"The Americans" The Soviet Division (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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Very strong finish to a character focussed series 5
snoozejonc22 March 2021
Phillip hears something important on the tape recorder planted in Kimmie's Dad's briefcase.

This is a great episode that answers one big question for the overarching narrative of series 5, effectively sets up series 6 and presents a number of memorable scenes.

The plot is quite loose as it visits a number of different characters, but there is a nicely worked theme regarding the necessity of companionship in life that underlies most scenes. Ultimately, it all gears towards a huge decision that certain characters have to make and this is done in a compelling way.

There are a number of memorable scenes, starting with the conclusion and aftermath to the cliffhanger presented at the end of the previous episode. One great musical montage sequence works brilliantly for main plot of the episode leading up to the decision. My favourite scene though is the one set in Russia, that shows something quite manipulative, but at the same time it could very satisfyingly bring the character some happiness.

The cinematography, editing and use of music is excellent in this episode.

All performances are excellent as ever, particularly Matthew Rhys and Keri Russell. The guest star who appears in one great scene is fantastic.
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Life imitates art
billya4720 November 2017
The current unimaginable unfolding story of real life Russian meddling with American elections and possible daily influence over our government escalates this series relevance. There are bad guys who act good. Good guys who act bad. It's complicated - which is the art of this show.

Who really are the villains here? The Jennings are murderers, but it's hard to not root for them. It's hard after 5 seasons of involvement to not actually worry about the future of this family. Then you hear Reagan's comments, and you get just a hint of why the Russians are so afraid. It is in their DNA to have an enemy. Maybe ours as well? Elizabeth should be condemned for her brutal deeds, but we admire her dedication and commitment to a belief system. And while we admire her courage and dedication, we also see what placing ideology above humanity can do to a society and families.

Even now, our species has not evolved any further than the drama of "The Game of Thrones". We just have more diabolical weapons. The complexity of this series is what makes it a 9 for me.
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Okay season ending
mm-3921 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Well acted and directed but the story line is running out of gas. The Jennings are becoming more human with trying to rescue a dying teenager. A trick to turn the family back the U S S R. The Jennings want to go back home to the U S S R, but there is a plot twist. Stan' new girlfriend is she K G B? Will Olav be back in the picture with Stan?Paige is turning into a more harden spy, while Henry is resent his family. Will Paige and Henry have a conflict? Does Henry have aspirations to join the F B I? Lose ends for season 6. I hope season 6 is more action and less soap opera!
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Time to Bring the Chickens Home
brooks2503 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, this season, as a whole, was a bit too languid and ponderous for me. We knew that there was another, final season of The Americans to come (10 episodes). So the 'good byes" of this episode will be short-lived. (I still don't get how Phillip can hangout with this teen age girl, without constantly battling the sex question-- not so much his own desires, that was settled a few seasons ago. He sees her paternally like his daughter, but what does she want from him in the relationship? What's up with her that she'd let this older guy just hang out.) But the critical question season 6 must answer: Will Phillip and Elizabeth pay for their crimes? Not the spy craft. Fair is fair. But each of them has killed plenty of innocent Americans who were not in "The Spy Game". I think taking a cue from Breaking Bad, Stan should start to be more suspicious of them next season and he should be the one who reluctantly kills them in a climactic shoot out in which Phillip has the upper hand on Stan but hesitates, allowing Stan and his partner to gun down this murderous duo.
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Season Review: The worst season of The Americans so far
DanialAbufarha29 May 2020
This season has been hugely disappointing to me. Not sure about how it was received by other viewers, but to me it was the weakest season so far. The plot is pretty much uninteresting and rarely moves forward. It was a fairly very slow season, and not sure if others have also noticed, but this season every little scene was over-dramatized. The major story-line of this season is filled with plot-holes, and it is overall not interesting at all. Hopefully season six would not be as bad as this one.
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Nostrovia!!! Let's have less internal thinking and second guessing and more espionage
Ed-Shullivan23 March 2019
This final episode of season 5 was quite frankly disappointing. I found myself periodically lulled into daydreaming as Phil went through yet another of his "deep in thought" and remorseful out loud thinking periods as he was talking first with his daughter Paige in the kitchen (I.e. "Paige, I am sorry you did not enjoy a normal teenage life with a dog and a boyfriend living in our neighborhood"), then in the closing sequence when Phil and his wife Elizabeth are out walking in their neighborhood for a late night stroll they are both feeling burned out with their exhaustive multiple missions and their discussion AGAIN turns to leaving the U.S. and going back home to Russia with the kids.

