"The 100" Red Sky at Morning (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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"You believe that to defeat an enemy who will stop at nothing, you must stop at nothing."
Neptune16527 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Luna doesn't think this is any different than Blood must have blood, she'd rather have ALIE get her people than to have to kill others to save her people. She pretended like she might take the flame so Clarke and the gang wouldn't put up a fight. It was a smart move to get rid of them! When Derek took his last breath and Luna started crying, shouldn't ALIE have disappeared? Jasper must be chipped because usually ALIE disappears right when her hosts or whatever die, but she was still in the background shot after Derek died when Luna was crying. Maybe that explains why Jasper is apparently in the COL in the finale? The meaning behind the title: "Red sky at night, sailors' delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning" This was a filler episode, though it had information that will probably be important in the finale two episodes. Like, we now know there's a kill switch. We also know that someone within Arkadia is chipped (and while the main guess is that it's Harper, I'm willing to bet that it could be that some small part of ALIE remains inside Raven, which could explain Raven's new computer skills, and ALIE knows, in someway what Raven knows, but it's more instinctual then a connection like it was). I think this was just an introduction to Luna and it wouldn't be surprising to find one or ore of the characters may have either gone to Luna after the finale if there's a time jump, or they will eventually go to her again, or Luna will come to them. You can't let that character live and not have an overall plan for her. Because they know Sinclair is dead. So it's either from within Arkadia or its Jasper.
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Many things still on the air
"The 100" is close to the end of the season, but there are so many things still in the air, that it will be interesting to see what it has to offer in the last two episodes.

Clarke and her team are in the oil platform, with Luna and her people. They will try to convince her, but can they? Raven and Monty discover something quite interesting while in Arkadia. And Murphy, Indra and Pike join forces to try to break free from their prison.

This is another solid episode, even if it leaves more things unanswered than anything else. It advances the story in quite a neat manner, and there are a couple of situations and conversations that hint to many more things happening that what the show has been letting the viewer know. Is there someone we still don't know of that has joined Alie's army? There are probably a couple of surprises waiting before the end of the season (and maybe more unexpected deaths?). Nonetheless, so close to the end of the season and so high stakes, makes the viewer wonder if they will be able to deal with Alie and its City of Light before it is too late. Will this story be still going on next season or will they have something new as they have had in each of the previous seasons?

As always the actors do a good job, nice character and plot development, and the atmosphere as grim as ever. There is a moment when the show, again, stretches a situation just to bring more tension to it than necessary in a too obvious manner, something the shows falls into more than it should.

But "The 100" keeps being one of the most ambiguous and interesting shows on TV right now.
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Why y'all mad tho
davidfink-0806511 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
From where I am, it looks like people are mainly mad ab the direction of this show due to the killing of an LGBT character (granted she was a great character but hey the whole idea of this show is that survival ain't easy so get over it) and that the plot makes little sense at times. I'm here to offer my own opinion. From where I stand, the story is great. It really is. Pretty unpredictable, good characters and well-written. The problem that I have isn't the story itself, but why it's in this show. The first two seasons are my favorite TV seasons of all time because it's an epic tale of survival in a basically uncharted world. Very original and well thought out. This season however, turns the story into a robopocolypse story, and adds in mind controlled minions for good measure. What? What happened to the show that I loved, the epic story of survival against all odds and fighting for your people against an opponent they shouldn't be able to beat? That's what the show is SUPPOSED to be. I hope they can get back to the good writing and stories, I still have hope because of the whole story line at the beginning of the season, which was awesome and nerve-racking. Also chill about Luna she'll be back without a doubt.
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Another good episode
morgangrog6 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This episode has a lot of suspense. The three groups trying to destroy ALIE all come close but don't quite succeed. This episode is building towards what should be a good season finale.

It will be interesting to see where the plot goes for the final two episodes because it seems like there are not a lot of options left to try and stop ALIE, the only clear way she can be stopped is if Lunar comes back into the equation.

I feel every episode after Lexa was killed has low ratings just because people are bitter she is dead. The TV show is still very interesting and each episode deserves higher ratings then it's getting. I assume lots of people are rating the episodes 1/10 before even watching.
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Trying To stop ALIE and her Chipped Army Warning: Spoilers
This episode of the 100 is leading up to the season finale and the last episode must be good that they're leaving us in a little cliff hanger. ALIE and her army are only getting bigger and stronger at this point and it looks like there's no stopping her.

The beginning of the episode it showed Murphy, Pike, Indra & other grounders, who were taken prisoner, trying to escape and run away. But instead they went for the Jaha's backpack which actually contains the server that gives power to the city of light. It's crazy to see the actual extent that ALIE will go to to even get her way but then again she is a programmed computer and not an actual person so she feels no emotion and thoughts to what she's doing.

