It Stains the Sands Red (2016) Poster

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Good but...
alec-macarthur29 July 2017
First off, this is worth a watch, and it's far better than the 2-3 stars some reviewers are awarding.

Woman takes an unplanned "walking holiday" in the Nevada desert and picks up an unwanted follower in the form of a slow but relentless Zombie, is a great premise.

Brittany Allen as Molly does a perfectly acceptable job in the lead playing a character who has to deal with increasingly grim situations with nothing but steely determination 5 grams of cocaine to see her through.

In the last act the film lost it's clarity but still just about kept it together.

6 out of ten, could have been a 7 with a tighter ending.
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Pretty decent entry in the genre.
demontrees28 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Started watching this having already decided (based on the trailer) that it was gonna be another trash zombie flick, but i was surprised and glad to have been wrong. The film was well made and dare i say well directed and the casting choice for the lead was excellent in my opinion. The pace was good and the general mood of the film also. Script-wise it was lacking a bit but the main character's development and back story were great, the dynamic between Molly and the zombie really made me empathize with both of them, especially since after a point there's a bond formed between the two. The end was actually pretty satisfying and left me rooting for Molly. The actress gave a good performance considering she's the only character with lines for almost the entirety of the film. I tried to be as objective as i could with this review since i love zombie flicks but the review below trashing the film is really misleading, if it wasn't for that review i wouldn't have actually bothered writing mine, since i have an account for the past 5 years and this is my first one. This film maybe be no Night of the living dead but it has a lot of heart and i trust it will find it's place in the genre's audience.
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Road Trip - Zombie Edition
kosmasp7 August 2017
I understand that some people will not like this at all. It is annoying, you have a main character who's morally bankrupt, annoying and does not really seem to have any redemption value. Add to that decision making of the questionable kind and you have a dangerous mix. Dangerous because the interest of the viewer may wane to put it mildly.

Having said that and in stark contrast to all that, there are quite a few funny and really good moments. They may feel like skits and sometimes out of touch with the rest of the movie. And still they are able to elevate it, be it because of the humor, the tension or some sort short violence outburst. Sometimes a combination, which makes you wonder if underneath it all there was a way better movie, with a bit more time spent on the script, the characters and just in general. The main actress does her best to carry the movie (no pun intended), don't confuse despicable behavior with bad acting ... I hope this helped you decide if it is worth giving this a chance or not ...
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A Zombie Buddy Movie
jacewhite-237-48149825 January 2018
I just stumbled across this on one of the premium networks, and frankly expected more of the same - just another zombie retelling, which is kind of old, at this point. Boy, was I wrong. This story is so clever, and at times hilarious. The two main actors - Brittany Allen, as a coke-addicted stripper stranded in the desert, and Juan Riedinger a zombie in not-so-hot pursuit - are absolutely dead on. So to speak. I could see where zombie purists might not like it, simply because it's so unconventional, but I think it's a hidden gem.
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Cool buddy zombie film
UniqueParticle26 June 2019
The most epic thing about this is Molly (Brittany Allen) is the only woman in it and she can really hold her own in a zombie apocalypse scenario otherwise meh movie. Not much happens except great scenery and a few badass scenes!
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Ends 20 minutes too late! [+49%]
arungeorge139 August 2017
The premise sounds totally befitting a short film with a minimalist perspective. During the onset of a zombie apocalypse, circumstances force a young woman to take up a 50 mile journey by foot, while being relentlessly stalked by a slow-moving zombie.

There are a few bad decisions taken in the first 15 minutes (like not bashing the zombie's head with the first large piece of rock on sight), but the movie, written and directed by Colin Minihan, has a few surprises in store for the discerning viewer. A one-sided conversation ensues between Molly and the zombie (nick-named Smalls) where she details her past life, her relationship with her four year old son Chase, and her opinion on the men she has known. A couple of jump- scares aside, the movie doesn't stick to its subjugated zombie- horror roots and relies more on the rapport between the woman and the flesh- craving spook.

The film peaks during the scene where the zombie inadvertently comes to the rescue of the woman when she's held captive. This is followed by another where she is able to control the zombie's advances. In a never-before-seen scenario, the woman seeks to find closure for herself and her 'fellow-zombie' who she considers to be an unlikely friend. However, the final 20 minutes (especially the scene with the army- men) didn't show signs of neat execution. This portion is stretched with plenty of scenes uncalled for (the writer seems to have run out of ideas), and a climax that bestows itself in familiar zombie-movie territory. The director seemingly wanted to shift from the minimalist approach to a full- blown action thriller in the end.