Let's remember why we the audience stuck through seasons 1-5 so far. Phil and Elizabeth are Soviet spys and we have been interested in their espionage assigments, their disguises, how they handle themselves with their targets, and NOT beacuse they seem to be continually feeling remorseful about their (lack of) family life, the people they hurt, or their crappy assignments. These two (Phil and Elizabeth) are supposed to be highly trained Soviet spies trained since their teenage years, so suck it up butter cup and show us how you sucessfully infiltrate companies/agencies and gather U.S. top secrets.

Stealing two pods of scientifically bred wheat from an open field (previous episode) is not exactly thrilling. Stan seems to be disenchanted with his FBI agent job, as is Oleg back in Russia chasing the black market Russian food chain. Elizabeth training Paige in their garage in self defense may give us a hint of what is to come in the next season 6 which is The Americans last and final season, but this episode was disappointing and there was no cliff hanger to entice us to stay tuned for season 6. But onward Mrs. Shullivan and I will go. Why? Because I will take my own advice and "suck it up, buttercup" for the upcoming final season's last10 episodes.

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These are not the spies you are looking for...
omero-omero27 March 2021
After having watched all of the thirteen episodes of the whole Fifth season run, my impression is that only a couple episodes did stand out story-wise... The cast (all of them), the directorship and all things filming related are very good indeed. Most episodes had however too much drama and very little spying. A little less conversation, a little more action, please! But now its too late.
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The Soviet Division
bobcobb30130 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Not the finale I hoped for, but it looks like the one we were going to get based on how this season progressed.

The Americans has been a strong show for FX for five years. Never the elite dramas critics praise it as, but always reliable viewing.

This season has been light on an overlying arc though. Paige coming to terms with her struggle and her future life is not enough to keep viewers entertained, nor is Stan's moral dilemma or mid-life crisis.

We never got some epic Russian/American clash. We got three agents tormenting a high school student for over half the season.

Solid at times, but exactly the kind of finale this show deserved: just a little better than most cable dramas going on right now.
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Tuan carried this season
boomerwhosit24 June 2023
The Tuan/Defector subplot is the best part of the season, featuring interesting characters and real conflict. Tuan is simultaneously cruel and emotionally vulnerable in ways that feel appropriate for a teenager. The lives of the Morozovs, Tuan's victims, brings up interesting questions about what would happen if the Jennings went to Russia. Would Henry be bullied or attempt suicide like Pasha? Would the family stay together for long? It's a good premise with plenty of good scenes, and this episode offers a solid conclusion.

Unfortunately, the conclusion of the Tuan subplot is a tiny part of this episode. The rest is a typical Americans episode, poking a handful of random subplots forward an inch at a time. Paige feels marginally better about her parents being KGB, again. Philip smokes pot with that teenager again and they talk about nothing, again. Why do I even bother?
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Season 5 finale or "They are almost out of time"
twgilmore-626025 June 2017
I have watched every episode of this show and have consistently been entertained. However, this year has tried my viewing patience. The acting is as good as ever. but the plots have been weak. The most unrealistic part has been the frantic pace of multiple projects, and the resulting mistakes that should have left them more visible on the FBI's radar. Instead Stan has been blissfully chasing his new love interest, while his spy neighbors come and go at all hours of the day and night, leaving their two teenagers to raise themselves. Phillip wants out but would probably stay in the USA for his kids. Elizabeth is too invested in her ideology to ever quit, but would love to take the kids to Russia so they can become good Reds like herself. Paige is so messed up a team of doctors can't fix her and Henry isn't going anywhere except with his girlfriend to private school and a life of capitalism. Actually maybe they have set the table for the final unraveling of the story. In real life, the people this was based on did nothing as meaningful as the show characters have, but the crimes, especially the deaths, these two have been responsible for has to result in them getting caught, punished or worse. Phillip and Elizabeth will ultimately have to pay for their crimes, if they get away after all they have done, this show will have left a very negative and anti-American message.
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Its not Mr and Mrs James Bond
GoldenGooner041 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched 4 seasons, gave up, and it's only in the past 6 months one episode a day that I decided to finally watch the 6 series. The 1st 4 seasons again got me mad, Sex and Bang Bang robots who kill many and never get caught. Well unlike most this season surprised me, they become "Human" and not much Sex or killings. More of a slow burner, these 2 fake lovers become real lovers got married and now care wonder what the future holds for their family.

I actually enjoyed this season the most, how weird is that.
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