Siren (TV Series 2018–2020) Poster


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Totally attached
spiderdib9 May 2020
I'm not the best audience for tv series because I get bored very easily and I drop them after two episodes but I have to admit that's not happening to me with Siren, I'm currently watching the 2nd season and even though I think the first season holds you in a way it's so hard to abandon the show and you're just like "Omg, one episode more and then, I go to sleep"...the show lost strength by the second season, I'm in the 11th episode and it's way harder to continue, I don't feel attached like I did in the first season, anyways, I strongly think this TV show deserves the opportunity and it's a must watch for anyone into fantasy/drama.

UPDATE: I already finished season 3 and I must say this was the best cliffhanger ever, RENEW SIREN PLEASE, IT JUST GETS BETTER, I CAN'T STOP
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Gets better!
cookieloverloo5 May 2020
Season 1 and 2 were nothing special, season 3 is where it actually starts to get good. There's a drastic change. Keep watching
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So far interesting
jmarshall7272 April 2018
Yes this is a cheesy show, however, it's actually pretty good for cheese. Give me some crackers please! The actress who plays the mermaid is really good, the rest of the actors are stereotypical sound stage actors who got bad writing. I'm into it, besides the bad writing I'm drawn into the story only because the lead actress is that good!
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LydiaHelena1 July 2021
I'm so tired of everyone always stops the tv shows I love to watch! What's the point of starting to watch any good series anymore😅😝 well I like this one too, and guess what, yup canceled! Again.. tired of lose ends and build up excitment. But a good show, something different😊
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Not perfect, has its flaws but has great potential
Brandon-Donlon21 February 2019
To address some previous points raised, yes the script writing isn't the greatest at times, some of the actors aren't the best, but the show does lead with some good actors(Alex Roe, Elaine Powell, Ian Verdun). The show can be cheesy, it can be cliche but there are redeeming factors that allow you to look past this.

While this show is obviously trying to be as "diverse" as possible if is definitely not some feminist show as has been said. At times you question the casting agents decision rather than paying attention to what's actually going on. For example Ryn's sister being played by a black actor. Now you can argue that "human races don't apply to mermaids", which, mermaids being left up to fiction allows such claims. But it is still very distracting from the actual plot.

The real gem of this show is "Ryn", played by Eline Powell, this actress I have never come across before but she is really standing out in this show for me. Her chemistry with "Ben"(Alex Roe) is quite special and their scenes are really what makes this show for me. All the other arcs of this story really seem like filler that you have to push through to have more of Ben and Ryn.

**Currently I give this show 9/10, because I can see through what's wrong at the moment and have good intuition that the show is heading in a good direction.**

Dropped the show to 7/10 stars, as of Season 2, episode 4. Hopefully things improve, what was a show heading in a good direction, is starting to stray away from the original uniqueness of the show that was enjoyable. The cliche's are becoming too common, love triangles and predictable story arcs.

Since this show is still airing I will continue to update this review, so rating is subject to change.
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Crazy fierce and cool. Siren is back in a big way
robfollower3 April 2020
Siren is back in a big way in the S3 opener ! I really enjoy this Drama, Fantasy with a touch of horror sensibilities thrown in for good measure.

Season 3 has added a new character to the story line . Actress Tiffany Lonsdale (Tia) she does not disappoint. The season 3 opener take a deliciously dark turn in the plot. The shows creators has improved some of the special effects for season 3. Eline Powell as (Ryn) with her ; Otherworldly beauty, acting and charm sets this series apart from the norm. Eline Powell is the highlight of show and a fresh breath to mermaid characters with her "Siren" song; an alluring utterance or appeal especially : one that is seductive or deceptive.

Set in the Pacific Northwest and it features beautiful, dangerous and misunderstood creatures as it's main draw. Overall, the whole cast is pretty great, as well as the place of filming (small fishermen village) is incredibly beautiful and I happen to also love the serie's soundtrack.

Siren is a tremendous show and a guilty pleasure ! I look forward to the new season as it unfolds. 9/10
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I can't stop watching this stupid show
chewywater-707-40070121 June 2019
The only thing stupider than this show is me cuz I can't stop watching it.

GOOD things about Siren: The two lead women are unique, beautiful, and likable. The plot stays busy; it's not boring. Addictive. Good light entertainment. Scenery is beautiful. Some good actors in the show doing their best with second-rate dialogue.