By doing so, the film ends up on a rather unsatisfying note. Nonetheless, if you're looking for a diversion from the usual zombie films, 'It Stains the Sands Red' will fairly excite you.

Verdict: Fresh in parts!
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Fix the niggles, and the rest flows
begob23 August 2017
A stripper-mom fleeing a zombie apocalypse finds herself alone and stranded in the desert as one of the creatures stalks her ...

Good concept with an interesting twist and energetic climax. Plenty of style, with fine cinematography and a few big-bucks effects. This is from the writer/director/producer team behind Grave Encounters, so you might expect a bleak and harrowing story, but it's surprisingly big hearted if not quite optimistic.

But surprise surprise - this experienced team allow a lot of niggles to interrupt the story, with constant lapses in plausibility and logic. For example, in the opening scene the getaway car digs its rear wheel into the sand and won't budge - instantly I thought of a way to dislodge it, but the characters didn't even begin to think - even for the comedy effect. Later, there are plenty opportunities to exploit the creature's weakness, but the heroine doesn't have the wit to even try. A safe-haven house appears and disappears for no reason. The story is peppered with these problems, which kept dragging me out but are easily fixable. It undermined the humour and pathos the story was aiming for, so that's frustrating.

The final act has a serious change of tack, which kinda works. It does deliver on character and emotion, but its awkwardness might have been less if the earlier story had flowed more smoothly. So there's plenty to enjoy in this movie, but the script was just a bit off.

The landscapes are gorgeous, and there's a good car-shot with a face in the wing mirror, plus a fire-lit reveal of the monster creeping up from behind. Also plenty of gore and skin.

Lead actress does well, with a great squeal & scarper when trying to confront the zombie. And the zombie's movements are well done, and he even generated sympathy. Was the chemistry believable? Would have helped to have better dialogue.

Enjoyed the music. And the title comes from a gross-out snack.

Overall: Quality, but sloppy.
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Promise me you won't bite me.
nogodnomasters5 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
During the zombie apocalypse, showgirl Molly (Brittany Allen) is leaving Las Vegas only to get stranded alone in the desert with one lone zombie tracking her closely. Molly examines her life, uses the zombie to vent against men, and becomes attached to the walking dead man. She utilizes rule one: Zombies can't climb. Now why she didn't use her advantage to bash the zombie's head in at that point isn't explained.

I am not really into these low budget one man films, or woman in this case. Her venting and reflection attempted to give the film some significance, but hey, it's a zombie film. Brittany Allen did a good job to keep a flawed script alive.

Guide: F-word. Rape. No nudity
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Kinda bad for the wrong reasons
kevjoyce-4134017 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers

First of nice try, I mean really nice try. My only problem that made watching this hard work is that the zombie should R been dead contained within the first 5/10 minutes of being on screen. Any characters that fails to deal with a zombie that moves like that deserves to die. Or use as bait. Also hiding in a bath tub from something that has tracked you across a desert by the smell of your blood is not going to miss you hiding in a bathtub behind a shower curtain... Smell doesn't work that way. The intelligence of the main character is pitiful. Throw in some rape hicks for shock value and this honestly is the most stupid, shout out loud at the screen movie I have witnessed in many years. Then throw in a little romance/understanding/stuff happens moments with said zombie and that's it I'm done. I'm sorry for the spelling and grammar of this review but my mind and brain cells have been depleted by this movie. Some may like it, I could see why but I want my money back.. And I didn't pay to see it.
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Tank Girl meets I Spit On Your Grave.
influxtwo8 September 2022
Brittany (Jigsaw, What keeps you alive) Allen, manages yet another, brutal performance here, as a coke-addled newly single hoe on the run, who decides to befriend a zombie, and, ultimately re-mother her child in the wake of a zombie-takeover invasion. This is equal parts 'Fido', meets 'Single White Female', lost in a haze of bright, contrasty colors of the desert that will have you wondering if this is more 'Tank Girl', or 'I Spit On Your Grave'. It has the momentum of a 90s movie, until the logic of the plot wears thin. Then out of nowhere there is the ending, which is kind of becoming a modern cliche. Just don't accidentally burn the popcorn.
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The Best Independent Drama/Thriller/Zombie Film I've Seen
tdwillis-2627330 July 2017
To try and quench my zombie appetite I have watched MANY MANY...and I mean MAAANY zombie movies, and many of them are pretty dang bad.