Going to Clarke, Octiavia, Bellamy, & Jasper they're still trying to find a way to get the AI into Luna. Luna doesn't want to take it since she explained that after she had to kill her own brother she didn't want to kill anyone for no reason anymore which is totally understandable on her point of view. When we find out that some of her people were chipped she had to kill Derric who was really special to her. She had to kill them or get killed.

For Raven and Monty they were on a mission to find an absolute loop hole to ALIE's program. Since Raven was the only one who could understand the code she spent all day and night to find a loop hole. Once she did she logged in and at this point was absolute mistake. Now this was only a mistake because she didn't turn on the kill switch fast enough and gave ALIE time to pull out of aracadia's power. They showed Monty's mom again to try and buy time for ALIE to completely migrate to the ark's ring which we didn't even know that was still active.

I would say they were so close at stopping ALIE but at this point where Luna doesn't even want to take the flame and ALIE being more stronger than ever how will they even stop her??
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My first review after marathoning from Ep. 1 to end of season 3. It WILL contain spoilers!
nealvan55721 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I've read many reviews and few are happy about season 3. As I've been able to compress the time watching to all three seasons in less than a week (This is your life when your health has failed. Too much doing nothing, but to continue...), I have been completely and many times left totally perplexed why Clarke has become such a whiners do-nothing with the ONLY way to put an end to The Matrix. Oh, I mean the A.I. Version 1 which blew up the planet to 'save it'. Huh?!

Killed off Lincoln? Huh?! He represented ALL that was the native tribes when the first Europeans came to the new world and took without asking. Then began killing when the natives refused to give away THEIR land which they respected and loved UPON. Yet never OWN. Nomadic Hunter/Gathers are no match for those who farm the land and have mechanized weapons along with no moral code or respect for those different. Now that I've given one history lesson. Let me go into how much this show has stolen from other shows and movies MUCH better than this shows writers have proven they are no comparison.

This show rips off the following... Mad Max The Matrix, but in reverse and Raven is Neo and Clarke WAS Trinity :-) Battlestar Galactica remake by Ron Moore. Machines take over humanity, until they figure out they should work together unlike this show which is 100% polarized. Every teen show or movie....or if you want something more concrete...The Faculty or Children of the Corn...Young vs. Mature. Ready Player One....Computers vs. Real Life. Enjoyed that movie. It had the correct idea as it moral. Terminator concept. A.I. Destroys the world and humans trying to prevent it. Humans are untrustworthy which is from nearly EVERY show and movie. Humans will jump at the chance to eliminate suffering at ANY COST. Same precept as above. Those who truly want change and peaceful existence and NEVER going to achieve such a thing. Raven, Octavia, Clarke (season 1&2), Bellamy, Lincoln (ironically first seen near the Lincoln Monument), Luna (shoulda been a main character), John Murphy, (Goes from being falsely hanged to outcast freedom fighter who seems to never get killed and doesn't actually TRY to help anyone but himself. And why didn't crazy new 'commander' kill him after he betrayed her?? Finn who was in a love triangle and went kill crazy. Oh, and so did Bellamy...right? Yet, Finn is killed off and not part of the computer network. Roan (I loved this terrific actor in Black Sails as Captain Charles Vain of the ship Ranger.) looks about the same in both shows with fewer scars in Black Sails. He is such a strong character who is KING, but like EVERYONE on this show. Why is HE not kicking ass and taking names? Plus he lost a hand to hand fight with Lexa? I liked Lexa, but no way would she have beaten him as shown, but that's the show 100 as of the end of season 3. I'll hope season 4 will get its act together or get better writers.

The males take the dictates of the females regardless of their young age. I'm NOT sexist, but other than the Grounders who are descendants from the real woman who built the A.I that nuked the earth. Then went down to that same earth immediately after the nuclear holocaust because she had devised a new blood serum that is black but would make her and everyone she gave that to, or her direct children would have the same radiation tolerance to SAVE what was left of the Earth. YET the Mountain People NEVER knew about her after capturing hundreds of Grounders to use against other Grounders by trading in them to be afraid of a tone, plus addicted to some very addictive and aggressive causing drug. Not ONCE did those morons in the mountain with all their high tech surveillance which somehow survived the nuclear holocaust?? Um, the blast waves and a hundred years of high radiation would have removed any tech from working as shown in this show except that tech brought down from the Ark.

Anyone besides me wondering what happened to the Ice Clan and the Ark people who came down in that area 'cushioned by the snow' as we were told? Monty had the transponder...what happened to it?

Anyone besides me find it very inconceivable that Jaha imagined a baby. Got into a nuclear missile and survived the landing. Then finds John, leaves John and two others after tossing one to be eaten by some hungry fish like thing. Kinda looked like a super giant Lamprey which is boat world, they were setting traps for to eat. Yum!

