D-Day Assassins (2019) Poster

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Never judge a book by its cover
clivebaker-1532824 June 2019
They say to never judge a book by its cover, or in this case a film by its poster. I struggled to understand at first if this was a film based in the USA or an American family living in the U.K. as some appeared to have British accents or an American accent that at times slipped between the two. As the film went on it soon became apparent this was a film that could have been made by your local amateur dramatics society, there seemed to be a lack of faces you may have seen on either the Big or Small screen and those that did play fleeting parts seemed to be over dramatic in their 15 minutes of fame. I did try my best to get into this film but found myself asking questions, like " have those actors got really big heads? or really small helmets?" And why are all Germans wearing the same uniforms all black and not a battle field Grey in sight, officers outnumbered the ordinary infantrymen 4 to 1, I guess they could not find any German WWII helmets but at least all the Germans were wearing the same armband. I must give credit to the effects man (notice I do not use the term 'Special', this I reserve for anyone who watched the full 71 minutes). He must have spent a while sitting in a shed with a pot of jam and some fireworks as he managed to pull off some convincing bullets hitting bodies in a 5 minute period of action that nearly but not quite scratched the surface of the anticipated action promised on the poster, but alas we never got there. To sum up, a poor representation of Normandy in 1944 with it's lack of military vehicles, landscape that should have been battered by years of war, added to this the bad acting, sound, storyline and I am guessing low budget, I would not recommend this film if you are looking for the action it promises on the poster, only watch it if you have nothing else to do and I mean absolutely nothing.
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zathan-3284815 April 2019
Had to turn this off pretty quickly... the acting is terrible. dont waste your time
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Low budget
wanderer1570117 April 2019
The gear and weapon's used in battle were laughable..Save your time and watch something else
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This story deserves better!
ughlee16 June 2019
This is one of the greatest untold stories of WWII. It was the basis for the myths that formed the fictional Dirty Dozen, but the true story is so fantastic it didn't need embellishment, artistic license, or any additional drama. The true story should be told and can stand on its own, but it really deserves better than this. This was a travesty.
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A Waste of Time
retphcs20 June 2019
This has got to be one of the worst Adaptions of a true story I have ever watched. The producers and director should have paid the extra money to have a military representative on-site. If not that, then at least someone who had a clue about firearms. Lever action rifles were never issued to American troops in Europe. Even if they had been, you can't shoot a Henry multiple time and never work the lever. It might have been a good movie had anyone associated with it had a clue about the military or World War II. As far as believable, I would put it on the same level as Howard The Duck.
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Cleanest D Day fighters ever!
Scarter11311 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible film, although only watched 20mins of it. Acting pathetic. Opening conflict in Normandy, walking through what looks like a beautifully maintained park. They all look like they just got out the shower apart from the Native American face paint. Which makes The a great target, some of it being white. A single German sniper shoots about 8 of them. Pity it wasn't all of them. Hope it got 100 times better after that. But judging by other reviews it didn't. It's a big NO from me.
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Don't wast your time
Rickest_Rick13 June 2019
The cover looks good but that's where it stops. I've seen school projects better than this. Don't waste your time and watch something else.
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Bad bad bad
denisrush16 April 2019
This has to be the worst War I'v ever watched. No authenticity. Can easily be seen that was shot in England. The 13 weapons only one was of world war II American carrying 303s. Old Winchester and luger Hi unreal and you're expected to buy this s***
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Totally Unrealistic
rmorris-436225 May 2019
I created an account just to review this film. What a load of hogwash. The haircuts, Indian face paint, beards and the guy carrying a Winchester 3030? How did he get his ammunition? Had his mom send it to him via a care package? So unrealistic that it was uncomfortable to even watch.
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Poor poor poor
gregorymichaelhunt28 April 2019
Where do we start. For one the story is all wrong. The uniforms are outrageously inaccurate. You have probably paid these actors and with no fault of there own made them look like idiots. As I avid ww2 reanactor . I know our own community would have come forward and worked in it for free if the budget was low. Low budget films using guys with the correct equipment and knowledge would have made this film a hell of a lot better.
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Very touching
mcbride-3005627 April 2019
I thought the old soldier's emotional journey telling the stories of his war experiences was quite touching and a bit sad when you think of the scars of war soldiers have to live with. Pretty thought provoking stuff.
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good war scenes
andrewmartin-3397815 April 2019
Clearly low budget and flawed in a number of ways but the war scenes are well constructed and entertaining. would have been better if the whole film was set on D-day but the story with the old man recounting the tales of war turn out to be quite emotional. although the world war 2 flashbacks are far superior with more action and better characters.
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Garbage and an insult to the memory of the real men
reccewoody-4764422 April 2019
The people responsible for this piece of cr** should never be allowed to make another film. Ragsman, Goo Goo, McNasty, Picadilly Willy etc were real members of the 506th PIR in WWII and this is an insult to their memory.
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Worst of the worst
mickalo134527 April 2019
Absolutely Terrible. Time better spent watching paint dry
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Really, really bad
davefalcon6 May 2019
The first 2 minutes of the film were good and I was expecting at least an OK time-waster. As soon as the father opens his mouth, I knew the acting was going to be bad. Did any of the actors take acting lessons?