This is not one of them.

Although not academy award level in any aspect, I would consider this deserving of awards in the independent and lower budget arenas!

If reviewers and viewers pay attention you will notice that this movie is labeled a Drama, Horror, Thriller. I believe that's accurate. For hard core zombie fans who like strict zombie action, I can see why some would be disappointed. I was not. And in fact I was quite pleasantly captivated. This was a breath of fresh air for this tired, same ole same ole, genera. I finally found a zombie movie that had some MEANING to it. Where the main character was believable and multi dimensional. I loved the humor inter mixed thru out!

The camera work was EXCELLENT. The acting and direction was very very good. And the story was full and different with the pace set at a nice steady burn. After about 45 minutes the pace does pick up with some new characters introduced and some nice surprises!

After reading my review, you can tell whether or not this film may interest you. If you are on the fence...let me push you off. I thought it was an excellent film.
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the zombie Stockholm syndrome
trashgang9 October 2017
A few times this title passed me on the net and now that it is available it was time to pick it up. It's not going to be a flick for everyone because it do contains zombies but it's not all about the zombie(s). In fact it's between the relationship between a human and a zombie following her closely. A bit of a zombie Stockholm syndrome.

The flick itself starts off rather in a gory way and I thought that it was going to be a gory flick. In some ways it is but on the other hand it only happens when a zombie do attack. That is of course normal but as stated, it's not all about the zombies attacking. Due the fact that there is some kind of friendship starting between the two (hulan and zombie) you will have some funny situations, maybe it wasn't intended but I did had a smile here and there.

Is it all that good, the effects are really well done and are above mediocre and the acting is also okay but the script do has it flows. There are a lot of situations that you think, hub, what do happens now or why do one react that way.

Still, if you are into zombies it's a must see, it'do has it gore but it's never scary. It fits perfectly in the horror genre but I can understand that some will turn it off due plot holes and the story itself.

Gore 2/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 3/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0,5/5
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pensacolacomputer28 July 2017
I love horror movies but this is definitely not one of them.

It is painfully obvious that the other reviewer knows the people who made the movie personally so I felt compelled to leave an honest review.

Bad acting, bad script, stupid, dumb, horrible, blah blah blah... you get the idea, you can skip this one

Not sure what else to say but I have to have 10 lines for a review so this is the tenth line
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Wanders off the beaten track a little
thekarmicnomad15 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A woman with a dubious background finds herself standard in the desert pursued by a single zombie. She's not dressed for the occasion, it's hot and she has a plane to catch.

I thought this was a great little movie. It wanders slightly off the path of your typical zombie flick and was a refreshing change.

There are some areas that didn't quite gel with me. At one point the movie feels like an assignment for a college project, like the director had to use at least five visual affects to convey exhaustion in a single scene or something.

The film takes a change in pace and plot at one point which I didn't think was needed. They could have happily stopped the film early and saved some money.

The film is semi-serious with some school boy elements and occasional bits of humour. There are some cracks in the plot about how she overcomes the zombie but it is a zombie movie, so any viewer should know better than to tug at those threads anyway.

An easy watch, not bad at all.
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a different kind of zombie film
fenbrad4 June 2018
I enjoyed this it was something different from the usual zombie films and the main actress held it all together well....not much blood and gore so may not appeal to die hard zombie fans, some humour along the way definitely not as bad as some people have said. Not sure i would class it as a horror film but still entertaining and held my interest
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So much potential wasted...
willdddd11 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I actually liked the way the movie started and the premise of someone being stalked by a zombie in the desert, however, when the zombie turned from a rampaging killing machine to a personal pet, I couldn't watch any further. A original little gem basically became silly cinema.
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A "tastefully done" zombie movie, if that's possible
ericfleming-282531 May 2021
If you're looking for your standard mainstream blood and gore zombie feature, this will not be your cup of tea. It DEFINITELY is a different approach to the zombie genre. There's minimal gore, essentially no nudity and some sexual content. Compared to what's out there now, this film is tame.

It's basically a one and a half person show. She and the zombie. She's a party girl when the apocalypse happens and ends up with a "pet" zombie. Along her journey with the undead, she comes to terms with her past and herself and starts making changes. Having the zombie around was probably the best thing to happen to her.