Imagine this show had the Sky people merged well with the Grounders against the Mountain People who were causing the harm. And just defeated those in charge causing the harm to all not from the Mountain who were incapable of surviving outside? What would a show like that have been like? Much better that all these stupid people being blackmailed and coerced into becoming mindless automatons!

And wouldn't it be excellent to have taken the first commanders story of saving the earth a great backstory season to explain how the people not in nuclear shelters survived because of her black blood?

And for goodness sake someone PLEASE kill John Murphy before he switches sides AGAIN!

On other observations of the actors in this show... Lindsey Morgan is the new Jessica Alba Marie A. Is the new Neve Campbell Eliza Taylor is the new and improved Cheerleader who must be saved from Heroes. Hayden P. Bob Morley is kinda the new Taylor K. And so many others who will or have taken over those roles now too young for the predecessors. It's just a simple fact of life, not a negative in any way.

Last but not least...why oh why didn't John and so many others kill that crazy bastard who initially sent the first 100 just to gain a few days of air. Plus, after they fired the engines and fried the attacking Grounders. How did the Mountain People get 48 and were are the rest of the 97 who were still alive at the time of that occurrence at the end of season one? Finally, now that the Ice Clan king is dead, who is in charge of the Ice clan?

I hope my observations have helped others understand this shows pluses and minuses. The added bits are for those who enjoy history, pop culture, and like to think about just how UNIMAGINATIVE the younger generations have become compared to the older. Copying, just like sampling in what passes for music...is NOT a productive or positive use of your brain. So for those who PREFER to be like those in 'The City of Light' and avoid the pain of reality, OR instead try using your brain for something other than a drug repository and learn to create, imagine new things, and never forget the past when you think you've found something new.
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idvandyne6 May 2016
The 100 is, and continues to be the best show currently on TV. This show has gotten a lot of unwarranted hate for the last couple months from angry fanboys who completely missed the point on this show. If you hate The 100 so much, then just stop watching it and don't try and ruin it for the rest of us who enjoy the shows, or others that are trying to get into it.

This episode was riveting, and is a nice build up for the two-part season finale! Cannot wait!

If you have never watched The 100, then you need to! Best show on TV right now, and definitely top 3 sci fi show of ALL TIME!
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I honestly can't stand Luna she is so naïve and selfish but I'm one of the few who believe that
Neptune16527 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure why but I absolutely love the idea and uniqueness of the 'character' A. L. I. E. as the main villain of this season. Looking back when she first ever appeared in season 2 finale, we had no idea it's this deep, pre-planned and important roles this whole series.. huge props to that actress who probably had a blast with this gig. That girl wasn't a spy, she was between those who attempted to run as a distraction for few who went for a backpack. A. L. I. E. Found that rig only cause "she" followed Skikru, and Luna is right with what she said, and survival is too often its own death sentence as we saw with Raven attempting to "hack" an A. I. that already hacked entire world, but still if Clarke didn't make her usual mistake(force right after the first "negotiation" fails)Luna would've taken the Flame probably, and in the mean time A. L. I. E. migrated her program to a new mainframe- the Ark's Go-Sci ring and interesting how A. L. I. E. knew that Sinclair is dead, almost as someone who knows that info(was there when he got killed)just got chipped, or so it seems.
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To the end.
ououzaza24 March 2020
This episode build up for the next last 2 episodes. Which did pretty well. The story is ok, just like the rest of the season.
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fuad_tarin_5821 April 2021
I just cant belive what im watching on season 3. Its litteraly the best thing i have watched since GOT at its best. Ppl can rate it low whatever they want but for me its one of the best shows ever and this episode was insane.

Like serisously! Ppl rating it 1/10.. i mean 1/10? That means for you the show is trash! And if i rated a show a 1/10 and thinking its complete rubbish i would stop watching it. Unless you have no life. But these ppl rate episode after episode 1/10 and still keep watching it. Get a life for real.
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The 100 almost got better and then didn't
dastardlykid5 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what to say about the latest episode.

Raven almost got ALIE, but failed at the last second.

Luna almost became Commander, but pretty much said nope again and kicked the Sky kids off her rig.

Pike, Murphy, and Indra almost destroyed the backpack, but dawdled too much and wasted their chance.

Everything this episode/season is almost...

Monty killed his mother for a second time, kind of for no reason, by deleting her code. Poor kid. At least he got laid, even if that scene made zero sense and Harper and him had no memorable interaction before this episode, unless I'm forgetting something?

Luna...was the best character I've seen since Lexa and Lincoln died, but she turned out to be a little pointless since she added nothing to the overall arc of the story. I just got my heart torn out for her after she broke down when she had to kill that guy, and then she just...left...like what was the point of making me like her for an episode if she wasn't going to contribute?

