All Creatures Here Below (2018) Poster

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Really liked it, and it's definitely a slow burn...
od2-102-5414569 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
But things are revealed near the end, that make it pretty clear that what you've been watching is not what you thought it was. The performances by both main characters were absolutely great, and knowing what you know in the end, they become even more intriguing when you think about the little nuances in each of their performances. **Do not read further if you haven't seen it the whole way through.**

There are two things that are revealed that aren't really stated as clear facts by anyone on screen... Gensen has that conversation with his uncle at the diner, where he makes it very clear that he suffered horrible abuse by his now deceased father, who died in jail sometime after Gensen left home. However his uncle says something about them being caught for kidnapping and people finding out how Gensen and Ruby had been living for many years and that it was "unnatural". Gensen talks about a particular time during his childhood where abuse had taken place, and how the father did things to Ruby and then made him do things to her as well. The words are never spoken, but it becomes apparent that Gensen and Ruby are brother and sister.

The second thing that isn't really spoken but it becomes obvious at the end, is that Ruby accidentally suffocated the baby when she was trying to muffle her cries, so that they weren't caught by hotel staff. She tells Gensen that she had finally gotten the baby to sleep, and until he hits Ruby with the shovel, you're not 100% sure whether the baby is asleep or dead, although I was thinking she was dead. But it's never plainly said and you only see Ruby holding the blanket the baby is wrapped up in, but not the baby herself.

I believe that Gensen kills Ruby, because he feels he is saving her from what would become her life after they are caught. He expressed concern that she would have a difficult time making it on her own, much less in jail. Now that they couldn't surrender peacefully and return the baby to her mother unharmed, there would be far more severe consequences for Ruby. I believe he feels his killing Ruby is mercy and best for her.

All in all it's a very interesting movie. The story can be somewhat slow and it's a truly tragic one. Not a "feel-good" movie for sure, but the very strong performances and the plot turns & revelations that take the end, it becomes a very original and worthwhile story. I consider myself to be among the more knowledgable and experienced members of most audiences. I also work in the film industry on the production end. This definitely has it's effects on my perspective...which can sometimes be good and sometimes bad. It's a good thing when a movie can surprise me and get me invested. After everything I've seen, when a film gets me emotionally invested and I'm sucked into the story (not picking it apart or thinking "I know how they got that shot")... it usually means they did it right and did it well.
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Incredibly sad yet well told story.
natcalgary21 June 2020
The acting in this little film was outstanding. Throughout the whole movie I could feel the emotions of the main characters. They did an outstanding job telling this sad tale. 6.9
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Disturbing, Sad.. but a really good story
mayank-813-3786812 September 2020
For the first half you will feel what the hell is this you are watching but as the movie progresses it makes you understand the depth of the characters. Really well acted and story line is good. It is disturbing and sad but the characters you will hate in the beginning will make you understand why they did what they did in the end.
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life isnt a garden of eden on this planet
bikerhiker9215 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I like independent movies because they are more realistic then what is usually playing at the box office. i enjoy watching how other people live their lives, good or bad, happy or sad. i dont need movies that have all the problems solved at the end with a happy ending. theres a hallmark channel for that.sure this is a sad movie but life isnt happy for everyone and we all make choices that can affect us for the rest of our lives. this is that type of story. i thought it was beautifully acted and you wanted it to end well for the both of them,but due to the circumstances that happened, and were happening in their lives, you couldnt see how it could.-SPOILER - i could understand why he did what he did at the end because of his love for her, and knowing what had happened to the baby, if he didnt get the death sentence, hed be in prison, probably for the rest of his life. and no way could ruby survive without him in her life or in prison, being the innocent, damaged soul that she was. and he wouldnt be able to handle it either, not being able to protect her anymore, like he has done her whole life. this is a movie that stayed with me for days after. for me it was a 10.
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All Wounded Creatures: Childhood Trauma and Poverty
babyjaguar21 May 2019
David Dastmalchian, crafted an enigmatic story about two adults dealing with brutal childhood traumas while living in poverty. At first, viewers who can the film's low production value maybe like ok where's the story? but the joint performance by David Dastmalchian and Karen Gillan, gives the film incredible value.