BAD things about Siren. You may encounter a bad actor in here. Like really bad. The dialogue often feels unrealistic and awkward. Things happen that don't make any sense.

OVERALL You are going to roll your eyes at this show, then load the next episode.
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Good show
mayhem-5420625 May 2018
Good show...first few episodes are a bit B-grade, but it gets better as it goes along. Interesting premise which doesn't seem that far-fetched by the end of the season. Each episode better than the last. Casting of Ryn, main mermaid, is spot on.
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a refreshing take on mermaids
Logomark8907 April 2018
Disney showed mermaids as lovey dovey cretures. movies like splash also followed same line. but this show is different. this mermaid is for adults. it is not a damsel in distress. it is a predator a siren which can lure its prey. Eline Powell nails it as siren new to human world. she is the highlight to show and a fresh breath to mermaid characters. music is apt for the show. it elevates the scenes. the main takeaway from the show for me is the chemistry between mermaid and the lead pair. how she is seducing both of them at the same time. she truly is a siren.
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Creepy threesome
deliabattie15 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed season one, but I'm very uncomfortable with the romantic threesome developing in the second season. I was hoping that they would not explore a romantic plot between Ben and Ryn because he works really well with Maddie and because I find Ryn really childlike. She's only been speaking for a few weeks, she has to have everything explained to her, she is in effect a toddler and it feels really wrong for her to be engaging with the human characters sexually and even worse that this interaction should be a threesome/polygamy. This is only emphasised by the fact that she is so much shorter than the other two characters; it feels like they are engaging romantically with their daughter, not a consenting equal. One of the things I liked about series one was that it had characters drawn to Ryn but not necessarily sexually, they could be intrigued by her but retain their own relationships. I'm really disappointed they've decided to go down the obvious romance route in the second series. I hope it improves in the second part of the season as the first season had real potential.
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This Show is Off to a Great Start, but
YoungbloodRN30 March 2018
This show captured my attention. It is something new, exciting and unique. I am very pleased with the first two episodes, if you like mermaids you will like this show. Great characters, great graphics and picture quality, sound quality, and great with grabbing attention. The main character they used for a mermaid actually resembles, in my mind, what a mermaid would look like.

Update: After a few episodes I started to get bored. The same things seemed to happen on repeat. The uniqueness died down and I lost interest.
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I really like this
angel15-197-2897824 April 2018
We know mermaids are as real as vampires and werewolves. Or maybe more real than we think..Actually i don't understand why there is so little movies about them. This show got my attention from 1st episode. Can't wait to see more..story seems very interesting so far, even my husband like this show. It is not about smiling mermaids laying in the sun. There is a bit darkness, mystery and blood. Great to see something completely different, AT ONCE! Because i think many are tired and going crazy of vampires with overreacted blood drinking, zombies and same thing going on and on over years. I hope many will like this and we see more seasons coming out. Just give it a try! And yes, actress face really looks what i imagine siren would look like.
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Enjoyable without blowing your mind
muamba_eats_toast24 July 2020
Season 1 and the first half of season 2 were much better than the second half of season 2 which I felt was much slower and screaming mediocrity. That being said I've mostly felt entertained throughout and it feels set up nicely for season 3 the last episode of season 2 reinvigorated the 2nd season for me and has me excited for what's to come!
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Interesting idea, good start, but meh
blu_emilia17 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Probably like the other 90% of the people, I started watching this show for the mermaids plot, that hasn't been really explored like the other 100 movies about vampires and werewolves.

However this goes bad quickly, the plot has many holes, no attention to details, one of the sisters is white, the other one is black, of course the main character is somehow equally attracted to both a girl and a boy, because hey, where would we be without a gay plot?
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Surprisingly good!
richgibbons4 May 2018
Ok, so you have to suspend a bit of belief to get into it, and the program certainly benefits from you being in the mindset of - "ok, I want something sit down and switch off now". But with that said, Siren is highly enjoyable.

The pacing is just right, and acting is decent. Especially that of lead actress and primary 'mermaid' Ely, who does a great job of drawing you into her otherworldly nature. She's definitely a fantastic choice for the role.