Overall I found this to be a very good movie.
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Move on to the next zombie movie
lora-jen3 September 2017
Boring movie with very unlike-able main character. I can never get behind a movie where the main (and really only significant) alive character is a crappy person and makes stupid decisions. At first I wondered, is this meant to be a comedy? Certainly its no horror nor a thriller. Black 'comedy' maybe. Annoying cheap drunk stripper coke head uses guy, shows shes a crap person, boringly gets chased by a very poor make-up-ed smalls, lets her misandry fly and over all proves she really is an unlike-able 'dumb broad'- would be a much more accurate summary of this movie. Would definitely recommend re-watching TWD for the 100th time over this. But in the pros - good use of landscape, actors aren't terrible and zombie sound effects are good.
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Give it a chance
kathmummybear10 January 2021
The only thing holding this film back is the overly slow beginning there's just way too much footage of the desert but if you keep with it it does improve.the idea was original and if it had only got the proportions right it could of been really good
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wow.. what a piece of crap
david-945511 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
it doesn't get any worse than this, horrible acting, plot holes everywhere, and horrendous logic make this film a must ditch flick, don't go near it. The zombie is always right behind her then all of a sudden its gone and nowhere to be seen??? She would go into a house and all of a sudden she has time to sleep with no fear of the creature approaching?!?!? 'Its like the zombie would all of a sudden give her time to rest then come after her. Horrible Horrible Horrible!!
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You'll be rooting for the Zombie,....
pidstr27 July 2019
Amazingly well shot, with a consistent vision and look through out, this is one of the few standout Zombie flicks of the last decade - maybe not as good as Zombieland, but at least the equal of 'The Girl with all the Gifts'. The characters are consistent where needed, and the evolution of Molly follows a realistic path of growth. The pacing from start to finish is just about perfect, it never drags and it never feels rushed You'll be rooting for the Zombies, especially 'Smalls', several times as events unfold. There's a couple of film makers goofs, but it'll take other film makers to spot them. A must-see for Zombie fans, and a good watch for everyone else.
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Too much film, not enough story, but I liked it
derekjager22 April 2018
Although it's only 92 minutes long, it's a LONG 92 minutes. For some reason, it just loses all momentum once she's walking through the desert with the zombie following her. These scenes go on and on and on and on. We get it. And her motivation to walk 30 miles to the airstrip I was never really clear on; the desire to reach her child would have been much more intense and added some needed suspense to the film. But I did enjoy her character arc and her relationship with the zombie. I just wish the filmmaker had settled on a tone since it skipped around from farce to drama to horror to slapstick comedy and never seemed to find its footing until the end. I recommended it but it could have used a little more story or a little more editing.
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A Waste of Time - Contains Spoilers
highpitchedpirates28 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge Zombie fan and I've seen almost all of them and after watching this disaster, I wished that I had given it a miss.

Contains Spoilers:

When I read the summary, I thought this sounds good, gees was I wrong. The main character makes all the usual horror movie mistakes. She falls down for no reason, despite being chased by a zombie, she pays no attention to her surroundings or uses said surroundings to her advantage.

At one point she turns to face the zombie and laughs at him when he falls over, instead of picking up a rock and bashing his head in, she damn well stands there and laughs.

Who in their right mind, when being chased by a zombie, would hide in a bathtub?

While hiding in the bathtub, a scorpion decides to crawl over her, causing her to freak out while the zombie is standing right there but just seconds later she picks the scorpion up with her hand and throws it.

There are a couple of scenes that are so repulsive that I can't bear the thought of writing them down and I can't think of a single reason as to why they were included except to make people throw up, they add less than zero to the story-line.

This isn't one of those movies that is so bad that it's good, it's just plain bad.
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interesting spin on the zombie genre
ryan_sy7 January 2019
The movies lead actress is convincing and although the plot is a bit slow, the movie is none the least original...
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Solid Zombie Drama
just_in_case4 November 2018
This is another one those flicks where some people are just going to be bored and there's nothing you can do or say to make them understand that they are not the target audience for this kind of horror. The story is well done and the main character holds the film up well. The only reason I gave it a seven instead of an eight or higher is that some of the other acting out side of the protagonist is pretty cheesy, borderline lazy. I think the director missed an opportunity to elevate the genre. If you can be ok with a quality zombie drama film overall with a bare number of hiccups this one is worth checking out.
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