The film evokes off a strong human feeling to story's end plot twists. Dastmalchian 's acting carries the story through, as Gillan's performance as a disillusioned person. The film also functions as a road trip film; it follows their tragic story.
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A short story stretched into a minor revelation
movieswithgreg29 July 2021
This is much more a short story than a feature film.

For the first 80% of it, I kept wondering "is this it? Is this movie going anywhere beyond a dysfunctional bonnie and clyde story?

Then it becomes something. It achieves something I don't encounter too often in film, and it does it ever so gently -- it's a jerry springer film, without the bitter humor. It's sad, it's depressing, and surprisingly touching just when I was about to give up on it. It makes you glad that your life is not like theirs -- cursed from the beginning of their lives, to the end. And while they're still young.

I can't get overjoyed about the acting -- most of it is held tight to the emotional vest. And forget the dialogue -- while the story may be lyrical, the dialogue most definitely is not. But what it surrenders in poetic ways, it makes up for in simple, grim realism. This movie's realism makes it that much more unpleasant. But in a good way.
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A beautiful sad story
AziziOthmanMY19 May 2019
The 2 main cast had chemistry and brilliantly gave a stunning performance.
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Great acting, unnecessary story
GonzoDanMan9 November 2019
This feels like an Indie film from get go, and it sort of ropes you right in from the beginning; you are curious about these odd and rather sad characters and stick around to see where this is going to go. The acting is top notch, really quite incredible performances from people you don't see often (I've never seen either of the two leads). HOWEVER. If this was based on a true story, it should never be retold. If it's just fiction, the writer should seek other topics. This thing is just drenchingly sad. The story winds down and down, you know midway through that there can be NO possible good outcome. Towards the end, we can see what is happening in that hotel room and then just hope and wish that it doesn't turn out to be what you think it will; it does. From there on out to the bizarre ending, it is just purely unnecessary sadness. Why tell a story like this? Who could possibly enjoy watching such tragedy? I don't get it. Everything about acting and music and cinematography top notch, but damned if I know why anyone would dream up such depressing dreck to film for others to see. John Doe turned in a top notch performance too, albeit quite brief. Can't wait to see X again, they never let you down, unlike this movie...
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Honest review
Headturner121 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When people name actors, producers etc well. Ok decent indie flick. There wasn't much of a story that's been reoccurring theme in these recent films. It was very well acted by the male. It was clear these kids weren't high functioning adults. I wish we they had done some flash backs of how they grew up but that would have given away the big plot twist but I figured it out s soon as they fled. And the ending didn't make sense since he was willing to take the blame for it all. Just felt well. un ended. It was a bit disjointed and not a very exciting story tho they could have made it one. The script was there. In the end it was a decent watch with good acting.
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Very sad movie BUT also very watchable
TheArchies9 May 2020
This movie is absolutely worth watching, and I liked it. The tale it tells is disturbing to say the least, but it's well acted, the story line is deceptive at first, but it is thought provoking. If you liked "The Virgin Suicides" you might find you like this - the story is very different, but the mood you're left with at the end is similar - it's sad, but it might leave you thankful. Sometimes sad stories should be told.
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Of Mice and Men...and Incest
yoselahonda23 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike the Steinbeck classic, this movie fails at being symbolic of anything, contemporary or ages past. There's a Lennie character that is stupid but likes to steal/kill babies. There's a George, who instead of portraying the loneliness of the "every man" type, is a troubled, seemingly meth addled, murderer. And in this case George and Lennie are brother and sister...and lovers.

Despite the movie's failures at creating a context in which you gain an insight into each individual character's 'man is an island' experience, the individual performances are very good. You get a basic idea of the primal desires that motivate the two main characters, and the actors are very convincing in their rolls. The twist is they're incestuous abuse if that explains everything. By the time "George" puts down "Lennie" you're glad it's over.
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The sad story of Gensan and Ruby.
TxMike12 April 2020
It is not a pleasant movie at all but a very good character study of two people on the fringe of homelessness in Los Angeles. As the movie begins he and she each lose their jobs, for different reasons through no fault of theirs. Trying to make a go of it anyway they soon end up on a road trip in someone else's car that takes them to Kansas City.