I watch the movie for about 20 minutes, which was 18 minutes too long.

Watch the Dirty Dozen. Even though it is a Hollywood production and not too realistic, it has way move entertaining power.
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apachetrev16 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Low budget obviously and awful acting. Weapons totally wrong for time, units and nations. Even on a low budget authentic replicas easy to get. Weapon skills terrible too. Dont waste time on this.
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A mixed bag
brothersgibb15 April 2019
Despite the synopsis the movie is actually told in flashback form, with a modern (1990s?) story of an old man recounting war stories to a young kid. We then see a few incidents the old man encountered in World War II as a young soldier. The movie could have done with more epic WWII battles and it doesn't really live up to the title but obviously budget was restricted on this one. But in fairness the 1940s scenes do feature quite an inventive use of minimal actors in one set locations. The modern story is far less interesting, consisting mostly of dialogue and characters which aren't as fun as the soldiers we see all too briefly in the flashbacks. Could have benefitted from a bigger budget but not bad for what it is.
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pdbaker-219-48064623 April 2019
Even one star is generous ! This is without doubt the worst film I have ever watched. Everything is just so bad from weapons used oh I can't even be bothered to go on anymore. This garbage is an utter insult to the real men.
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Utter Horsecrap
kenilworthhammer16 April 2019
Appalling poorly scripted acted with zero authenticity
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A nonsense stupid movie!
mahdiafrasiabe15 April 2019
I have nothing to tell you but don't waste your time!
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It doesn't get any worse. No stars.
truppe3 September 2019
Just the trailer alone should be enough to condemn this as nothing more than an enthusiastic amateur production. Dreadful costumes, accuracy, continuity, armoury...etc, etc. To call this a professional production is an insult.

Not sure how this got distribution. It's an insult to history.
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Epic budget blockbuster
benpetrie-7191417 April 2019
We settled down with our popcorn and nearly choked. It soon began apparent after the gangster battle that happened in the ally that this film was worth watching for a laugh. The climax of the film was the battle seen which was fought in their local park. What spoilt it for me was during the battle scene (which was similar to the battles my younger brother has with his nerf gun) was seeing people walking their dogs in the park. It's well worth the watch if you need cheering up.
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Heartfelt tribute
daveycourtesan23 April 2019
I've read several books and articles about the real life escapades of The Filthy Thirteen so I recognised many of the stories the characters told and some of the incidents depicted (although some moments have clearly been exaggerated). An epic studio version of this story would have brought more action to the table for sure but the filmmakers should be commended for their valiant attempt to depict the heartbreak of war and the events haunting the participants for the rest of their lives. When they evoke the real life men it's done respectfully and feels like a tribute rather than exploitation. Far from the action epic the poster claims it's actually a nice little drama with a surprising amount of heart.
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Pezley8225 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I made it maybe 20 seconds into the trailer. This is a huge pass for me. I love historical war movies. Especially WW1 and WW2 but that first glimpse of a very obvious historically inaccurate rifle being aimed by one of the actors and that awful multi colored paint on his face was just too much for me. I'm not an expert or anything but that seems to defeat the purpose of camouflage. I definitely won't be seeing this travesty when it comes out.
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Rip off from the original Dirty Dozens
yizuman13 May 2019
Remakes or anything close to the storyline can never capture the original.

Hollywood have forgotten the magic touch while making movies, movies back before the 1990's were, for the most part, were better made. After the 1990s, not so much, they'd be rare in between.
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