manuel Garcia) has a personal vendetta against John (George Miller). He tortures the family and patriarch while his cronies Marco (William Johnson-Ofoegbu) and Ian (Jeremy Hayden) ransack the house looking for valuables. All this goes on with the rest of the family Connie (Rachel Salinas) and Yvette (Valerie Salazar) helplessly look on. Their only hope is the remaining member of their family Stephen (Chris Gonzales) a former Marine.
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Low budget, but probably the best story twists in years!
julli-517 May 2019
A family becomes the victims of a home invasion, and it may be the best thriller that I have seen for years. The movie has more than one twist, and the story is really well written. I don't think that I will say more about the story, except that you will be surprised if you go watch it. I hope that we will see more from the team like this since there has gone to much Hollywood in the movie industry, and its like most films are the same story, just with different costumes, and expensive CGI. If you want to see a honestly good creative story, that also is well played, then this is the movie for you!
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Great Thriller
trulymagellangal31 August 2019
I liked this movie more than I expected. My daughter showed it to me and even though I have issues with bloody movies, this one was not that bloody and had an interesting twist in the middle. I was also surprised how low the budget was.
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