Project 'Gemini' (2022) Poster

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Well, the Russian CGI is good as usual.
jayg_5824 February 2022
As for the rest of the movie... no script, card reading acting, stiff. The plot is the usual - earth is dying from pollution and disease, a compatible planet is found, and off go our protagonists with an alien artifact found deep in the earth to terraform the new planet. Not a bad plot, but OMG, the acting: none; the script: none. So wooden. It's hard to believe they couldn't find real actors, or maybe just didn't want to pay them. It's painful to watch. I kept my fingers on the FF button through the whole movie. I've seen some great Russian SciFi movies, in fact they're very good at it, but this is just painful. There's a monster, of course, ripped straight off Alien, but only a couple glimpses of it. Not kidding, you really don't want to waste the time.
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Audio post processing fail, sadly...
fake0023 February 2022
For some reason all of the voice tracks seem to have been re-synchronized in post- processing... the lip movements seem to be english, so i don't get it...

Other than that, this could have been quite an entertaining movie...

  • the story isn't much weaker than most of the genre: 5/10
  • acting a bit better than cheap sci-fi channel production: 3/10
  • visual effects, staging, props very nice, actually: 8.5/10
  • same for sound design (without voices): 8/10
  • utter lack of understanding of basic physics and engineering: 0/10
(admittedly, this is sadly still standard these days...)

Is this a dubbed russian version, maybe?

Anyway, just my 2 eurocents...
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This might have been really good.
ropipgi-581-48716626 February 2022
Anything visual in this movie is superb. The CGI, special effects and anything space related is suprisingly good, especially when you see similar US made movies with a tenfold bigger budget looking like a final year filmschool project. Watch any space movie with Bruce Willis in the past ten years and you see what i am talking about.

Now to the bad parts, writing of the story, any dialogue and finally the acting.

Sure, i saw the dubbed version, but still - none of the scenes involving people, looked like they actually were people.

I liked the final twist, but the plotholes are just a little to big to overcome. There are several places where the movie could have taken us to some seriously interesting places, storywise - but instead it always went back to cliche´town.

In the past ten years, there have been some really interesting sci fi movies from Russia, but they seem to be hit or miss, and when they miss, they miss big time, and unfortunatly - this one miss the target, and does it big time.

If you want to watch a sci fi horror with a loved one, and know that any of the Alien movies is to scary, this might be good for that.
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When your high school drama class borrows the Alien costume and buckets of slime.
Top_Dawg_Critic11 March 2022
The directing was bad - especially directing the cast, who were cringeworthily bad to begin with. That one guy faking a deep voice to sound tough was a joke. But the writing was even worse. There was so much ridiculous and phony dialogue in between a whole bunch of filler with very little substance, that the 98 min runtime felt neverending, especially in the first half. The last half had a little suspense and thrills, and some nice twists and a partially cohesive story coming together, albeit generic and cliched. But what was impressive and the reason for my high score of 5, was the excellent cinematography and stunning visual effects. This film may have been more appreciated as a short, with all the filler and nonsense dialogue edited/cut out. Nevertheless, it's a 5/10 from me.
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I made an account just to warn people
ppatrik-416619 January 2022
This is the worst movie I have ever seen. And no, not so bad that it is already good and worth seeing how bad it is. Don't. Just don't.

I don't know who created this, but my guess is someone with money saw "Alien" and thought: "I also make good space movie..haha!"

I mean...where do you find a whole cast of actors who have never seen human emotions before? _Any_ emotion.

There are no words to describe the dialogue adequately. Imagine a verbal vomit of cliché after cliché after cliché.

At first we laughed at how unbelievably awful it was but that wore off and we were barely able to survive the whole experience.
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Worst movie I've seen
qjkdvrvw25 January 2022
Imagine a first year film student trying to copy Michael Bays style mixed together with robots as actors who were programmed to specifically express no emotions. I too made an IMDB Account just to write this. I've never seen a worse movie.
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Meh. There are far better sci-fi thrillers out there...
paul_haakonsen25 February 2022
Sure, I will admit that I was immediately suckered into watching the 2022 sci-fi thriller "Proekt 'Gemini'" (aka "Project 'Gemini'") as I saw the rather interesting-looking cover for the movie. The whole outer space concept with the somewhat Lovecraftian theme and tentacled creature was a sure win for me.