I'm two episodes in and can't wait for the next one.
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Fairly good TV - better than most
dbh8501 May 2018
I like it - fresh new idea. Mermaids and marine biologists wrestling with fishermen and big gubm'nt dudes. It's pretty good. Not the best but by FAR not the worst.

It is written for a younger audience. I like the protagonists and I particularly like having a mixed race couple - and an older woman as main characters. Several African American actors - I like seeing people besides white (MY race) get work. I grew up in the civil rights movement era, so I notice things like that. I always appreciate a multiracial cast - like life!

One thing that bugs me is the face sucking. Maybe because I'm older - I just don't see how that drives the story. It annoys me. Am I a grumpy oldster? Quite possibly. But it does seem like they have too much of that - I imagine the writers trying to fill the minutes perfectly to fit that time slot and so throw a makeout session in there to make the time fit perfectly. It does nothing for the plot.

Overall, I like it. I do appreciate the strength and fierce nature of the mermaids - adds dimension to the story. I vote it a good show for watching while you are doing mindless busywork, but I wouldn't sit down JUST to watch it.
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This show is underated!!
angiesmail19 March 2023
I enjoyed every bit of this show. The actress that plays Ryn is so convincing as a Mermaid. What a perfect casting! The other actors are great too. The storyline is a nice one that keeps you invested. I hate they cancelled this show, it deserved a couple of additional seasons!

The town where this show was filmed was a great place to set the story in. I'm typically not into these types of shows. After watching the first couple of episodes I was in! Hopefully they will consider bringing this show back. I can't remember the actresses name that plays Ryn, but I am so surprised she isn't playing more roles because she is amazing! Bring this show back!
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Season 2 is a bit odd
shaylen_sanders2 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So spoilers but in season 2 they have a trio couple, it feels uncomfortable, like grooming vibes. She doesn't understand sex or the human world and they talk to her and treat her like she's a child. I don't know if I can continue getting into this show as it is starting to drag on. More dialogue than sci Fi and action now.
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Fun Show
Ronaldehall26 January 2019
Lots of bad review and I must disagree. The plot is intriguing and the actors do have chemistry. It is nice to see a diverse cast including native people. I highly recommend for light, enjoyable TV watching.
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Great start, terrible ending
martynmihalache20 August 2019
Refreshing show, nice theme, season 1 excellent, season 2 the ending was a total waste of 40 minutes of my life
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Totally lost me with the threesome...
bj-mari3 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Quite good quality acting and story, I wasn't impressed the beginning but the series grew more interesting and I were surprised by the good acting. The main caracter Ryn is quite good and actually looks like what a mermaid should look like in human form in my imagination. But (a BIG "but") came in s2... I was intrigued by a love story between Ben and Ryn. I was surprised that Ryn could express warmer feelings for Ben without Maddie getting jelaous... I liked Maddie but I thought maybe she would get hurt first but later find love somewhere else, but I got a really "cold shower" when it was clear to me that Ben, Maddie and Ryn would be in a threesome! Then and there they totally lost me.
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SIREN a Fantasy come true
fifi19950215 November 2018
I was hooked after the first episode.Leaves you wanting more.

Makes you want to scuba dive to the depths of the sea in hopes of glancing at one.

Mermaid movies have been made for years.

This one is a "Must See". Far better than any other film made. It''s very realistic. You will fall in love with this series.

Awaiting for another season to be made. .
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Siren SONG
ohgeezelouisee3 April 2018
Guys. Its named after the phrase "siren song", which is used in translations of the odyssey. In modern language its used to describe a woman who uses her "song" to lure men to danger. Or even more recently, it's used to describe something mysterious and dangerously seductive. I.e. the literal song they sing and also their allure to search for the mermaids after encountering them, which could potentially be dangerous since she's been hurting and killing people....

But seriously why does he dive into the water like that?!
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It's become silly!
nancy-793-2288795 April 2019
1st series had such potential but the 2nd has just become silly with no real direction. Disappointed.
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There NEEDS to be A Season 4!!!
msmoothe7425 October 2021
This was a show I honestly chose to watch bc I was bored. It turned into one I made my husband watch with me bc it's so well done! It really is a great show. We are attached to the characters and really invested now. We hear there will be a season 4 in 2022 but really HOPE AND PRAY that's true! We LOVE SIREN!!!! Bring on more and more !!!!
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