David Dastmalchian, who also wrote the script, is Gensan. His partner is Karen Gillan as Ruby, who appears to be a bit "slow" and also naive. They clearly care for each other, she depends on him greatly, but every day seems to be a massive speed bump in the road of life.

I have only seen Gillan on TV talk shows, with her smiling face and very red hair. Here she has short black hair, hardly any makeup, and doesn't really look like herself. But it is a very appropriate look and she plays her role superbly.

This is a movie without happy endings but it probably reflects well on how some people living on the fringes of society have difficulty dealing every day. It is a well-made movie of a difficult subject.
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You just have to ask Why?
LovesBlues20 November 2020
I could write a list of questions this movie brings up.

However I am content to say

Why make this movie? What was the goal? To make me sick? Well you succeeded.

The world does it need any more sadness it needs some joy!

And there was no joy in this movie.
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demita537 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The two main characters are troubled and make poor choices. Given that, I tried to understand their motivations, and watched the movie, thinking that they would either get arrested, or ride into the sunset to live out their lives the best that they could. Right at the end, I realized that my guesses were wrong, and I had just wasted an hour and a half of my life, watching this film. The character did not want his girlfriend to go to prison, but he thought that it would be appropriate to hit her with the shovel, ending her life. I cannot comprehend why he thought that that was a good idea, once again, making bad choices. The film made no sense from the first scene to the last. If you value your time, please don't spend it watching this film.
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Possibly the most depressing movie I've ever seen
TheDome816 February 2023
Wow! This one sure takes the cake, when it comes to depressing storylines. We first meet this young couple. Neither one has much going for them. She's in trouble at her menial job cleaning a church. He's a pizza slinger. Then things get way worse.

He's let go from his job because the restaurant where he works is closing. Se he gets his last paycheck. Now a normal person would hang on to the money and look for another job. But he decides to put the entire $250 on a cockfight. As luck would have it, the fight gets raided. On his way out, he runs across the person who has his money. He ends up stabbing the guy to get his money and hightails it.

So now he's on the lam. Well, his girlfriend ends up kidnapping a baby who lives across the alley. So both of them are on the run. And things only get worse. They make just about every bad decision you could make. It's absolutely cringeworthy. And it just keeps getting more and more depressing.

Watch this one if you want to feel lousy for the rest of the day.
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Good film but NOT a feel good film
johnhsmith-0005617 February 2021
This is a powerfully acted film about a destitute couple who make poor decisions that eventually spiral out of control. But if you are in a bad mood, this film won't lift your spirits, but make you more depressed.
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DarknessVisible2029 December 2022
I echo the sentiments of other reviewers here who question why a movie like this gets made. I guess there is this rather obnoxious trend of some directors thinking that the darker a movie is, the more artsy and worthy it is. This 'trend' needs to stop. All Creatures Here Below starts off depressing, and then gets more, and more, and more so. And just with you think it can't get any more depressing, it does. Sure, the acting is good, and for awhile, you hope things might possibly improve for this couple on a downward trajectory, but alas, they don't. Why make something like this? Life is already so difficult and depressing. This movie just leaves you feeling awful.
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I didn't understand the ending
jasonpauljones-646908 December 2023
Karen Gillan was a favourite of mine as the delightful Amy Pond in Doctor Who but this role in All Creatures Here Below is totally different, as a struggling young woman living on the fringes of society, with little to no income and prospects for her future. Her relationship with Gensan is marred with gloom as he too can't manage to function in society to establish any semblance of stability in his life. Understandably, this scenario isn't an uncommon or unbelievable one, it's just that I struggled to accept the choices that they make throughout this story, particularly that final act which had me extremely perplexed. In any case, the story had me somewhat interested in how things would turn out for the pair, despite there being a complete absence of action scenes and not much suspense either, even though their predicament would want us to believe there's more going on when there plainly isn't. I feel they were unsuccessful in building any momentum in tension, because the story moves very slowly and hasn't got the much needed spark to draw me in any further than the already long established premise. It certainly is not a light hearted watch and some people may find it too morbid to see it through to the end, and I could understand that even though I did manage to finish it. But I was disappointed in its conclusion and felt like nothing had been achieved by any of the characters. So, my opinion is, it's definitely not a must see movie. It provides nothing new or anything memorable, and it should have developed much better than this very ordinary outcome.
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Disturbing and Tragic Tale
godzillajones23 May 2020
Interesting storyline from David Dastmalchian. Very good performances from both him and Karen Gillan. Interesting choice of movies for her between her outings in the MCU and Jumanji films. She's one of my favorite actors these days and it's good seeing her in more diverse roles. Overall a very dark, disturbing and tragic tale.
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Richie-67-4858525 November 2019
This movie starts out having you believe it is like any other and it triggers you to form an opinion early on to the affect of "is this another one of those movies"? Stay with this because the movie then becomes remarkable, takes off and you have a front seat. As the story progresses, we are let-in on what is really going on and here is where the viewers emotions take over. We gasp, we wonder and we start to identify and follow the course of the movie with shock and twist thrown in. You may find it hard to keep quiet or not leap out of your seat. At another point we are introduced to a bad situation going to worse and from worse to below worse and beyond but we remain with mouth open and scratched heads. It is at this point that this movie qualifies for being one of the saddest and most tragic stories that can befall mankind but is not new until you visit with it or in the case watch a movie about it. I was stunned and deeply moved and the ending is perfectly delivered up to you to do with as you please. Long after it was over, I found myself reviewing this as did my co-watcher making us reflect and visit with the haunting effects of where the movie landed us. You will not be same. One thing stands out and that is how precious a normal childhood is and how the lack of one takes us down dark roads.
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Beautiful and sad movie
jacquelinesandra-3467111 August 2021
This movie needs more recognition.

