Imposters (TV Series 2017–2018) Poster


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Cancelled?! Damn, that sucks!
GKoeneke21 April 2019
This show is fun, smart and funny. The con artist world in full "Bloom". I was disappointed to see it was cancelled after season 2. Given the date, I don't think another network has picked it up. I'm kind of hoping Netflix, Hulu or Amazon might pick it up and save it. Bravo is a real fringe network and the following seems to be pretty good even without that. It would play well on one of those three streaming services. I hate to see a good series get dumped because of an obscure channel. Warehouse 13 died that way. Amazon did step in and save the Expanse so, there is still hope. It might help that Uma Thurman has signed to do a horror series on Netflix. Maybe she can get them to pick this up and make Lenny the new boss or team lead.
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Great little show!
ddsdestri23 February 2017
Every main character is very interesting in their own way, it's quite diverse and the series is showing a complexity that I'd never have guessed at from just the first episode. I'm really enjoying the relationships and dynamics between its characters.

As far as con TV shows go this one has a lot of potential to be great.

You know you're hooked on a show when its third episode ends and you get really upset that you've got to wait another week to just watch more of it.
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Better than you think.
nfect-157-483516 March 2017
I started watching "Imposters" while I was working on a project. I usually put on a movie or a TV show to have something going on in the background, so I picked Imposters with no real expectations. I watched the first episode wondering if I was really gonna watch this, it looked "dull" and "fake" somehow. I thought it was bad acting, but in fact, it was excellent acting and bad writing decisions overall. Since I didn't even know the pitch of that show, I had no idea what was really going on. The "fake" acting was totally a part of it ! I watched episode 2 and it started to make sens, now I've just seen them all to the 6th episode, this TV show is a gem. Every episode brings a new surprise, it's funny and dark, smart and silly. I'm looking forward to the next episode. I'm kind of sad that it got such low rating on IMDb, but I believe, like me, people after watching the first episode had the same feeling as I did. This show deserves 8+. Don't miss it !
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Sad it got cancelled.
claireaemcgee20 February 2019
I enjoyed the main trio of actors and discovering more about each character. Obviously every show has ridiculous, dramatic twists and turns but it was entertaining watch. Enough to keep me engaged and wanting to see a little bit more. It couldn't go on for too long but I wish it had lasted at least another season.
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Pleasantly Surprised: Grade B (82%)
johnh2225 February 2017
I read "dark comedy" in the description of this show and almost moved on, but this show is different than some dark comedies that tend to be too cynical for me, like the "War of the Roses." There are no mean spirited gags that make some characters unlikable.

This show reminds me a little of "The Grifters" meets "Pretty Woman." A light drama with comedic elements.

Surprisingly poignant moments and very good character development won me over.
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Fun And Games Ahead
atlasmb8 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love stories about cons. Especially long cons. The longer the better. When they are done well, I find them fascinating--like "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" or "House of Games" or "Grifters".

"Imposters" starts with a married couple, blissfully happy newlyweds Ezra (Rob Heaps) and Ava (Inbar Lavi) Bloom. They say ignorance is bliss. It doesn't take long for Ezra to discover his blushing bride has skipped with all of his liquid assets. He is an emotional wreck. But he finds purpose when another victim named Richard (Parker Young) shows up, looking for Ava.

The first episode also introduces us to Ava's team of con artists(which includes Katharine LaNasa, who was so remarkable in "Satisfaction").

The cast is one of this show's strong points. Ms. Levi is enchanting as the evil enchantress, Rob Heaps is attractive but has an everyman charm, Parker Young (who played a likable dolt in "Suburgatory") is convincing as a former jock. The credits promise some casting surprises.

The show's premise is interesting and scenes from future episodes indicate increasing complexity in the story lines. It's best not to know too much before watching a new show, so I will write nothing more about the plot.

But I will definitely be watching this very watchable cast.