Had I heard about "Proekt 'Gemini'" from writers Natalya Lebedeva and Dmitriy Zhigalov prior to sitting down to watch it? No. Not even a single thing. So all I knew about the movie was the cover and the synopsis presenting the movie.

I will say that director Serik Beyseu managed to deliver an entertaining enough movie here with "Proekt 'Gemini'", though it was somewhat of a copy-paste of the classic Ridley Scott movie "Alien" in many ways. And yeah, that actually works, but on that account this 2022 sci-fi thriller just sort of came off as being a mere knock-off and not really delivering much of anything new and innovative.

It should be said that the movie certainly is watchable, don't get me wrong. However, it just is a movie that borrows heavily from other already well-established movies in the sci-fi genre. So don't go expecting too much here.

Visually then "Proekt 'Gemini'" was actually good. Lots of nice special effects with proper CGI that came off as being realistic and also being eye-candy to look at. So in that aspect, then this sci-fi thriller benefitted well from having a proper special effects team working on it.

I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie, but I was somewhat baffled as to why the Russian cast were speaking English. I assume that I had the misfortune of watching a dubbed version, which is something I tend to avoid if possible. A movie should be enjoyed in its original language, no doubt about it.

"Proekt 'Gemini'" wasn't as impressive as I had hoped. And while it certainly is watchable and enjoyable enough for what it was, it just failed to be an outstanding movie. So I believe that come next week, then I will have forgotten about this movie, and nor do I think I will ever return to watch it a second time.

My rating of "Proekt 'Gemini'" lands on a mediocre five out of ten stars.
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Just no.
wooahae7 January 2022
This movie was so not it. The acting was really bad. There was almost no point in this movie. The only part that I found a little better was the special effects. And they still weren't that great.
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Wow. A truly spectacular fail
imdb-238218 February 2022
Imagine if a movie could make even late career Bruce Willis films appear passable. This is that film.

In short, a virus has been destroying life on earth. This is a mission to seed a new planet using this big round sphere called the Gemini, which is what was supposedly found on earth and responsible for creating life on earth. The crew sets out into space but something appears to go wrong and they aren't sure they are at the planet they were going to seed - but it looks like a great candidate.

Sounds OK but the acting, from the opening is... spectacularly bad. It's as though the actors were told to read lines off their cards. And put emphasis into their words in a grim way. But every actor sounds like they are reading off a cue card in an artificial way. Like one sentence at a time. Now actor 2, you respond with your line. OK, now actor 3, it's your turn. Yes, that mechanical sounding. The lead does this film absolutely no good with his stoic nature, perhaps having a wealthy family or set of photos to finance the film. Others have nailed down how badly mechanical it is.

The camera work isn't terrible but you will get dizzy as it spirals around the actors during multiple scenes. Makes you feel like the director was enamored of Ghost. Thankfully I saw this on video and could skip through it quickly.

I don't want to waste any more time on this dud. It drags, doesn't make much sense, and it's not a laugh at film, just head shaker. Sorry guys, I'm sure you put effort into this but someone must have had an idea how mechanical this is.
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Scunthorpe Amateur Dramatics production of "Alien"
boydwalters8 February 2022
Writing - Bad - Acting - Bad - Design - Cliche'd - Photography - TV Quality - What can you say about something like this - So many people are making this sort of rubbish and calling it a film these days - There is nothing here that is in any way unique - It has all been done MUCH better so many times before by people who know what. They are doing - I would suggest Scunthorpe's Amateur Dramatics Society injects some humour into the proceedings next time to give their work at least an amusement factor at how bad it is, cos this just limps from beginning to end - And gord I was glad when it ended.
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Where is the Russian language version?
Nemesis4219 January 2023
I cant rate it because we don't have the entire film available to us here in Australia. What we have is an abominable English language overdubbed version. The dialogue sounds TERRIBLE. It feels like a bunch of simple-minded robots exchanging flat dialogue with pretty much zero or faked emotional nance. Stiff, bland, boring dialogue.

Who knows what the real film feels like? It might be poetic in Russian.

Gone with the deleted original dialogue are all of those smaller sounds that are captured by the microphone on set. As a result the sound design is now lacking.

