Someone Somewhere (2019) Poster

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Cheeky / 'clever' conceit for (Stateside) 'big break' hope(less!) hopefuls: hence = utter tedium!
Bofsensai11 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear: yup, 'someone, somewhere' may well be fooled into investing their time to sit down and try to 'enjoy' this; but presumably titled as actually referencing that "someone, somewhere" (in this profession) is struggling, (losing!) ... then, well, really, 's'truth, please be advised: Finnish moviemaking does produce some insouciant irrelevancies to foist onto patient audiences in its cinematic offerings!

Although in its defence, it does seem to be warning right near the start with the first of its several inter-title breaks: "Someone, somewhere -(so, see: its title)- is looking for exactly what you have to offer (sounds encouraging, huh? But:)

  • following black inter-title break

OR NOT"!!!

+ "If people think you can't -(inter-title break)- they might have a point."

Well, vain niin, aivan! = For, on this, absolutely yeah!

So, there you go: this itself warns anyway right upfront, immediately: this is virtually totally tedious to pointless to bother to try and sit through seeking some semblance of satisfaction (let alone, enjoyment) .. That is: UNLESS; you happen to be a struggling (hopeful/less?!) actor / cum entertainer: Coz then, probably utterly essential for you to view:

for, the - clever, in its niche - conceit here is that said 'hopeful' actors/entertainers oft, well, struggle to get any 'break' and / or experience on their resumes, don't they, with just interviews / part readings and such 'not make it to the big time' likes .. so, what better (clever) idea than to make a film exactly about said type strugglers so that, hey presto, (well that's a happy coincidence then, innit?) that these on the whole otherwise complete losers - (well, portrayed as - do check Miska - and his 'girlfriend's inept joke telling ANTI comedy!) - then i.e. Now with this, instantly get a legitimate film acting credit in ... Yup; a sort of hung up by your own bootstraps type of casting and reasoning.

Clever (or rather, cheeky!), you see?

But, having admitted / assessed that, thereby, fair warning: not in the least interesting to tolerate to anyone else - precisely because these are 'performances' by up and coming, erstwhile UNsuccessful (failure) performers (so it would seem - or else, then they played their roles so convincingly so i.e. Enervatingly indeed)!

But so; if you were one of these, or from that milieu, you may find something of value to invest your time (learn?!) in watching through this otherwise completely utter tedium:

As, since I (most unfortunately!) did, I can share for those that might still wish to likewise waste their time so, almost all I could notably get out of it:

along with the marginally amusing, at times admittedly almost insightful inter-title aphorisms (example: "The ladder of success -(break)- is never crowded at the top" and in relation, another warns: "Success is -(break)- how high you bounce when you hit the bottom" Well, right!), were: the commonly, Stateside insincere / overly enthusiastic - "You were chosen out of 10,000 videos"! - persona like (aging) agent Arlene (Parness* - seemingly playing herself, then, as most, using their own names), who had coaxed over 'the Finn' (non!) hopeful, Milla (Nurmi in the film, but real name, Puolakanaho, so again, presumably, possibly, playing her - real life, actor hopeful - self?): yet so successful in her agent representation that she slept in her car.

Perhaps best was what surely had to be a (admittedly quite arch observation / commentary on) brief showing of this film's actual, real director himself (Hannu Aukio), slinking (nude) out of the room in which another young hopeful Ali (Pickard) has obviously just 'slept with' him, to the shock dismay of her erstwhile boyfriend who, unaware he's actually just walked in on her flagrante delicto, just declared his love for her. I.e. If not stating the obvious here = yup, sleeping with the (real!) director to get ya onscreen break (in this film = ah, ho, ho, with no doubt director self cast?!)

And on, likely unintentional, humour (perhaps?) in the Finn hopeful becoming homesick once she realises she's been fooled and / or just not gonna cut it - "I'm just not good enough - I just have to accept that" (Right!) she opines at one point before breaking down into tears - so wants to come back home, and on telling her husband through 'skyping', he ('s directed to) makes it so obvious he not only is perturbed she's gonna return sooner than he expected (make a guess as to why..?), also wants to get away from talking to her, so obviously checks out his watch clearly to be seen doing so on the skype screen! I.e. Besides who wears watches now anyway, even if needed to know the time so, surely would check it surreptitiously offscreen - and in any case: there's a clock timer on all screens isn't there? (scriptwriter Alexis Kerouac .. et al, apparently.)

SO: other than that, this is a total theft of any viewer's time investment, to the extent that my frank (casting!) advice is, unless you are indeed part of this stateside starstruck hopeful milieu, clever for them it may be, but for anybody (almost everyone?) else: AVOID!!!

(As even director / auteur / scriptwriter themselves at it's close, acknowledge: "Fail, Fail, fail .." (YUP!!) - well, I'll leave the last inter-title comeback for you find out yourself if such intrigues...)

* OH: although if you are a zombie fan, completist, besides Arlene's - surely (hopefully?) deliberately and not reality chosen - appalling make up appearance, you may wish to catch / know, there is one section where one hopeful (Corsica Wilson - again, in keeping with the conceit set up here, presumably playing herself) gets zombified make-up so to (hopefully) appear in a scene shown as being directed by a surely deliberately chosen George Romero lookalike (Hoppy Stone?).

N. B. Here's some of those arch inter-titles, presumably incisively supplied by scriptwriter Kerouac: "A certain darkness -(break)- is needed to see the stars." And "You decide the level of your happiness." Well, right (Yah hah!) But did I need to watch a film to be so enlightened?

In a (shout out loud!) word: NO!
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