Update 3/2/17: Now that a few episodes have aired, I am upping my grade to "9" because the show is very engaging. I find myself anxiously awaiting each new episode. The cast is excellent.
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well written
par22217 March 2017
All the characters are written multifaceted, thus requiring the actors to bring their "A" game which they do! The plots are new and inventive and you really don't see anything coming before it hits you. You hate to have the episode come to an end because you can't wait a week to see what happens next. Each episode runs you through the gamut of emotions, and never once does it seem contrived. You find yourself identifying with each character at various times.
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First season way better.
adamrichardson-7570419 January 2021
First season is like an 8.5 or 9. The 2nd season just wasn't that great. finish it. Do wish it came back for a season 3 though.
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Funny and engaging for the first season, then less so
cherold1 March 2017
Imposters stars Inbar Lavi as a con-woman able to be a rich person's perfect romantic partner before skipping out with their money. In season one she works on her next victim while three former victims hunt her down. This nutty story fueled primarily by the charm of its principles.

Lavi is perfect as the girl who is easy to love. Often you would expect this part to go the route of the femme fatale; an intimidating, sexy, mysterious woman. But Lavi is sweet and lovable, which is much truer to what men actually go for (remember, in Gilligan Island polls, men were hotter for girl-next-door Maryanne than sex bomb Ginger).

Her pursuers have an easy rapport as they bumble their way towards a woman they all clearly love. In a ridiculous but clever turn, the three decide to con people along the way. While they hunt Inbar down, she finds that there is more to her current con than she expects.

The early episodes are all about humor and character, with little sign of the Big Con typical of con-people fiction until the halfway point; the series is more about the conned than cons.

Unfortunately, season 2 is a let down, at least for the four episodes I watched. Lavi was an enigma is season one, but in two the series moves into psycho-analyzing her, which sucks out the mystery. Meanwhile he character is completely divorced from her three exes, which results in fall less forward momentum. The show isn't as funny, the characters aren't as interesting. It's like a whole new, inferior show. Perfectly watchable, but that's about it.

But do watch season one; it's terrific.
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It's OK just OK.
edwardhutchinson30 April 2019
Season 1 much better than season 2. Not surprised it got cancelled.
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I can't believe it's cancelled....
jmrestuc20 March 2020
This show was amazing.

All of the characters change over the course of the seasons and you grow to love them all.

The banter between the 3 main characters is hilarious and the cons are always surprising.

This show will keep you guessing and laughing at the same time. I really hope Netflix saves this show.
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a 7 is spot on..... full of potential
matthijsalexander21 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Other reviewers have already given details, so no need for me to do so.

Though I think Sneaky Pete should be anyone's first pick, this show has potential. The premise 'cons' is always a good one, it leaves writers with loads of opportunity. The first episodes indicate they are going big and complex.

After seeing the first episodes I truly wonder where they will take this show. It could easily become better, but at the same time collapse too.

Actors are reasonably convincing, story-line is captivating and the overall vibe one gets is positive. Characters are diverse and well portrayed.

I'll certainly will continue to watch this, and recommend others to do the same!
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Great acting, plot no so much
tinamktg30 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What started as a good show became a high school project.

FBI being so careless? And the doctor not knowing his target when the target is so careless? If Richard could follow Patrick into the FBI office, then the plot is really impossible because then the doctor would have known already and avoided the bait. In reality, for a sting operation to work, the agents assigned will be doing a different day job, totally embracing the spy character, and definitely not going to the FBI office during the assignment, they'll assign another agent to take care of whatever needs to be done in the office. And they definitely would have known the victims already if they are doing that big of an operation. This is common knowledge, in fact, common sense too.

The only thing consistent about this show is the great acting. Too bad the writers did not do their assignments.
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Really begins to roll after a few episodes
beheimdoc1 March 2017
After episode one, I wasn't too sure about this series; I typically stick with a new series through the first season to give a fair assessment.

At first, I found the characters a little boring and predictable - though I continued to watch because it was... well, sorta cute. :) You'll not fall off the sofa laughing, but you will smile, and you will chuckle from time to time. I spent the first three episodes praying it would get better each episode, and it did improve as hoped.