CGI is good, as is the score. Again, because of the overdubbed version, it's hard to determine even if the casting is good. It looks like it's not, but to be fair we are not hearing any dialogue from the actors we see. Amazon Prime, you cheap numbskulls, let us have the original language option.
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Destroy humanity's 'children' or yourself?
Cosmotron42O27 February 2022
...aaaand the early hater trolls who are out in full force. Usually happens right away, as usual, while the carcass is still young and tender.

This is a budget move, but for a budget movie, it does a great job. Both visually and conceptually. It's hard to miss the mark these days as cgi has gotten so cheap, and this movie delivers. It has a very 90s/80s Alien feel to it, as others have mentioned, the tech, the gear, the vibe. I personally love it. Acting is great too, but in scifi it's really the concept and implications of actions and technology that make the show.

It pays good homage to some classic scifi movies of yore. The suspense is great. Yes, you can basically figure out what's going on, but there's a huge twist, and therein lies the crux. Do you destroy humanity's children, as ugly as they are, in favor of a dying race? Can you even? Rises some very poignant moral and existential questions really. A great balance of visuals, and something that a lot of modern scifi has lost -- actual provocative concepts. Yes it's budget. If you just let it be what it is, you will enjoy it.

This is "hard" scifi too, which means that unless you truly enjoy the genre and really think about what you are seeing, you probably won't enjoy it. It's a psychological thriller more so than a visual one. I'm assuming a lot of the hate comes from people who are into thrillers but NOT necessarily into scifi -- this movie only works for both elements. If you are a fan of dystopian/thriller bordering on horror, and ALSO hard scifi in the Asimov or Clement mode, this one will be a great one for you. Speaking of, I got very "Event Horizon"-ish vibes from it too. So that's basically what you're dealing with, hope you enjoy!
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I honestly don't understand the hate
lockout-595067 April 2022
Going into this movie I expected very little. I only took the chance because I am a huge sci-fi fan and I actually enjoy a lot of B rate films of the genre.

I understand the material has been used before an that the acting was meh, terrible in some regards, but honestly with all that being said I still enjoyed the film as a whole

CGI was fairly decent. Creature wasn't shown until 2nd half of the film which left some mystery about the creature and made it more interesting to watch. Unlike other horror / sci-fi / survival films that give you a good glimpse of the creature / alien / entity at almost the very beginning

I would say if your a fan of the genre you may actually enjoy it. One of the best parts of this film was it was free of any political or woke nonsense. It was pure entertainment that wasnt trying to force any agenda on the viewer. Arguably you could say climate change but climate change has been happening on the planet since its beginning

Worst case you dont like the film and you turn it off or you watch the whole thing and regret it after. Its not like big budget films havent suffered the same. Especially of late.
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Tweetienator24 February 2022
I am a great fan of space horror movies so I tried Project Gemini. The pro: the production is okay, nothing special but okay. The cons: a script that follows every possible cliche of the genre, also the acting, I am tender here, is improvable, and the story misses momentum and a feel for pace: before anything interesting happens we get all that necessary blabla and introduction that made me almost doze off into Morpheus arms. Anyway, compared to the benchmarks of the genre (Alien, Event Horizon, Pandorum) Project Gemini tastes just very weak. I would even prefer to watch Life (2017) again, which in my view is a very mediocre movie because it lacks of the same issues: a story too predictable and every cliche of the genre squeezed in, but at least the techs and acting are fine ones.
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A decent effort, but they could have done better.
siderite16 March 2022
The effects were pretty good for the budget of the film and the story was ... well, ridiculous, but at the same time a reasonable attempt. It was the acting and the dialogue that put me off. Imagine that: from the country of Russian literature, theater, ballet and corrupt governing you get something that is technically OK, but artistically bad. It's possible that if I didn't realize the twist from the very first scenes I would have enjoyed it more, I don't know.

I am glad Russian movie making is evolving and starting to produce fantasy and sci-fi, but it's so at the very beginning. And then the war. It's a shame, really. And it's easy to criticize a film industry that is nowhere near the wealth and history that Hollywood has. You need so many people to make a film and every single issue will have a negative impact on the viewing experience. But I do hope and expect to see more and more cultures add their own distinctiveness to the cinema world.