A sad life tale who will make you cry.

There's always more to people than what you see and the actors played the characters to perfection.
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Oh my goodness...
haroot_azarian17 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So I started watching this movie not knowing what to expect, but right from the outset I knew there was something not right with the Ruby (Gillan) character. Only towards the end was when I realised what was going on. And it totally blew me over. Yes my eyes did well up too. thumbs up to Dastmalchian and Gillan's solid performances, and the directing too!
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Deep and tragic
s-andra-195715 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Loved this movie! The actors were fantastic! The material is really hard to watch at times but it's a contemporary if mice and men brilliantly written and acted! Kudos to all involved beautiful movie! I loved it!
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Shocked at how good the movie actually was. Spoiler alert!!!
tesswilliams-151725 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was browsing through movies on Tubi and came across this film. I decided to give it a chance and I was pleasantly surprised. All Creatures Here Below is a very gritty, raw, depressing look at how poverty, inbreeding, mental health issues, limited education and long term physical and mental child abuse can all but ruin any chance of leading a normal productive life. The two main characters were damaged from the very start of the movie. Everytime one of them made a decision it was wrong and illegal. But after Rudy kidnapped the baby and begged and pleaded Gensen to keep the baby. Plus she had been wanting to get pregnant for sometime and he said no which now I know is because their brother and sister . Even with her being mentally slow I never thought she'd kill that baby and they want to act like it was because she was alone at the motel and when housekeeping was knocking on the room door she flips out thinking its the cops and to keep the baby quiet because she was crying she deliberately smothered the baby. I feel like she knew her actions was going to lead to killing that baby and even tho her brother Gensen said he believed her and would tell the police he did it deep down he knew she killed that baby out of fear and frustration. Thats why when they stopped at their favorite place to play as kids a field down from their childhood home. While walking out I'm assuming to bury the baby because Gensen is carry a shovel. When they stop walking and she has her back to him he decides to kill her because for one he was angry at her for killing the baby and two he did still love her and he knew she couldn't take being in prison for the rest of her life so he gave her a easy way out in his eyes. But everyone has their own opinion. I suggest you watch it for yourself and form your own opinion it's definitely worth watching.
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A phenomenal drama, equally exquisite and excruciating
I_Ailurophile29 November 2022
As much as David Dastmalchian has commonly played small supporting parts, I haven't paid a lot attention to him heretofore; for what he brings to this as both actor and writer, that changes now. As much as Karen Gillan has demonstrated her skills again and again, it seems most often in genre flicks, she shines brightest of all in dramas, and as she continues in her career I can only hope we see her in more and more. All others here have done a fine job - Collin Schiffli in his capable direction, Ceiri Torjussen in their dynamic and softly haunting score; cinematographer Bongani Mlambo, editor Amanda Griffin, and by all means the supporting cast including Jennifer Morrison and John Doe even in their limited time on-screen. Yet for as quiet a picture as this is, and tightly focused on Dastmalchian and Gillan, it's the writing and acting that stand out most, and this is all 'All creatures here below' needs to be beautiful, terrible, tragic, compelling, and altogether outstanding.