I guess you could say Luna was almost important.
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Formulaic Show - Everything Goes Wrong - That's the Show
leahmythical5 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
You know how you watch those typical TV shows where the heroes always manage to find a way and at the last second, after a lot of last minute saves or eleventh hour turn arounds, they pull through, and accomplish the mission?

Well, The 100 is very much like that, but the opposite.

The heroes pursue a path to save their people and the world at large, but at the last minute, rather than forward progress, there's a fakeout, and they end up right where they started essentially.

To do this once or twice is an interesting shake-up, but only if the writing can carry itself for this formula to be essentially unnoticeable. If you give enough interesting characters, side- stories, arcs, then no one will notice this driving formula.

This formula was not too easy to spot throughout seasons 1 and 2 because the plot and characters and writing were good enough to engage the viewer, but season 3 has been falling flat lately, though that's old news, I suppose.

I was momentarily riveted with Luna and the boat clan - she truly is an interesting character, but as this season wont to do, the moment I fell in love with Luna and was excited for her to be part of the bigger story, her introduction was cut short and she left, stranding Clarke & co. right back where they started off, with no Commander 2.0 to help fight the war on ALIE.

Luna's strength, her quick reflexes, her compassion and her intelligence all came through, but this episode just had the Sky kids drop onto her rig, cause her to kill a man she loved dearly, go back on her vow not to spill blood after she was brutally tortured, and then, after all that buildup, Luna kicks them out and leaves Clarke with the flame.

I don't blame Luna at all for this choice. In fact, thank god, because wherever Arkers go, death follows.

But this theme in the show of buildup and let down has been grating on my nerves since the beginning of season 3 because it's so glaringly noticeable.

As for the newest romantic pairing, that was pretty out of left field. Not sure if that's going anywhere or just sexy time for sexy time's sake. But nice that Monty had a moment of pleasure before killing his mom for the second time.

Again, Raven...she's one of my favorite characters, but all build-up for her to take ALIE out from the inside and no follow through. Not that I expected any, that would be too easy, of course, but at some point, everything being impossible for every single character and every route to success being a desolate path, makes for an episode, and a show, that keeps taking you higher, only to keep letting you down. It's not worth the investment. Two more episodes and I'm free from this season and this show.

Also, The 100 has a ridiculous amount of Game of Thrones callouts. They need to chill. Their innner fangirl is showing.
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99 problems and the 100 won't be one
anneloeskrul-032008 May 2016
And this whole episode was one. Why did the boat kru speak English when Lincoln specifically mentioned in s1 that they do not speak it? Why was Clarke practically forcing the chip on to Luna? Oh, wait, I remember – because this is the same show that thought that scene between Murphy and Ontari was okay. Because this is the showrunner that forsakes good writing to be 'dark and edgy,' and ugh this whole thing has become such a mess, why do I even put my faith in it maybe redeeming itself? The show had all the ingredients to be something great, and now nothing of that is left. Clarke has been reduced to an emotional punching bag for a bunch of self-absorbed whining assholes that expect her to clean up after them even when they use her as a collective target to shove their guilt on. All she does is apologize and take the blame. It's disheartening to watch Clarke, my favorite character ever - to be reduced to that, so I'm bowing out. Lost me.
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What's The Point?
jadek-382075 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As with almost everything that's occurred this season, I was left with a feeling of overwhelming "What's the point?" watching the episode. What's the point of the repeated and omnipresent torture porn? What's the point of the Monty/Harper romance if it had to come out of left field? What's the point of introducing a compelling character, whose involvement has been teased since the very first season, only to drop her after minimal screen time? I can't wrap my mind around how interesting all of these facets could have been, had they been executed properly. The 100 has had an awful habit recently of suggesting particularly exciting and new moves, only to drop them a few episodes later for the sake of... something, I'm sure. All of these problems could easily be solved with more attention on the writers' part to critical aspects like pacing, character development, and continuity, 3 things that have been in short supply for the vast majority of this season. Ultimately, just another episode that you can skip, as long as you imagine what someone would mean when they say "anything that could have gone wrong, did", as I guarantee that whatever happened was indeed that predictable.
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OK but unnecessary drag
gruff-morris5 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this when it came out and just re-watching the series now. At the time I thought the end of S3 was slow, and I still feel that way. Whilst it's an OK episode and introduces Luna as a character, it doesn't move the story on. Ali is still very much still going, Luna doesn't want to be chipped still (they need to find an alternative solution) and Pike / Indra aren't really doing very much.

E12 and E13 are the definition of filler episodes with a pointless arc just to get up to 16 episodes, presumably to have more air time. When will the TV industry realise this is why people leave most shows? It's because padding episodes remove the intensity from an otherwise good story arc. I much prefer the modern shows that don't pad out series anymore, and just get on with the story arc at a decent pace (Upload and Alex Rider for example).
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