In Episode 4, the show really takes off, much to my delight. Without giving away details, viewers are greeted with surprising moments and plot twists that finish with a "I REALLY have to wait a week!??!" feeling.

Imposters has the potential to be very successful, and if episode four is any indication, I think we're in for a treat.
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Brilliantly written
amandakoh-1738121 March 2017
It keeps you on the edge of your seat at the end of each episode. Deserves way more publicity and it should be an national and international obsession. Great black comedy. I love the whole story line and personally feel that other than the Blacklist, this is one to definitely watch. The casts are also very engaging, love Inbar!

Just when you think you know whats going to happen, they turn the tables on you and surprise you every time. Great series! So underrated and under promoted though! Hope it doesn't get canceled.
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Everybody's Got A Dark Side
tesswysko18 September 2019
2 seasons it was not enough to delightfully indulge my darker side. Everyone wants to break away from what Society expects from you and just live on the road live on the lam you do whatever you want to get back at Society for what's been done to you. This show Indulgence that but it also does show the consequences of that via the Doctor Who's pulling the strings. Because of my OCD I had to check and see how many seasons there would be and found out that it would be canceled after 2 so if anyone else out there doesn't want to get involved in a series it's going to wind up with some open and with no questions answered as much as I hate spoilers I'm not going to give you any but I will tell you this. And I think it's in the spirit of the show to do so, even though from what I read they didn't know that there wouldn't be a season 3 they did a lovely job I was wrapping things up for the most part at the end of season 2 they left it open for a season 3 but I felt very happy as far as things being completed at the end of season 2. This was a great series I had to binge it, great acting, great storyline, beautiful sites in cinematography, I'm really surprised they didn't get a season 3. But I'm very happy with what they did.
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Soap opera meets suspense
joey_k-7406029 April 2019
It's a little cheesy at times but it's quite a fun show. The suspense keeps me watching.
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Another Netflix show with no closure
rich735415 September 2020
Season 1: 8 Season 2: 6

For the most part, I really enjoyed this series. It's unfortunate that it just stopped after season 2, so there was no real ending. I'm getting really frustrated with how many of these no-ending shows Netflix has on offer.

On the plus side, I completely enjoyed the musketeers/bumblers' story arc. It was humorous, suspenseful, and just plain fun to watch. But Maddie's not so much. Even though the actress playing Maddie got top billing, I was hoping that the character would be written out of the series by the end of season 1. The writers desperately tried to get the audience to empathize with her, but I was unmoved and consider her to be a sad, self absorbed, and flawed character with few redeeming qualities.

The show was cliche ridden and had numerous plot holes, but I enjoyed it nevertheless, especially season 1.
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btreakle25 February 2021
Great series with interesting characters and stories of love and con. Fun and interesting for mature audiences only. Highly recommend 👌
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Fun first season, pointless second season
AnnPanders4 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you want something to watch, it's watchable and fun in the first season. The second season picked up in the final episodes but was a waste of time.

I wish IMDb still had discussion boards. Things that bothered me probably shouldn't but suspension of disbelief hit a different level several times. The FBI is made out to be a group of idiotic and unprofessional bumpkins. For instance, the FBI had been following Maddie for a long time, enough to find out where her next con would be, yet they had no clue who Julia Langmore was and didn't even do a background check on her? The FBI? Jules realises she needs an attorney, so instead of, I dunno, looking online for one she cons her way into an exclusive country club? Dumb. Also the younger Maddie looks NOTHING at all like the star and only a few years older??? Her high school picture is the 'old' Maddie but I thought 'young' Maddie was a senior in high school? How did Esra know the combination to the safe to get the ring, or did he suddenly become a professional safe breaker? I wish there was a discussion group.
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Better Than Anything on the Big 3
bacpd19 May 2018
Binged all of season one in two days and fell in love with Inbar Lavi (as does everyone else in the show). She is the new fresh face of Hollywood and, after visiting Israel last year, I find this native Hebrew woman highly intriguing. Her initial sidekicks, Max and Sal, are also very good actors. The three new sidekicks, all ex-spouses of Inbar's character Maddie, are pretty average. Writing is better than the crap on network television. Despite moving slowly in spots, the plot remains engaging enough to hold your interest. Somewhat miffed by Uma Thurman's character. She is not so convincing in her role as a hard-nosed enforcer. Patrick, the FBI dude, is just okay. He's a poor man's Shamar Moore.