Watching Dastmalchian here as Gensan is roughly equivalent to seeing Katharine Hepburn in 'The lion in winter' if all she had done up to 1968 were bit parts. I don't mean to directly compare the two stars, but rather, Dastmalchian demonstrates fabulous, wide-ranging acting abilities that no other role has come close to allowing him to express, and I find myself aghast that he hasn't been more plainly visible in the industry heretofore. We've seen Gillan show time and again what she can do, even branching out into directing with her superb debut in that capacity, 'The party's just beginning.' Yet by and large she is most recognized for her participation in genre fare, and I think this is unfortunate: as much of her talents as she exhibits in sci-fi, horror, or adventure romps, more straightforward dramas provide opportunity for her gifts to resonate all the more. In portraying Ruby, Gillan embodies the utmost bleak innocence, a level of humanity far removed from arguably anything else she's done or perhaps even what many other recent films have fostered. This might actually be the single best performance she's turned in to date. To be frank, taken by themselves both Dastmalchian and Gillan are so striking in their acting here that it's well worth watching 'All creatures here below' for either of them alone. Together as scene partners they conjure a quietly inescapable maelstrom of intense, searing interpersonal and emotional turmoil that's utterly riveting.

An actor is nothing without material to perform, of course, yet here too Dastmalchian wholly astounds with a tight, absorbing screenplay that has TRAGEDY written all over it (and yes, the capital letters are necessary). Even in its most basic form as it first greets us, a tale of two people struggling amidst poverty, the narrative is primed to be both gripping and downtrodden, and pointedly impactful. From there further story elements are gradually stirred in, and with each the film becomes more achingly dire. By the time within the last half hour that we get the biggest serving of all of plot and background, all I can say is that this becomes downright excruciating. However, to his immense credit, Dastmalchian blends in every additional narrative ingredient with tremendous mindfulness such that the overall effect is never less than organic and fluid; never is exposition just thrown at us outright to move the saga along. With this in mind, in every regard the writing is terrifically strong down to the very last detail. Gensan, Ruby, and even Doug are written with painfully real, earnest soulfulness, depth, and complexity; the dialogue wouldn't necessarily stand out in an of itself if not for the fact that it's so honest and believable, further amplifying the natural feeling about the proceedings. I hardly even know what to say in terms of the scene writing and overarching narrative, save for that they are brilliant, and heartfelt - and as a viewer watching the sorry tableau unfold, as lovely as they are absolutely heartbreaking. Dastmalchian illustrates a fierce intelligence in his writing that alone makes 'All creatures here below' stunning and breath-taking, nevermind the performances that give it life.

What else is there? I could exhaust a thesaurus finding appropriate descriptors for the unremitting excellence of Gillan and Dastmalchian in their acting, and of Dastmalchian's screenplay, nevermind the other facets to this feature. No words of praise are too great; overstatement is not possible. I wasn't sure what to expect as I sat to watch, and I entered with no foreknowledge. As the minutes rolled by I found my attention drawn inexorably to the screen, totally captivated, and the last act hits like a truck. This is woefully depressing like relatively few pictures that come to mind, a torrent of adversity, misfortune, and sorrow as grim as any drama could be that featured two actors playing a couple. It's also exemplary in like fashion, and I'm almost dismayed that I haven't come across this until now. By the nature of some of the content that's ultimately revealed, and the unflaggingly dour tone, this will not appeal to all viewers, but even at that I'd be horribly remiss if I didn't give a blanket recommendation. For all the many, many stellar movies I've watched recently, still this one astounds - 'All creatures here below' is awe-inspiring and spellbinding in its thick, tangible gloom, and every last iota of the production is by itself reason enough to watch. This is a must-see, and that's all there is to it. Bravo!
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