Bottom line: not a good film, but a good attempt. It felt like the crew just didn't fit the formulaic plot more than a failure in the filmmaking itself. Perhaps more than less creative freedom is indicated. At least fail spectacularly if you do.
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Skip this stinker.
frankblack-7996126 February 2022
From the outset this film will tell you how poorly written it is. From characters that are far too stupid to be operating a mission of this magnitude to the standard space exploration film events. The cgi is good. Bit that's about all this one has to offer.
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Worst sneak preview so far
over-one31 January 2022
We saw the film in a sneak preview and it was the worst film I saw in a sneak preview so far. Especially the dubbing in English was awful and made it a caricature of a film. The acting of the protagonist was either completely over the top or without any emotion whatsoever, no in between. It felt almost like a fan fiction made into a low budget movie.
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Best sleep I've had for a while!
bforbrett24 February 2022
Despite reading the warnings from other reviewers I thought I'd give this a look. I regret doing so.

It's terrible, truly. The plot is far from original and was laid out in a really bland fashion. The "acting" was lifeless.

1 star for the CGI.
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What a waste of beautiful CGI
macshrikemobile25 February 2022

Very high level graphics.

Acting: awful, sound/voice over is terrible.

Storyline: perhaps died on the editing table.

Makes no sense, is not interesting, follows no plot other than some random collage of older sci-fi.

It's like a good trailer that they expanded with random footage.

Wanted to like it, couldn't bear to watch it to the end.

A real waste.
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Bad writing & acting
ctufan2411 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Plot has potential just poorly executed. Bad writing moments such as at the end the main scientist character is connected virtually through this spear even though there in two different periods in time (which doesn't make any sense in how that works but ok) and he tells his wife to write down something in preventing this virus that's ruins all plant life that starts the end of humanity... He tells her that he's going to explain to her how to make the plants detect early and make them immune to the virus; but then he goes on about how he told her he would come back and so on and so forth without ever explaining how to early detect the virus.
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loversdiaryyy2 February 2022
Actors were so stiff. Editing was awful, like a high school student's project. BAD MOVIE 👎👎👎 i made an account just for review this movie. I feel so bad after watching this, i fell asleep while watching this. So boring 😴
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They were not ready for such a meeting
ekandziouba6 January 2022
I have no doubt that sooner or later our civilization will disappear. I also believe that we have options for salvation, and one of the most realistic of them is the one shown in "Project Gemini". But there are risks in any situation and sometimes they are really terrifying.

The film tells us about the mission of Earth scientists and militaries led by Stephen Ross. They have to reach a distant planet and try to terraform it to make the atmosphere fit for human life. However, there is some creature which can jeopardize the successful outcome of the mission.

This story amazed me with its scale, and also pleased with a high-quality plot, in which there was a place for love, philosophy and morality. At the same time, the film isn't boring, the storyline is dynamic and in general, to the very end, it looks in one breath.

So, if you like movies about space and monsters, you should definitely watch " Project Gemini " because it's a worthy work in all respects.
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Good potential
xzpgjgcdp20 January 2024
I see a lot of "ripping off alien" comments. That's not really the case. This is actually a good sci-fi movie. Visually great. If you watch to the end it has a pretty interesting twist that I definitely wasn't expecting. The acting "was bad" is what everyone is saying but I honestly couldn't tell if it was or not because the post audio was horrible. I couldn't tell if it was dubbed or off track. If this was filmed in English then yes, the acting is atrocious but since it's hard to tell I can't really say that it was definitively. All in all if you're a sci-fi junky that can get into b rated stuff I'd say give it a shot.
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parkerphil-579688 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watch everything.....EVVVVVERYTHING. And This is not the alien-ish movie you think it is. It's russian but the words and the movement of lips don't match, but that's okay because the dialogue is soooo bad you hardly notice. The plot? What plot?!?! We destroyed our planet and flew to a new one with alien tech that has some pretty harsh malware and apparently theres no BTC ATM on this planet..and can somebody please tell me why we need to bring the alien sphere that creates life to the new planet we're moving to...
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Deflated into genre cliches
witra_as2 February 2022
Russian sci-fi horror that felt weak in plot and character developments to make it a real mission for audience to care. Unfortunately tension and suspense quickly deflated into genre cliches as it went on. Serik Beyseu didn't provide exciting trojan either.
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