I like this show... a lot. But I am enthralled, mesmerized, and smitten with Inbar Lavi.
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No comedy included
sweber3303-590-81586624 April 2022
It describes itself as a "Dark Comedy". I've watched the first two episodes, and I've seen zero evidence of comedy. Of any sort.

It's moderately entertaining, and not a waste of time.
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Imposters Did a Con Job on Me Warning: Spoilers
After about 10 minutes in Season 1 Episode 1 of the Imposters I was hooked. In fact I was about to start texting my friends telling them I found a gem of a show. Good thing I held off. What began as intriguing and sexy and fun turned very familiar. So many things left me wanting. Jules complete inability to take care of her emotions was exhausting. But more annoying was the Bumbling FBI unit of Patrick, Gina and Auntie, nothing about these agents seem remotely real or professional. Let's begin here: Patrick is working an undercover operation where he is trying to "catch" Maddie, a professional con artist. So when he leaves his gorgeous house that the Bureau is paying for and drives off in his expensive car that the Bureau is paying for, he drives directly to the Bureau!!! Come on guys. It doesn't dawn on any of the FBI agents that Patrick could be followed?!?! To add insult to injury when Richard does follow Patrick all three agents--Patrick, Auntie and Gina--are in the FBI lobby wearing their badges, just in cases it wasn't obvious enough that they work for the Bureau. Insulting!

Then we move into the tried and not-true of the cat and mouse game with Maddie & Patrick. Who has real feelings, which feelings are real. She is not that swift and he is not that smart, neither are very good at their jobs.

And we are to believe that The Doctor, a mastermind scamming millions of dollars would show up in person to collect a measly $500,000 and put his entire criminal empire in jeopardy. Awful!

Little Ms Agent Gina is too busy trying to get with her one night stand conquest Jules to pay attention to her job and keep an eye on the $500,000?!?! Awful

I finished Season 1 but I have no intention of watching Season 2. It is not hard to see why there was no Season 3. Imposters was a complete let down!
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Oh, Imposters you've outdone even the best!
juliafrizzell14 January 2021
If you like Ocean's 11, mix that with a sprinkle of La Femme Nikita and a side of Catch Me if You Can.. with a nod to The Usual Suspects; and VIOLA "Imposters" is for you! Witty, hilarious, suspenseful intrigue interwoven with brilliant casting and even better story line(s) and script; the writers on this one are absolutely spot on. I could not stop watching and just when I thought I had it all figured out? Yeah, totally didn't. Also, I love some of the very surprising and obscure song choices. If you're a bit of a music snob, you'll know what I mean when you WATCH THIS GEM. Go ahead, you know you want to.
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Surprisingly funny
Veritas9922 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, I agree with what somebody was writing in the message board, I was sick and tired about movies with doctors, lawyers, cops, vampires and zombies. This one, with a long con, is surprisingly amusing (yes, there is also Sneaky Pete but, let's admit, Imposters is more pleasant to look at :) ) The only incredible thing is that the enchantress has managed to con 3 people to marry her (at least we know only about 3 until now), plus one on the way, plus a real love apparently very short time. I don't think that's so easy in real life, even for a beautiful girl:) Apart of that, the dialogue looks spontaneous and funny, humour is there all the time but not exaggerated, and episode 3 was so well built that I really was upset when it ended, I certainly wanted more, which is great - the movie achieved his purpose, as far as I am concerned. I will definitely continue to watch.
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