Another Forever (2016) Poster

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REALLY boring!
alewis9722414 April 2017
Okay, I was interested in this movie as I lost my dear sweet husband of 34 years about a year ago and I wondered if this might be an interesting take on this inevitable situation (I mean, sooner or later we will ALL deal with death in our lives). This was NOT the ticket. This movie moved at a snail's pace pretty much all the way through. And honestly, of course we are devastated when we lose the love of our life but who carries their grief to this extreme? Life moves on and so do we! Just a poor excuse of self-pity, in my opinion, with no point to this movie at all. Don't waste your time.
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Absolutely the most boring film I have EVER watched
harriettsennett13 April 2017
The worst film I have ever seen without a doubt. I have literally just easted a hour and half of my life watching this boring story line... well I say sorry line, but it hardly has one! There is hardly any words spoken throughout, No story line, Boring, Doesn't reach out to the audience, Would give it less that 1 star if I could!
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Bad, bad soundtrack
yanikpeterli4 July 2017
This movie has the worst soundtrack, so bad it was distracting. I was cringing throughout every pseudo country song . The movie was definitely amateurish, but kind of sweet. The soundtrack, however destroyed much of the beautiful scenery. The actors are okay, the movie is very slow but that's not the problem. Seriously, without those cheesy songs it could have been artsy, even.
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Franklie27 March 2017
This started out SO slowly that I considered giving up and am very glad that I didn't.

It is quiet, slow, very moving, gets worrisome & suspenseful in the middle, refreshingly clean, and beautiful - both the locations and the story.

Makes one wish we all had friends like that and time to regroup when faced with grief. Those who have not experience this level of grief, won't get it, but those that have will appreciate it.
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Very intimate experience
antonellacadastros18 April 2017
This movie made me reflect about love and loss and at the same time the value of friendship. It also showed the importance of accepting what has happened in order to allow oneself to move on. It has few characters and less dialogue, which I personally like, which allowed me to focus on the true message of the film. Beautiful locations and scenery help to complete the story.
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Moments "for ever"
vineyfig-8478711 January 2019
My wife and I very much liked this film. So much we have been talking about it off and on ever since watching it a week or so ago. However, I can understand why some viewers find it boring. It offers no exciting twists of plot, no thrilling chase scenes, indeed for long takes hardly any dialogue. Instead, we are introduced to a very attractive and likable loving couple, John and Alice, then almost immediately invited to share Alice's grief when John dies, and then to follow Alice's passage from hopeless devastation to launching a new life for herself.

I think it would be helpful for a viewer choosing whether to watch a film or not, to have some idea of what to expect about how the film works. So here are the basics (my take) I see going on in "Another Forever."

Following an opening pan of a cemetery, which tells us someone important has died, there are two thematically important scenes. In the first, a door is flung open and John and Alice enter their new and as yet unfurnished apartment. The theme announced is "passage," moving from one place to another, starting anew, perhaps making a new life. This kind of image and this theme - travel, passing through doorways, finding one's way through strange places and passageways - is repeated throughout the film. Even the conveyances by which travel is made - planes, cars, boats, bicycles, and at the end even the crunching of Alice's shoes on a gravel road - become thematically significant.

The journey metaphor is almost inevitable. To avoid sinking into utter despair at the loss of a loved one, we must somehow "move on," "get beyond" the pain. But we must not simply forget, simply push away from consciousness that which we treasured but have lost. The other crucial scene at the beginning addresses this aspect of the journey. We see John hanging a picture on a wall. It depicts a woman seen from behind, leaning on and looking out from a windowsill. John tells Alice the picture fascinates him with the notion of making a viewer an "observer of someone observing" something else. This is exactly the position of anyone viewing this film. We observe Alice as she travels from scene to scene, place to place; we don't see (or hear) what her "observations" - that is, thoughts - are, but we do see frequent short flashback scenes as she recalls episodes from her past life with John. The "picturing" metaphor is worked out in the film through John's being a professional photographer, and Alice on her travels having a significant encounter with another photographer.

The title "Another Forever" is something of a puzzle. Do we ever have anything "for ever?" Or do we have only the moment, this moment? Or are those even the right questions? Following - and through the magic of fine cinema vicariously but intensely sharing - in Alice's difficult and beautiful journey, my wife and I had to think again about such questions.
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Highly recommended movie.
magonzalez_co24 March 2017
"Another Forever." A film that touches one on the skin, and the film to feel and to feel oneself. The film was designed to touch a deep side of the human soul. Another Forever offers the possibility of instants to identifying ourselves with: loss, silence, wondering, travel, lightness, sadness, illusion, friendship, depression, instants, places, discover, grays, reflections, the past ...
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Very deep and Interesting!
drvaliati24 April 2017
The first thing that caught my eye was the photography and music, they play an important role throughout the film, filling in the gaps between the dialogues. I think that most people can relate to the protagonist's suffering, while watching the movie I found myself imaging what I would do if I was in her shoes. A movie that make's one think about life and the people who are important to us. A nice film.
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Much deeper than your typical movie!
marisagasparin20 April 2017
This movie makes you think about the important topics of mourning and depression and shows a woman's struggle to overcome them. The scenery was amazing and the soundtrack helps to tell the story and express the emotions that the protagonist feels throughout the film. The slow interpretation gave me time to think and reflect about my own life and experiences. Definitely a different type of film, I really liked it.
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A beautiful and profound film.
rosahelenafigueiredo19 April 2017
This film made me think deeply about life and the loss of loved ones. A situation that all of us will experience during our time here. I was truly impressed with the beautiful photography and locations. The soundtrack was truly moving and helped me to feel the depths of the protagonists pain and mourning. It is a film that involves the viewer and makes us realize the importance of true friendship.
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charleshurstauthor27 April 2017
What a beautiful film of love lost in the most horrific way and the slow struggle to step back to the gates of normality. Writing, acting, production-the intent to give an effect to those of us who have lost someone dear hit the head squarely. This is one of those indie type films that has few characters,not a lot of time but greatness in magnitude.

For anyone who has lost someone close you will feel the slow kinetic kinship with these characters who struggle with the essence of inner turmoil when life's most pertinent truth falls upon us suddenly.

Bravo to the cast, writers and producers of such a magnetic piece of work
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What an interesting (yet true) account of widowhood...
Beautiful movie...Traces a great love through untimely death to forever after memories of an almost middleage woman as she experiences grief and memories in traveling to meet a very old, very dear friend who will understand.

Been there -- Exact story almost - Very, very accurate depiction and poignant and meaningful beyond words.

Thank you Juan Zapata for capturing the realty of losing a great love, truly, before their "time". One of life's worst events for many of us...
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Amazing and beautiful acting - especially Barbara!!!
laurawjc20 April 2017
Beautiful and amazing acting, especially Barbara! This is a film that I want all of my friends to go see and support. Life is short and we would all be much better off if we learn to value the things that are most important in life. Relationships are much more important than things, and loss is a profound and life changing event.
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